There are 3 controllers in the app, each called DashboardController. They are split into 2 modules, thus:
class DashboardController < ApplicationController
module LayerOne
class DashboardController < ApplicationController
module LayerTwo
class DashboardController < ApplicationController
To setup, clone the repo and run using Spork with v0.9.RC
gem install bundler --pre
bundle exec spork
rspec spec
This shows 2 spec errors about routes not being available in the 'root' DashboardController, even though the specs being run are from the module versions on DashboardController. Running the specs individually works without a problem.
rspec spec spec/controllers/dashboard_controller_spec.rb
rspec spec spec/controllers/layer_one/dashboard_controller_spec.rb
rspec spec spec/controllers/layer_one/layer_two/dashboard_controller_spec.rb
However, if you drop back to 0.8.5 of Spork, thus:
- Alter the Gemfile to comment line 19
gem 'spork', '~> 0.9.0.rc'
- Uncomment line 20
- Run
bundle update spork
Then run as before:
bundle exec spork
rspec spec
You'll notice that all specs run just fine.