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Matt Simerson edited this page Dec 12, 2015 · 17 revisions

MySQL is useful but not strictly required. It can be disabled entirely by exporting TOASTER_MYSQL with any value other than 1.

create jail 'mysql'


MySQL Data filesystem

Notice that mysql has a separate data volume. When a new MySQL jail gets provisioned, the data volume persists.

# df -h | grep mysql
zroot/data/mysql                  15G    1.7M     15G     0%    /data/mysql
zroot/jails/mysql                 15G    322M     15G     2%    /jails/mysql
/data/mysql                       15G    1.7M     15G     0%    /jails/mysql/var/db/mysql
devfs                            1.0K    1.0K      0B   100%    /jails/mysql/dev

Mail-Toaster components that can use MySQL

Component Used for Justification
Vpopmail User Database Systems with many thousands of users (small sites should use CDB)
SpamAssassin per-user prefs Allows users to edit SA prefs from webmail
Roundcube User prefs & Address book Can use Sqlite instead
Squirrelmail User prefs & Address book Can use files instead
Dspam Bayes Storage Anyone using dspam (not well supported)
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