people can leave messages that are associated with location that other people can find when they enter the same location
- person to person
- person to persons
- person to group/followers (public is a group)
- text
- picture
- video
- certain number of private messages
- certain number of public messages
- all messages decay, especially public
- finite number of access (time/accesses)
- configure type of decay (number of accesses or time)
- configurable
- notifications hide themselves when you go out of radius
- maybe timeout for notification hiding
- validate source of messages
- you should be able to block people
- high resolution filtering
- warnings for public subscription
- content checking for public submission ?
- snapchat?
- upgrade to pro version if you get your friends to download the app
- offer ads for free, users rewarded by company for buying app
- upvote kinda like reddit
- filter public content by votes/relevance
- certain number of likes per day
- you get a compass to help you find you location
enterprise users can have a web portal where they can customize their content they can push, user lists, user data
- pictures
- videos
- maybe like snapchat, put text on pictures
- by phone number
- see if friends have it (people in your contacts)