include-what-you-use (IWYU) is a
Clang-based tool that analyzes #include
s in a file and makes suggestions to
add or remove #include
s based on usage in the code. This has two key benefits:
- Removing unused
statements reduces work for the compiler. - Adding
statements for usage avoids a refactoring in a header file from breaking downstream implementation files due to accidental transitive usage.
Running IWYU is a bit tricky, so this how-to guide provides the steps for how to get it up and running on the Swift project for macOS. If you get IWYU working on a different platform and some steps need to be changed, please update this document with platform-specific steps.
- A built Swift project with exported compilation commands.
By default, compilation commands are generated in the file
. Check that this file is present before proceeding.- If this file is missing, try building with
. If you usebuild-script
to manage your builds, you can do this withswift/utils/build-script <other options> \ --extra-cmake-options='-DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILATION_COMMANDS=ON'
- If this file is missing, try building with
- Install
. It's not strictly necessary, but we will use it for some JSON munging.
The directory structure we will be using is
|--- build/
| |--- [BuildSystem]-[BuildVariant]/
| | |--- swift-[target]/
| | | |--- compile_commands.json
| | | `--- ...
| | |--- iwyu-[target]/
| | `--- ...
| `--- ...
|--- swift/
|--- iwyu/
| |--- src/
| |--- logs/
| `--- scripts/
`--- ...
As a running example, the description below uses [BuildSystem] = Ninja
[BuildVariant] = ReleaseAssert
and [target] = macosx-x86_64
Start with swift-project
as the working directory.
- Check out IWYU.
mkdir -p iwyu/src git clone iwyu/src
- Find out the version of the
built recently.This should say something likebuild/Ninja-ReleaseAssert/llvm-macosx-x86_64/bin/clang --version
clang version 10.0.0
or similar. - Based on the
version, make sure you check out the correct branch.git -C iwyu/src checkout clang_10
- Configure IWYU with CMake.
cmake -G Ninja \ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=build/Ninja-ReleaseAssert/llvm-macosx-x86_64 \ -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=14 \ -B build/Ninja-ReleaseAssert/iwyu-macosx-x86_64 \ iwyu/src
- Build IWYU
cmake --build build/Ninja-ReleaseAssert/iwyu-macosx-x86_64
- Create an extra symlink so IWYU can find necessary Clang headers:
ln -sF build/Ninja-ReleaseAssert/llvm-macosx-x86_64/lib build/Ninja-ReleaseAssert/iwyu-macosx-x86_64/lib
- Spot check IWYU for a basic C example.
You should see output like:
echo '#include <stdint.h>' > tmp.c ./bin/include-what-you-use tmp.c -E -o /dev/null \ -I "$(xcrun --show-sdk-path)/usr/include" rm tmp.c
tmp.c should add these lines: tmp.c should remove these lines: - #include <stdint.h> // lines 1-1 The full include-list for tmp.c: ---
- Spot check IWYU for a basic C++ example. Notice the extra C++-specific
include path.
You should see output like:
echo '#include <string>\n#include <cmath>' > tmp.cpp ./bin/include-what-you-use tmp.cpp -E -o /dev/null \ -I "$(clang++ -print-resource-dir)/../../../include/c++/v1" \ -I "$(xcrun --show-sdk-path)/usr/include" rm tmp.cpp
tmp.cpp should add these lines: tmp.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <cmath> // lines 2-2 - #include <string> // lines 1-1 The full include-list for tmp.cpp: ---
Create a directory, say
, and copy the following script there.#!/usr/bin/env bash # set -eu SWIFT_PROJECT_DIR="$HOME/swift-project" SWIFT_BUILD_DIR="$SWIFT_PROJECT_DIR/build/Ninja-ReleaseAssert/swift-macosx-x86_64" pushd "$SWIFT_BUILD_DIR" if [ -f original_compile_commands.json ]; then mv original_compile_commands.json compile_commands.json fi # HACK: The additional include path needs to be added before other include # paths, it doesn't seem to work if we add it at the end. # It is ok to rely on the presence of `-D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS` flag, since # it is added by the LLVM CMake configuration for all compilation commands. ( EXTRA_CXX_INCLUDE_DIR="$(clang++ -print-resource-dir)/../../../include/c++/v1"; cat compile_commands.json \ | jq '[.[] | select(.file | test("\\.mm" | "\\.m") | not) | {directory: .directory, command: (.command + " -Wno-everything -ferror-limit=1"), file: .file}]' \ | sed -e "s|-D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS |-D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -I $EXTRA_CXX_INCLUDE_DIR |" \ ) > filtered_compile_commands.json mv compile_commands.json original_compile_commands.json mv filtered_compile_commands.json compile_commands.json mkdir -p "$SWIFT_PROJECT_DIR/iwyu/logs" ( PATH="$SWIFT_PROJECT_DIR/iwyu/build/bin:$PATH"; \ "$SWIFT_PROJECT_DIR/iwyu/include-what-you-use/" -p "$SWIFT_BUILD_DIR" ) | tee "$SWIFT_PROJECT_DIR/iwyu/logs/suggestions.log" popd
We filter out Objective-C files because IWYU does not support Objective-C. If that step is missed, you might hit errors like: Assertion failed: TODO(csilvers): for objc and clang lang extensions
Update the
variables based on your project and build directories. -
Run the script.
chmod +x iwyu/scripts/ iwyu/scripts/
This will generate a log file under
. Note that IWYU might take several hours to run, depending on your system.
NOTE: The IWYU README suggests several different ways of running IWYU on a
CMake project, including using the CMAKE_CXX_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE
variables. At the time of writing, those did
not reliably work on macOS; suggestions were generated only for specific
subprojects (e.g. the stdlib) and not others (e.g. the compiler).
Using CMake variables also requires reconfiguring and rebuilding, which makes
debugging much more time-consuming.
While the above steps should work, in case you run into issues, you might find the following steps for debugging helpful.
If you see errors with <cmath>
, or similar system headers, one thing that might
be happening is that the include paths are in the wrong order. Try moving the
include paths for the corresponding header before/after all other include paths.
Instead of trying to make changes to the CMake configuration and recompiling
the whole project, first try working on individual compilation commands as
emitted in compile_commands.json
and see if IWYU works as expected.
For each command, try replacing the compiler with the include-what-you-use
binary or
(below) to see if the behavior is as expected.
You may need to manually add some include paths as in
Make sure you update paths in the script before it works.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
clang_path = "/usr/bin/clang"
clangxx_path = "/usr/bin/clang++"
project_dir = "/Users/username/swift-project/"
iwyu_bin_path = project_dir + "iwyu/build/bin/include-what-you-use"
log_dir = project_dir + "iwyu/logs/"
log_file = open(log_dir + "passthrough.log", "a+")
argv = sys.argv
def call_with_args(executable_path, args=argv):
new_argv = args[:]
new_argv[0] = executable_path
log_file.write("# about to run:\n{}\n#---\n".format(' '.join(new_argv)))
# HACK: Relies on the compilation commands generated by CMake being
# of the form:
# /path/to/compiler <other options> -c MyFile.ext
def try_using_iwyu(argv):
return (argv[-2] == "-c") and ("/swift/" in argv[-1])
# Flag for quickly switching between IWYU and Clang for iteration.
# Useful for checking behavior for different include path combinations.
if argv[1] == "--forward-to-clangxx":
call_with_args(clangxx_path, args=([argv[0]] + argv[2:]))
# Check that we are getting a compilation command.
if try_using_iwyu(argv):
_, ext = os.path.splitext(argv[-1])
if ext == ".m":
elif ext == ".mm":
elif ext in [".cxx", ".cc", ".cpp", ".c"]:
"# Got a strange file extension.\n{}\n#---\n".format(' '.join(argv)))
# got something else, just forward to clang/clang++
"# Not going to try using iwyu.\n{}\n#---\n".format(' '.join(argv)))
_, ext = os.path.splitext(argv[-1])
if ext == ".m" or ext == ".c":