Releases: mki1967/mki3dgame
version 1.7
version 1.6
updated release with metainfo
release with metainfo
version 1.3
The release v1.3 has been prepared for making AppImage according to
There is an AppImage file 'mki3dgame-x86_64.AppImage' attached to this release, that should be executable on many Linux x86_64-bit systems.
See instructions on how to download and execute such files.
You may try to add your own designs in 'assets' sub-directory and create your own AppImage as explained in the file: 'appImage-instructions.txt'.
Version 1.2
This version of the game has an option of reloading next random stage (press key 'X').
Version 1.1
version 1.0
The first release of mki3dgame from
In mki3dgame, the stages and other shapes are designed with ,
so you can add your own designs made in your web-browser.