Welcome to the 2019 Mochi Boot Camp!
Please see the agenda for the latest updates.
- 9am to 5pm each day
- Tuesday Sept. 24 through Thursday Sept. 26
- Building 202, room B169
- See https://www.anl.gov/sites/www/files/2018-10/ANL_map_of_argonne_10182018.pdf
- Note that this is not the TCS building (the home building for our department, if you have visited before)
- Visitors must enter through the north gate
- Note that there is a road closure due to construction, so you may need to take a slightly longer route depending on whether you are coming from the north gate or from the guest house
Feel free to post on [email protected] if you would like; all attendees and instructors are members We have also created a public Slack space for Mochi, which includes a channel specific to next week's bootcamp. Please join if you would like to communicate with us or other Mochi users via Slack! https://join.slack.com/t/mochi-sds/shared_invite/enQtNzYyMTExNjQyMTE4LTc1ZTkxYzVmNTFkZTZjMjM4MmFjNmE3NDM2ZDZmOTI3ZjljOGI1YTNlZjE5Y2JiYWQ1M2FlNDgyMTJkYzhhNjU
Coffee/beverage/snack service will be available when the meeting starts and will be refreshed in the afternoon. For lunch we will probably walk to the on-site cafeteria, which has a variety of food options
We will be using systems in the Joint Laboratory for System Evaluation (JLSE) at ANL for all boot camp experiments. You can find documentation for logging into the JLSE environment and running code there as part of Session 2: Hands-on.
Note that you can clone this repository to get a copy of slides, reference
materials, etc. contained within it. Doing git clone --recurse-submodules https://xgitlab.cels.anl.gov/sds/mochi-boot-camp.git
will also give you the documentation for Margo, Thallium, Mercury, and ABT-IO, in the mochi-doc
folder. This documentation
also contains source code for all the examples.