This is tensorflow 2.x conversion of official repo LPIPS metric (pytorch)
Similar to lpips-tensorflow except,
In this repo, network architecture is explicitly implemented rather than converting with ONNX.
Currently only model='net-lin', net='vgg'
is implemented
input image should be [0.0 ~ 255.0], float32, NHWC format
import os
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from PIL import Image
from models .lpips_tensorflow import learned_perceptual_metric_model
def load_image (fn ):
image = Image .open (fn )
image = np .asarray (image )
image = np .expand_dims (image , axis = 0 )
image = tf .constant (image , dtype = tf .dtypes .float32 )
return image
image_size = 64
model_dir = './models'
vgg_ckpt_fn = os .path .join (model_dir , 'vgg' , 'exported' )
lin_ckpt_fn = os .path .join (model_dir , 'lin' , 'exported' )
lpips = learned_perceptual_metric_model (image_size , vgg_ckpt_fn , lin_ckpt_fn )
# official pytorch model value:
# Distance: ex_ref.png <-> ex_p0.png = 0.569
# Distance: ex_ref.png <-> ex_p1.png = 0.422
image_fn1 = './imgs/ex_ref.png'
image_fn2 = './imgs/ex_p0.png'
# image_fn2 = './imgs/ex_p1.png'
image1 = load_image (image_fn1 )
image2 = load_image (image_fn2 )
dist01 = lpips ([image1 , image2 ])
print ('Distance: {:.3f}' .format (dist01 ))
To reproduce same checkpoint files...
Clone official repo LPIPS metric
Place ./example_export_script/
and ./models/
on root directory