Simple class easy to use that wraps Redis extension without dependencies.
composer require mp3000mp/redis-client
// This will try to connect and throw a RedisClientException if connection failed
$client = new RedisClient($host, $port, $auth);
// simple get set system
$client->set('key', 'value');
$val = $client->get('key');
// this value will be converted into json text into redis
$client->set('key_array', ['test' => 'test']);
// returns '{"test":"test"}'
// returns ['test' => 'test']
$client->get('key_array', true);
// this key will live 120 seconds
$client->set('key', 'test', 120);
// close connection
Add this to services.yml
arguments: ['%env(REDIS_HOST)%', '%env(REDIS_PORT)%', '%env(REDIS_AUTH)%']