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File metadata and controls

428 lines (294 loc) · 13.6 KB

Install notes for a fresh Debian stable.


  • install the required packages

      sudo apt-get install slapd ldap-utils
  • sample data import

  • getting the data

         sudo apt-get install git-core
         git clone git://
         cd LDAP
  • inserting the data: follow the instructions in

  • check everything is OK:

         ldapsearch -x -bdc=georchestra,dc=org | less


  • Installation

      sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-9.1-postgis postgis
  • GeoNetwork database setup

      sudo su postgres
      createdb geonetwork
      psql -f /usr/share/postgresql/9.1/contrib/postgis-1.5/postgis.sql geonetwork
      psql -f /usr/share/postgresql/9.1/contrib/postgis-1.5/spatial_ref_sys.sql geonetwork
      createuser -DPRS www-data
  • downloadform and ogcstatistics databases setup

  • downloadform

         createdb downloadform
         wget -O /tmp/downloadform.sql
         psql -d downloadform -f /tmp/downloadform.sql
  • ogcstatistics

         createdb ogcstatistics
         wget -O /tmp/ogc_statistics_table.sql
         psql ogcstatistics -f /tmp/ogc_statistics_table.sql
  • ldapadmin

         createdb ldapadmin
         wget -O /tmp/ldapAdminDB.sql
         psql ldapadmin -f /tmp/ldapAdminDB.sql
  • Set rights of the www-data user

      echo 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE geonetwork TO "www-data";' | psql -d geonetwork
      echo 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public TO "www-data";' | psql -d geonetwork
      echo 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO "www-data";' | psql -d geonetwork
      echo 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE downloadform TO "www-data";' | psql -d downloadform
      echo 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public TO "www-data";' | psql -d downloadform
      echo 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO "www-data";' | psql -d downloadform
      echo 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE ogcstatistics TO "www-data";' | psql -d ogcstatistics
      echo 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public TO "www-data";' | psql -d ogcstatistics
      echo 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO "www-data";' | psql -d ogcstatistics
      echo 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE ldapadmin TO "www-data";' | psql -d ldapadmin
      echo 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public TO "www-data";' | psql -d ldapadmin
      echo 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO "www-data";' | psql -d ldapadmin


  • modules setup

      sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-auth-cas
      sudo a2enmod proxy_ajp proxy_connect proxy_http proxy ssl rewrite headers
      sudo service apache2 graceful
  • VirtualHost setup

      cd /etc/apache2/sites-available
      sudo a2dissite default default-ssl
      sudo vi georchestra
    <VirtualHost *:80>
    	 ServerName vm-georchestra
    	 DocumentRoot /var/www/georchestra/htdocs
    	 LogLevel warn
    	 ErrorLog /var/www/georchestra/logs/error.log
    	 CustomLog /var/www/georchestra/logs/access.log "combined"
    	 Include /var/www/georchestra/conf/*.conf
    	 ServerSignature Off
    <VirtualHost *:443>
    	 ServerName vm-georchestra
    	 DocumentRoot /var/www/georchestra/htdocs
    	 LogLevel warn
    	 ErrorLog /var/www/georchestra/logs/error.log
    	 CustomLog /var/www/georchestra/logs/access.log "combined"
    	 Include /var/www/georchestra/conf/*.conf
    	 SSLEngine On
    	 SSLCertificateFile /var/www/georchestra/ssl/georchestra.crt
    	 SSLCertificateKeyFile /var/www/georchestra/ssl/georchestra-unprotected.key
    	 SSLCACertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
    	 ServerSignature Off
        sudo a2ensite georchestra
  • web directories for geOrchestra

      cd /var/www
      sudo mkdir georchestra
      cd georchestra
      sudo mkdir conf htdocs logs ssl

    Debian apache user is www-data

      sudo id www-data

    we have to grant write on logs to www-data:

      sudo chgrp www-data logs/
      sudo chmod g+w logs/
  • Apache config

      cd conf/
      sudo vim /var/www/georchestra/conf/proxypass.conf

    should have something like:

    <IfModule !mod_proxy.c>
        LoadModule proxy_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
    <IfModule !mod_proxy_http.c>
        LoadModule proxy_http_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
    <Proxy *>
        Order deny,allow
        Allow from all
    RewriteLog /tmp/rewrite.log
    RewriteLogLevel 3
    SetEnv no-gzip on
    ProxyTimeout 999999999
    RequestHeader unset sec-username
    RequestHeader unset sec-roles
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule ^/analytics$ /analytics/ [R]
    RewriteRule ^/cas$ /cas/ [R]
    RewriteRule ^/catalogapp$ /catalogapp/ [R]
    RewriteRule ^/downloadform$ /downloadform/ [R]
    RewriteRule ^/extractorapp$ /extractorapp/ [R]
    RewriteRule ^/extractorapp$ /extractorapp/ [R]
    RewriteRule ^/geonetwork$ /geonetwork/ [R]
    RewriteRule ^/geoserver2/(.*)$ /geoserver/$1 [R]
    RewriteRule ^/geoserver$ /geoserver/ [R]
    RewriteRule ^/geowebcache$ /geowebcache/ [R]
    RewriteRule ^/ldapadmin$ /ldapadmin/ [R]
    RewriteRule ^/mapfishapp$ /mapfishapp/ [R]
    RewriteRule ^/proxy$ /proxy/ [R]
    RewriteRule ^/static$ /static/ [R]
    ProxyPass /analytics/ ajp://localhost:8009/analytics/ 
    ProxyPassReverse /analytics/ ajp://localhost:8009/analytics/
    ProxyPass /cas/ ajp://localhost:8009/cas/ 
    ProxyPassReverse /cas/ ajp://localhost:8009/cas/
    ProxyPass /casfailed.jsp ajp://localhost:8009/casfailed.jsp 
    ProxyPassReverse /casfailed.jsp ajp://localhost:8009/casfailed.jsp
    ProxyPass /catalogapp/ ajp://localhost:8009/catalogapp/ 
    ProxyPassReverse /catalogapp/ ajp://localhost:8009/catalogapp/
    ProxyPass /downloadform/ ajp://localhost:8009/downloadform/ 
    ProxyPassReverse /downloadform/ ajp://localhost:8009/downloadform/
    ProxyPass /extractorapp/ ajp://localhost:8009/extractorapp/ 
    ProxyPassReverse /extractorapp/ ajp://localhost:8009/extractorapp/
    ProxyPass /geonetwork/ ajp://localhost:8009/geonetwork/ 
    ProxyPassReverse /geonetwork/ ajp://localhost:8009/geonetwork/
    ProxyPass /geonetwork-private/ ajp://localhost:8009/geonetwork-private/ 
    ProxyPassReverse /geonetwork-private/ ajp://localhost:8009/geonetwork-private/
    ProxyPass /geoserver/ ajp://localhost:8009/geoserver/ 
    ProxyPassReverse /geoserver/ ajp://localhost:8009/geoserver/
    ProxyPass /geowebcache/ ajp://localhost:8009/geowebcache/ 
    ProxyPassReverse /geowebcache/ ajp://localhost:8009/geowebcache/
    ProxyPass /j_spring_cas_security_check ajp://localhost:8009/j_spring_cas_security_check 
    ProxyPassReverse /j_spring_cas_security_check ajp://localhost:8009/j_spring_cas_security_check
    ProxyPass /j_spring_security_logout ajp://localhost:8009/j_spring_security_logout 
    ProxyPassReverse /j_spring_security_logout ajp://localhost:8009/j_spring_security_logout
    ProxyPass /ldapadmin/ ajp://localhost:8009/ldapadmin/
    ProxyPassReverse /ldapadmin/ ajp://localhost:8009/ldapadmin/
    ProxyPass /mapfishapp/ ajp://localhost:8009/mapfishapp/ 
    ProxyPassReverse /mapfishapp/ ajp://localhost:8009/mapfishapp/
    ProxyPass /proxy/ ajp://localhost:8009/proxy/ 
    ProxyPassReverse /proxy/ ajp://localhost:8009/proxy/
    ProxyPass /static/ ajp://localhost:8009/static/ 
    ProxyPassReverse /static/ ajp://localhost:8009/static/
    AddType application/vnd.ogc.context+xml .wmc

Apache - SSL certificate

  • private key generation (enter a passphrase)

      cd /var/www/georchestra/ssl
      sudo openssl genrsa -des3 -out georchestra.key 1024
  • certificate generated for this key

      sudo openssl req -new -key georchestra.key -out georchestra.csr
  • fill the form without providing a password

      Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []: put your server name (eg: vm-georchestra)
  • create an unprotected key

      sudo openssl rsa -in georchestra.key -out georchestra-unprotected.key
      sudo openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in georchestra.csr -signkey georchestra.key -out georchestra.crt
  • restart apache

      sudo service apache2 graceful
  • update your hosts

      sudo vim /etc/hosts
  • testing


Install Tomcat from package

This one Tomcat instance installation is for test purpose. When running a real-world SDI, you will need to use various Tomcat instances.

sudo apt-get install tomcat6

Remove any webapp

sudo rm -rf /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/*

Create a directory for tomcat6 java preferences (to avoid a WARNING: Couldn't flush user prefs: java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException: Couldn't get file lock. error)

sudo mkdir /usr/share/tomcat6/.java
sudo chown tomcat6:tomcat6 /usr/share/tomcat6/.java

Environment variables

In case of a 32G RAM server, here are the basic JAVA_OPTS:

export JAVA_OPTS="-Dsun.java2d.opengl=true \
                  -Djava.awt.headless=true \
                  -Xms4G \
                  -Xmx28G \
                  -XX:MaxPermSize=256m \

Some geOrchestra applications will require you to add more JAVA_OPTS, read below...


  • Keystore creation (change the "mdpstore" password)

      cd /etc/tomcat6/
      sudo keytool -genkey -alias georchestra_localhost -keystore keystore -storepass mdpstore -keypass mdpstore -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048

    Put "localhost" in "first name and second name" since sec-proxy and CAS are on the same tomcat

    Quels sont vos prénom et nom ?
      [Unknown] :  localhost
    Quel est le nom de votre unité organisationnelle ?
      [Unknown] :
    Quelle est le nom de votre organisation ?
      [Unknown] :
    Quel est le nom de votre ville de résidence ?
      [Unknown] :
    Quel est le nom de votre état ou province ?
      [Unknown] :
    Quel est le code de pays ? deux lettres pour cette unit? ?
      [Unknown] :
    Est-ce CN=localhost, OU=Unknown, O=Unknown, L=Unknown, ST=Unknown, C=Unknown ?
      [non] :  oui
      keytool -keystore keystore -list
  • truststore config

      sudo vim /etc/default/tomcat6
  • connectors config

      sudo vim /etc/tomcat6/server.xml
    <Connector port="8443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true"
       maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true"
       noCompressionUserAgents="gozilla, traviata"
       compressableMimeType="text/html,text/xml,text/javascript,application/x-javascript,application/javascript,text/css" />
    <Connector URIEncoding="UTF-8"
           redirectPort="8443" />
  • Tomcat restart

      sudo service tomcat6 restart


  • Tomcat

Required JAVA_OPTS for GeoServer :

-DGEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=/path/to/geoserver/data/dir \
-DGEOWEBCACHE_CACHE_DIR=/path/to/geowebcache/cache/dir \
-server \
-XX:-UseParallelGC \
-XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=36000 \
-XX:NewRatio=2 \
  • Fonts

GeoServer uses the fonts available to the JVM for WMS styling. You may have to install the "core fonts for the web" on your server if you need them.

sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer

Restart your geoserver tomcat and check on /geoserver/web/?wicket:bookmarkablePage=:org.geoserver.web.admin.JVMFontsPage that these are loaded.


Be sure to include those options in your tomcat JAVA_OPTS setup:

-Dgeonetwork.dir=/path/to/geonetwork-data-dir \
-Dgeonetwork[-private].schema.dir=/path/to/tomcat/webapps/geonetwork[-private]/WEB-INF/data/config/schema_plugins \

... where brackets indicate optional strings, depending on your setup.


Again, it is required to include custom options in your tomcat JAVA_OPTS setup:

-Dorg.geotools.referencing.forceXY=true \
-Dgeobretagne_production=true \

Finally, you'll have to install GDAL/OGR native libs + data and reference them with these environment variables:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/path/to/gdal/NativeLibs"
export GDAL_DATA="/path/to/gdal/data"
export PATH=/path/to/gdal/NativeLibs/:$PATH
export CLASSPATH=:/path/to/gdal/NativeLibs/:$CLASSPATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib:/usr/lib/:/path/to/gdal/NativeLibs/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH