Search EP Construction - [source code]
Search EnergyPlus construction based on Energy modeling standards, climate zone, surface type and building program
List of EPConstructions from Honeybee construction library
Energy modeling standard [0:"ASHRAE 90.1-2004", 1:"ASHRAE 90.1-2007", 2:"ASHRAE 90.1-2010", 3:"ASHRAE 189.1", 4:"CBECS 1980-2004", 5:"CBECS Before-1980"]
Optional input for climate zone
Optional input for surface type > 0:'WALL', 1:'ROOF', 2:'FLOOR', 3:'CEILING', 4:'WINDOW'
Optional keyword in the name of the construction (ie. METAL, MASS, WOODFRAME).
List of selected EP constructions that matches the the inputs
[Check Hydra Example Files for Search EP Construction]( EP Construction)