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Paul Prokhorov edited this page Jun 6, 2019 · 13 revisions

System requirements

  • Supports Mac, Windows 7/10 (Professional) and Ubuntu Linux 16.04.
    • All others are untested, and while they may work, they are not currently supported.
  • All instructions assume that Git is already installed.
  • Recommended supported screen resolution is 1920 x 1080 for Windows and Linux, default for display (2880 x 1800 for retina Mac and 1440 x 900 for non-retina Mac)
  • Important: when running Iris, make sure that no Firefox instances are open or visible, including launcher/dock icons not present by default, as these will interfere with Iris itself. Also, keep in mind that when Iris is running, it will be commanding all user input, so don't run it while you are actively working on something else.

Mac instructions:

  1. Clone the Iris2 repo.
cd ~
git clone
  1. Run the Mac bootstrap script.
cd iris2
  1. Restart your Mac in order for certain libraries to be recognized.
  2. In System Preferences, go to Mission Control and change the keyboard shortcut for "Application Windows" to "-", or none.
  3. Launch Iris.
cd ~/iris2
pipenv install
pipenv shell
iris -k

NOTE: If your test just starts the Firefox instance and then nothing happens, please have a look in Security Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Accessibility - you might have to allow your terminal application in the list.

Windows 7 / Windows 10 Professional instructions:

Windows 7 requires Powershell 5 and the latest .NET framework version 4.5. In addition, please make sure you are using the default theme for the operating system, and not a custom theme such as "Aero," as this is not supported.

  1. Launch the terminal.
  2. Run the following commands. Note: The script will prompt you to restart the terminal twice.
git clone
cd iris2
  1. Install project requirements and activate the virtualenv.
pipenv install
pipenv shell
  1. Run Iris.
iris -k

Ubuntu Linux instructions:

  1. Follow instructions below for disabling Keyring.
  2. Open Settings > Displays > "Scale for Menu and Title bars:" and verify that it is set to 1.
  3. Launch the terminal and run the following commands.
cd ~
git clone
cd iris2

Note: This will take around 10 minutes to download, compile, and install dependencies.

  1. Run the following commands to complete installation and launch Iris.
pipenv install
pipenv shell
iris -k

Optional: Install Sikuli

If you have never used Sikuli, it is highly encouraged to visit their site, download their tools, and experiment, as the concepts that Sikuli uses have greatly inspired Iris and will help in learning.

Optional: PyCharm IDE

You can use any IDE that you are comfortable with, but we recommend PyCharm.

Disable System Keyring

Some tests covering the save credentials functionality may prompt to enter Keyring password. keyring linux

In order to avoid this dialog in test runs. You must switch Keyring password off manually with your user password.

To do this follow:

  1. On the Password and Keys panel, right-click on the "Default keyring," and choose "Change Password." linux keyring

  2. Leave new password blanc

From now on, you won't be prompted to unlock the default keyring.




Running Iris

Contributing to Iris

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