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Mike Perham edited this page Nov 30, 2023 · 160 revisions

I recommend using a tool to monitor your Sidekiq processes in production to ensure they are always up and aren't using too much memory or CPU. My recommendations:

  1. Use Systemd to start/stop Sidekiq. This ensures if the Ruby VM crashes, the process will respawn immediately.
  2. Sidekiq Enterprise has multi-process mode which can monitor memory usage and restart bloated worker processes.

Web UI

Sidekiq comes with a web application that can display the current state of a Sidekiq installation.


Add the following to your config/routes.rb:

require 'sidekiq/web'
# or require 'sidekiq/pro/web'
# or require 'sidekiq-ent/web'

Myapp::Application.routes.draw do
  mount Sidekiq::Web => "/sidekiq" # mount Sidekiq::Web in your Rails app

It must be mounted within the draw block so it can reuse the same Rails session. If you still get a session error, it's possible your Rails app is API-only. You must enable sessions in an API-only Rails app.


Here's sample code to run Sidekiq::Web by itself. Note we are configuring a cookie store for the session.

# This is
# Run with `bundle exec rackup` or similar.

require "securerandom"
require "rack/session"
require "sidekiq/web"

# In a multi-process deployment, all Web UI instances should share
# this secret key so they can all decode the encrypted browser cookies
# and provide a working session.
# Rails does this in /config/initializers/secret_token.rb
secret_key = SecureRandom.hex(32)
use Rack::Session::Cookie, secret: secret_key, same_site: true, max_age: 86400
run Sidekiq::Web

Proxying the Web UI

If you put nginx in front of Sidekiq's Web UI, make sure you set X-Script-Name to the root location so that the Web UI can properly construct URLs to the necessary CSS/JS assets:

location /myapp/admin/sidekiq {
  proxy_set_header X-Script-Name /myapp/admin/sidekiq;

  proxy_set_header Host $host;
  proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
  proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme;
  proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;


In a production application you'll likely want to protect access to this information. You can use the constraints feature of routing (in the config/routes.rb file) to accomplish this:


Allow any authenticated User

# config/routes.rb
authenticate :user do
  mount Sidekiq::Web => '/sidekiq'

Same as above but also ensures that User#admin? returns true

# config/routes.rb
authenticate :user, lambda { |u| u.admin? } do
  mount Sidekiq::Web => '/sidekiq'


Clearance provides routing constraints to restrict access to routes.

Blog::Application.routes.draw do
  # Restricts access to all authenticated users
  constraints do
    mount Sidekiq::Web, at: '/sidekiq'

  # Restricts access to all authenticated admins
  constraints { |user| user.admin? } do
    mount Sidekiq::Web, at: '/sidekiq'


# lib/admin_constraint.rb
class AdminConstraint
  def self.matches?(request)
    return false unless request.cookie_jar['user_credentials'].present?
    user = User.find_by_persistence_token(request.cookie_jar['user_credentials'].split(':')[0])
    user && user.admin?

# config/routes.rb
require "admin_constraint"
mount Sidekiq::Web => '/sidekiq', :constraints =>
Authlogic 4+

Since Authlogic 4.0.0 turned on secure cookies then AdminConstraint reading 'user_credentials' from cookies will fail in default developer setup. Instead you can read it from session directly.

# lib/admin_constraint.rb
class AdminConstraint
  def matches?(request)
    return false unless request.session.has_key?(:user_credentials)

    user = User.find_by_persistence_token(request.session.fetch(:user_credentials))
    user && user.admin?

Restful Authentication or Sorcery

Checks a User model instance that responds to admin?

# lib/admin_constraint.rb
class AdminConstraint
  def matches?(request)
    return false unless request.session[:user_id]
    user = User.find request.session[:user_id]
    user && user.admin?

# config/routes.rb
require 'sidekiq/web'
require 'admin_constraint'
mount Sidekiq::Web => '/sidekiq', :constraints =>

Custom External Authentication

class AuthConstraint
  def self.admin?(request)
    return false unless (cookie = request.cookie_jar['auth'])

    Rails.cache.fetch(cookie['user'], :expires_in => 1.minute) do
      auth_data = JSON.parse(Base64.decode64(cookie['data']))
      response =, :query => auth_data)

      response.code == 200 && JSON.parse(response.body)['roles'].to_a.include?('Admin')

# config/routes.rb
constraints lambda {|request| AuthConstraint.admin?(request) } do
  mount Sidekiq::Web => '/admin/sidekiq'

Rails with Google authentication

@jonhyman breaks down how Appboy uses Google to protect access to Sidekiq.

Github authentication with warden/github

See Gist from the creator of the rack-based Sidekiq::Web UI (since Sidekiq 4.2.0)

Rails HTTP Basic Auth from Routes

# config/routes.rb
require "sidekiq/web"
Sidekiq::Web.use Rack::Auth::Basic do |username, password|
  # Protect against timing attacks:
  # - See
  # - See
  # - Use & (do not use &&) so that it doesn't short circuit.
  # - Use digests to stop length information leaking (see also ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.variable_size_secure_compare)
  ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(username), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SIDEKIQ_USERNAME"])) &
    ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(password), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SIDEKIQ_PASSWORD"]))
end if Rails.env.production?
mount Sidekiq::Web, at: "/sidekiq"

If you get an ActionDispatch::Request::Session error, you've hit an incompatibility between Rails and Rack. See this comment for a workaround.

If you use Warden and set failure_app globally (such as in application.rb of a Rails project), you won't see the browser HTTP Basic prompt as Warden will intercept the 401 and invoke your failed_app proc. To bypass this, you can define something like this:

class AllowBasicAuthPrompt
  def initialize(app); @app = app; end
  def call(env)
    # Tell Warden to not intercept the 401
Sidekiq::Web.use AllowBasicAuthPrompt
Sidekiq::Web.use Rack::Auth::Basic do |username, password|

One click standalone app deploy on Heroku: Heroku Deploy

You can mount sidekiq to existing Rack application as well:

require 'your_app'

require 'sidekiq/web'
run'/' => Sinatra::Application, '/sidekiq' => Sidekiq::Web)

Rack session and protection against web attacks

Note that Sidekiq::Web requires a valid Rack session to work. If you see a Forbidden error when clicking a button in the Web UI, it's because the Rack session is not configured correctly. Sidekiq cannot configure a session for you. If you do not know how to set up a valid session in your system, your best option is to search StackOverflow or post a question there with the code you are using to run the Web UI.

If you have wildcard domains with your Rails app and want to access the Web UI from all of them, you will want to configure the domain option of your cookiestore.

Rails API Application Session Configuration

To access the Web UI from a Rails API application, you may need to configure sessions for Sidekiq specifically.

Update config/application.rb to configure the cookie session store:

config.session_store :cookie_store, key: '_interslice_session'

Update config/routes.rb to set up session middleware for Sidekiq::Web prior to calling mount Sidekiq::Web:

require 'sidekiq/web'

# Configure Sidekiq-specific session middleware
Sidekiq::Web.use ActionDispatch::Cookies
Sidekiq::Web.use Rails.application.config.session_store, Rails.application.config.session_options

Myapp::Application.routes.draw do
  mount Sidekiq::Web => "/sidekiq"
  # ...

If you do everything right, you should see this in your browser:

Web UI

Standalone with Basic Auth

# this code goes in your
require 'sidekiq'

Sidekiq.configure_client do |config|
  config.redis = { :size => 1 }

require 'sidekiq/web'
map '/sidekiq' do
  use Rack::Auth::Basic, "Protected Area" do |username, password|
    # Protect against timing attacks:
    # - See
    # - See
    # - Use & (do not use &&) so that it doesn't short circuit.
    # - Use digests to stop length information leaking
    Rack::Utils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(username), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SIDEKIQ_USERNAME"])) &
      Rack::Utils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(password), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SIDEKIQ_PASSWORD"]))

  run Sidekiq::Web


Below is a collection of nagios checks that includes check_sidekiq_queue script, which validates that a given queue depth is within a particular range. It's a simple shell script that uses redis-cli command line tool, and does not have any dependency on ruby.


Scout, a Rails app monitoring service, provides:

  1. Key metrics for each Sidekiq worker (mean and 95th percentile execution time, latency, error rate, etc).
  2. GitHub-enhanced transaction traces of both timing and memory allocations for individual jobs.

Scout Sidekiq Monitoring


Datadog, a monitoring service, provides:

  1. A Sidekiq integration which collects Sidekiq metrics through Datadog’s Dogstatsd Ruby client.
  2. An APM integration which will trace job queuing and executions respectively.

Pingdom Server Monitoring

Pingdom Server Monitoring has a plugin for monitoring Sidekiq workers.

This plugin monitors enqueued, failed, and processed job counts, as well as scheduled jobs and retries. You can also set up alerts for the available metrics.

Monitoring Queue Backlog

You can use a simple HTTP endpoint with Pingdom to check the size of your Sidekiq 'default' queue backlog. Put this in config/routes.rb:

require 'sidekiq/api'
match "queue-status" => proc { [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, [ < 100 ? "OK" : "UHOH" ]] }, via: :get

Now when you hit, the body of the response will be either 'OK' or 'UHOH'. We have a Pingdom check every minute which fires off an email if the response == 'UHOH'.

Monitoring Queue Latency

Using a custom end-point

If you throw a lot of jobs into the queue, you can get false positives when monitoring the queue backlog. Instead, monitor the queue latency. Queue latency is the difference between when the oldest job was pushed onto the queue versus the current time. This code will check that jobs don't spend more than 30 seconds enqueued. Put this in config/routes.rb:

require 'sidekiq/api'
match "queue-latency" => proc { [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, [ < 30 ? "OK" : "UHOH" ]] }, via: :get

Now when you hit, the body of the response will be either 'OK' or 'UHOH'.

Using the Web UI

The Web UI provides overall system data at /stats:

% curl http://localhost:3000/sidekiq/stats

  "sidekiq": {
    "processed": 12345,
    "failed": 56,
    "busy": 25,
    "enqueued": 178,
    "scheduled": 0,
    "retries": 0,
    "default_latency": 12
  "redis": {
    "connected_clients": "120",
    "uptime_in_days": "35",
    "used_memory_human": "602.31M",
    "used_memory_peak_human": "1.01G"

...and provides queue size data at /stats/queues:

% curl http://localhost:3000/sidekiq/stats/queues

  "default": 0,
  "bulk": 1234,
  "critical": 1


Sidekiq 6.0 ships with a new sidekiqmon binary which will print out basic stats to your terminal. Use REDIS_URL to point sidekiqmon to your Redis instance.

> sidekiqmon # uses localhost:6379
> REDIS_URL=redis:// sidekiqmon


This is only relevant for Sidekiq >=4.2.0, <6.2

If you receive a Forbidden error and see attack prevented by Rack::Protection::AuthenticityToken in your logs when trying to submit a form, you do not have a valid session configured. A valid session is required to prevent CSRF attacks. You must configure the webapp to share the same session with Rails. Try putting this in your initializer:

require 'sidekiq/web' # Require at the top of the initializer

# Rails < 4:
Sidekiq::Web.set :session_secret, Rails.configuration.secret_token
# 5.2 > Rails >= 4:
Sidekiq::Web.set :session_secret, Rails.application.secrets[:secret_key_base]
# Rails ~> 5.2:
Sidekiq::Web.set :session_secret, Rails.application.credentials[:secret_key_base]
# Rails >= 6.0:
Sidekiq::Web.set :session_secret, Rails.application.secret_key_base

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