This document describes how to set up a build environment to build the latest firmware, update the firmware on the SD Card for testing and development, and include the new firmware in the FFU builds.
Note: The UEFI build environment has changed for 1903 and any existing build environment must be updated.
Set up a Linux environment.
- Dedicated Linux system
- Linux Virtual Machine
- Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL setup instructions)
- Note: We validate with both Ubuntu in WSL and standalone Ubuntu machines.
Update and install build tools
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install attr build-essential python python-dev python-crypto python-wand device-tree-compiler bison flex swig iasl uuid-dev wget git bc libssl-dev zlib1g-dev python3-pip *** new for 1903 UEFI sudo apt-get install gcc g++ make python3 mono-devel *** pushd ~ wget tar xf gcc-linaro-7.2.1-2017.11-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.xz rm gcc-linaro-7.2.1-2017.11-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.xz popd
Clone all repositories into the same directory as the imx-iotcore repo.
git clone --recursive git clone --recursive git clone -b imx_v2018.03_4.14.98_2.0.0_ga git clone -b imx_4.14.98_2.0.0_ga git clone -b imx_4.14.98_2.0.0_ga git clone -b imx_4.14.98_2.0.0_ga
Optionally, clone the security TA repo (
includes precompiled TA binaries)git clone
Ensure that case sensitivity is turned on for the u-boot directory when building in Windows.
setfattr -n system.wsl_case_sensitive -v 1 u-boot
Download and extract the Code Signing Tools (CST) from NXP's website. You will need to create an account on NXP's website to access this tool. Extract the tool to the same directory as all the above repositories, and rename the folder to cst:
tar xf cst-3.1.0.tgz mv release cst rm cst-3.1.0.tgz
Download and extract the iMX firmware from NXP's website. This retrieves a self extracting shell script that provides HDMI firmware and DDR training firmware.
wget bash ./firmware-imx-8.1.bin
At this point your directory structure should look like the following
- %WORKSPACE% |- MSRSec |- cst |- firmware-imx-8.1 |- imx-atf |- imx-iotcore |- imx-mkimage |- mu_platform_nxp |- optee_os |- u-boot
A makefile is available which automates the build process.
cd imx-iotcore/build/firmware # Build firmware components for a specific board, but don't update the packages make -f IMX8_TARGET=NXPEVK_iMX8M_4GB CROSS_COMPILE=~/gcc-linaro-7.2.1-2017.11-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu- imx8_build
To update the binaries in the FFU packages:
cd imx-iotcore/build/firmware # Build AND update the packages for a specific board make -f IMX8_TARGET=NXPEVK_iMX8M_4GB CROSS_COMPILE=~/gcc-linaro-7.2.1-2017.11-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu- imx8_update-ffu
Build/update all i.MX8 boards:
cd imx-iotcore/build/firmware # Build each firmware (Note: will override the outputs) make imx8_all # Update the firmware binaries in the package folders (requires re-build) make imx8_update-ffu # Stage the firmware for a commit (requires re-build) make imx8_commit-firmware
Build the iMX8M EVK firmware. Adding "-j 20" to make will parallelize the build and speed it up significantly on WSL, but since the firmware build in parallel it will be more difficult to diagnose any build failures. You can customize the number to work best with your system.
# U-Boot export CROSS_COMPILE=~/gcc-linaro-7.2.1-2017.11-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu- export ARCH=arm64 pushd u-boot make imx8mq_evk_nt_defconfig make popd # Arm Trusted Firmware export CROSS_COMPILE=~/gcc-linaro-7.2.1-2017.11-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu- export ARCH=arm64 pushd imx-atf make PLAT=imx8mq SPD=opteed bl31 popd # OP-TEE OS export -n CROSS_COMPILE export -n ARCH export CROSS_COMPILE64=~/gcc-linaro-7.2.1-2017.11-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu- pushd optee_os make PLATFORM=imx PLATFORM_FLAVOR=mx8mqevk \ CFG_TEE_CORE_DEBUG=n CFG_TEE_CORE_LOG_LEVEL=2 CFG_UART_BASE=0x30890000 \ CFG_RPMB_FS=y CFG_RPMB_TESTKEY=y CFG_RPMB_WRITE_KEY=y CFG_REE_FS=n \ CFG_IMXCRYPT=y CFG_CORE_HEAP_SIZE=131072 # debug # make PLATFORM=imx PLATFORM_FLAVOR=mx8mqevk \ # CFG_TEE_CORE_DEBUG=y CFG_TEE_CORE_LOG_LEVEL=3 CFG_UART_BASE=0x30890000 \ # CFG_RPMB_FS=y CFG_RPMB_TESTKEY=y CFG_RPMB_WRITE_KEY=y CFG_REE_FS=n \ # CFG_TA_DEBUG=y CFG_TEE_CORE_TA_TRACE=1 CFG_TEE_TA_LOG_LEVEL=2 \ # CFG_IMXCRYPT=y CFG_CORE_HEAP_SIZE=131072 ${CROSS_COMPILE64}objcopy -O binary ./out/arm-plat-imx/core/tee.elf ./out/arm-plat-imx/tee.bin popd # OP-TEE Trusted Applications export TA_DEV_KIT_DIR=../../../../optee_os/out/arm-plat-imx/export-ta_arm64 export TA_CROSS_COMPILE=~/gcc-linaro-7.2.1-2017.11-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu- export TA_CPU=cortex-a53 pushd MSRSec/TAs/optee_ta make CFG_ARM64_ta_arm64=y CFG_FTPM_USE_WOLF=y CFG_AUTHVARS_USE_WOLF=y # debug # CFG_TEE_TA_LOG_LEVEL=4 CFG_TA_DEBUG=y make popd cp MSRSec/TAs/optee_ta/out/AuthVars/2d57c0f7-bddf-48ea-832f-d84a1a219301.ta mu_platform_nxp/Microsoft/OpteeClientPkg/Bin/AuthvarsTa/Arm64/Test/ cp MSRSec/TAs/optee_ta/out/AuthVars/2d57c0f7-bddf-48ea-832f-d84a1a219301.elf mu_platform_nxp/Microsoft/OpteeClientPkg/Bin/AuthvarsTa/Arm64/Test/ cp MSRSec/TAs/optee_ta/out/fTPM/bc50d971-d4c9-42c4-82cb-343fb7f37896.ta mu_platform_nxp/Microsoft/OpteeClientPkg/Bin/fTpmTa/Arm64/Test/ cp MSRSec/TAs/optee_ta/out/fTPM/bc50d971-d4c9-42c4-82cb-343fb7f37896.elf mu_platform_nxp/Microsoft/OpteeClientPkg/Bin/fTpmTa/Arm64/Test/ # Imx-mkimage export CROSS_COMPILE=~/gcc-linaro-7.2.1-2017.11-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu- export ARCH=arm64 pushd imx-mkimage/iMX8M cp ../../firmware-imx-8.1/firmware/ddr/synopsys/lpddr4_pmu_train_*.bin . cp ../../firmware-imx-8.1/firmware/hdmi/cadence/signed_hdmi_imx8m.bin . cp ../../optee_os/out/arm-plat-imx/tee.bin . cp ../../imx-atf/build/imx8mq/release/bl31.bin . cp ../../u-boot/u-boot-nodtb.bin . cp ../../u-boot/spl/u-boot-spl.bin . cp ../../u-boot/arch/arm/dts/fsl-imx8mq-evk.dtb . cp ../../u-boot/tools/mkimage . mv mkimage mkimage_uboot cd .. make SOC=iMX8M flash_hdmi_spl_uboot popd # UEFI # note: On Windows Ubuntu, ignore Python errors during build specifically like # "ERROR - Please upgrade Python! Current version is 3.6.7. Recommended minimum is 3.7." # setup pushd mu_platform_nxp export GCC5_AARCH64_PREFIX=~/gcc-linaro-7.2.1-2017.11-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu- pip3 install -r requirements.txt --upgrade python3 NXP/MCIMX8M_EVK_4GB/ --setup # if error here about NugetDependency.global_cache_path, then make sure mono-devel package is installed # using apt-get as listed in "Update and install build tools" above. cd MU_BASECORE make -C BaseTools cd .. popd # clean pushd mu_platform_nxp rm -r Build rm -r Config popd # build pushd mu_platform_nxp export GCC5_AARCH64_PREFIX=~/gcc-linaro-7.2.1-2017.11-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu- python3 NXP/MCIMX8M_EVK_4GB/ -V TARGET=RELEASE \ PROFILE=DEV MAX_CONCURRENT_THREAD_NUMBER=20 # debug # python3 NXP/MCIMX8M_EVK_4GB/ -V TARGET=DEBUG \ # PROFILE=DEV MAX_CONCURRENT_THREAD_NUMBER=20 cd Build/MCIMX8M_EVK_4GB/RELEASE_GCC5/FV cp ../../../../../imx-iotcore/build/firmware/its/uefi_imx8_unsigned.its . ../../../../../u-boot/tools/mkimage -f uefi_imx8_unsigned.its -r popd
After a successful build you should have several output files:
imx-mkimage/iMX8M/flash.bin - Contains SPL, ATF, OP-TEE, and U-Boot proper mu_platform_nxp/Build/MCIMX8M_EVK_4GB/RELEASE_GCC5/FV/ - Contains the UEFI firmware
- To make the updated firmware a part of your FFU build, you must copy the firmwares to your board's Package folder in imx-iotcore.
- Copy into /board/boardname/Package/BootFirmware
- Copy flash.bin into /board/boardname/Package/BootLoader
cp imx-mkimage/iMX8M/flash.bin imx-iotcore/build/board/NXPEVK_iMX8M_4GB/Package/BootLoader/flash.bin cp mu_platform_nxp/Build/MCIMX8M_EVK_4GB/RELEASE_GCC5/FV/ imx-iotcore/build/board/NXPEVK_iMX8M_4GB/Package/BootFirmware/
Building the iMX8M Mini EVK firmware is similar to the above iMX8M Quad EVK board with only a few minor changes to build parameters. Be careful to make sure you are building for the correct board. Follow the instructions above for the iMX8M Quad EVK to setup and clone your build environment.
# U-Boot export CROSS_COMPILE=~/gcc-linaro-7.2.1-2017.11-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu- export ARCH=arm64 pushd u-boot make imx8mm_evk_nt_defconfig make popd # Arm Trusted Firmware export CROSS_COMPILE=~/gcc-linaro-7.2.1-2017.11-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu- export ARCH=arm64 pushd imx-atf make PLAT=imx8mm SPD=opteed bl31 popd # OP-TEE OS export -n CROSS_COMPILE export -n ARCH export CROSS_COMPILE64=~/gcc-linaro-7.2.1-2017.11-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu- pushd optee_os make PLATFORM=imx PLATFORM_FLAVOR=mx8mmevk \ CFG_TEE_CORE_DEBUG=n CFG_TEE_CORE_LOG_LEVEL=2 \ CFG_RPMB_FS=y CFG_RPMB_TESTKEY=y CFG_RPMB_WRITE_KEY=y CFG_REE_FS=n \ CFG_IMXCRYPT=y CFG_CORE_HEAP_SIZE=131072 # debug # make PLATFORM=imx PLATFORM_FLAVOR=mx8mmevk \ # CFG_TEE_CORE_DEBUG=y CFG_TEE_CORE_LOG_LEVEL=3 \ # CFG_RPMB_FS=y CFG_RPMB_TESTKEY=y CFG_RPMB_WRITE_KEY=y CFG_REE_FS=n \ # CFG_TA_DEBUG=y CFG_TEE_CORE_TA_TRACE=1 CFG_TEE_TA_LOG_LEVEL=2 \ # CFG_IMXCRYPT=y CFG_CORE_HEAP_SIZE=131072 ${CROSS_COMPILE64}objcopy -O binary ./out/arm-plat-imx/core/tee.elf ./out/arm-plat-imx/tee.bin popd # OP-TEE Trusted Applications export TA_DEV_KIT_DIR=../../../../optee_os/out/arm-plat-imx/export-ta_arm64 export TA_CROSS_COMPILE=~/gcc-linaro-7.2.1-2017.11-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu- export TA_CPU=cortex-a53 pushd MSRSec/TAs/optee_ta make CFG_ARM64_ta_arm64=y CFG_FTPM_USE_WOLF=y CFG_AUTHVARS_USE_WOLF=y # debug # CFG_TEE_TA_LOG_LEVEL=4 CFG_TA_DEBUG=y make popd cp MSRSec/TAs/optee_ta/out/AuthVars/2d57c0f7-bddf-48ea-832f-d84a1a219301.ta mu_platform_nxp/Microsoft/OpteeClientPkg/Bin/AuthvarsTa/Arm64/Test/ cp MSRSec/TAs/optee_ta/out/AuthVars/2d57c0f7-bddf-48ea-832f-d84a1a219301.elf mu_platform_nxp/Microsoft/OpteeClientPkg/Bin/AuthvarsTa/Arm64/Test/ cp MSRSec/TAs/optee_ta/out/fTPM/53bab89c-b864-4d7e-acbc-33c07a9c1b8d.ta mu_platform_nxp/Microsoft/OpteeClientPkg/Bin/fTpmTa/Arm64/Test/ cp MSRSec/TAs/optee_ta/out/fTPM/53bab89c-b864-4d7e-acbc-33c07a9c1b8d.elf mu_platform_nxp/Microsoft/OpteeClientPkg/Bin/fTpmTa/Arm64/Test/ # Imx-mkimage export CROSS_COMPILE=~/gcc-linaro-7.2.1-2017.11-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu- export ARCH=arm64 pushd imx-mkimage/iMX8M cp ../../firmware-imx-8.1/firmware/ddr/synopsys/lpddr4_pmu_train_*.bin . cp ../../optee_os/out/arm-plat-imx/tee.bin . cp ../../imx-atf/build/imx8mm/release/bl31.bin . cp ../../u-boot/u-boot-nodtb.bin . cp ../../u-boot/spl/u-boot-spl.bin . cp ../../u-boot/arch/arm/dts/fsl-imx8mm-evk.dtb . cp ../../u-boot/tools/mkimage . mv mkimage mkimage_uboot cd .. make SOC=iMX8MM flash_spl_uboot popd # UEFI # note: On Windows Ubuntu, ignore Python errors during build specifically like # "ERROR - Please upgrade Python! Current version is 3.6.7. Recommended minimum is 3.7." # setup pushd mu_platform_nxp export GCC5_AARCH64_PREFIX=~/gcc-linaro-7.2.1-2017.11-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu- pip3 install -r requirements.txt --upgrade python3 NXP/MCIMX8M_MINI_EVK_2GB/ --setup # if error here about NugetDependency.global_cache_path, then make sure mono-devel package is installed # using apt-get as listed in "Update and install build tools" above. cd MU_BASECORE make -C BaseTools cd .. popd # clean pushd mu_platform_nxp rm -r Build rm -r Config popd # build pushd mu_platform_nxp export GCC5_AARCH64_PREFIX=~/gcc-linaro-7.2.1-2017.11-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu- python3 NXP/MCIMX8M_MINI_EVK_2GB/ -V TARGET=RELEASE \ PROFILE=DEV MAX_CONCURRENT_THREAD_NUMBER=20 # debug # python3 NXP/MCIMX8M_MINI_EVK_2GB/ -V TARGET=DEBUG \ # PROFILE=DEV MAX_CONCURRENT_THREAD_NUMBER=20 cd Build/MCIMX8M_MINI_EVK_2GB/RELEASE_GCC5/FV cp ../../../../../imx-iotcore/build/firmware/its/uefi_imx8_unsigned.its . ../../../../../u-boot/tools/mkimage -f uefi_imx8_unsigned.its -r popd
After a successful build you should have several output files:
imx-mkimage/iMX8M/flash.bin - Contains SPL, ATF, OP-TEE, and U-Boot proper mu_platform_nxp/Build/MCIMX8M_MINI_EVK_2GB/RELEASE_GCC5/FV/ - Contains the UEFI firmware
- To make the updated firmware a part of your FFU build, you must copy the firmwares to your board's Package folder in imx-iotcore.
- Copy into /board/boardname/Package/BootFirmware
- Copy flash.bin into /board/boardname/Package/BootLoader
cp imx-mkimage/iMX8M/flash.bin imx-iotcore/build/board/NXPEVK_iMX8M_MINI_2GB/Package/BootLoader/flash.bin cp mu_platform_nxp/Build/MCIMX8M_MINI_EVK_2GB/RELEASE_GCC5/FV/ imx-iotcore/build/board/NXPEVK_iMX8M_MINI_2GB/Package/BootFirmware/
On Windows you can use DD for Windows from an administrator command prompt to deploy flash.bin and
Be careful that you use the correct of
and seek
, DD will not ask for confirmation.
powershell Get-WmiObject Win32_DiskDrive
dd if=flash.bin of=\\.\PhysicalDrive<X> bs=512 seek=66
dd of=\\.\PhysicalDrive<X> bs=1024 seek=2176
Where PhysicalDrive<X>
is the DeviceID of your SD card as shown by Get-WmiObject
You might get the output: Error reading file: 87 The parameter is incorrect
. This error can be ignored.
If you are working on a dedicated Linux machine (not WSL or VM) use:
dd if=flash.bin of=/dev/sdX bs=512 seek=66
dd of=/dev/sdX bs=1024 seek=2176