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137 lines (114 loc) · 4.69 KB

File metadata and controls

137 lines (114 loc) · 4.69 KB


Resources used in the weekly online sessions of Advanced Web Development Track powered by FWD.

C2, C4, C6

Week # Session Study
Week 1 SQL and Data Modeling for the Web Course introduction
Interacting with databases
Week 2 SQL and Data Modeling for the Web SQLAlchemy basics
SQLAlchemy ORM in depth
Week 3 SQL and Data Modeling for the Web Build a CRUD App with SQLAlchemy - Part 1
Build a CRUD App with SQLAlchemy - Part 2
Submit P1: Fyyur
Week 4 API Development and Documentation Introduction to APIs
HTTP and Flask Basics
Week 5 API Development and Documentation Endpoints and Payloads
Week 6 API Development and Documentation API Testing
API Documentation
Submit P2:Trivia API
Week 7 Identity and Access Management Foundation
Identity and Authentication
Week 8 Identity and Access Management Passwords
Access and Authorization
Week 9 Identity and Access Management Thinking Adversarially
Submit P3: Coffee shop full stack


I'm facing errors after cloning the project and installing the requirements.

Make sure you're using python3.7 version

Setting environment variables

*nix based systems: export FLASK_APP=main FLASK_ENV=development Windows: set FLASK_APP=main FLASK_ENV=development

'NoneType' object has no attribute 'days'

In case you are facing this error while trying to run Fyuur project started code. You'll need to edit format_datetime function in file. Replace the last line of the function with return babel.dates.format_datetime(date, format, locale='en')

How to store multiple genres for one artist or venue?

Easy solution: Use Array type in Postgresql Another solution: Introduce many to many relationship through creating another table genres and association table entity_genres How to get multiple genres as input? request.form.getlist('genres')

Why create_artist form looks bad?

remove id=form.state {{ form.genres(class_ = 'form-control', placeholder='Genres', autofocus = true) }}

TypeError: Parser must be a string or character stream, not datetime.

The template expects datetime to be a string. You may convert it to string before passing it to template. Show.query.first().start_time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y, %H:%M")

How to query venues

select city, state, ARRAY_AGG(name||','||address||','||phone||','||genres) from venue group by city, state;

print(db.session.query(Venue.state,, func.array_agg(array([Venue.address,,, Venue.genres]))).group_by(Venue.state,

I tried to graduate through submitting My Personal ID Card But I Get this error( Error: Unsupported document type)

Try a valid passport or driving license or you can send email to the support team with your personal ID and they should graduate you manually.

Trivia Project return data

    "categories": {
        "1": "Science",
        "2": "Art",
        "3": "Geography",
        "4": "History",
        "5": "Entertainment",
        "6": "Sports"
    "categories": {
        "1": "Science",
        "2": "Art",
        "3": "Geography",
        "4": "History",
        "5": "Entertainment",
        "6": "Sports"
    "currentCategory": [
    "questions": [
            "answer": "Maya Angelou",
            "category": 4,
            "difficulty": 2,
            "id": 5,
            "question": "Whose autobiography is entitled 'I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings'?"
            "answer": "Apollo 13",
            "category": 5,
            "difficulty": 4,
            "id": 2,
            "question": "What movie earned Tom Hanks his third straight Oscar nomination, in 1996?"
    "total_questions": 2

Backend errors in Trivia project

pip install --upgrade werkzeug

The ALL category id in Trivia Project


Paginate in Flask-sqlalchemy

Too many files when submitting my project.

  • upload without the node_module and env folders
  • add node_modules to the .gitignore file [just write node_modules in the file]

Applications URIs in Auth0

Failures in Postman tests in coffeshop project.

  • Assert 403 instead of 401 in authorizaiton tests.
  • Send recipe as a list of objects.
    "title": "Water3",
    "recipe": [{
        "name": "Water",
        "color": "blue",
        "parts": 1