title | abstract | openreview | software | section | layout | series | publisher | issn | id | month | tex_title | firstpage | lastpage | page | order | cycles | bibtex_author | author | date | address | container-title | volume | genre | issued | extras | |||||||||||||||||||||
Towards Scalable Bayesian Transformers: Investigating stochastic subset selection for NLP |
Bayesian deep learning provides a framework for quantifying uncertainty. However, the scale of modern neural networks applied in Natural Language Processing (NLP) limits the usability of Bayesian methods. Subnetwork inference aims to approximate the posterior by selecting a stochastic parameter subset for inference, thereby allowing scalable posterior approximations. Determining the optimal parameter space for subnetwork inference is far from trivial. In this paper, we study partially stochastic Bayesian neural networks in the context of transformer models for NLP tasks for the Laplace approximation (LA) and Stochastic weight averaging - Gaussian (SWAG). We propose heuristics for selecting which layers to include in the stochastic subset. We show that norm-based selection is promising for small subsets, and random selection is superior for larger subsets. Moreover, we propose Sparse-KFAC (S-KFAC), an extension of KFAC LA, which selects dense stochastic substructures of linear layers based on parameter magnitudes. S-KFAC retains performance while requiring substantially fewer stochastic parameters and, therefore, drastically limits memory footprint. |
ba3McobvmG |
Papers |
inproceedings |
Proceedings of Machine Learning Research |
2640-3498 |
kampen24a |
0 |
Towards Scalable Bayesian Transformers: Investigating stochastic subset selection for NLP |
1842 |
1862 |
1842-1862 |
1842 |
false |
Kampen, Peter Johannes Tejlgaard and Als, Gustav Ragnar Stoettrup and Andersen, Michael Riis |
2024-09-12 |
Proceedings of the Fortieth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence |
244 |
inproceedings |