This document is going to take you through the process of contributing to the Mock Service Worker library. Please make sure you read it before landing your first contribution. Thank you.
Please use the GitHub UI to fork this repository. Mock Service Worker has a forked builds enabled on the CI, so you will see the test status of your fork's branch.
$ cd msw
$ yarn install
Please use the Yarn package manager while working on this project. Thank you for respecting our internal decisions.
# Navigate to the `master` branch and ensure it's up-to-date
$ git checkout master
$ git pull --rebase
# Create a feature branch
$ git checkout -b feature/gql-subscriptions
# Commit the changes
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'Adds support for GraphQL subscriptions'
# Push
$ git push -u origin feature/rest-api-support
Once you have pushed the changes to your remote feature branch, Create a pull request to the msw
repository in GitHub. Undergo the process of code review, where the maintainers of the library will help you to get the changes from great to awesome, and enjoy your implementation merged to master
Make sure to cover the introduced changes with relevant tests.
- Jest, a test runner.
Create a test suite next to the function you would like to test:
$ touch src/multiply.test
In this example we are creating a unit test for the existing
Write a test file and provide your assertions:
import { multiply } from './multiply'
describe('multiply', () => {
describe('given two numbers' () => {
let result: ReturnType<typeof multiply>
beforeAll(() => {
result = multiply(3, 4)
it('should return the result of their multiplication', () => {
$ yarn test:unit
$ yarn test:unit path/to/suite.test.ts
Note: make sure that you build MSW before you run the integration tests
Each integration test consists of two parts:
, a client-side usage scenario. This is a mock definition file that showcases how the library is used in this test scenario.test-name.test.ts
, an actual test suite. This is where you interact with a test scenario and write your assertions.
Please refer to the existing integration tests for more details on how a test suite must be structured and what interaction commands are available.
$ yarn test:integration
$ yarn test:integration test/rest-api/basic.mock.ts
When working on a feature or a bug fix it's useful to interact with your usage example. There's a dedicated command that can run a given usage scenario in a local server for you to work with:
$ yarn test:focused test/rest-api/basic.mocks.ts
Navigate to the URL in the terminal to preview and interact with the usage scenario.
To perform a production build of the library run the following command:
$ yarn build