Lucia spark listener is collecting metrics from Spark Jobs and send them to Lucia Backend Infrastructure
Before running your Spark job with Lucia listener, please setup Lucia on your environment (Local/Cloud) for more information
After your Lucia environment is runinng, you can start use Lucia listener
Cloud - tbd
Localenv - When you are running Lucia on your local env and running your are runing Spark job from cloud, you should use Ngrok:
ngrok http 8181
and set the endpoint Ngrok forwarding
Localenv - When you are running Lucia on your local env and running your Spark job from local, you should set the enpoint to http://localhost:8181
pipeline_id - tbd
pipeline_run_id - tbd
spark-submit \
--packages io.github.montara-io:sparklistener_2.12:1.0.3 \
--repositories \
--conf spark.lucia.sparklistener.url=<endpoint>/events \
--conf spark.lucia.sparklistener.pipelineId=<pipeline_id> \
--conf spark.lucia.sparklistener.pipelineRunId=<pipeline_run_id> \
--conf spark.extraListeners=io.montara.lucia.sparklistener.LuciaSparkListener \