diff --git a/src/Famix-Diff-Core-Tests/FamixDiffTest.class.st b/src/Famix-Diff-Core-Tests/FamixDiffTest.class.st index b3625cf..3f829ee 100644 --- a/src/Famix-Diff-Core-Tests/FamixDiffTest.class.st +++ b/src/Famix-Diff-Core-Tests/FamixDiffTest.class.st @@ -107,7 +107,16 @@ FamixDiffTest >> packageName3 [ { #category : #tests } FamixDiffTest >> runDiff [ - ^ result := snapshot run result + + | baseEntitiesToMatch targetEntitiesToMatch | + baseEntitiesToMatch := snapshot resolver entitiesToMatchIn: snapshot baseModel. + targetEntitiesToMatch := snapshot resolver entitiesToMatchIn: snapshot targetModel. + + result := snapshot run result. + + "Here we ensure that the generated result has the night number of changes" + self assert: baseEntitiesToMatch size equals: (result entityChanges reject: [ :change | change isAddition ]) size. "We should have a change that is not an addition for all entities of the base model." + self assert: targetEntitiesToMatch size equals: (result entityChanges reject: [ :change | change isRemoval ]) size "We should have a change that is not a removal for all entities of the target model." ] { #category : #running }