Socorro is a Mozilla-centric crash ingestion pipeline and analysis tools for crash reports using the Breakpad libraries.
- Free software: Mozilla Public License version 2.0
- Community Participation Guidelines Guidelines
- Chat: #crashreporting matrix channel
- Socorro (processor/webapp/cron jobs)
- Code:
- Documentation:
- Bugs: Report a bug
- Antenna (collector)
- Code:
- Documentation:
- Bugs: Report an Antenna bug
This is a very Mozilla-centric product. We do not currently have the capacity to support non-Mozilla uses.
This project and repository is governed by Mozilla's code of conduct and etiquette guidelines. For more details please see the file.
Documentation for setting up Socorro, configuration, specifications, development, and other related things are at
We use continuous development and we release often. See our list of releases for what changes were deployed to production when:
Note: This is a Mozilla-specific product. We do not currently have the capacity to support external users.
If you are looking to use Socorro for your product, maybe you want to consider this non-exhaustive list of alternatives:
- run your own: electron/mini-breakpad-server
- run your own: wk8/sentry_breakpad
- hosted/on-premise: Backtrace, BugSplat