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Odyssey UI-Client

The UI-Client is currently a web application allowing to explore Odyssey 3D Worlds with 3D and 2D user interfaces.

It is built with React and Typescript, using Web3 style sign-in, Mobx State Tree for the app state management and flow and websocket-based communication layer called posbus-client. The App and the plugins are using Module Federation (MF) in order to create more optimised builds and on-demand plugging in runtime

flowchart LR
    subgraph UI-Client
        3D -.- A
        2D -.- A
        A[APP state]
        3D[3D UI]
        2D[2D UI]
    A --> B(Blockchain)
    C --> B
    A -- REST + Websocket --> C(Backend Controller) --> DB[(DB)]

Project packages

It is a monorepo that contains the main application and several common libraries, the plugin SDK and several the plugins that we maintain. In future the plugins may be moved to their own repositories.

├── packages
│   ├── app                     # Main application
│   ├── core                    # Common reusable logic
│   ├── core3d                  # 3D World Interface based on babylon.js
│   ├── sdk                     # Plugins SDK
│   ├── ui-kit                  # ui-kit with Storybook
│   │
│   ├── plugin_google_drive     # Google Drive plugin
│   ├── plugin_miro             # Miro plugin
│   └── plugin_video            # Video plugin
└── ...

Packages connection schema

flowchart TD
    A --> 3D(core3d)
    3D --> B{{babylon.js}}
    A --> S(sdk)
    A[APP] --> C(core)
    A --> K(ui-kit)
    S --> K
    P --> S
    P --> K
    3D --> C
    P --> C
    A o--o |MF| P(PLUGINS)

How to run locally


We use Github Packages for storing some of the dependencies requiring Github Personal Access Token.

If you don't have one, create it on by pressing Generate new token (classic) with read:packages scope. Edit (or create if missing) ~/.npmrc on you local machine and add the following line there:


Now you should be able to install the dependencies and build the project.

git lfs install
yarn install
yarn build

1. How to run main app:

yarn start

2. How to run storybook:

yarn start:storybook

3. How to run odyssey 3d app:

yarn start:core3d

4. How to run plugin:

cd packages/plugin_[name]
yarn start

or for using an emulator:

cd packages/plugin_[name]
yarn start:plugin

How to build

1. How to build main app:

yarn build

2. How to build storybook:

yarn build:storybook

3. How to build odyssey 3d app:

yarn build:core3d

4. How to build plugin:

cd packages/plugin_[name]
yarn build


Code quality

  • Enable prettier using IDE preferences. Apple rules in .prettierrc.
  • Enable eslint using IDE preferences.
  • Enable husky using yarn run postinstall.

How to add an icon

  • Copy an icon to ui-kit/src/assets/icons folder
  • Change value of fill tag to currentColor
  • Run following scripts:
cd packages/ui-kit
yarn svg-sprite:build
yarn svg-sprite:type
yarn build
  1. Add this icon to the StoryBook

Local config

For the app

It's possible to override variables of AppConfig received from the dev server.

  • Create file .env.development.local

For a plugin

It's possible to assign a locally running plugin to some object in 3D for testing.

  • Create file .env.development.local
  • Use yarn start:plugin command

Another option is uncommenting some of the lines in packages/app/src/stores/UniverseStore/models/ObjectStore/ObjectStore.ts defining localPlugins variable.

Here bda25d5d-2aab-45b4-9e8a-23579514cec1 is the asset2dId of the plugin - defined in packages/app/src/core/enums/basicAsset2dId.enum.ts.