- 支持最新测试版 macOS Catalina 10.15 Beta (19A471t)
- 集成显卡已驱动
- 集成声卡已驱动
- 支持有线网络连接
- 支持休眠
- 修改GFX0至IGPU驱动HD530,省去一系列麻烦
- 解决HID legacy shim2处卡住 AppleUSBHostResources 禁行/禁止 花屏无法启动问题
- 更新Clover与Kext版本支持macOS Catalina
Clover for DELL OptiPlex 7040 with Skylake CPU & GPU
Only fix the Graphics by Bios hack, Ethernet, USB, and sound card with AppleALC, but, is enough! Less is more.
Test with DELL OptiPlex 7040 which using i7-6700, Intel HD Graphics 530, Intel I219LM2 Ethernet, macOS 10.14.
I extract the BIOS.rom by AMI Flasher utility.
I unlock the MSR 0xE2 from here. [https://github.com/acidanthera/AptioFixPkg]>
I modity the DVMT to 96MB by [https://www.firewolf.science/2015/04/guide-intel-hd-graphics-5500-on-os-x-yosemite-10-10-3/]
For OptiPlex 7040 the CFG lock address is 0xAF, so "setup_var 0xAF 0x0" to Disable CFG lock(MSR 0xE2)
DVMT Pre-Allocated address is 0x350, so "setup_var 0x350 0x3" to set 96MB 中文教程
Note: the DVMT & CFG lock fixup will lose after set BOIS to factory default!
If you don't want to fix the BIOS, you can just using the WhateverGreen hotpatch by just using CLOVER, see this branch >>>[https://github.com/irelandKen/DELL-OptiPlex-7040-Clover/tree/macOS_10.14]