- Apply Pandoc with smart quotes to title and excerpt fields when building recent posts.
- Rest of IEM and SAP posts @done
- Atom feed @done
- Render math in Atom feed with MathML
- Set up note section of site
- Port
- Move across old Three Words Long posts
- Write conversion script from Pivot PHP format to markdown.
- Set up 301 redirects from
- Get Disqus to crawl new site to migrate comments @done (see http://markreid.disqus.com/admin/tools/migrate/)
- Use HTML5 Boilerplate or Typeplate to improve rhythm
- Make mobile view more friendly
- Put the following projects from TWL back on site
ICML Trends : I wrote some ruby scripts to scrape, stem and analyse the last 20 years of ICML paper titles. Some interesting trends turned up.
PhD Thesis Template for LyX : I used the excellent LaTeX front-end LyX to write my PhD dissertation. To have the result conform to UNSW standards I wrote a LyX layout that adds a UNSW title page, copyright and originality statements as well as ensuring that margins, etc. are correct.
Bibdesk To LyX : To help integrate LyX and the excellent (and free!) Mac OS X BibTeX manager BibDesk I wrote a small amount of AppleScript to push selected citations in the latter to the former.