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File metadata and controls

285 lines (198 loc) · 16.5 KB


The new api provides four methods for updating documents in a collection. The logic is delinead in the following table:

Name Update Document (fields) Replacement Document (document) One Document Many Documents
Contains only update operator expressions Contains only <field1>: <value1> pairs.
updateOne ✔️ ✔️
replaceOne ✔️ ✔️
updateMany ✔️ ✔️
modernUpdate ✔️ ✔️ ✔️


Modifies an existing document or documents in a collection. The method can modify specific fields of an existing document or documents or replace an existing document entirely, depending on the update parameter.

By default, the modernUpdate() method updates a single document. Include the option multi: true to update all documents that match the query criteria.

The modernUpdate() method by default returns a Map instead of the WriteResult object (like the shell commnad and also updateOne(), replaceOne() and updateMany() methods). For compatibility reason with the legacyUpdate() methods, a modernReply parameter is provided (defaults to true). If set to false, a compatible legacyUpdate() method Map is returned (getLastError() return value)

Access Control

On deployments running with authorization, the user must have access that includes the following privileges:

  • update action on the specified collection(s).
  • find action on the specified collection(s).
  • insert action on the specified collection(s) if the operation results in an upsert.

The built-in role readWrite provides the required privileges.

Sharded Collections

There are some limits in using update on a sharded collection, see db.collection.update()

The following is a simple example on how to execute a call to modernUpdate()

var res = await collection.modernUpdate(where.eq('member', 'abc123'), ModifierBuilder().set('status', 'A'));


Name Type Mandatory Note Description
selector Map<String, Object> or SelectorBuilder ✔️ Specifies selection criteria using query operators.
update Map<String, Object> or ModifierBuilder or List<Map<String, Object>> ✔️ The aggregation pipeline is available starting from ver. 4.2 The modifications to apply. Can be one of the following: Update document, Replacement document or Aggregation pipeline
upsert bool If set to true, creates a new document when no document matches the query criteria. The default value is false, which does not insert a new document when no match is found.
multi bool If set to true, updates multiple documents that meet the query criteria. If set to false, updates one document. The default value is false
writeConcern WriteConcern A document expressing the write concern. Omit to use the default write concern.
collation CollationOptions Specifies the collation to use for the operation. Collation allows users to specify language-specific rules for string comparison, such as rules for lettercase and accent marks.
arrayFilters Map An array of filter documents that determine which array elements to modify for an update operation on an array field. See Specify arrayFilters for Array Update Operations.
hint String Starting from 4.4 A string that specifies the index (name) to use to support the query predicate. If you specify an index that does not exist, the operation errors.
hintDocument Map<String, Object> Starting from 4.4 A Map that specifies the index (specification document) to use to support the query predicate. It is an alternative way to the hint parameter. If both are specified, the index name is used.
modernReply bool If true (default), returns a Map corresponding to a WriteResult Object, if false returns a map compatible with the legacyUpdate() method (getLastError return value)

Example using aggregation pipeline:

var res = await collection.modernUpdate(
                    'status': 'Modified',
                    'comments': [r'$misc1', r'$misc2']
                  ..addStage(Unset(['misc1', 'misc2'])))
            multi: true,
            writeConcern: WriteConcern(w: 'majority', wtimeout: 5000));

Example using array filters:

var res = await collection.modernUpdate(where.gte('grades', 100),
            ModifierBuilder().set(r'grades.$[element]', 100),
            arrayFilters: [
                'element': {r'$gte': 100}
            multi: true);


  • The method return a Future, so you will need to await for the method (or use .then())


Returns a WriteResult Map.


Updates a single document within the collection based on the filter. updateOne() finds the first document that matches the filter and applies the specified update modifications.

updateOne() method can accept a document that only contains update operator expressions (field modifications). For updating an entire document see replaceOne().

Access Control (updateOne)

On deployments running with authorization, the user must have access that includes the following privileges:

  • update action on the specified collection(s).
  • find action on the specified collection(s).
  • insert action on the specified collection(s) if the operation results in an upsert.

The built-in role readWrite provides the required privileges.


If upsert: true and no documents match the filter, updateOne() creates a new document based on the filter criteria and update modifications. See Update with Upsert.

If you specify upsert: true on a sharded collection, you must include the full shard key in the filter. For additional db.collection.updateOne() behavior on a sharded collection, see Sharded Collections.

Sharded Collections (updateOne)

There are some limits in using update on a sharded collection, see db.collection.updateOne()

The following is a simple example on how to execute a call to updateOnee()

var res = await collection.updateOne(where.eq('member', 'abc123'), ModifierBuilder().inc('points', 1));

Parameters (updateOne)

Name Type Mandatory Note Description
selector Map<String, Object> or SelectorBuilder ✔️ Specifies selection criteria using query operators.
update Map<String, Object> or ModifierBuilder or List<Map<String, Object>> ✔️ The aggregation pipeline is available starting from ver. 4.2 The modifications to apply. Can be one of the following: Update document or Aggregation pipeline
upsert bool If set to true, creates a new document when no document matches the query criteria. The default value is false, which does not insert a new document when no match is found.
writeConcern WriteConcern A document expressing the write concern. Omit to use the default write concern.
collation CollationOptions Specifies the collation to use for the operation. Collation allows users to specify language-specific rules for string comparison, such as rules for lettercase and accent marks.
arrayFilters Map An array of filter documents that determine which array elements to modify for an update operation on an array field. See Specify arrayFilters for Array Update Operations.
hint String Starting from 4.4 A string that specifies the index (name) to use to support the query predicate. If you specify an index that does not exist, the operation errors.
hintDocument Map<String, Object> Starting from 4.4 A Map that specifies the index (specification document) to use to support the query predicate. It is an alternative way to the hint parameter. If both are specified, the index name is used.

Example using collation:

var res = await collection.updateOne(where.eq('category', 'cafe').eq('status', 'a'), ModifierBuilder().set('status', 'Updated'), collation: CollationOptions('fr', strength: 1));


  • The method returns a WriteResult Object that contains informations on the execution of the operation
  • The method return a Future, so you will need to await for the method (or use .then())

Output (updateOne)

Returns a WriteResult object.


Replaces a single document within the collection based on the filter. replaceOne() replaces the first matching document in the collection that matches the filter, using the replacement document.

Upsert (replaceOne)

If upsert: true and no documents match the filter, replaceOne() creates a new document based on the replacement document.

If you specify upsert: true on a sharded collection, you must include the full shard key in the filter. For additional replaceOne() behavior on a sharded collection, see Sharded Collections.

Capped Collections (replaceOne)

If a replacement operation changes the document size, the operation will fail.

Sharded Collections (replaceOne)

There are some limits in using update on a sharded collection, see db.collection.replaceOne()

The following is a simple example on how to execute a call to replaceOne()

var res = await collection.replaceOne(where.eq('name', 'Central Perk Cafe'), <String, Object>{
          'name': 'Central Park Cafe',
          'Borough': 'Manhattan'

Parameters (replaceOne)

Name Type Mandatory Note Description
selector Map<String, Object> or SelectorBuilder ✔️ Specifies selection criteria using query operators.
update Map<String, Object> or ModifierBuilder or List<Map<String, Object>> ✔️ The aggregation pipeline is available starting from ver. 4.2 The modifications to apply. Can be one of the following: Update document or Aggregation pipeline
upsert bool If set to true, creates a new document when no document matches the query criteria. The default value is false, which does not insert a new document when no match is found.
writeConcern WriteConcern A document expressing the write concern. Omit to use the default write concern.
collation CollationOptions Specifies the collation to use for the operation. Collation allows users to specify language-specific rules for string comparison, such as rules for lettercase and accent marks.
hint String Starting from 4.4 A string that specifies the index (name) to use to support the query predicate. If you specify an index that does not exist, the operation errors.
hintDocument Map<String, Object> Starting from 4.4 A Map that specifies the index to use to support the query predicate. It is an alternative way to the hint parameter. If both are specified, the index name is used.


  • The method returns a WriteResult Object that contains informations on the execution of the operation
  • The method return a Future, so you will need to await for the method (or use .then())

Output (replaceOne)

Returns a WriteResult object.


Updates all documents that match the specified filter for a collection, using the update criteria to apply modifications.

Access Control (updateMany)

On deployments running with authorization, the user must have access that includes the following privileges:

  • update action on the specified collection(s).
  • find action on the specified collection(s).
  • insert action on the specified collection(s) if the operation results in an upsert.

The built-in role readWrite provides the required privileges.

Upsert (updateMany)

If upsert: true and no documents match the filter, updateMany() creates a new document based on the filter criteria and update parametera. See Update Multiple Documents with Upsert.

Capped Collections (updateMany)

If an update operation changes the document size, the operation will fail.

Sharded Collections (updateMany)

For a updateMany() operation that includes upsert: true and is on a sharded collection, you must include the full shard key in the filter.

var res = await collection.updateOne(where.eq('member', 'abc123'), ModifierBuilder().inc('points', 1));

Parameters (updateMany)

Name Type Mandatory Note Description
selector Map<String, Object> or SelectorBuilder ✔️ Specifies selection criteria using query operators.
update Map<String, Object> or ModifierBuilder or List<Map<String, Object>> ✔️ The aggregation pipeline is available starting from ver. 4.2 The modifications to apply. Can be one of the following: Update document or Aggregation pipeline
upsert bool When true, updateMany() either: Creates a new document if no documents match the filter. For more details see upsert behavior or Updates documents that match the filter. To avoid multiple upserts, ensure that the filter fields are uniquely indexed. Defaults to false.
writeConcern WriteConcern A document expressing the write concern. Omit to use the default write concern.
collation CollationOptions Specifies the collation to use for the operation. Collation allows users to specify language-specific rules for string comparison, such as rules for lettercase and accent marks.
arrayFilters Map An array of filter documents that determine which array elements to modify for an update operation on an array field. See Specify arrayFilters for Array Update Operations.
hint String Starting from 4.4 A string that specifies the index (name) to use to support the query predicate. If you specify an index that does not exist, the operation errors.
hintDocument Map<String, Object> Starting from 4.4 A Map that specifies the index (specification document) to use to support the query predicate. It is an alternative way to the hint parameter. If both are specified, the index name is used.

Example using Write Concern:

  var res = await collection.updateMany(
            where, ModifierBuilder().set('status', 'A').inc('points', 1),
            writeConcern: WriteConcern(w: 'majority', wtimeout: 5000));

Example using Aggregation Pipeline:

          var res = await collection.updateMany(
                    'status': 'Modified',
                    'comments': [r'$misc1', r'$misc2']
                  ..addStage(Unset(['misc1', 'misc2'])))

Example using Array Filters:

        var res = await collection.updateMany(where.gte('grades', 100),
            ModifierBuilder().set(r'grades.$[element]', 100),
            arrayFilters: [
                'element': {r'$gte': 100}


  • The method returns a WriteResult Object that contains informations on the execution of the operation
  • The method return a Future, so you will need to await for the method (or use .then())

Output (updateMany)

Returns a WriteResult object.