- Java JDK >= 1.7
- http://www.gradle.org Gradle >= 1.10
- Mercurial SCM client
- Clone the project with your mercurial client to your local iotsys-dir
- Check your environment variables for Java and Gradle and verify the version
- iotsys-dir# gradle clean
- iotsys-dir# gradle compileJava
- iotsys-dir# gradle eclipse
- optional: modify iotsys-gateway/config/devices.xml (Standard config has only virtual devices)
- Run at.ac.tuwien.auto.iotsys.gateway.IoTSySGateway in iotsys-gateway
- iotsys-dir# gradle setupFelix
- optional: iotsys-dir# gradle clearOsgiCache
- iotsys-dir# gradle deployOsgi
- iotsys-dir/felix-framework-4.2.0/# java -jar bin/felix.jar
- http://localhost:8080/obix see HTTP interaction
- http://localhost:8080/ see oBeliX HTML5 client
- coap://localhost/.well-known/core see CoAP interaction
- http://localhost:8080/soap?wsdl