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407 lines (345 loc) · 15.3 KB
import "lib/disjoint" =~ [=> makeDisjointForest]
import "lib/schwartzian" =~ [=> makeSchwartzian]
exports (leaf, makeEGraph)


An e-graph is a hybrid data structure consisting of two components:

  • A union-find structure, like from lib/disjoint
  • A graph whose edges and vertices are grouped by that union-find

The overall effect is to create graphs whose vertices are equivalence classes, or e-classes, over some family of trees. In this particular presentation, we'll allow cycles, so that we're storing many different equivalent graphs inside a single graph structure.

What's the point? Imagine that we have a tree for a program in some language. We also have some rewrite rules for the language. We want to reduce the tree by repeatedly applying rewrite rules, but we don't want to care about the order in which we apply rules. An e-graph solves this problem by collecting rewritten tree branches in a holistic and efficient manner. The downside, as one might expect, is that we are no longer working with entire trees, but fragments of branches; an e-graph is something like a wood chipper.

An e-class contains branches. A branch is identified by a verb and arity, like Monte methods. The arity indicates how many subordinate e-classes are referenced by the branch. For lib/asdl trees, each constructor gives a verb and arity, and each subordinate branch is associated with its own e-class.

For a variety of sanity reasons, it will be easiest for us to tag all leaf nodes with a sentinel value. It will also be easy if this value always compares less than non-leaf values. This will make it simple to tell whether an e-class contains concrete data or just pointers to other e-classes.

def leaf.op__cmp(other) as DeepFrozen:
    return (leaf == other).pick(0, -1)

Concrete data will have leaf as its verb and unary arity.


The bulk of our time will be spent trying to match user-supplied patterns against the e-graph, a process known as "e-matching". We'll follow the de Moura-Bjørner abstract machine, with a few simplifications.

We will want to compile our leaf comparisons before our branch comparisons, to reduce the amount of backtracking required. To do this, we'll need to be able to sort our maps so that lists come after literals.

def isList(x) as DeepFrozen:
    return escape ej { List.coerce(x, ej); true } catch _ { false }

def subpatternsLast(x, y) as DeepFrozen:
    def xIsList := isList(x)
    def yIsList := isList(y)
    return if (xIsList &! yIsList) {
    } else if (yIsList &! xIsList) {
    } else { x.op__cmp(y) }

The actual compiler follows the original de Moura-Bjørner design. In the future, we could compile many e-match patterns into a single program, as long as they all start with the same verb and arity. More on that later.

# p6
def compile(W :Map, V :Map, o :Int) as DeepFrozen:
    return if (W.isEmpty()) {
        ["yield"] + [for i in (V.sortKeys()) i]
    } else {
        # Put subpatterns at the end.
        def schwartzian := makeSchwartzian.fromComparison(subpatternsLast)
        def i := schwartzian.sortValues(W).getKeys()[0]
        switch (W[i]) {
            match [==leaf, t] { ["check", i, t, compile(W.without(i), V, o)] }
            match [f] + p {
                def Wp := W.without(i) | [for n => pn in (p) o + n => pn]
                ["bind", i, f, o, compile(Wp, V, o + p.size())]
            match via (V.fetch) vxk {
                ["compare", i, vxk, compile(W.without(i), V, o)]
            match xk { compile(W.without(i), V.with(xk, i), o) }

def compilePattern(pattern) as DeepFrozen:
    def [f] + ps := pattern
    return [f, ps.size(), compile([for i => p in (ps) i => p], [].asMap(), ps.size())]

To run the abstract machine, we'll embed a state machine into an iterator. The e-graph will set up the state machine, preselecting the verb and arity and preloading the registers.

def makeMatcher(egraph, t, program) as DeepFrozen:
    return def matcher._makeIterator():
        # p4
        var pc := program
        def reg := t.diverge(Int)
        def bstack := [].diverge()
        var i := 0
        return def
            while (true):
                switch (pc):
                    match [=="bind", i, f, o, next]:
                        def appsf := egraph.terms(reg[i], f)
                        bstack.push(["choose-app", o, next, appsf, 0])
                        pc := "backtrack"
                    match [=="check", i, t, next]:
                        def r := egraph.add([leaf, t], null)
                        pc := if (egraph.find(reg[i]) == egraph.find(r)) {
                        } else { "backtrack" }
                    match [=="compare", i, j, next]:
                        pc := if (egraph.find(reg[i]) == egraph.find(reg[j])) {
                        } else { "backtrack" }
                    match [=="yield"] + xs:
                        def rv := [i, [for x in (xs) reg[x]]]
                        pc := "backtrack"
                        return rv
                    match =="backtrack":
                        if (bstack.isEmpty()):
                            throw.eject(ej, "End of iteration")
                        pc := bstack.pop()
                    match [=="choose-app", o, next, s, j]:
                        # XXX known at compile time?
                        if (s.size() > j):
                            # Set up registers.
                            while ((o + s[j].size()) > reg.size()):
                            for i => t in (s[j]):
                                reg[o + i] := t
                            bstack.push(["choose-app", o, next, s, j + 1])
                            pc := next
                            pc := "backtrack"


Our implementation and nomenclature will closely follow egg, a high-performance e-graph design.

def makeEGraph(analysis) as DeepFrozen:
    # p3
    def U := makeDisjointForest()
    def eM := [].asMap().diverge()
    def H := [].asMap().diverge()

In the egg design, each e-class is mapped to its parent e-classes via struct pointers. Here, we'll use a map from e-classes to maps of parent nodes to parent e-classes. This removes the need to realize e-classes as structs, and instead we only refer to them by numeric index. Note that all access to the parent map is through representative keys only, so we must be careful to .find() each key first.

    # XXX it would be nice if we had defaultmap
    def parents := [].asMap().diverge()

Similarly, we map from e-classes to associated data generated by e-class analysis.

    def data := [].asMap().diverge()

Our canonicalization of e-nodes is almost exactly like the standard one, except that leaf nodes have special handling for concrete data.

    def canonicalize(n):
        def [f] + args := n
        return if (f == leaf) { n } else { [f] + [for a in (args) U.find(a)] }

And we model the e-graph itself as an object closed over all of these ingredients.

    return object egraph:
        to _printOn(out):
            out.print(`<e-graph, ${U.partitions()} e-classes, ${H.size()} e-nodes>`)

When we add e-nodes, we take an additional seed argument which tweaks analyses. In pratice, this is the source span for ASTs.

        # p5
        to add(n, seed) :Int:
            Include `n` as an e-node, returning its e-class.

            Optionally include `seed` data for analysis.

            def enode := canonicalize(n)
            def rv := escape ej { H.fetch(enode, ej) } catch _ {
                def eclass := U.freshClass()
                if (enode =~ [!=leaf] + args) {
                    for child in (args) {
                        if (!parents.contains(child)) {
                            parents[child] := [].asMap()
                        parents[child] with= (enode, eclass)
                H[enode] := eclass
                def d := data[eclass] := analysis.make(enode, seed, egraph)
                eM[eclass] := analysis.modify([enode].asSet(), d)
            # traceln(`add($n) (enode: ${canonicalize(n)}) -> $rv`)
            return rv

The egg design deliberately breaks invariants after each merge operation, and requires a rebuild operation after many merges. This is something of an API infelicity, and we can fix it by directly allowing for multiple merge operations to be submitted in a single batch. At the end of the batch operation, we'll restore our invariants, and recursive merges made during invariant maintenance will be turned into an iterative series of batches.

        # p8
        to mergePairs(pairs :List) :Bool:
            Merge many `pairs` in a single motion.

            Return whether any e-classes were merged.
            # Worklist is broken into two pieces:
            # * mergelist: next batch of pairs to merge
            # * classlist: next batch of e-classes to rebuild
            var rv := false
            def mergelist := pairs.asSet().diverge()
            while (!mergelist.isEmpty()):
                # merge()
                # traceln("merge()", mergelist)
                def classlist := [].asSet().diverge()
                for [a, b] in (mergelist):
                    def ra := U.find(a)
                    def rb := U.find(b)
                    if (ra != rb):
                        rv := true
                        U.union(ra, rb)
                        parents[ra] := parents[rb] := (
                            parents.fetch(ra, fn { [].asMap() }) |
                            parents.fetch(rb, fn { [].asMap() })
                        def d := analysis.join(data[ra], data[rb])
                        data[ra] := data[rb] := d
                        eM[ra] := eM[rb] := analysis.modify(eM[ra] | eM[rb], d)

                # Reset the mergelist.

                # rebuild()
                # traceln("rebuild()", classlist)
                while (!classlist.isEmpty()):
                    for todo in (classlist):
                        def eclass := U.find(todo)
                        # repair()
                        # traceln("repair()", eclass)
                        def oldParents := parents.fetch(eclass, fn { [].asMap() })
                        def newParents := [].asMap().diverge()
                        for parent => pclass in (oldParents):
                            def pnode := canonicalize(parent)

                            if (newParents.contains(pnode)):
                                mergelist.push([pclass, newParents[pnode]])

                            if (H.contains(parent)):
                            H[pnode] := newParents[pnode] := U.find(pclass)
                        parents[eclass] := newParents.snapshot()

                        # Do we need to rebuild the associated data? First, we
                        # ask this question for the e-class, and if yes, then
                        # ask again for each affected parent.
                        def original := eM[eclass]
                        def modified := analysis.modify(original, data[eclass])
                        if (modified != original):
                            eM[eclass] := modified
                            # Yes, we need to visit each parent.
                            for parent => pclass in (newParents):
                                # Try sprouting a leaf in the joinsemilattice
                                # and see if it makes a difference.
                                def newLeaf := analysis.make(parent, null, egraph)
                                def oldData := data[pclass]
                                def newData := analysis.join(newLeaf, oldData)
                                if (newData != oldData):
                                    data[pclass] := newData

                    # Reset the classlist.
            return rv

For completeness, we encapsulate the union-find and e-node maps.

        to find(a):
            "The canonical representative of e-class `a`."

            def rv := U.find(a)
            # traceln(`find($a) -> $rv`)
            return rv

        to nodes(a):
            "The e-nodes of e-class `a`."

            return eM[U.find(a)]

        to analyze(a):
            "The associated data from e-graph analysis at e-class `a`."

            return data[U.find(a)]

The heavy-duty search functionality starts by filtering e-classes to look up all e-nodes with a given verb.

        to terms(a, f):
            def rv := [].diverge()
            for c in (eM[U.find(a)]):
                def [==f] + args exit __continue := c
            return rv.snapshot()

And here is the final portion of e-matching. Note that we scan each e-class for e-nodes with matching verb and arity, but since e-match programs are already keyed by verb and arity, we could switch the ordering of these loops: For each e-class, for each e-node, look up all of the e-matchers which have that e-node's verb and arity, and apply each of them.

        to ematch(p):
            def [f, arity, program] := compilePattern(p)
            def rv := [].diverge()
            for c => nodes in (eM):
                for node in (nodes):
                    def [==f] + args ? (args.size() == arity) exit __continue := node
                    for m in (makeMatcher(egraph, args, program)):
                        rv.push([c] + m)
            return rv.snapshot()

Finally, extraction methods allow reconstruction of candidate trees from within the e-graph's forest of nodes. We'll delegate the actual tree construction to callers; here, we're more concerned with ordering each e-class so that the lower-cost constructors are preferred.

        to extract(a, nodeOrder):
            A representative of e-class `a`.

            Nodes will be preferred according to `nodeOrder`. Leaves are
            always more preferred than any node, and nodes not in the order
            will be left for last.

            def nodeKeys := [for k => v in (nodeOrder) v => k]
            def schwartzian := makeSchwartzian.fromKeyFunction(fn [f] + _ {
                if (f == leaf) { -1 } else {
                    nodeKeys.fetch(f, fn { Infinity })
            # Only non-cyclic nodes are candidates.
            def candidates := [for n in (eM[U.find(a)]) ? (!n.contains(a)) n]

            return schwartzian.sort(candidates)[0]

        to extractFiltered(a, pred):
            A representative of e-class `a` satisfying predicate `pred`.


            for node in (eM[U.find(a)]):
                def [f] + args := node
                if (pred(f)):
                    return node
            throw(`No members of e-class $a satisfy $pred`)