- parallel-coordinates
- theming improve theming (0040bb38)
- umd git ignore umd builds (58f03a59)
- website upgrade nivo packages (47a5f8a7)
- bullet interpolate colors (96ad5f64)
- build add missing externals in rollup config (e23182f2)
- bullet remove deprecated property titleWidth (0c8e8bbb)
- components fix components display name (84aa832d)
- line
- scales
- storybook improve components stories (d29d21f4)
- stream add info about stories (4f98124c)
- website
- colors fix colors due to d3 packages upgrade (a17d93bc)
- line add ability to specify grid X/Y values (b44c8543)
- radar add ability to customize label (03b3640b)
- waffle add ability to toggle datum by id (7f411dae)
- website
- core
- deps upgrade deps (3f4b4294)
- legends
- waffle
- website
- website fix legends guide (6828c33f)
- Makefile disable command priting for packages-build recipe (1046ee2c)
- calendar fix crash when no data is empty (5ac42141)
- eslint fix eslint for all packages (27bf8d0c)
- heatmap better handling of NaN values (02ef5577)
- core
- line add support for custom tooltip (39fad124)
- scatterplot remove unused min/max x/y (efbda0fb)
- website add option to showcase custom scatterplot tooltip (68b72a44)
- calendar
- pie
- website upgrade nivo packages (d6eefa30)
- sankey
- website upgrade nivo packages (cf62e33d)
- bar include TypeScript definition in package (0d221c74)
- heatmap include TypeScript definition in package (868620eb)
- pie
- radar add ability to define max value (880d7299)
- website upgrade nivo packages (8dadeead)
- waffle add waffle package (#202) (aceafc48)
- heatmap init TypeScript definitions (#198) (6c5432db)
- pie add TypeScript Definitions for Pie component (0def4c31)
- tooltips add support for custom tooltips for bubble charts and treemaps (#200) (092f3e0c)
- website
- bar improve custom tooltip support (5816555e)
- tooltips add support for configurable tooltips for bar charts and heat maps (#159) (82473c10)
- website upgrade nivo packages (8d8374a3)
- website upgrade nivo packages (66a7208c)
- lodash add missing deps & use scoped imports (f04660f2)
- generators use modules (9cec118c)
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- deps use yarn with lerna & add missing yarn.lock files (42675e47)
- legends add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- packages use rollup for packages build (f24cb08d)
- pie add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- react nivo now require react >= 16.2.0 < 17.0.0 (f64d3ef6)
- stack make line areas stack in front of each other visibly #152 (8ec91a66)
- tests centralize test command & dependencies (eda819ca)
- website improve chart tabs (2c2265f5)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- website fix website Stream example code (#188) (129572e6)
- chord
- composition init more granular approach to components (da5c6fbf)
- legends init SizeLegendSvg (22c186ad)
- line
- fix dot label color (330720ce)
- init tests & eslint for @nivo/line package (5bf09098)
- add support for empty values + custom x scale + stacking (4690cbc4)
- remove unused component (bfec8288)
- add LineChartCanvas component (be930613)
- rework stories (05ea88f7)
- add LineChartSvg component (42f1cfe3)
- restore ability to animate line & line area (d517c521)
- sankey init tests & eslint for @nivo/sankey package (b4428b1e)
- scales add support for time scale (28e8ebff)
- screenshots update packages screenshots (a39731c3)
- website
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- website fix website Stream example code (#188) (129572e6)
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- deps use yarn with lerna & add missing yarn.lock files (42675e47)
- legends add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- packages use rollup for packages build (f24cb08d)
- pie add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- react nivo now require react >= 16.2.0 < 17.0.0 (f64d3ef6)
- scatterplot
- stack make line areas stack in front of each other visibly #152 (8ec91a66)
- tests centralize test command & dependencies (eda819ca)
- website
- scatterplot add support for tooltips on ScatterPlotCanvas (fc01970b)
- chord fix broken imports (1021624a)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (39212ef4)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- examples
- legends init legends package (4063428b)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (8d53e13b)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- scatterplot add scatterplot package (ff7610c6)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (79395355)
- website
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (09b0a2a9)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (3a547223)
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (daeb4d4c)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (3c5f0fdb)
- legends init legends package (56c5f99c)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b6a45955)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (d22faa6e)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (9a10a459)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (415ac596)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (feccf224)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (b0421f5c)
- website
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (9708b531)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (3cfe7ec1)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (7092fbeb)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (c359a21b)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (e37eb388)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (66c475ae)
- website upgrade @nivo packages (65694f8d)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (2ff2aeb3)
- legends init legends package (c27aae45)
- line add support for legends on Line component (d53614f8)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (eec6ac5c)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- readme fix misleading installation instructions (0a5120f7)
- split
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- chord
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- demo
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- examples
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (e65976d8)
- legends init legends package (4063428b)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (7467315c)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (8d53e13b)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- scatterplot
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (79395355)
- tests restored existing tests (e4cf806f)
- website
- split add missing deps (0c222f70)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (fa47e01e)
- split add missing deps (dd9676bd)
- split add missing dep react-motion (74e0bf54)
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (a055d0e5)
- code style add prettier formatting (2f9a29b2)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (36e87edb)
- tests restored existing tests (dc2b08bc)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (fa47e01e)
- demo
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (5c815ccc)
- website rename demo to website (14a375c1)
- split
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (7fbc5951)
- split init multi packages (2e78776d)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- split
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- demo
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (e65976d8)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (7467315c)
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- tests restored existing tests (e4cf806f)
- website
- calendar
- line
- tooltip prop to format values in tooltip was added (#69) (0dfafff5)
- voronoi improve voronoi (#93) (e1ae81a8)
- bar getLabel is defined twice (#76) (4cfd3a11)
- axes add onClick handler to axis ticks (#60) (0c9efe4b)
- interactivity add onClick support for Sankey (#75) (a547917c)
- pie add ability to use default dataset order (#79) (f4a261d3)
- react update required react version (4b4865fc)
- sankey
- axis add support for custom tick values/count (#58) (bd789728)
- bubble improve bubble components (0779f335)
- treemap remove placeholders and improve svg & html flavors (ff3734da)
- window use global.window instead of window for node env (bf1e6202)
- bar add support for border on Bar component (7f5ac7ce)
- bubble add canvas support for bubble chart (8db9a136)
- chord add ability to customize chord borders color (bee8de33)
- defs init support for svg gradients/patterns (cd4c1663)
- line add ability to customize line width (8cb88477)
- stream add border suppport (5eabc451)
- bubble fix bubble props export (37067061)
- interactivity add onClick support for Bar & Bubble (a73af167)
- tooltip fix tooltip offset with scroll (c320c23f)
- axis improve axis formatting support (69269a60)
- bar add ability to define bar chart min/max value (d9b9bdae)
- bubble fix bubble color transition (675c6689)
- sankey improve sankey interactivity (27a5ff54)
- chord add labels, stories and cavans variant for Chord component (281021bb)
- axes use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c8c693a3)
- chord improve Chord component (16af1340)
- heatmap add tooltip support for HeatMap (28077c58)
- axes use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c0de4732)
- heatmap
- canvas fix resizing when using canvas based components (0d41f563)
- canvas add support for HiDPI screens (26ebb9b7)
- bar add tooltip support for BarCanvas (946bb066)
- heatmap add tooltip support for HeatMapCanvas (db579a16)
- stream fix stream stacked tooltip (05fbcc9f)
- canvas add canvas support for bar & heatmap (94ad4d97)
- heatmap add HeatMap component (425afdaa)
- dots add ability to define custom dot symbol (da49e15f)
- generators update nivo-generators (ada44cf7)
- line add ability to define min/max Y value (2bd2554f)
- markers add support for markers on Line & Bar charts (e36a7a2b)
- sankey
- theming fix tooltip theming (9385dd67)
- treemap fix missing default props (887cfcde)
- bubble
- hierarchy add withHierarchy() HOC (99c2f789)
- labels use alignmentBaseline instead of approximative dy (10aa40fe)
- radar add support for tooltip on Radar component (acd9a4f9)
- treemap add support for tooltip on TreeMap components (755783d8)
- tooltip add support for tooltip theming (72f2f751)
- bar add support for horizontal layout & change data format (29a4b350)
- axes add ability to rotate axes tick label (3921c2f1)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- axes
- improve tickValues support (58aeaab0)
- add onClick handler to axis ticks (#60) (0c9efe4b)
- use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c8c693a3)
- add ability to rotate axes tick label (3921c2f1)
- remove stale axes components & add proper props validation (7fc0e4de)
- add ability to disable axes transitions (bc1be6c7)
- add more options to AxisY component (98ac2f18)
- add AxisX component (91399e6b)
- axis
- bar
- add ability to define grid values (afd1ee30)
- include TypeScript definition in package (0d221c74)
- improve custom tooltip support (5816555e)
- add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- add support for border on Bar component (7f5ac7ce)
- improve bar components: (640debc7)
- add label format support for Bar (#45) (c5a63c95)
- add ability to define bar chart min/max value (d9b9bdae)
- add tooltip support for BarCanvas (946bb066)
- add support for horizontal layout & change data format (29a4b350)
- add ability to customize bar labels colors (0f63c077)
- add support for animation on Bar component (a099654c)
- update bar chart (05565ca8)
- bubble
- improve bubble components (0779f335)
- add canvas support for bubble chart (8db9a136)
- fix bubble color transition (675c6689)
- fix bubble tooltip id value (615b90e9)
- add Bubble stories (aba5c985)
- add zooming ability to Bubble components (a231c07b)
- add onBubbleClick property to BubbleD3 component (3b615080)
- add ability to center Bubble components text (fecbc22e)
- rename 'root' property to 'data' (49bffcd5)
- add border support for Bubble components (6e2f25e0)
- improve Bubble components (d0ea00b5)
- move Bubble legends in a dedicated component (08a7259c)
- move Bubble legends in a dedicated component (c54116d5)
- init Bubble component (0a8a3865)
- bullet
- calendar
- add ability to define custom tooltip (7a076bf3)
- add stories (d3b8951e)
- add ability to customize year/month legend (a43c7082)
- add TypeScript definitions (98106ab1)
- add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- add support for tooltip (149e664e)
- remove support for motion and align code with other charts (b9b47f75)
- add onDayClick property to Calendar components (ca947080)
- add ability to customize empty day color (644cc8e3)
- fix Calendar related tests (4f358136)
- add ability to colorize calendar components days (69d03562)
- add ability to toggle motion on Calendar component (d8062ed0)
- add test for Calendar component (31eb7203)
- port CalendarD3 features to Calendar (e11737db)
- update CalendarD3 test (4058b9f9)
- add legends offset properties to CalendarD3 component (cd94e38c)
- add month legend to CalendarD3 component (49a71306)
- add test for CalendarD3 component (d9720021)
- add year legends to Calendar component (1ef5b5e6)
- proper spacing between Calendar years (96f9cf23)
- fix Calendar month path position (88d2e81c)
- add CalendarCanvas to readme (d451f365)
- add experimental CalendarCanvas component (28e6e233)
- init support for multiple years (1bbb2b07)
- add pure React based Calendar component (a0473e42)
- add support for day spacing (2acc80b1)
- add support for adaptive cell size on Calendar component (9e4e8bb2)
- add ability to switch direction on Calendar component (5160b435)
- add transition staggering for days (53cef593)
- init Calendar component (163a4902)
- canvas
- chord
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- colors
- improve withColors HOC (9e6af9b4)
- use nivo default colors id instead of value (2a5b0757)
- improve colors generator (8e723f13)
- default to given value for getColorGenerator() (39542527)
- add defautl nivo categorical colors (b8b8992f)
- add defautl nivo categorical colors (4c5f7082)
- add colors config for Pie/Stack/TreeMap components (584ff47c)
- add utility to generate color range from config (657d8cc3)
- improve colors config (330356a6)
- add smart declarative color management (c4fb5330)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- components fix components display name (84aa832d)
- container add ability to disable interactivity (73a33f92)
- core
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- defs init support for svg gradients/patterns (cd4c1663)
- demo
- deps
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- dots add ability to define custom dot symbol (da49e15f)
- examples
- generators
- heatmap
- include TypeScript definition in package (868620eb)
- init TypeScript definitions (#198) (6c5432db)
- add support for onClick event (52d077c7)
- add tooltip support for HeatMap (28077c58)
- add hover behavior on HeatMapCanvas (37974a91)
- add tooltip support for HeatMapCanvas (db579a16)
- add HeatMap component (425afdaa)
- hierarchy add withHierarchy() HOC (99c2f789)
- interactivity
- labels use alignmentBaseline instead of approximative dy (10aa40fe)
- legends
- add support for both color and fill (4cb33e25)
- add documentation for custom symbol shape (7adc8381)
- add test for custom symbol shape support (50b2d39c)
- add support for custom symbol shape (7419c912)
- add support for basic interactivity (527b1fa7)
- add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- init legends package (4063428b)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- line
- fix line slices for time scales (82e03d3a)
- compute slices from scales package (31c06c0f)
- add story about negative values highlight (b425e35f)
- init linear & time scale support (3bce793a)
- add ability to specify grid X/Y values (b44c8543)
- add support for custom tooltip (39fad124)
- add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- fix wrong prop type (df4ac4ea)
- new prop enableArea was added to Line chart (#82) (6958db18)
- part of a line with missing data was hidden (#81) (60e47746)
- add ability to customize line width (8cb88477)
- add ability to define min/max Y value (2bd2554f)
- restrict allowed curve interpolators (7c332acd)
- avoid re-rendering tooltip on mouse move for line chart (1b0d5052)
- add ability to disable stack tooltip on line chart (732d1704)
- add support for tooltip on line component (ccdb2e67)
- add ability to animate line chart lines (1918772f)
- improve Line component (63ee809f)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- markers
- packages
- parallel-coordinates
- pie
- adjust website & docs (8f22f893)
- improve pie components (eb14f0cb)
- cleanup website PieCanvas demo (31ef9e53)
- init support for start/end angle + PieCanvas (52f6a9e1)
- add support for custom tooltip (d3734428)
- include TypeScript definition in package (04fc931e)
- add TypeScript Definitions for Pie component (0def4c31)
- add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- add ability to use default dataset order (#79) (f4a261d3)
- add pie stories (a123c899)
- ad ability to skip label if slice angle is lower than given value (c0aecaa2)
- restore Pie chart (7eb85964)
- update Pie component css classes (d1042d8f)
- animate pi column legends (1580b16c)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar
- react
- readial-stack add RadialStack component (3fbebe52)
- sankey
- add TypeScript definitions (c2a9d38b)
- add gradient & blend mode support for links (27d56050)
- add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- Support complete configuration of the tooltips (#78) (f3aecf6c)
- Support configurable labels (#77) (5ac962b1)
- improve sankey interactivity (27a5ff54)
- improve Sankey diagram (aa5c8471)
- add support for label on Sankey diagram (b90de33a)
- add sankey diagram component (f358d2f9)
- scales
- scatterplot
- shapes add ability to define custom data accessors (17a555d3)
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- stack
- stack-filters
- stack-slicer split dot and line related properties (fad06c7a)
- storybook
- stream
- sunburst add Sunburst component (a8c872a9)
- tests
- theming
- tooltip
- tooltips
- treemap
- add TreeMapCanvas component (e12a1268)
- remove placeholders and improve svg & html flavors (ff3734da)
- add support for tooltip on TreeMap components (755783d8)
- get rid of data nesting when using animated treemap (507dcb64)
- add SVG based TreeMap (de08c6b6)
- fix TreeMapD3 nodes exit (9e02da4e)
- add TreeMap component (d88e328f)
- umd git ignore umd builds (58f03a59)
- voronoi improve voronoi (#93) (e1ae81a8)
- waffle
- website
- upgrade nivo packages (47a5f8a7)
- upgrade nivo packages (1c5fd5db)
- upgrade nivo packages (a88e50fd)
- change line demo data generation method (124028de)
- upgrade nivo packages (4aeed5d8)
- add component to list storybook stories (6b9ce02e)
- add Line legends control (91bac9ed)
- upgrade nivo packages (c0f12986)
- add ability to manage array of props (8f44ab94)
- upgrade nivo packages (4d819df6)
- add option to showcase custom scatterplot tooltip (68b72a44)
- upgrade nivo packages (d6eefa30)
- upgrade nivo packages (cf62e33d)
- upgrade nivo packages (8dadeead)
- fix treemap source code for treemap components (b97c07b8)
- restore scrol position when pathname changes (49b7ffca)
- use BrowserRouter instead of HashRouter (a360e444)
- upgrade nivo packages (69deaa17)
- upgrade nivo packages (5f416e9a)
- upgrade nivo packages (8d8374a3)
- upgrade nivo packages (66a7208c)
- improve chart tabs (2c2265f5)
- upgrade @nivo packages (71e1c4b0)
- upgrade @nivo packages (2da761d8)
- upgrade @nivo packages (4b60e426)
- upgrade @nivo packages (429bd5f0)
- upgrade website @nivo packages (81adc8d0)
- upgrade @nivo packages (697e8aa5)
- rename demo to website (dadc8f58)
- Makefile disable command priting for packages-build recipe (1046ee2c)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- bar
- bubble
- build add missing externals in rollup config (e23182f2)
- bullet remove deprecated property titleWidth (0c8e8bbb)
- calendar
- canvas fix resizing when using canvas based components (0d41f563)
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- color fix ColorUtils unit test (bd9e03d3)
- colors fix colors due to d3 packages upgrade (a17d93bc)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- eslint fix eslint for all packages (27bf8d0c)
- generators use modules (9cec118c)
- heatmap better handling of NaN values (02ef5577)
- ignores fix git ignore misconfiguration (41e278a7)
- line
- lodash add missing deps & use scoped imports (f04660f2)
- pie fix code formatting (1f9cf69e)
- react-dom use react-dom instead of react for DOM retrieval (c0940876)
- readme
- rename Remove trailing layout component (860c8e77)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- split
- stack fix broken Stack tests (6ef978c4)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- stream fix stream stacked tooltip (05fbcc9f)
- svg fix svg for server side rendering (ae77d432)
- tests add missing webpack package (9be90ace)
- tooltip fix tooltip offset with scroll (c320c23f)
- travis use specific browser on travis for browser testing (45d318ce)
- treemap fix missing default props (887cfcde)
- unit-tests fix broken unit tests (321ef10d)
- waffle remove self import from TypeScript def (867a545a)
- website
- window use global.window instead of window for node env (bf1e6202)
- build add missing externals in rollup config (e23182f2)
- bullet remove deprecated property titleWidth (0c8e8bbb)
- bullet interpolate colors (96ad5f64)
- components fix components display name (84aa832d)
- line
- scales
- storybook improve components stories (d29d21f4)
- stream add info about stories (4f98124c)
- website
- colors fix colors due to d3 packages upgrade (a17d93bc)
- line add ability to specify grid X/Y values (b44c8543)
- radar add ability to customize label (03b3640b)
- waffle add ability to toggle datum by id (7f411dae)
- website
- website fix legends guide (6828c33f)
- core
- deps upgrade deps (3f4b4294)
- legends
- waffle
- website
- core
- line add support for custom tooltip (39fad124)
- scatterplot remove unused min/max x/y (efbda0fb)
- website add option to showcase custom scatterplot tooltip (68b72a44)
- Makefile disable command priting for packages-build recipe (1046ee2c)
- calendar fix crash when no data is empty (5ac42141)
- eslint fix eslint for all packages (27bf8d0c)
- heatmap better handling of NaN values (02ef5577)
- calendar
- pie
- website upgrade nivo packages (d6eefa30)
- sankey
- website upgrade nivo packages (cf62e33d)
- bar include TypeScript definition in package (0d221c74)
- heatmap include TypeScript definition in package (868620eb)
- pie
- radar add ability to define max value (880d7299)
- website upgrade nivo packages (8dadeead)
- waffle add waffle package (#202) (aceafc48)
- heatmap init TypeScript definitions (#198) (6c5432db)
- pie add TypeScript Definitions for Pie component (0def4c31)
- tooltips add support for custom tooltips for bubble charts and treemaps (#200) (092f3e0c)
- website
- bar improve custom tooltip support (5816555e)
- tooltips add support for configurable tooltips for bar charts and heat maps (#159) (82473c10)
- website upgrade nivo packages (8d8374a3)
- lodash add missing deps & use scoped imports (f04660f2)
- website upgrade nivo packages (66a7208c)
- generators use modules (9cec118c)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- website fix website Stream example code (#188) (129572e6)
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- deps use yarn with lerna & add missing yarn.lock files (42675e47)
- legends add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- packages use rollup for packages build (f24cb08d)
- pie add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- react nivo now require react >= 16.2.0 < 17.0.0 (f64d3ef6)
- stack make line areas stack in front of each other visibly #152 (8ec91a66)
- tests centralize test command & dependencies (eda819ca)
- website improve chart tabs (2c2265f5)
- chord
- composition init more granular approach to components (da5c6fbf)
- legends init SizeLegendSvg (22c186ad)
- line
- fix dot label color (330720ce)
- init tests & eslint for @nivo/line package (5bf09098)
- add support for empty values + custom x scale + stacking (4690cbc4)
- remove unused component (bfec8288)
- add LineChartCanvas component (be930613)
- rework stories (05ea88f7)
- add LineChartSvg component (42f1cfe3)
- restore ability to animate line & line area (d517c521)
- sankey init tests & eslint for @nivo/sankey package (b4428b1e)
- scales add support for time scale (28e8ebff)
- screenshots update packages screenshots (a39731c3)
- website
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- website fix website Stream example code (#188) (129572e6)
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- deps use yarn with lerna & add missing yarn.lock files (42675e47)
- legends add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- packages use rollup for packages build (f24cb08d)
- pie add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- react nivo now require react >= 16.2.0 < 17.0.0 (f64d3ef6)
- scatterplot
- stack make line areas stack in front of each other visibly #152 (8ec91a66)
- tests centralize test command & dependencies (eda819ca)
- website
- scatterplot add support for tooltips on ScatterPlotCanvas (fc01970b)
- chord fix broken imports (1021624a)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (39212ef4)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- examples
- legends init legends package (4063428b)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (8d53e13b)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- scatterplot add scatterplot package (ff7610c6)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (79395355)
- website
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (09b0a2a9)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (3a547223)
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (daeb4d4c)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (3c5f0fdb)
- legends init legends package (56c5f99c)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b6a45955)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (d22faa6e)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (9a10a459)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (415ac596)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (feccf224)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (b0421f5c)
- website
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (9708b531)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (3cfe7ec1)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (7092fbeb)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (c359a21b)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (e37eb388)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (66c475ae)
- website upgrade @nivo packages (65694f8d)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (2ff2aeb3)
- legends init legends package (c27aae45)
- line add support for legends on Line component (d53614f8)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (eec6ac5c)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- chord
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- demo
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- examples
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (e65976d8)
- legends init legends package (4063428b)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (7467315c)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (8d53e13b)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- scatterplot
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (79395355)
- tests restored existing tests (e4cf806f)
- website
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- readme fix misleading installation instructions (0a5120f7)
- split
- split add missing deps (0c222f70)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (fa47e01e)
- split add missing deps (dd9676bd)
- split add missing dep react-motion (74e0bf54)
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (a055d0e5)
- code style add prettier formatting (2f9a29b2)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (36e87edb)
- tests restored existing tests (dc2b08bc)
- split
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (fa47e01e)
- demo
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (5c815ccc)
- website rename demo to website (14a375c1)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (7fbc5951)
- split init multi packages (2e78776d)
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- demo
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (e65976d8)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (7467315c)
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- tests restored existing tests (e4cf806f)
- website
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- split
- calendar
- line
- tooltip prop to format values in tooltip was added (#69) (0dfafff5)
- voronoi improve voronoi (#93) (e1ae81a8)
- bar getLabel is defined twice (#76) (4cfd3a11)
- axes add onClick handler to axis ticks (#60) (0c9efe4b)
- interactivity add onClick support for Sankey (#75) (a547917c)
- pie add ability to use default dataset order (#79) (f4a261d3)
- react update required react version (4b4865fc)
- sankey
- axis add support for custom tick values/count (#58) (bd789728)
- bubble improve bubble components (0779f335)
- treemap remove placeholders and improve svg & html flavors (ff3734da)
- window use global.window instead of window for node env (bf1e6202)
- bar add support for border on Bar component (7f5ac7ce)
- bubble add canvas support for bubble chart (8db9a136)
- chord add ability to customize chord borders color (bee8de33)
- defs init support for svg gradients/patterns (cd4c1663)
- line add ability to customize line width (8cb88477)
- stream add border suppport (5eabc451)
- bubble fix bubble props export (37067061)
- interactivity add onClick support for Bar & Bubble (a73af167)
- tooltip fix tooltip offset with scroll (c320c23f)
- axis improve axis formatting support (69269a60)
- bar add ability to define bar chart min/max value (d9b9bdae)
- bubble fix bubble color transition (675c6689)
- sankey improve sankey interactivity (27a5ff54)
- chord add labels, stories and cavans variant for Chord component (281021bb)
- axes use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c8c693a3)
- chord improve Chord component (16af1340)
- heatmap add tooltip support for HeatMap (28077c58)
- axes use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c0de4732)
- heatmap
- canvas fix resizing when using canvas based components (0d41f563)
- canvas add support for HiDPI screens (26ebb9b7)
- bar add tooltip support for BarCanvas (946bb066)
- heatmap add tooltip support for HeatMapCanvas (db579a16)
- stream fix stream stacked tooltip (05fbcc9f)
- canvas add canvas support for bar & heatmap (94ad4d97)
- heatmap add HeatMap component (425afdaa)
- dots add ability to define custom dot symbol (da49e15f)
- generators update nivo-generators (ada44cf7)
- line add ability to define min/max Y value (2bd2554f)
- markers add support for markers on Line & Bar charts (e36a7a2b)
- sankey
- theming fix tooltip theming (9385dd67)
- treemap fix missing default props (887cfcde)
- bubble
- hierarchy add withHierarchy() HOC (99c2f789)
- labels use alignmentBaseline instead of approximative dy (10aa40fe)
- radar add support for tooltip on Radar component (acd9a4f9)
- treemap add support for tooltip on TreeMap components (755783d8)
- tooltip add support for tooltip theming (72f2f751)
- bar add support for horizontal layout & change data format (29a4b350)
- axes add ability to rotate axes tick label (3921c2f1)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- axes
- improve tickValues support (58aeaab0)
- add onClick handler to axis ticks (#60) (0c9efe4b)
- use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c8c693a3)
- add ability to rotate axes tick label (3921c2f1)
- remove stale axes components & add proper props validation (7fc0e4de)
- add ability to disable axes transitions (bc1be6c7)
- add more options to AxisY component (98ac2f18)
- add AxisX component (91399e6b)
- axis
- bar
- add ability to define grid values (afd1ee30)
- include TypeScript definition in package (0d221c74)
- improve custom tooltip support (5816555e)
- add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- add support for border on Bar component (7f5ac7ce)
- improve bar components: (640debc7)
- add label format support for Bar (#45) (c5a63c95)
- add ability to define bar chart min/max value (d9b9bdae)
- add tooltip support for BarCanvas (946bb066)
- add support for horizontal layout & change data format (29a4b350)
- add ability to customize bar labels colors (0f63c077)
- add support for animation on Bar component (a099654c)
- update bar chart (05565ca8)
- bubble
- improve bubble components (0779f335)
- add canvas support for bubble chart (8db9a136)
- fix bubble color transition (675c6689)
- fix bubble tooltip id value (615b90e9)
- add Bubble stories (aba5c985)
- add zooming ability to Bubble components (a231c07b)
- add onBubbleClick property to BubbleD3 component (3b615080)
- add ability to center Bubble components text (fecbc22e)
- rename 'root' property to 'data' (49bffcd5)
- add border support for Bubble components (6e2f25e0)
- improve Bubble components (d0ea00b5)
- move Bubble legends in a dedicated component (08a7259c)
- move Bubble legends in a dedicated component (c54116d5)
- init Bubble component (0a8a3865)
- bullet
- calendar
- add ability to define custom tooltip (7a076bf3)
- add stories (d3b8951e)
- add ability to customize year/month legend (a43c7082)
- add TypeScript definitions (98106ab1)
- add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- add support for tooltip (149e664e)
- remove support for motion and align code with other charts (b9b47f75)
- add onDayClick property to Calendar components (ca947080)
- add ability to customize empty day color (644cc8e3)
- fix Calendar related tests (4f358136)
- add ability to colorize calendar components days (69d03562)
- add ability to toggle motion on Calendar component (d8062ed0)
- add test for Calendar component (31eb7203)
- port CalendarD3 features to Calendar (e11737db)
- update CalendarD3 test (4058b9f9)
- add legends offset properties to CalendarD3 component (cd94e38c)
- add month legend to CalendarD3 component (49a71306)
- add test for CalendarD3 component (d9720021)
- add year legends to Calendar component (1ef5b5e6)
- proper spacing between Calendar years (96f9cf23)
- fix Calendar month path position (88d2e81c)
- add CalendarCanvas to readme (d451f365)
- add experimental CalendarCanvas component (28e6e233)
- init support for multiple years (1bbb2b07)
- add pure React based Calendar component (a0473e42)
- add support for day spacing (2acc80b1)
- add support for adaptive cell size on Calendar component (9e4e8bb2)
- add ability to switch direction on Calendar component (5160b435)
- add transition staggering for days (53cef593)
- init Calendar component (163a4902)
- canvas
- chord
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- colors
- improve withColors HOC (9e6af9b4)
- use nivo default colors id instead of value (2a5b0757)
- improve colors generator (8e723f13)
- default to given value for getColorGenerator() (39542527)
- add defautl nivo categorical colors (b8b8992f)
- add defautl nivo categorical colors (4c5f7082)
- add colors config for Pie/Stack/TreeMap components (584ff47c)
- add utility to generate color range from config (657d8cc3)
- improve colors config (330356a6)
- add smart declarative color management (c4fb5330)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- components fix components display name (84aa832d)
- container add ability to disable interactivity (73a33f92)
- core
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- defs init support for svg gradients/patterns (cd4c1663)
- demo
- deps
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- dots add ability to define custom dot symbol (da49e15f)
- examples
- generators
- heatmap
- include TypeScript definition in package (868620eb)
- init TypeScript definitions (#198) (6c5432db)
- add support for onClick event (52d077c7)
- add tooltip support for HeatMap (28077c58)
- add hover behavior on HeatMapCanvas (37974a91)
- add tooltip support for HeatMapCanvas (db579a16)
- add HeatMap component (425afdaa)
- hierarchy add withHierarchy() HOC (99c2f789)
- interactivity
- labels use alignmentBaseline instead of approximative dy (10aa40fe)
- legends
- add support for both color and fill (4cb33e25)
- add documentation for custom symbol shape (7adc8381)
- add test for custom symbol shape support (50b2d39c)
- add support for custom symbol shape (7419c912)
- add support for basic interactivity (527b1fa7)
- add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- init legends package (4063428b)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- line
- fix line slices for time scales (82e03d3a)
- compute slices from scales package (31c06c0f)
- add story about negative values highlight (b425e35f)
- init linear & time scale support (3bce793a)
- add ability to specify grid X/Y values (b44c8543)
- add support for custom tooltip (39fad124)
- add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- fix wrong prop type (df4ac4ea)
- new prop enableArea was added to Line chart (#82) (6958db18)
- part of a line with missing data was hidden (#81) (60e47746)
- add ability to customize line width (8cb88477)
- add ability to define min/max Y value (2bd2554f)
- restrict allowed curve interpolators (7c332acd)
- avoid re-rendering tooltip on mouse move for line chart (1b0d5052)
- add ability to disable stack tooltip on line chart (732d1704)
- add support for tooltip on line component (ccdb2e67)
- add ability to animate line chart lines (1918772f)
- improve Line component (63ee809f)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- markers
- packages
- pie
- adjust website & docs (8f22f893)
- improve pie components (eb14f0cb)
- cleanup website PieCanvas demo (31ef9e53)
- init support for start/end angle + PieCanvas (52f6a9e1)
- add support for custom tooltip (d3734428)
- include TypeScript definition in package (04fc931e)
- add TypeScript Definitions for Pie component (0def4c31)
- add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- add ability to use default dataset order (#79) (f4a261d3)
- add pie stories (a123c899)
- ad ability to skip label if slice angle is lower than given value (c0aecaa2)
- restore Pie chart (7eb85964)
- update Pie component css classes (d1042d8f)
- animate pi column legends (1580b16c)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar
- react
- readial-stack add RadialStack component (3fbebe52)
- sankey
- add TypeScript definitions (c2a9d38b)
- add gradient & blend mode support for links (27d56050)
- add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- Support complete configuration of the tooltips (#78) (f3aecf6c)
- Support configurable labels (#77) (5ac962b1)
- improve sankey interactivity (27a5ff54)
- improve Sankey diagram (aa5c8471)
- add support for label on Sankey diagram (b90de33a)
- add sankey diagram component (f358d2f9)
- scales
- scatterplot
- shapes add ability to define custom data accessors (17a555d3)
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- stack
- stack-filters
- stack-slicer split dot and line related properties (fad06c7a)
- storybook
- stream
- sunburst add Sunburst component (a8c872a9)
- tests
- theming
- tooltip
- tooltips
- treemap
- add TreeMapCanvas component (e12a1268)
- remove placeholders and improve svg & html flavors (ff3734da)
- add support for tooltip on TreeMap components (755783d8)
- get rid of data nesting when using animated treemap (507dcb64)
- add SVG based TreeMap (de08c6b6)
- fix TreeMapD3 nodes exit (9e02da4e)
- add TreeMap component (d88e328f)
- voronoi improve voronoi (#93) (e1ae81a8)
- waffle
- website
- upgrade nivo packages (47a5f8a7)
- upgrade nivo packages (1c5fd5db)
- upgrade nivo packages (a88e50fd)
- change line demo data generation method (124028de)
- upgrade nivo packages (4aeed5d8)
- add component to list storybook stories (6b9ce02e)
- add Line legends control (91bac9ed)
- upgrade nivo packages (c0f12986)
- add ability to manage array of props (8f44ab94)
- upgrade nivo packages (4d819df6)
- add option to showcase custom scatterplot tooltip (68b72a44)
- upgrade nivo packages (d6eefa30)
- upgrade nivo packages (cf62e33d)
- upgrade nivo packages (8dadeead)
- fix treemap source code for treemap components (b97c07b8)
- restore scrol position when pathname changes (49b7ffca)
- use BrowserRouter instead of HashRouter (a360e444)
- upgrade nivo packages (69deaa17)
- upgrade nivo packages (5f416e9a)
- upgrade nivo packages (8d8374a3)
- upgrade nivo packages (66a7208c)
- improve chart tabs (2c2265f5)
- upgrade @nivo packages (71e1c4b0)
- upgrade @nivo packages (2da761d8)
- upgrade @nivo packages (4b60e426)
- upgrade @nivo packages (429bd5f0)
- upgrade website @nivo packages (81adc8d0)
- upgrade @nivo packages (697e8aa5)
- rename demo to website (dadc8f58)
- Makefile disable command priting for packages-build recipe (1046ee2c)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- bar
- bubble
- build add missing externals in rollup config (e23182f2)
- bullet remove deprecated property titleWidth (0c8e8bbb)
- calendar
- canvas fix resizing when using canvas based components (0d41f563)
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- color fix ColorUtils unit test (bd9e03d3)
- colors fix colors due to d3 packages upgrade (a17d93bc)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- eslint fix eslint for all packages (27bf8d0c)
- generators use modules (9cec118c)
- heatmap better handling of NaN values (02ef5577)
- ignores fix git ignore misconfiguration (41e278a7)
- line
- lodash add missing deps & use scoped imports (f04660f2)
- pie fix code formatting (1f9cf69e)
- react-dom use react-dom instead of react for DOM retrieval (c0940876)
- readme
- rename Remove trailing layout component (860c8e77)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- split
- stack fix broken Stack tests (6ef978c4)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- stream fix stream stacked tooltip (05fbcc9f)
- svg fix svg for server side rendering (ae77d432)
- tests add missing webpack package (9be90ace)
- tooltip fix tooltip offset with scroll (c320c23f)
- travis use specific browser on travis for browser testing (45d318ce)
- treemap fix missing default props (887cfcde)
- unit-tests fix broken unit tests (321ef10d)
- waffle remove self import from TypeScript def (867a545a)
- website
- window use global.window instead of window for node env (bf1e6202)
- components fix components display name (84aa832d)
- line
- scales
- storybook improve components stories (d29d21f4)
- stream add info about stories (4f98124c)
- website
- colors fix colors due to d3 packages upgrade (a17d93bc)
- line add ability to specify grid X/Y values (b44c8543)
- radar add ability to customize label (03b3640b)
- waffle add ability to toggle datum by id (7f411dae)
- website
- website fix legends guide (6828c33f)
- core
- deps upgrade deps (3f4b4294)
- legends
- waffle
- website
- Makefile disable command priting for packages-build recipe (1046ee2c)
- calendar fix crash when no data is empty (5ac42141)
- eslint fix eslint for all packages (27bf8d0c)
- heatmap better handling of NaN values (02ef5577)
- core
- line add support for custom tooltip (39fad124)
- scatterplot remove unused min/max x/y (efbda0fb)
- website add option to showcase custom scatterplot tooltip (68b72a44)
- calendar
- pie
- website upgrade nivo packages (d6eefa30)
- sankey
- website upgrade nivo packages (cf62e33d)
- bar include TypeScript definition in package (0d221c74)
- heatmap include TypeScript definition in package (868620eb)
- pie
- radar add ability to define max value (880d7299)
- website upgrade nivo packages (8dadeead)
- waffle add waffle package (#202) (aceafc48)
- heatmap init TypeScript definitions (#198) (6c5432db)
- pie add TypeScript Definitions for Pie component (0def4c31)
- tooltips add support for custom tooltips for bubble charts and treemaps (#200) (092f3e0c)
- website
- bar improve custom tooltip support (5816555e)
- tooltips add support for configurable tooltips for bar charts and heat maps (#159) (82473c10)
- website upgrade nivo packages (8d8374a3)
- lodash add missing deps & use scoped imports (f04660f2)
- website upgrade nivo packages (66a7208c)
- generators use modules (9cec118c)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- website fix website Stream example code (#188) (129572e6)
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- deps use yarn with lerna & add missing yarn.lock files (42675e47)
- legends add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- packages use rollup for packages build (f24cb08d)
- pie add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- react nivo now require react >= 16.2.0 < 17.0.0 (f64d3ef6)
- stack make line areas stack in front of each other visibly #152 (8ec91a66)
- tests centralize test command & dependencies (eda819ca)
- website improve chart tabs (2c2265f5)
- chord
- composition init more granular approach to components (da5c6fbf)
- legends init SizeLegendSvg (22c186ad)
- line
- fix dot label color (330720ce)
- init tests & eslint for @nivo/line package (5bf09098)
- add support for empty values + custom x scale + stacking (4690cbc4)
- remove unused component (bfec8288)
- add LineChartCanvas component (be930613)
- rework stories (05ea88f7)
- add LineChartSvg component (42f1cfe3)
- restore ability to animate line & line area (d517c521)
- sankey init tests & eslint for @nivo/sankey package (b4428b1e)
- scales add support for time scale (28e8ebff)
- screenshots update packages screenshots (a39731c3)
- website
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- website fix website Stream example code (#188) (129572e6)
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- deps use yarn with lerna & add missing yarn.lock files (42675e47)
- legends add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- packages use rollup for packages build (f24cb08d)
- pie add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- react nivo now require react >= 16.2.0 < 17.0.0 (f64d3ef6)
- scatterplot
- stack make line areas stack in front of each other visibly #152 (8ec91a66)
- tests centralize test command & dependencies (eda819ca)
- website
- scatterplot add support for tooltips on ScatterPlotCanvas (fc01970b)
- chord fix broken imports (1021624a)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (39212ef4)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- examples
- legends init legends package (4063428b)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (8d53e13b)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- scatterplot add scatterplot package (ff7610c6)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (79395355)
- website
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (09b0a2a9)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (3a547223)
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (daeb4d4c)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (3c5f0fdb)
- legends init legends package (56c5f99c)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b6a45955)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (d22faa6e)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (9a10a459)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (415ac596)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (feccf224)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (b0421f5c)
- website
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (9708b531)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (3cfe7ec1)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (7092fbeb)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (c359a21b)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (e37eb388)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (66c475ae)
- website upgrade @nivo packages (65694f8d)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (2ff2aeb3)
- legends init legends package (c27aae45)
- line add support for legends on Line component (d53614f8)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (eec6ac5c)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- chord
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- demo
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- examples
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (e65976d8)
- legends init legends package (4063428b)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (7467315c)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (8d53e13b)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- scatterplot
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (79395355)
- tests restored existing tests (e4cf806f)
- website
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- readme fix misleading installation instructions (0a5120f7)
- split
- split add missing deps (0c222f70)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (fa47e01e)
- split add missing deps (dd9676bd)
- split add missing dep react-motion (74e0bf54)
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (a055d0e5)
- code style add prettier formatting (2f9a29b2)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (36e87edb)
- tests restored existing tests (dc2b08bc)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (fa47e01e)
- demo
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (5c815ccc)
- website rename demo to website (14a375c1)
- split
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (7fbc5951)
- split init multi packages (2e78776d)
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- demo
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (e65976d8)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (7467315c)
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- tests restored existing tests (e4cf806f)
- website
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- split
- calendar
- line
- tooltip prop to format values in tooltip was added (#69) (0dfafff5)
- voronoi improve voronoi (#93) (e1ae81a8)
- bar getLabel is defined twice (#76) (4cfd3a11)
- axes add onClick handler to axis ticks (#60) (0c9efe4b)
- interactivity add onClick support for Sankey (#75) (a547917c)
- pie add ability to use default dataset order (#79) (f4a261d3)
- react update required react version (4b4865fc)
- sankey
- axis add support for custom tick values/count (#58) (bd789728)
- bubble improve bubble components (0779f335)
- treemap remove placeholders and improve svg & html flavors (ff3734da)
- window use global.window instead of window for node env (bf1e6202)
- bar add support for border on Bar component (7f5ac7ce)
- bubble add canvas support for bubble chart (8db9a136)
- chord add ability to customize chord borders color (bee8de33)
- defs init support for svg gradients/patterns (cd4c1663)
- line add ability to customize line width (8cb88477)
- stream add border suppport (5eabc451)
- bubble fix bubble props export (37067061)
- interactivity add onClick support for Bar & Bubble (a73af167)
- tooltip fix tooltip offset with scroll (c320c23f)
- axis improve axis formatting support (69269a60)
- bar add ability to define bar chart min/max value (d9b9bdae)
- bubble fix bubble color transition (675c6689)
- sankey improve sankey interactivity (27a5ff54)
- chord add labels, stories and cavans variant for Chord component (281021bb)
- axes use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c8c693a3)
- chord improve Chord component (16af1340)
- heatmap add tooltip support for HeatMap (28077c58)
- axes use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c0de4732)
- heatmap
- canvas fix resizing when using canvas based components (0d41f563)
- canvas add support for HiDPI screens (26ebb9b7)
- bar add tooltip support for BarCanvas (946bb066)
- heatmap add tooltip support for HeatMapCanvas (db579a16)
- canvas add canvas support for bar & heatmap (94ad4d97)
- stream fix stream stacked tooltip (05fbcc9f)
- heatmap add HeatMap component (425afdaa)
- dots add ability to define custom dot symbol (da49e15f)
- generators update nivo-generators (ada44cf7)
- line add ability to define min/max Y value (2bd2554f)
- markers add support for markers on Line & Bar charts (e36a7a2b)
- sankey
- theming fix tooltip theming (9385dd67)
- treemap fix missing default props (887cfcde)
- bubble
- hierarchy add withHierarchy() HOC (99c2f789)
- labels use alignmentBaseline instead of approximative dy (10aa40fe)
- radar add support for tooltip on Radar component (acd9a4f9)
- treemap add support for tooltip on TreeMap components (755783d8)
- tooltip add support for tooltip theming (72f2f751)
- bar add support for horizontal layout & change data format (29a4b350)
- axes add ability to rotate axes tick label (3921c2f1)
- Makefile disable command priting for packages-build recipe (1046ee2c)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- bar
- bubble
- build add missing externals in rollup config (e23182f2)
- calendar
- canvas fix resizing when using canvas based components (0d41f563)
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- color fix ColorUtils unit test (bd9e03d3)
- colors fix colors due to d3 packages upgrade (a17d93bc)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- eslint fix eslint for all packages (27bf8d0c)
- generators use modules (9cec118c)
- heatmap better handling of NaN values (02ef5577)
- ignores fix git ignore misconfiguration (41e278a7)
- line
- lodash add missing deps & use scoped imports (f04660f2)
- pie fix code formatting (1f9cf69e)
- react-dom use react-dom instead of react for DOM retrieval (c0940876)
- readme
- rename Remove trailing layout component (860c8e77)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- split
- stack fix broken Stack tests (6ef978c4)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- stream fix stream stacked tooltip (05fbcc9f)
- svg fix svg for server side rendering (ae77d432)
- tests add missing webpack package (9be90ace)
- tooltip fix tooltip offset with scroll (c320c23f)
- travis use specific browser on travis for browser testing (45d318ce)
- treemap fix missing default props (887cfcde)
- unit-tests fix broken unit tests (321ef10d)
- waffle remove self import from TypeScript def (867a545a)
- website
- window use global.window instead of window for node env (bf1e6202)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- axes
- improve tickValues support (58aeaab0)
- add onClick handler to axis ticks (#60) (0c9efe4b)
- use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c8c693a3)
- add ability to rotate axes tick label (3921c2f1)
- remove stale axes components & add proper props validation (7fc0e4de)
- add ability to disable axes transitions (bc1be6c7)
- add more options to AxisY component (98ac2f18)
- add AxisX component (91399e6b)
- axis
- bar
- add ability to define grid values (afd1ee30)
- include TypeScript definition in package (0d221c74)
- improve custom tooltip support (5816555e)
- add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- add support for border on Bar component (7f5ac7ce)
- improve bar components: (640debc7)
- add label format support for Bar (#45) (c5a63c95)
- add ability to define bar chart min/max value (d9b9bdae)
- add tooltip support for BarCanvas (946bb066)
- add support for horizontal layout & change data format (29a4b350)
- add ability to customize bar labels colors (0f63c077)
- add support for animation on Bar component (a099654c)
- update bar chart (05565ca8)
- bubble
- improve bubble components (0779f335)
- add canvas support for bubble chart (8db9a136)
- fix bubble color transition (675c6689)
- fix bubble tooltip id value (615b90e9)
- add Bubble stories (aba5c985)
- add zooming ability to Bubble components (a231c07b)
- add onBubbleClick property to BubbleD3 component (3b615080)
- add ability to center Bubble components text (fecbc22e)
- rename 'root' property to 'data' (49bffcd5)
- add border support for Bubble components (6e2f25e0)
- improve Bubble components (d0ea00b5)
- move Bubble legends in a dedicated component (08a7259c)
- move Bubble legends in a dedicated component (c54116d5)
- init Bubble component (0a8a3865)
- bullet
- calendar
- add ability to define custom tooltip (7a076bf3)
- add stories (d3b8951e)
- add ability to customize year/month legend (a43c7082)
- add TypeScript definitions (98106ab1)
- add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- add support for tooltip (149e664e)
- remove support for motion and align code with other charts (b9b47f75)
- add onDayClick property to Calendar components (ca947080)
- add ability to customize empty day color (644cc8e3)
- fix Calendar related tests (4f358136)
- add ability to colorize calendar components days (69d03562)
- add ability to toggle motion on Calendar component (d8062ed0)
- add test for Calendar component (31eb7203)
- port CalendarD3 features to Calendar (e11737db)
- update CalendarD3 test (4058b9f9)
- add legends offset properties to CalendarD3 component (cd94e38c)
- add month legend to CalendarD3 component (49a71306)
- add test for CalendarD3 component (d9720021)
- add year legends to Calendar component (1ef5b5e6)
- proper spacing between Calendar years (96f9cf23)
- fix Calendar month path position (88d2e81c)
- add CalendarCanvas to readme (d451f365)
- add experimental CalendarCanvas component (28e6e233)
- init support for multiple years (1bbb2b07)
- add pure React based Calendar component (a0473e42)
- add support for day spacing (2acc80b1)
- add support for adaptive cell size on Calendar component (9e4e8bb2)
- add ability to switch direction on Calendar component (5160b435)
- add transition staggering for days (53cef593)
- init Calendar component (163a4902)
- canvas
- chord
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- colors
- improve withColors HOC (9e6af9b4)
- use nivo default colors id instead of value (2a5b0757)
- improve colors generator (8e723f13)
- default to given value for getColorGenerator() (39542527)
- add defautl nivo categorical colors (b8b8992f)
- add defautl nivo categorical colors (4c5f7082)
- add colors config for Pie/Stack/TreeMap components (584ff47c)
- add utility to generate color range from config (657d8cc3)
- improve colors config (330356a6)
- add smart declarative color management (c4fb5330)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- components fix components display name (84aa832d)
- container add ability to disable interactivity (73a33f92)
- core
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- defs init support for svg gradients/patterns (cd4c1663)
- demo
- deps
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- dots add ability to define custom dot symbol (da49e15f)
- examples
- generators
- heatmap
- include TypeScript definition in package (868620eb)
- init TypeScript definitions (#198) (6c5432db)
- add support for onClick event (52d077c7)
- add tooltip support for HeatMap (28077c58)
- add hover behavior on HeatMapCanvas (37974a91)
- add tooltip support for HeatMapCanvas (db579a16)
- add HeatMap component (425afdaa)
- hierarchy add withHierarchy() HOC (99c2f789)
- interactivity
- labels use alignmentBaseline instead of approximative dy (10aa40fe)
- legends
- add support for both color and fill (4cb33e25)
- add documentation for custom symbol shape (7adc8381)
- add test for custom symbol shape support (50b2d39c)
- add support for custom symbol shape (7419c912)
- add support for basic interactivity (527b1fa7)
- add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- init legends package (4063428b)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- line
- fix line slices for time scales (82e03d3a)
- compute slices from scales package (31c06c0f)
- add story about negative values highlight (b425e35f)
- init linear & time scale support (3bce793a)
- add ability to specify grid X/Y values (b44c8543)
- add support for custom tooltip (39fad124)
- add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- fix wrong prop type (df4ac4ea)
- new prop enableArea was added to Line chart (#82) (6958db18)
- part of a line with missing data was hidden (#81) (60e47746)
- add ability to customize line width (8cb88477)
- add ability to define min/max Y value (2bd2554f)
- restrict allowed curve interpolators (7c332acd)
- avoid re-rendering tooltip on mouse move for line chart (1b0d5052)
- add ability to disable stack tooltip on line chart (732d1704)
- add support for tooltip on line component (ccdb2e67)
- add ability to animate line chart lines (1918772f)
- improve Line component (63ee809f)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- markers
- packages
- pie
- adjust website & docs (8f22f893)
- improve pie components (eb14f0cb)
- cleanup website PieCanvas demo (31ef9e53)
- init support for start/end angle + PieCanvas (52f6a9e1)
- add support for custom tooltip (d3734428)
- include TypeScript definition in package (04fc931e)
- add TypeScript Definitions for Pie component (0def4c31)
- add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- add ability to use default dataset order (#79) (f4a261d3)
- add pie stories (a123c899)
- ad ability to skip label if slice angle is lower than given value (c0aecaa2)
- restore Pie chart (7eb85964)
- update Pie component css classes (d1042d8f)
- animate pi column legends (1580b16c)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar
- react
- readial-stack add RadialStack component (3fbebe52)
- sankey
- add TypeScript definitions (c2a9d38b)
- add gradient & blend mode support for links (27d56050)
- add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- Support complete configuration of the tooltips (#78) (f3aecf6c)
- Support configurable labels (#77) (5ac962b1)
- improve sankey interactivity (27a5ff54)
- improve Sankey diagram (aa5c8471)
- add support for label on Sankey diagram (b90de33a)
- add sankey diagram component (f358d2f9)
- scales
- scatterplot
- shapes add ability to define custom data accessors (17a555d3)
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- stack
- stack-filters
- stack-slicer split dot and line related properties (fad06c7a)
- storybook
- stream
- sunburst add Sunburst component (a8c872a9)
- tests
- theming
- tooltip
- tooltips
- treemap
- add TreeMapCanvas component (e12a1268)
- remove placeholders and improve svg & html flavors (ff3734da)
- add support for tooltip on TreeMap components (755783d8)
- get rid of data nesting when using animated treemap (507dcb64)
- add SVG based TreeMap (de08c6b6)
- fix TreeMapD3 nodes exit (9e02da4e)
- add TreeMap component (d88e328f)
- voronoi improve voronoi (#93) (e1ae81a8)
- waffle
- website
- upgrade nivo packages (1c5fd5db)
- upgrade nivo packages (a88e50fd)
- change line demo data generation method (124028de)
- upgrade nivo packages (4aeed5d8)
- add component to list storybook stories (6b9ce02e)
- add Line legends control (91bac9ed)
- upgrade nivo packages (c0f12986)
- add ability to manage array of props (8f44ab94)
- upgrade nivo packages (4d819df6)
- add option to showcase custom scatterplot tooltip (68b72a44)
- upgrade nivo packages (d6eefa30)
- upgrade nivo packages (cf62e33d)
- upgrade nivo packages (8dadeead)
- fix treemap source code for treemap components (b97c07b8)
- restore scrol position when pathname changes (49b7ffca)
- use BrowserRouter instead of HashRouter (a360e444)
- upgrade nivo packages (69deaa17)
- upgrade nivo packages (5f416e9a)
- upgrade nivo packages (8d8374a3)
- upgrade nivo packages (66a7208c)
- improve chart tabs (2c2265f5)
- upgrade @nivo packages (71e1c4b0)
- upgrade @nivo packages (2da761d8)
- upgrade @nivo packages (4b60e426)
- upgrade @nivo packages (429bd5f0)
- upgrade website @nivo packages (81adc8d0)
- upgrade @nivo packages (697e8aa5)
- rename demo to website (dadc8f58)
- components fix components display name (84aa832d)
- line
- scales
- storybook improve components stories (d29d21f4)
- stream add info about stories (4f98124c)
- website
- colors fix colors due to d3 packages upgrade (a17d93bc)
- line add ability to specify grid X/Y values (b44c8543)
- radar add ability to customize label (03b3640b)
- waffle add ability to toggle datum by id (7f411dae)
- website
- core
- deps upgrade deps (3f4b4294)
- legends
- waffle
- website
- website fix legends guide (6828c33f)
- core
- line add support for custom tooltip (39fad124)
- scatterplot remove unused min/max x/y (efbda0fb)
- website add option to showcase custom scatterplot tooltip (68b72a44)
- Makefile disable command priting for packages-build recipe (1046ee2c)
- calendar fix crash when no data is empty (5ac42141)
- eslint fix eslint for all packages (27bf8d0c)
- heatmap better handling of NaN values (02ef5577)
- calendar
- pie
- website upgrade nivo packages (d6eefa30)
- sankey
- website upgrade nivo packages (cf62e33d)
- bar include TypeScript definition in package (0d221c74)
- heatmap include TypeScript definition in package (868620eb)
- pie
- radar add ability to define max value (880d7299)
- website upgrade nivo packages (8dadeead)
- waffle add waffle package (#202) (aceafc48)
- heatmap init TypeScript definitions (#198) (6c5432db)
- pie add TypeScript Definitions for Pie component (0def4c31)
- tooltips add support for custom tooltips for bubble charts and treemaps (#200) (092f3e0c)
- website
- bar improve custom tooltip support (5816555e)
- tooltips add support for configurable tooltips for bar charts and heat maps (#159) (82473c10)
- website upgrade nivo packages (8d8374a3)
- website upgrade nivo packages (66a7208c)
- lodash add missing deps & use scoped imports (f04660f2)
- generators use modules (9cec118c)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- website fix website Stream example code (#188) (129572e6)
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- deps use yarn with lerna & add missing yarn.lock files (42675e47)
- legends add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- packages use rollup for packages build (f24cb08d)
- pie add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- react nivo now require react >= 16.2.0 < 17.0.0 (f64d3ef6)
- stack make line areas stack in front of each other visibly #152 (8ec91a66)
- tests centralize test command & dependencies (eda819ca)
- website improve chart tabs (2c2265f5)
- chord
- composition init more granular approach to components (da5c6fbf)
- legends init SizeLegendSvg (22c186ad)
- line
- fix dot label color (330720ce)
- init tests & eslint for @nivo/line package (5bf09098)
- add support for empty values + custom x scale + stacking (4690cbc4)
- remove unused component (bfec8288)
- add LineChartCanvas component (be930613)
- rework stories (05ea88f7)
- add LineChartSvg component (42f1cfe3)
- restore ability to animate line & line area (d517c521)
- sankey init tests & eslint for @nivo/sankey package (b4428b1e)
- scales add support for time scale (28e8ebff)
- screenshots update packages screenshots (a39731c3)
- website
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- deps use yarn with lerna & add missing yarn.lock files (42675e47)
- legends add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- packages use rollup for packages build (f24cb08d)
- pie add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- react nivo now require react >= 16.2.0 < 17.0.0 (f64d3ef6)
- scatterplot
- stack make line areas stack in front of each other visibly #152 (8ec91a66)
- tests centralize test command & dependencies (eda819ca)
- website
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- website fix website Stream example code (#188) (129572e6)
- scatterplot add support for tooltips on ScatterPlotCanvas (fc01970b)
- chord fix broken imports (1021624a)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (39212ef4)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- examples
- legends init legends package (4063428b)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (8d53e13b)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- scatterplot add scatterplot package (ff7610c6)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (79395355)
- website
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (09b0a2a9)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (3a547223)
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (daeb4d4c)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (3c5f0fdb)
- legends init legends package (56c5f99c)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b6a45955)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (d22faa6e)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (9a10a459)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (415ac596)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (feccf224)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (b0421f5c)
- website
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (9708b531)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (3cfe7ec1)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (7092fbeb)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (c359a21b)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (e37eb388)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (66c475ae)
- website upgrade @nivo packages (65694f8d)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (2ff2aeb3)
- legends init legends package (c27aae45)
- line add support for legends on Line component (d53614f8)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (eec6ac5c)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- chord
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- demo
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- examples
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (e65976d8)
- legends init legends package (4063428b)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (7467315c)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (8d53e13b)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- scatterplot
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (79395355)
- tests restored existing tests (e4cf806f)
- website
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- readme fix misleading installation instructions (0a5120f7)
- split
- split add missing deps (0c222f70)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (fa47e01e)
- split add missing deps (dd9676bd)
- split add missing dep react-motion (74e0bf54)
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (a055d0e5)
- code style add prettier formatting (2f9a29b2)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (36e87edb)
- tests restored existing tests (dc2b08bc)
- split
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (fa47e01e)
- demo
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (5c815ccc)
- website rename demo to website (14a375c1)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (7fbc5951)
- split init multi packages (2e78776d)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- split
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- demo
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (e65976d8)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (7467315c)
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- tests restored existing tests (e4cf806f)
- website
- calendar
- line
- tooltip prop to format values in tooltip was added (#69) (0dfafff5)
- voronoi improve voronoi (#93) (e1ae81a8)
- bar getLabel is defined twice (#76) (4cfd3a11)
- axes add onClick handler to axis ticks (#60) (0c9efe4b)
- interactivity add onClick support for Sankey (#75) (a547917c)
- pie add ability to use default dataset order (#79) (f4a261d3)
- react update required react version (4b4865fc)
- sankey
- axis add support for custom tick values/count (#58) (bd789728)
- bubble improve bubble components (0779f335)
- treemap remove placeholders and improve svg & html flavors (ff3734da)
- window use global.window instead of window for node env (bf1e6202)
- bar add support for border on Bar component (7f5ac7ce)
- bubble add canvas support for bubble chart (8db9a136)
- chord add ability to customize chord borders color (bee8de33)
- defs init support for svg gradients/patterns (cd4c1663)
- line add ability to customize line width (8cb88477)
- stream add border suppport (5eabc451)
- bubble fix bubble props export (37067061)
- interactivity add onClick support for Bar & Bubble (a73af167)
- axis improve axis formatting support (69269a60)
- bar add ability to define bar chart min/max value (d9b9bdae)
- bubble fix bubble color transition (675c6689)
- sankey improve sankey interactivity (27a5ff54)
- tooltip fix tooltip offset with scroll (c320c23f)
- chord add labels, stories and cavans variant for Chord component (281021bb)
- axes use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c8c693a3)
- chord improve Chord component (16af1340)
- heatmap add tooltip support for HeatMap (28077c58)
- axes use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c0de4732)
- heatmap
- canvas fix resizing when using canvas based components (0d41f563)
- canvas add support for HiDPI screens (26ebb9b7)
- bar add tooltip support for BarCanvas (946bb066)
- heatmap add tooltip support for HeatMapCanvas (db579a16)
- stream fix stream stacked tooltip (05fbcc9f)
- canvas add canvas support for bar & heatmap (94ad4d97)
- heatmap add HeatMap component (425afdaa)
- dots add ability to define custom dot symbol (da49e15f)
- generators update nivo-generators (ada44cf7)
- line add ability to define min/max Y value (2bd2554f)
- markers add support for markers on Line & Bar charts (e36a7a2b)
- sankey
- theming fix tooltip theming (9385dd67)
- treemap fix missing default props (887cfcde)
- bubble
- hierarchy add withHierarchy() HOC (99c2f789)
- labels use alignmentBaseline instead of approximative dy (10aa40fe)
- radar add support for tooltip on Radar component (acd9a4f9)
- treemap add support for tooltip on TreeMap components (755783d8)
- tooltip add support for tooltip theming (72f2f751)
- bar add support for horizontal layout & change data format (29a4b350)
- axes add ability to rotate axes tick label (3921c2f1)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- axes
- improve tickValues support (58aeaab0)
- add onClick handler to axis ticks (#60) (0c9efe4b)
- use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c8c693a3)
- add ability to rotate axes tick label (3921c2f1)
- remove stale axes components & add proper props validation (7fc0e4de)
- add ability to disable axes transitions (bc1be6c7)
- add more options to AxisY component (98ac2f18)
- add AxisX component (91399e6b)
- axis
- bar
- add ability to define grid values (afd1ee30)
- include TypeScript definition in package (0d221c74)
- improve custom tooltip support (5816555e)
- add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- add support for border on Bar component (7f5ac7ce)
- improve bar components: (640debc7)
- add label format support for Bar (#45) (c5a63c95)
- add ability to define bar chart min/max value (d9b9bdae)
- add tooltip support for BarCanvas (946bb066)
- add support for horizontal layout & change data format (29a4b350)
- add ability to customize bar labels colors (0f63c077)
- add support for animation on Bar component (a099654c)
- update bar chart (05565ca8)
- bubble
- improve bubble components (0779f335)
- add canvas support for bubble chart (8db9a136)
- fix bubble color transition (675c6689)
- fix bubble tooltip id value (615b90e9)
- add Bubble stories (aba5c985)
- add zooming ability to Bubble components (a231c07b)
- add onBubbleClick property to BubbleD3 component (3b615080)
- add ability to center Bubble components text (fecbc22e)
- rename 'root' property to 'data' (49bffcd5)
- add border support for Bubble components (6e2f25e0)
- improve Bubble components (d0ea00b5)
- move Bubble legends in a dedicated component (08a7259c)
- move Bubble legends in a dedicated component (c54116d5)
- init Bubble component (0a8a3865)
- calendar
- add ability to define custom tooltip (7a076bf3)
- add stories (d3b8951e)
- add ability to customize year/month legend (a43c7082)
- add TypeScript definitions (98106ab1)
- add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- add support for tooltip (149e664e)
- remove support for motion and align code with other charts (b9b47f75)
- add onDayClick property to Calendar components (ca947080)
- add ability to customize empty day color (644cc8e3)
- fix Calendar related tests (4f358136)
- add ability to colorize calendar components days (69d03562)
- add ability to toggle motion on Calendar component (d8062ed0)
- add test for Calendar component (31eb7203)
- port CalendarD3 features to Calendar (e11737db)
- update CalendarD3 test (4058b9f9)
- add legends offset properties to CalendarD3 component (cd94e38c)
- add month legend to CalendarD3 component (49a71306)
- add test for CalendarD3 component (d9720021)
- add year legends to Calendar component (1ef5b5e6)
- proper spacing between Calendar years (96f9cf23)
- fix Calendar month path position (88d2e81c)
- add CalendarCanvas to readme (d451f365)
- add experimental CalendarCanvas component (28e6e233)
- init support for multiple years (1bbb2b07)
- add pure React based Calendar component (a0473e42)
- add support for day spacing (2acc80b1)
- add support for adaptive cell size on Calendar component (9e4e8bb2)
- add ability to switch direction on Calendar component (5160b435)
- add transition staggering for days (53cef593)
- init Calendar component (163a4902)
- canvas
- chord
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- colors
- improve withColors HOC (9e6af9b4)
- use nivo default colors id instead of value (2a5b0757)
- improve colors generator (8e723f13)
- default to given value for getColorGenerator() (39542527)
- add defautl nivo categorical colors (b8b8992f)
- add defautl nivo categorical colors (4c5f7082)
- add colors config for Pie/Stack/TreeMap components (584ff47c)
- add utility to generate color range from config (657d8cc3)
- improve colors config (330356a6)
- add smart declarative color management (c4fb5330)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- components fix components display name (84aa832d)
- container add ability to disable interactivity (73a33f92)
- core
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- defs init support for svg gradients/patterns (cd4c1663)
- demo
- deps
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- dots add ability to define custom dot symbol (da49e15f)
- examples
- generators
- heatmap
- include TypeScript definition in package (868620eb)
- init TypeScript definitions (#198) (6c5432db)
- add support for onClick event (52d077c7)
- add tooltip support for HeatMap (28077c58)
- add hover behavior on HeatMapCanvas (37974a91)
- add tooltip support for HeatMapCanvas (db579a16)
- add HeatMap component (425afdaa)
- hierarchy add withHierarchy() HOC (99c2f789)
- interactivity
- labels use alignmentBaseline instead of approximative dy (10aa40fe)
- legends
- add support for both color and fill (4cb33e25)
- add documentation for custom symbol shape (7adc8381)
- add test for custom symbol shape support (50b2d39c)
- add support for custom symbol shape (7419c912)
- add support for basic interactivity (527b1fa7)
- add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- init legends package (4063428b)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- line
- fix line slices for time scales (82e03d3a)
- compute slices from scales package (31c06c0f)
- add story about negative values highlight (b425e35f)
- init linear & time scale support (3bce793a)
- add ability to specify grid X/Y values (b44c8543)
- add support for custom tooltip (39fad124)
- add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- fix wrong prop type (df4ac4ea)
- new prop enableArea was added to Line chart (#82) (6958db18)
- part of a line with missing data was hidden (#81) (60e47746)
- add ability to customize line width (8cb88477)
- add ability to define min/max Y value (2bd2554f)
- restrict allowed curve interpolators (7c332acd)
- avoid re-rendering tooltip on mouse move for line chart (1b0d5052)
- add ability to disable stack tooltip on line chart (732d1704)
- add support for tooltip on line component (ccdb2e67)
- add ability to animate line chart lines (1918772f)
- improve Line component (63ee809f)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- markers
- packages
- pie
- adjust website & docs (8f22f893)
- improve pie components (eb14f0cb)
- cleanup website PieCanvas demo (31ef9e53)
- init support for start/end angle + PieCanvas (52f6a9e1)
- add support for custom tooltip (d3734428)
- include TypeScript definition in package (04fc931e)
- add TypeScript Definitions for Pie component (0def4c31)
- add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- add ability to use default dataset order (#79) (f4a261d3)
- add pie stories (a123c899)
- ad ability to skip label if slice angle is lower than given value (c0aecaa2)
- restore Pie chart (7eb85964)
- update Pie component css classes (d1042d8f)
- animate pi column legends (1580b16c)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar
- react
- readial-stack add RadialStack component (3fbebe52)
- sankey
- add TypeScript definitions (c2a9d38b)
- add gradient & blend mode support for links (27d56050)
- add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- Support complete configuration of the tooltips (#78) (f3aecf6c)
- Support configurable labels (#77) (5ac962b1)
- improve sankey interactivity (27a5ff54)
- improve Sankey diagram (aa5c8471)
- add support for label on Sankey diagram (b90de33a)
- add sankey diagram component (f358d2f9)
- scales
- scatterplot
- shapes add ability to define custom data accessors (17a555d3)
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- stack
- stack-filters
- stack-slicer split dot and line related properties (fad06c7a)
- storybook
- stream
- sunburst add Sunburst component (a8c872a9)
- tests
- theming fix tooltip theming (9385dd67)
- tooltip
- tooltips
- treemap
- add TreeMapCanvas component (e12a1268)
- remove placeholders and improve svg & html flavors (ff3734da)
- add support for tooltip on TreeMap components (755783d8)
- get rid of data nesting when using animated treemap (507dcb64)
- add SVG based TreeMap (de08c6b6)
- fix TreeMapD3 nodes exit (9e02da4e)
- add TreeMap component (d88e328f)
- voronoi improve voronoi (#93) (e1ae81a8)
- waffle
- website
- upgrade nivo packages (a88e50fd)
- change line demo data generation method (124028de)
- upgrade nivo packages (4aeed5d8)
- add component to list storybook stories (6b9ce02e)
- add Line legends control (91bac9ed)
- upgrade nivo packages (c0f12986)
- add ability to manage array of props (8f44ab94)
- upgrade nivo packages (4d819df6)
- add option to showcase custom scatterplot tooltip (68b72a44)
- upgrade nivo packages (d6eefa30)
- upgrade nivo packages (cf62e33d)
- upgrade nivo packages (8dadeead)
- fix treemap source code for treemap components (b97c07b8)
- restore scrol position when pathname changes (49b7ffca)
- use BrowserRouter instead of HashRouter (a360e444)
- upgrade nivo packages (69deaa17)
- upgrade nivo packages (5f416e9a)
- upgrade nivo packages (8d8374a3)
- upgrade nivo packages (66a7208c)
- improve chart tabs (2c2265f5)
- upgrade @nivo packages (71e1c4b0)
- upgrade @nivo packages (2da761d8)
- upgrade @nivo packages (4b60e426)
- upgrade @nivo packages (429bd5f0)
- upgrade website @nivo packages (81adc8d0)
- upgrade @nivo packages (697e8aa5)
- rename demo to website (dadc8f58)
- Makefile disable command priting for packages-build recipe (1046ee2c)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- bar
- bubble
- calendar
- canvas fix resizing when using canvas based components (0d41f563)
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- color fix ColorUtils unit test (bd9e03d3)
- colors fix colors due to d3 packages upgrade (a17d93bc)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- eslint fix eslint for all packages (27bf8d0c)
- generators use modules (9cec118c)
- heatmap better handling of NaN values (02ef5577)
- ignores fix git ignore misconfiguration (41e278a7)
- line
- lodash add missing deps & use scoped imports (f04660f2)
- pie fix code formatting (1f9cf69e)
- react-dom use react-dom instead of react for DOM retrieval (c0940876)
- readme
- rename Remove trailing layout component (860c8e77)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- split
- stack fix broken Stack tests (6ef978c4)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- stream fix stream stacked tooltip (05fbcc9f)
- svg fix svg for server side rendering (ae77d432)
- tests add missing webpack package (9be90ace)
- tooltip fix tooltip offset with scroll (c320c23f)
- travis use specific browser on travis for browser testing (45d318ce)
- treemap fix missing default props (887cfcde)
- unit-tests fix broken unit tests (321ef10d)
- waffle remove self import from TypeScript def (867a545a)
- website
- window use global.window instead of window for node env (bf1e6202)
- components fix components display name (84aa832d)
- line
- scales
- storybook improve components stories (d29d21f4)
- stream add info about stories (4f98124c)
- website
- colors fix colors due to d3 packages upgrade (a17d93bc)
- line add ability to specify grid X/Y values (b44c8543)
- radar add ability to customize label (03b3640b)
- waffle add ability to toggle datum by id (7f411dae)
- website
- core
- deps upgrade deps (3f4b4294)
- legends
- waffle
- website
- website fix legends guide (6828c33f)
- core
- line add support for custom tooltip (39fad124)
- scatterplot remove unused min/max x/y (efbda0fb)
- website add option to showcase custom scatterplot tooltip (68b72a44)
- Makefile disable command priting for packages-build recipe (1046ee2c)
- calendar fix crash when no data is empty (5ac42141)
- eslint fix eslint for all packages (27bf8d0c)
- heatmap better handling of NaN values (02ef5577)
- calendar
- pie
- website upgrade nivo packages (d6eefa30)
- sankey
- website upgrade nivo packages (cf62e33d)
- bar include TypeScript definition in package (0d221c74)
- heatmap include TypeScript definition in package (868620eb)
- pie
- radar add ability to define max value (880d7299)
- website upgrade nivo packages (8dadeead)
- waffle add waffle package (#202) (aceafc48)
- heatmap init TypeScript definitions (#198) (6c5432db)
- pie add TypeScript Definitions for Pie component (0def4c31)
- tooltips add support for custom tooltips for bubble charts and treemaps (#200) (092f3e0c)
- website
- bar improve custom tooltip support (5816555e)
- tooltips add support for configurable tooltips for bar charts and heat maps (#159) (82473c10)
- website upgrade nivo packages (8d8374a3)
- website upgrade nivo packages (66a7208c)
- lodash add missing deps & use scoped imports (f04660f2)
- generators use modules (9cec118c)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- website fix website Stream example code (#188) (129572e6)
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- deps use yarn with lerna & add missing yarn.lock files (42675e47)
- legends add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- packages use rollup for packages build (f24cb08d)
- pie add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- react nivo now require react >= 16.2.0 < 17.0.0 (f64d3ef6)
- stack make line areas stack in front of each other visibly #152 (8ec91a66)
- tests centralize test command & dependencies (eda819ca)
- website improve chart tabs (2c2265f5)
- chord
- composition init more granular approach to components (da5c6fbf)
- legends init SizeLegendSvg (22c186ad)
- line
- fix dot label color (330720ce)
- init tests & eslint for @nivo/line package (5bf09098)
- add support for empty values + custom x scale + stacking (4690cbc4)
- remove unused component (bfec8288)
- add LineChartCanvas component (be930613)
- rework stories (05ea88f7)
- add LineChartSvg component (42f1cfe3)
- restore ability to animate line & line area (d517c521)
- sankey init tests & eslint for @nivo/sankey package (b4428b1e)
- scales add support for time scale (28e8ebff)
- screenshots update packages screenshots (a39731c3)
- website
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- website fix website Stream example code (#188) (129572e6)
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- deps use yarn with lerna & add missing yarn.lock files (42675e47)
- legends add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- packages use rollup for packages build (f24cb08d)
- pie add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- react nivo now require react >= 16.2.0 < 17.0.0 (f64d3ef6)
- scatterplot
- stack make line areas stack in front of each other visibly #152 (8ec91a66)
- tests centralize test command & dependencies (eda819ca)
- website
- scatterplot add support for tooltips on ScatterPlotCanvas (fc01970b)
- chord fix broken imports (1021624a)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (39212ef4)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- examples
- legends init legends package (4063428b)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (8d53e13b)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- scatterplot add scatterplot package (ff7610c6)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (79395355)
- website
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (09b0a2a9)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (3a547223)
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (daeb4d4c)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (3c5f0fdb)
- legends init legends package (56c5f99c)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b6a45955)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (d22faa6e)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (9a10a459)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (415ac596)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (feccf224)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (b0421f5c)
- website
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (9708b531)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (3cfe7ec1)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (7092fbeb)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (c359a21b)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (e37eb388)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (66c475ae)
- website upgrade @nivo packages (65694f8d)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (2ff2aeb3)
- legends init legends package (c27aae45)
- line add support for legends on Line component (d53614f8)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (eec6ac5c)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- readme fix misleading installation instructions (0a5120f7)
- split
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- chord
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- demo
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- examples
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (e65976d8)
- legends init legends package (4063428b)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (7467315c)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (8d53e13b)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- scatterplot
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (79395355)
- tests restored existing tests (e4cf806f)
- website
- split add missing deps (0c222f70)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (fa47e01e)
- split add missing deps (dd9676bd)
- split add missing dep react-motion (74e0bf54)
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (a055d0e5)
- code style add prettier formatting (2f9a29b2)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (36e87edb)
- tests restored existing tests (dc2b08bc)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (fa47e01e)
- demo
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (5c815ccc)
- website rename demo to website (14a375c1)
- split
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (7fbc5951)
- split init multi packages (2e78776d)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- split
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- demo
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (e65976d8)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (7467315c)
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- tests restored existing tests (e4cf806f)
- website
- calendar
- line
- tooltip prop to format values in tooltip was added (#69) (0dfafff5)
- voronoi improve voronoi (#93) (e1ae81a8)
- bar getLabel is defined twice (#76) (4cfd3a11)
- axes add onClick handler to axis ticks (#60) (0c9efe4b)
- interactivity add onClick support for Sankey (#75) (a547917c)
- pie add ability to use default dataset order (#79) (f4a261d3)
- react update required react version (4b4865fc)
- sankey
- axis add support for custom tick values/count (#58) (bd789728)
- bubble improve bubble components (0779f335)
- treemap remove placeholders and improve svg & html flavors (ff3734da)
- window use global.window instead of window for node env (bf1e6202)
- bar add support for border on Bar component (7f5ac7ce)
- bubble add canvas support for bubble chart (8db9a136)
- chord add ability to customize chord borders color (bee8de33)
- defs init support for svg gradients/patterns (cd4c1663)
- line add ability to customize line width (8cb88477)
- stream add border suppport (5eabc451)
- bubble fix bubble props export (37067061)
- interactivity add onClick support for Bar & Bubble (a73af167)
- axis improve axis formatting support (69269a60)
- bar add ability to define bar chart min/max value (d9b9bdae)
- bubble fix bubble color transition (675c6689)
- sankey improve sankey interactivity (27a5ff54)
- tooltip fix tooltip offset with scroll (c320c23f)
- chord add labels, stories and cavans variant for Chord component (281021bb)
- axes use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c8c693a3)
- chord improve Chord component (16af1340)
- heatmap add tooltip support for HeatMap (28077c58)
- axes use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c0de4732)
- heatmap
- canvas fix resizing when using canvas based components (0d41f563)
- canvas add support for HiDPI screens (26ebb9b7)
- bar add tooltip support for BarCanvas (946bb066)
- heatmap add tooltip support for HeatMapCanvas (db579a16)
- canvas add canvas support for bar & heatmap (94ad4d97)
- stream fix stream stacked tooltip (05fbcc9f)
- heatmap add HeatMap component (425afdaa)
- dots add ability to define custom dot symbol (da49e15f)
- generators update nivo-generators (ada44cf7)
- line add ability to define min/max Y value (2bd2554f)
- markers add support for markers on Line & Bar charts (e36a7a2b)
- sankey
- theming fix tooltip theming (9385dd67)
- treemap fix missing default props (887cfcde)
- bubble
- hierarchy add withHierarchy() HOC (99c2f789)
- labels use alignmentBaseline instead of approximative dy (10aa40fe)
- radar add support for tooltip on Radar component (acd9a4f9)
- treemap add support for tooltip on TreeMap components (755783d8)
- tooltip add support for tooltip theming (72f2f751)
- bar add support for horizontal layout & change data format (29a4b350)
- axes add ability to rotate axes tick label (3921c2f1)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- axes
- add onClick handler to axis ticks (#60) (0c9efe4b)
- use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c8c693a3)
- add ability to rotate axes tick label (3921c2f1)
- remove stale axes components & add proper props validation (7fc0e4de)
- add ability to disable axes transitions (bc1be6c7)
- add more options to AxisY component (98ac2f18)
- add AxisX component (91399e6b)
- axis
- bar
- add ability to define grid values (afd1ee30)
- include TypeScript definition in package (0d221c74)
- improve custom tooltip support (5816555e)
- add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- add support for border on Bar component (7f5ac7ce)
- improve bar components: (640debc7)
- add label format support for Bar (#45) (c5a63c95)
- add ability to define bar chart min/max value (d9b9bdae)
- add tooltip support for BarCanvas (946bb066)
- add support for horizontal layout & change data format (29a4b350)
- add ability to customize bar labels colors (0f63c077)
- add support for animation on Bar component (a099654c)
- update bar chart (05565ca8)
- bubble
- improve bubble components (0779f335)
- add canvas support for bubble chart (8db9a136)
- fix bubble color transition (675c6689)
- fix bubble tooltip id value (615b90e9)
- add Bubble stories (aba5c985)
- add zooming ability to Bubble components (a231c07b)
- add onBubbleClick property to BubbleD3 component (3b615080)
- add ability to center Bubble components text (fecbc22e)
- rename 'root' property to 'data' (49bffcd5)
- add border support for Bubble components (6e2f25e0)
- improve Bubble components (d0ea00b5)
- move Bubble legends in a dedicated component (08a7259c)
- move Bubble legends in a dedicated component (c54116d5)
- init Bubble component (0a8a3865)
- calendar
- add ability to define custom tooltip (7a076bf3)
- add stories (d3b8951e)
- add ability to customize year/month legend (a43c7082)
- add TypeScript definitions (98106ab1)
- add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- add support for tooltip (149e664e)
- remove support for motion and align code with other charts (b9b47f75)
- add onDayClick property to Calendar components (ca947080)
- add ability to customize empty day color (644cc8e3)
- fix Calendar related tests (4f358136)
- add ability to colorize calendar components days (69d03562)
- add ability to toggle motion on Calendar component (d8062ed0)
- add test for Calendar component (31eb7203)
- port CalendarD3 features to Calendar (e11737db)
- update CalendarD3 test (4058b9f9)
- add legends offset properties to CalendarD3 component (cd94e38c)
- add month legend to CalendarD3 component (49a71306)
- add test for CalendarD3 component (d9720021)
- add year legends to Calendar component (1ef5b5e6)
- proper spacing between Calendar years (96f9cf23)
- fix Calendar month path position (88d2e81c)
- add CalendarCanvas to readme (d451f365)
- add experimental CalendarCanvas component (28e6e233)
- init support for multiple years (1bbb2b07)
- add pure React based Calendar component (a0473e42)
- add support for day spacing (2acc80b1)
- add support for adaptive cell size on Calendar component (9e4e8bb2)
- add ability to switch direction on Calendar component (5160b435)
- add transition staggering for days (53cef593)
- init Calendar component (163a4902)
- canvas
- chord
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- colors
- improve withColors HOC (9e6af9b4)
- use nivo default colors id instead of value (2a5b0757)
- improve colors generator (8e723f13)
- default to given value for getColorGenerator() (39542527)
- add defautl nivo categorical colors (b8b8992f)
- add defautl nivo categorical colors (4c5f7082)
- add colors config for Pie/Stack/TreeMap components (584ff47c)
- add utility to generate color range from config (657d8cc3)
- improve colors config (330356a6)
- add smart declarative color management (c4fb5330)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- components fix components display name (84aa832d)
- container add ability to disable interactivity (73a33f92)
- core
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- defs init support for svg gradients/patterns (cd4c1663)
- demo
- deps
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- dots add ability to define custom dot symbol (da49e15f)
- examples
- generators
- heatmap
- include TypeScript definition in package (868620eb)
- init TypeScript definitions (#198) (6c5432db)
- add support for onClick event (52d077c7)
- add tooltip support for HeatMap (28077c58)
- add hover behavior on HeatMapCanvas (37974a91)
- add tooltip support for HeatMapCanvas (db579a16)
- add HeatMap component (425afdaa)
- hierarchy add withHierarchy() HOC (99c2f789)
- interactivity
- labels use alignmentBaseline instead of approximative dy (10aa40fe)
- legends
- add support for both color and fill (4cb33e25)
- add documentation for custom symbol shape (7adc8381)
- add test for custom symbol shape support (50b2d39c)
- add support for custom symbol shape (7419c912)
- add support for basic interactivity (527b1fa7)
- add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- init legends package (4063428b)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- line
- fix line slices for time scales (82e03d3a)
- compute slices from scales package (31c06c0f)
- add story about negative values highlight (b425e35f)
- init linear & time scale support (3bce793a)
- add ability to specify grid X/Y values (b44c8543)
- add support for custom tooltip (39fad124)
- add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- fix wrong prop type (df4ac4ea)
- new prop enableArea was added to Line chart (#82) (6958db18)
- part of a line with missing data was hidden (#81) (60e47746)
- add ability to customize line width (8cb88477)
- add ability to define min/max Y value (2bd2554f)
- restrict allowed curve interpolators (7c332acd)
- avoid re-rendering tooltip on mouse move for line chart (1b0d5052)
- add ability to disable stack tooltip on line chart (732d1704)
- add support for tooltip on line component (ccdb2e67)
- add ability to animate line chart lines (1918772f)
- improve Line component (63ee809f)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- markers
- packages
- pie
- adjust website & docs (8f22f893)
- improve pie components (eb14f0cb)
- cleanup website PieCanvas demo (31ef9e53)
- init support for start/end angle + PieCanvas (52f6a9e1)
- add support for custom tooltip (d3734428)
- include TypeScript definition in package (04fc931e)
- add TypeScript Definitions for Pie component (0def4c31)
- add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- add ability to use default dataset order (#79) (f4a261d3)
- add pie stories (a123c899)
- ad ability to skip label if slice angle is lower than given value (c0aecaa2)
- restore Pie chart (7eb85964)
- update Pie component css classes (d1042d8f)
- animate pi column legends (1580b16c)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar
- react
- readial-stack add RadialStack component (3fbebe52)
- sankey
- add TypeScript definitions (c2a9d38b)
- add gradient & blend mode support for links (27d56050)
- add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- Support complete configuration of the tooltips (#78) (f3aecf6c)
- Support configurable labels (#77) (5ac962b1)
- improve sankey interactivity (27a5ff54)
- improve Sankey diagram (aa5c8471)
- add support for label on Sankey diagram (b90de33a)
- add sankey diagram component (f358d2f9)
- scales
- scatterplot
- shapes add ability to define custom data accessors (17a555d3)
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- stack
- stack-filters
- stack-slicer split dot and line related properties (fad06c7a)
- storybook
- stream
- sunburst add Sunburst component (a8c872a9)
- tests
- theming fix tooltip theming (9385dd67)
- tooltip
- tooltips
- treemap
- add TreeMapCanvas component (e12a1268)
- remove placeholders and improve svg & html flavors (ff3734da)
- add support for tooltip on TreeMap components (755783d8)
- get rid of data nesting when using animated treemap (507dcb64)
- add SVG based TreeMap (de08c6b6)
- fix TreeMapD3 nodes exit (9e02da4e)
- add TreeMap component (d88e328f)
- voronoi improve voronoi (#93) (e1ae81a8)
- waffle
- website
- change line demo data generation method (124028de)
- upgrade nivo packages (4aeed5d8)
- add component to list storybook stories (6b9ce02e)
- add Line legends control (91bac9ed)
- upgrade nivo packages (c0f12986)
- add ability to manage array of props (8f44ab94)
- upgrade nivo packages (4d819df6)
- add option to showcase custom scatterplot tooltip (68b72a44)
- upgrade nivo packages (d6eefa30)
- upgrade nivo packages (cf62e33d)
- upgrade nivo packages (8dadeead)
- fix treemap source code for treemap components (b97c07b8)
- restore scrol position when pathname changes (49b7ffca)
- use BrowserRouter instead of HashRouter (a360e444)
- upgrade nivo packages (69deaa17)
- upgrade nivo packages (5f416e9a)
- upgrade nivo packages (8d8374a3)
- upgrade nivo packages (66a7208c)
- improve chart tabs (2c2265f5)
- upgrade @nivo packages (71e1c4b0)
- upgrade @nivo packages (2da761d8)
- upgrade @nivo packages (4b60e426)
- upgrade @nivo packages (429bd5f0)
- upgrade website @nivo packages (81adc8d0)
- upgrade @nivo packages (697e8aa5)
- rename demo to website (dadc8f58)
- Makefile disable command priting for packages-build recipe (1046ee2c)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- bar
- bubble
- calendar
- canvas fix resizing when using canvas based components (0d41f563)
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- color fix ColorUtils unit test (bd9e03d3)
- colors fix colors due to d3 packages upgrade (a17d93bc)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- eslint fix eslint for all packages (27bf8d0c)
- generators use modules (9cec118c)
- heatmap better handling of NaN values (02ef5577)
- ignores fix git ignore misconfiguration (41e278a7)
- line
- lodash add missing deps & use scoped imports (f04660f2)
- pie fix code formatting (1f9cf69e)
- react-dom use react-dom instead of react for DOM retrieval (c0940876)
- readme
- rename Remove trailing layout component (860c8e77)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- split
- stack fix broken Stack tests (6ef978c4)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- stream fix stream stacked tooltip (05fbcc9f)
- svg fix svg for server side rendering (ae77d432)
- tests add missing webpack package (9be90ace)
- tooltip fix tooltip offset with scroll (c320c23f)
- travis use specific browser on travis for browser testing (45d318ce)
- treemap fix missing default props (887cfcde)
- unit-tests fix broken unit tests (321ef10d)
- waffle remove self import from TypeScript def (867a545a)
- website
- window use global.window instead of window for node env (bf1e6202)
- line add ability to specify grid X/Y values (b44c8543)
- radar add ability to customize label (03b3640b)
- waffle add ability to toggle datum by id (7f411dae)
- website
- core
- deps upgrade deps (3f4b4294)
- legends
- waffle
- website
- website fix legends guide (6828c33f)
- core
- line add support for custom tooltip (39fad124)
- scatterplot remove unused min/max x/y (efbda0fb)
- website add option to showcase custom scatterplot tooltip (68b72a44)
- Makefile disable command priting for packages-build recipe (1046ee2c)
- calendar fix crash when no data is empty (5ac42141)
- eslint fix eslint for all packages (27bf8d0c)
- heatmap better handling of NaN values (02ef5577)
- calendar
- pie
- website upgrade nivo packages (d6eefa30)
- sankey
- website upgrade nivo packages (cf62e33d)
- bar include TypeScript definition in package (0d221c74)
- heatmap include TypeScript definition in package (868620eb)
- pie
- radar add ability to define max value (880d7299)
- website upgrade nivo packages (8dadeead)
- waffle add waffle package (#202) (aceafc48)
- heatmap init TypeScript definitions (#198) (6c5432db)
- pie add TypeScript Definitions for Pie component (0def4c31)
- tooltips add support for custom tooltips for bubble charts and treemaps (#200) (092f3e0c)
- website
- bar improve custom tooltip support (5816555e)
- tooltips add support for configurable tooltips for bar charts and heat maps (#159) (82473c10)
- website upgrade nivo packages (8d8374a3)
- website upgrade nivo packages (66a7208c)
- lodash add missing deps & use scoped imports (f04660f2)
- generators use modules (9cec118c)
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- deps use yarn with lerna & add missing yarn.lock files (42675e47)
- legends add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- packages use rollup for packages build (f24cb08d)
- pie add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- react nivo now require react >= 16.2.0 < 17.0.0 (f64d3ef6)
- stack make line areas stack in front of each other visibly #152 (8ec91a66)
- tests centralize test command & dependencies (eda819ca)
- website improve chart tabs (2c2265f5)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- website fix website Stream example code (#188) (129572e6)
- chord
- composition init more granular approach to components (da5c6fbf)
- legends init SizeLegendSvg (22c186ad)
- line
- fix dot label color (330720ce)
- init tests & eslint for @nivo/line package (5bf09098)
- add support for empty values + custom x scale + stacking (4690cbc4)
- remove unused component (bfec8288)
- add LineChartCanvas component (be930613)
- rework stories (05ea88f7)
- add LineChartSvg component (42f1cfe3)
- restore ability to animate line & line area (d517c521)
- sankey init tests & eslint for @nivo/sankey package (b4428b1e)
- scales add support for time scale (28e8ebff)
- screenshots update packages screenshots (a39731c3)
- website
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- website fix website Stream example code (#188) (129572e6)
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- deps use yarn with lerna & add missing yarn.lock files (42675e47)
- legends add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- packages use rollup for packages build (f24cb08d)
- pie add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- react nivo now require react >= 16.2.0 < 17.0.0 (f64d3ef6)
- scatterplot
- stack make line areas stack in front of each other visibly #152 (8ec91a66)
- tests centralize test command & dependencies (eda819ca)
- website
- scatterplot add support for tooltips on ScatterPlotCanvas (fc01970b)
- chord fix broken imports (1021624a)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (39212ef4)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- examples
- legends init legends package (4063428b)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (8d53e13b)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- scatterplot add scatterplot package (ff7610c6)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (79395355)
- website
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (09b0a2a9)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (3a547223)
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (daeb4d4c)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (3c5f0fdb)
- legends init legends package (56c5f99c)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b6a45955)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (d22faa6e)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (9a10a459)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (415ac596)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (feccf224)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (b0421f5c)
- website
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (9708b531)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (3cfe7ec1)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (7092fbeb)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (c359a21b)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (e37eb388)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (66c475ae)
- website upgrade @nivo packages (65694f8d)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (2ff2aeb3)
- legends init legends package (c27aae45)
- line add support for legends on Line component (d53614f8)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (eec6ac5c)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- chord
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- demo
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- examples
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (e65976d8)
- legends init legends package (4063428b)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (7467315c)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (8d53e13b)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- scatterplot
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (79395355)
- tests restored existing tests (e4cf806f)
- website
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- readme fix misleading installation instructions (0a5120f7)
- split
- split add missing deps (0c222f70)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (fa47e01e)
- split add missing deps (dd9676bd)
- split add missing dep react-motion (74e0bf54)
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (a055d0e5)
- code style add prettier formatting (2f9a29b2)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (36e87edb)
- tests restored existing tests (dc2b08bc)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (fa47e01e)
- demo
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (5c815ccc)
- website rename demo to website (14a375c1)
- split
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (7fbc5951)
- split init multi packages (2e78776d)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- split
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- demo
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (e65976d8)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (7467315c)
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- tests restored existing tests (e4cf806f)
- website
- calendar
- line
- tooltip prop to format values in tooltip was added (#69) (0dfafff5)
- voronoi improve voronoi (#93) (e1ae81a8)
- bar getLabel is defined twice (#76) (4cfd3a11)
- axes add onClick handler to axis ticks (#60) (0c9efe4b)
- interactivity add onClick support for Sankey (#75) (a547917c)
- pie add ability to use default dataset order (#79) (f4a261d3)
- react update required react version (4b4865fc)
- sankey
- axis add support for custom tick values/count (#58) (bd789728)
- bubble improve bubble components (0779f335)
- treemap remove placeholders and improve svg & html flavors (ff3734da)
- window use global.window instead of window for node env (bf1e6202)
- bar add support for border on Bar component (7f5ac7ce)
- bubble add canvas support for bubble chart (8db9a136)
- chord add ability to customize chord borders color (bee8de33)
- defs init support for svg gradients/patterns (cd4c1663)
- line add ability to customize line width (8cb88477)
- stream add border suppport (5eabc451)
- bubble fix bubble props export (37067061)
- interactivity add onClick support for Bar & Bubble (a73af167)
- axis improve axis formatting support (69269a60)
- bar add ability to define bar chart min/max value (d9b9bdae)
- bubble fix bubble color transition (675c6689)
- sankey improve sankey interactivity (27a5ff54)
- tooltip fix tooltip offset with scroll (c320c23f)
- chord add labels, stories and cavans variant for Chord component (281021bb)
- axes use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c8c693a3)
- chord improve Chord component (16af1340)
- heatmap add tooltip support for HeatMap (28077c58)
- axes use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c0de4732)
- heatmap
- canvas fix resizing when using canvas based components (0d41f563)
- canvas add support for HiDPI screens (26ebb9b7)
- bar add tooltip support for BarCanvas (946bb066)
- heatmap add tooltip support for HeatMapCanvas (db579a16)
- canvas add canvas support for bar & heatmap (94ad4d97)
- stream fix stream stacked tooltip (05fbcc9f)
- heatmap add HeatMap component (425afdaa)
- dots add ability to define custom dot symbol (da49e15f)
- generators update nivo-generators (ada44cf7)
- line add ability to define min/max Y value (2bd2554f)
- markers add support for markers on Line & Bar charts (e36a7a2b)
- sankey
- theming fix tooltip theming (9385dd67)
- treemap fix missing default props (887cfcde)
- bubble
- hierarchy add withHierarchy() HOC (99c2f789)
- labels use alignmentBaseline instead of approximative dy (10aa40fe)
- radar add support for tooltip on Radar component (acd9a4f9)
- treemap add support for tooltip on TreeMap components (755783d8)
- tooltip add support for tooltip theming (72f2f751)
- bar add support for horizontal layout & change data format (29a4b350)
- axes add ability to rotate axes tick label (3921c2f1)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- axes
- add onClick handler to axis ticks (#60) (0c9efe4b)
- use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c8c693a3)
- add ability to rotate axes tick label (3921c2f1)
- remove stale axes components & add proper props validation (7fc0e4de)
- add ability to disable axes transitions (bc1be6c7)
- add more options to AxisY component (98ac2f18)
- add AxisX component (91399e6b)
- axis
- bar
- add ability to define grid values (afd1ee30)
- include TypeScript definition in package (0d221c74)
- improve custom tooltip support (5816555e)
- add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- add support for border on Bar component (7f5ac7ce)
- improve bar components: (640debc7)
- add label format support for Bar (#45) (c5a63c95)
- add ability to define bar chart min/max value (d9b9bdae)
- add tooltip support for BarCanvas (946bb066)
- add support for horizontal layout & change data format (29a4b350)
- add ability to customize bar labels colors (0f63c077)
- add support for animation on Bar component (a099654c)
- update bar chart (05565ca8)
- bubble
- improve bubble components (0779f335)
- add canvas support for bubble chart (8db9a136)
- fix bubble color transition (675c6689)
- fix bubble tooltip id value (615b90e9)
- add Bubble stories (aba5c985)
- add zooming ability to Bubble components (a231c07b)
- add onBubbleClick property to BubbleD3 component (3b615080)
- add ability to center Bubble components text (fecbc22e)
- rename 'root' property to 'data' (49bffcd5)
- add border support for Bubble components (6e2f25e0)
- improve Bubble components (d0ea00b5)
- move Bubble legends in a dedicated component (08a7259c)
- move Bubble legends in a dedicated component (c54116d5)
- init Bubble component (0a8a3865)
- calendar
- add ability to define custom tooltip (7a076bf3)
- add stories (d3b8951e)
- add ability to customize year/month legend (a43c7082)
- add TypeScript definitions (98106ab1)
- add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- add support for tooltip (149e664e)
- remove support for motion and align code with other charts (b9b47f75)
- add onDayClick property to Calendar components (ca947080)
- add ability to customize empty day color (644cc8e3)
- fix Calendar related tests (4f358136)
- add ability to colorize calendar components days (69d03562)
- add ability to toggle motion on Calendar component (d8062ed0)
- add test for Calendar component (31eb7203)
- port CalendarD3 features to Calendar (e11737db)
- update CalendarD3 test (4058b9f9)
- add legends offset properties to CalendarD3 component (cd94e38c)
- add month legend to CalendarD3 component (49a71306)
- add test for CalendarD3 component (d9720021)
- add year legends to Calendar component (1ef5b5e6)
- proper spacing between Calendar years (96f9cf23)
- fix Calendar month path position (88d2e81c)
- add CalendarCanvas to readme (d451f365)
- add experimental CalendarCanvas component (28e6e233)
- init support for multiple years (1bbb2b07)
- add pure React based Calendar component (a0473e42)
- add support for day spacing (2acc80b1)
- add support for adaptive cell size on Calendar component (9e4e8bb2)
- add ability to switch direction on Calendar component (5160b435)
- add transition staggering for days (53cef593)
- init Calendar component (163a4902)
- canvas
- chord
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- colors
- improve withColors HOC (9e6af9b4)
- use nivo default colors id instead of value (2a5b0757)
- improve colors generator (8e723f13)
- default to given value for getColorGenerator() (39542527)
- add defautl nivo categorical colors (b8b8992f)
- add defautl nivo categorical colors (4c5f7082)
- add colors config for Pie/Stack/TreeMap components (584ff47c)
- add utility to generate color range from config (657d8cc3)
- improve colors config (330356a6)
- add smart declarative color management (c4fb5330)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- container add ability to disable interactivity (73a33f92)
- core
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- defs init support for svg gradients/patterns (cd4c1663)
- demo
- deps
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- dots add ability to define custom dot symbol (da49e15f)
- examples
- generators
- heatmap
- include TypeScript definition in package (868620eb)
- init TypeScript definitions (#198) (6c5432db)
- add support for onClick event (52d077c7)
- add tooltip support for HeatMap (28077c58)
- add hover behavior on HeatMapCanvas (37974a91)
- add tooltip support for HeatMapCanvas (db579a16)
- add HeatMap component (425afdaa)
- hierarchy add withHierarchy() HOC (99c2f789)
- interactivity
- labels use alignmentBaseline instead of approximative dy (10aa40fe)
- legends
- add support for both color and fill (4cb33e25)
- add documentation for custom symbol shape (7adc8381)
- add test for custom symbol shape support (50b2d39c)
- add support for custom symbol shape (7419c912)
- add support for basic interactivity (527b1fa7)
- add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- init legends package (4063428b)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- line
- add ability to specify grid X/Y values (b44c8543)
- add support for custom tooltip (39fad124)
- add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- fix wrong prop type (df4ac4ea)
- new prop enableArea was added to Line chart (#82) (6958db18)
- part of a line with missing data was hidden (#81) (60e47746)
- add ability to customize line width (8cb88477)
- add ability to define min/max Y value (2bd2554f)
- restrict allowed curve interpolators (7c332acd)
- avoid re-rendering tooltip on mouse move for line chart (1b0d5052)
- add ability to disable stack tooltip on line chart (732d1704)
- add support for tooltip on line component (ccdb2e67)
- add ability to animate line chart lines (1918772f)
- improve Line component (63ee809f)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- markers
- packages
- pie
- adjust website & docs (8f22f893)
- improve pie components (eb14f0cb)
- cleanup website PieCanvas demo (31ef9e53)
- init support for start/end angle + PieCanvas (52f6a9e1)
- add support for custom tooltip (d3734428)
- include TypeScript definition in package (04fc931e)
- add TypeScript Definitions for Pie component (0def4c31)
- add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- add ability to use default dataset order (#79) (f4a261d3)
- add pie stories (a123c899)
- ad ability to skip label if slice angle is lower than given value (c0aecaa2)
- restore Pie chart (7eb85964)
- update Pie component css classes (d1042d8f)
- animate pi column legends (1580b16c)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar
- react
- readial-stack add RadialStack component (3fbebe52)
- sankey
- add TypeScript definitions (c2a9d38b)
- add gradient & blend mode support for links (27d56050)
- add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- Support complete configuration of the tooltips (#78) (f3aecf6c)
- Support configurable labels (#77) (5ac962b1)
- improve sankey interactivity (27a5ff54)
- improve Sankey diagram (aa5c8471)
- add support for label on Sankey diagram (b90de33a)
- add sankey diagram component (f358d2f9)
- scales improve XYScales component (f69dc5ac)
- scatterplot
- shapes add ability to define custom data accessors (17a555d3)
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- stack
- stack-filters
- stack-slicer split dot and line related properties (fad06c7a)
- storybook
- stream
- sunburst add Sunburst component (a8c872a9)
- tests
- theming fix tooltip theming (9385dd67)
- tooltip
- tooltips
- treemap
- add TreeMapCanvas component (e12a1268)
- remove placeholders and improve svg & html flavors (ff3734da)
- add support for tooltip on TreeMap components (755783d8)
- get rid of data nesting when using animated treemap (507dcb64)
- add SVG based TreeMap (de08c6b6)
- fix TreeMapD3 nodes exit (9e02da4e)
- add TreeMap component (d88e328f)
- voronoi improve voronoi (#93) (e1ae81a8)
- waffle
- website
- add component to list storybook stories (6b9ce02e)
- add Line legends control (91bac9ed)
- upgrade nivo packages (c0f12986)
- add ability to manage array of props (8f44ab94)
- upgrade nivo packages (4d819df6)
- add option to showcase custom scatterplot tooltip (68b72a44)
- upgrade nivo packages (d6eefa30)
- upgrade nivo packages (cf62e33d)
- upgrade nivo packages (8dadeead)
- fix treemap source code for treemap components (b97c07b8)
- restore scrol position when pathname changes (49b7ffca)
- use BrowserRouter instead of HashRouter (a360e444)
- upgrade nivo packages (69deaa17)
- upgrade nivo packages (5f416e9a)
- upgrade nivo packages (8d8374a3)
- upgrade nivo packages (66a7208c)
- improve chart tabs (2c2265f5)
- upgrade @nivo packages (71e1c4b0)
- upgrade @nivo packages (2da761d8)
- upgrade @nivo packages (4b60e426)
- upgrade @nivo packages (429bd5f0)
- upgrade website @nivo packages (81adc8d0)
- upgrade @nivo packages (697e8aa5)
- rename demo to website (dadc8f58)
- Makefile disable command priting for packages-build recipe (1046ee2c)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- bar
- bubble
- calendar
- canvas fix resizing when using canvas based components (0d41f563)
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- color fix ColorUtils unit test (bd9e03d3)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- eslint fix eslint for all packages (27bf8d0c)
- generators use modules (9cec118c)
- heatmap better handling of NaN values (02ef5577)
- ignores fix git ignore misconfiguration (41e278a7)
- line
- lodash add missing deps & use scoped imports (f04660f2)
- pie fix code formatting (1f9cf69e)
- react-dom use react-dom instead of react for DOM retrieval (c0940876)
- readme
- rename Remove trailing layout component (860c8e77)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- split
- stack fix broken Stack tests (6ef978c4)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- stream fix stream stacked tooltip (05fbcc9f)
- svg fix svg for server side rendering (ae77d432)
- tests add missing webpack package (9be90ace)
- tooltip fix tooltip offset with scroll (c320c23f)
- travis use specific browser on travis for browser testing (45d318ce)
- treemap fix missing default props (887cfcde)
- unit-tests fix broken unit tests (321ef10d)
- waffle remove self import from TypeScript def (867a545a)
- website
- window use global.window instead of window for node env (bf1e6202)
- website fix legends guide (6828c33f)
- core
- deps upgrade deps (3f4b4294)
- legends
- waffle
- website
- Makefile disable command priting for packages-build recipe (1046ee2c)
- calendar fix crash when no data is empty (5ac42141)
- eslint fix eslint for all packages (27bf8d0c)
- heatmap better handling of NaN values (02ef5577)
- core
- line add support for custom tooltip (39fad124)
- scatterplot remove unused min/max x/y (efbda0fb)
- website add option to showcase custom scatterplot tooltip (68b72a44)
- calendar
- pie
- website upgrade nivo packages (d6eefa30)
- sankey
- website upgrade nivo packages (cf62e33d)
- bar include TypeScript definition in package (0d221c74)
- heatmap include TypeScript definition in package (868620eb)
- pie
- radar add ability to define max value (880d7299)
- website upgrade nivo packages (8dadeead)
- waffle add waffle package (#202) (aceafc48)
- heatmap init TypeScript definitions (#198) (6c5432db)
- pie add TypeScript Definitions for Pie component (0def4c31)
- tooltips add support for custom tooltips for bubble charts and treemaps (#200) (092f3e0c)
- website
- bar improve custom tooltip support (5816555e)
- tooltips add support for configurable tooltips for bar charts and heat maps (#159) (82473c10)
- website upgrade nivo packages (8d8374a3)
- lodash add missing deps & use scoped imports (f04660f2)
- website upgrade nivo packages (66a7208c)
- generators use modules (9cec118c)
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- deps use yarn with lerna & add missing yarn.lock files (42675e47)
- legends add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- packages use rollup for packages build (f24cb08d)
- pie add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- react nivo now require react >= 16.2.0 < 17.0.0 (f64d3ef6)
- stack make line areas stack in front of each other visibly #152 (8ec91a66)
- tests centralize test command & dependencies (eda819ca)
- website improve chart tabs (2c2265f5)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- website fix website Stream example code (#188) (129572e6)
- chord
- composition init more granular approach to components (da5c6fbf)
- legends init SizeLegendSvg (22c186ad)
- line
- fix dot label color (330720ce)
- init tests & eslint for @nivo/line package (5bf09098)
- add support for empty values + custom x scale + stacking (4690cbc4)
- remove unused component (bfec8288)
- add LineChartCanvas component (be930613)
- rework stories (05ea88f7)
- add LineChartSvg component (42f1cfe3)
- restore ability to animate line & line area (d517c521)
- sankey init tests & eslint for @nivo/sankey package (b4428b1e)
- scales add support for time scale (28e8ebff)
- screenshots update packages screenshots (a39731c3)
- website
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- website fix website Stream example code (#188) (129572e6)
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- deps use yarn with lerna & add missing yarn.lock files (42675e47)
- legends add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- packages use rollup for packages build (f24cb08d)
- pie add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- react nivo now require react >= 16.2.0 < 17.0.0 (f64d3ef6)
- scatterplot
- stack make line areas stack in front of each other visibly #152 (8ec91a66)
- tests centralize test command & dependencies (eda819ca)
- website
- scatterplot add support for tooltips on ScatterPlotCanvas (fc01970b)
- chord fix broken imports (1021624a)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (39212ef4)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- examples
- legends init legends package (4063428b)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (8d53e13b)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- scatterplot add scatterplot package (ff7610c6)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (79395355)
- website
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (09b0a2a9)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (3a547223)
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (daeb4d4c)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (3c5f0fdb)
- legends init legends package (56c5f99c)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b6a45955)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (d22faa6e)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (9a10a459)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (415ac596)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (feccf224)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (b0421f5c)
- website
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (9708b531)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (3cfe7ec1)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (7092fbeb)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (c359a21b)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (e37eb388)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (66c475ae)
- website upgrade @nivo packages (65694f8d)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (2ff2aeb3)
- legends init legends package (c27aae45)
- line add support for legends on Line component (d53614f8)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (eec6ac5c)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- readme fix misleading installation instructions (0a5120f7)
- split
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- chord
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- demo
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- examples
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (e65976d8)
- legends init legends package (4063428b)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (7467315c)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (8d53e13b)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- scatterplot
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (79395355)
- tests restored existing tests (e4cf806f)
- website
- split add missing deps (0c222f70)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (fa47e01e)
- split add missing deps (dd9676bd)
- split add missing dep react-motion (74e0bf54)
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (a055d0e5)
- code style add prettier formatting (2f9a29b2)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (36e87edb)
- tests restored existing tests (dc2b08bc)
- split
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (fa47e01e)
- demo
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (5c815ccc)
- website rename demo to website (14a375c1)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (7fbc5951)
- split init multi packages (2e78776d)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- split
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- demo
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (e65976d8)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (7467315c)
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- tests restored existing tests (e4cf806f)
- website
- calendar
- line
- tooltip prop to format values in tooltip was added (#69) (0dfafff5)
- voronoi improve voronoi (#93) (e1ae81a8)
- axes add onClick handler to axis ticks (#60) (0c9efe4b)
- interactivity add onClick support for Sankey (#75) (a547917c)
- pie add ability to use default dataset order (#79) (f4a261d3)
- react update required react version (4b4865fc)
- sankey
- bar getLabel is defined twice (#76) (4cfd3a11)
- axis add support for custom tick values/count (#58) (bd789728)
- bubble improve bubble components (0779f335)
- treemap remove placeholders and improve svg & html flavors (ff3734da)
- window use global.window instead of window for node env (bf1e6202)
- bar add support for border on Bar component (7f5ac7ce)
- bubble add canvas support for bubble chart (8db9a136)
- chord add ability to customize chord borders color (bee8de33)
- defs init support for svg gradients/patterns (cd4c1663)
- line add ability to customize line width (8cb88477)
- stream add border suppport (5eabc451)
- bubble fix bubble props export (37067061)
- interactivity add onClick support for Bar & Bubble (a73af167)
- tooltip fix tooltip offset with scroll (c320c23f)
- axis improve axis formatting support (69269a60)
- bar add ability to define bar chart min/max value (d9b9bdae)
- bubble fix bubble color transition (675c6689)
- sankey improve sankey interactivity (27a5ff54)
- chord add labels, stories and cavans variant for Chord component (281021bb)
- axes use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c8c693a3)
- chord improve Chord component (16af1340)
- heatmap add tooltip support for HeatMap (28077c58)
- axes use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c0de4732)
- heatmap
- canvas fix resizing when using canvas based components (0d41f563)
- canvas add support for HiDPI screens (26ebb9b7)
- bar add tooltip support for BarCanvas (946bb066)
- heatmap add tooltip support for HeatMapCanvas (db579a16)
- stream fix stream stacked tooltip (05fbcc9f)
- canvas add canvas support for bar & heatmap (94ad4d97)
- heatmap add HeatMap component (425afdaa)
- dots add ability to define custom dot symbol (da49e15f)
- generators update nivo-generators (ada44cf7)
- line add ability to define min/max Y value (2bd2554f)
- markers add support for markers on Line & Bar charts (e36a7a2b)
- sankey
- theming fix tooltip theming (9385dd67)
- treemap fix missing default props (887cfcde)
- bubble
- hierarchy add withHierarchy() HOC (99c2f789)
- labels use alignmentBaseline instead of approximative dy (10aa40fe)
- radar add support for tooltip on Radar component (acd9a4f9)
- treemap add support for tooltip on TreeMap components (755783d8)
- tooltip add support for tooltip theming (72f2f751)
- bar add support for horizontal layout & change data format (29a4b350)
- axes add ability to rotate axes tick label (3921c2f1)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- axes
- add onClick handler to axis ticks (#60) (0c9efe4b)
- use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c8c693a3)
- add ability to rotate axes tick label (3921c2f1)
- remove stale axes components & add proper props validation (7fc0e4de)
- add ability to disable axes transitions (bc1be6c7)
- add more options to AxisY component (98ac2f18)
- add AxisX component (91399e6b)
- axis
- bar
- add ability to define grid values (afd1ee30)
- include TypeScript definition in package (0d221c74)
- improve custom tooltip support (5816555e)
- add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- add support for border on Bar component (7f5ac7ce)
- improve bar components: (640debc7)
- add label format support for Bar (#45) (c5a63c95)
- add ability to define bar chart min/max value (d9b9bdae)
- add tooltip support for BarCanvas (946bb066)
- add support for horizontal layout & change data format (29a4b350)
- add ability to customize bar labels colors (0f63c077)
- add support for animation on Bar component (a099654c)
- update bar chart (05565ca8)
- bubble
- improve bubble components (0779f335)
- add canvas support for bubble chart (8db9a136)
- fix bubble color transition (675c6689)
- fix bubble tooltip id value (615b90e9)
- add Bubble stories (aba5c985)
- add zooming ability to Bubble components (a231c07b)
- add onBubbleClick property to BubbleD3 component (3b615080)
- add ability to center Bubble components text (fecbc22e)
- rename 'root' property to 'data' (49bffcd5)
- add border support for Bubble components (6e2f25e0)
- improve Bubble components (d0ea00b5)
- move Bubble legends in a dedicated component (08a7259c)
- move Bubble legends in a dedicated component (c54116d5)
- init Bubble component (0a8a3865)
- calendar
- add ability to define custom tooltip (7a076bf3)
- add stories (d3b8951e)
- add ability to customize year/month legend (a43c7082)
- add TypeScript definitions (98106ab1)
- add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- add support for tooltip (149e664e)
- remove support for motion and align code with other charts (b9b47f75)
- add onDayClick property to Calendar components (ca947080)
- add ability to customize empty day color (644cc8e3)
- fix Calendar related tests (4f358136)
- add ability to colorize calendar components days (69d03562)
- add ability to toggle motion on Calendar component (d8062ed0)
- add test for Calendar component (31eb7203)
- port CalendarD3 features to Calendar (e11737db)
- update CalendarD3 test (4058b9f9)
- add legends offset properties to CalendarD3 component (cd94e38c)
- add month legend to CalendarD3 component (49a71306)
- add test for CalendarD3 component (d9720021)
- add year legends to Calendar component (1ef5b5e6)
- proper spacing between Calendar years (96f9cf23)
- fix Calendar month path position (88d2e81c)
- add CalendarCanvas to readme (d451f365)
- add experimental CalendarCanvas component (28e6e233)
- init support for multiple years (1bbb2b07)
- add pure React based Calendar component (a0473e42)
- add support for day spacing (2acc80b1)
- add support for adaptive cell size on Calendar component (9e4e8bb2)
- add ability to switch direction on Calendar component (5160b435)
- add transition staggering for days (53cef593)
- init Calendar component (163a4902)
- canvas
- chord
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- colors
- improve withColors HOC (9e6af9b4)
- use nivo default colors id instead of value (2a5b0757)
- improve colors generator (8e723f13)
- default to given value for getColorGenerator() (39542527)
- add defautl nivo categorical colors (b8b8992f)
- add defautl nivo categorical colors (4c5f7082)
- add colors config for Pie/Stack/TreeMap components (584ff47c)
- add utility to generate color range from config (657d8cc3)
- improve colors config (330356a6)
- add smart declarative color management (c4fb5330)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- container add ability to disable interactivity (73a33f92)
- core
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- defs init support for svg gradients/patterns (cd4c1663)
- demo
- deps
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- dots add ability to define custom dot symbol (da49e15f)
- examples
- generators
- heatmap
- include TypeScript definition in package (868620eb)
- init TypeScript definitions (#198) (6c5432db)
- add support for onClick event (52d077c7)
- add tooltip support for HeatMap (28077c58)
- add hover behavior on HeatMapCanvas (37974a91)
- add tooltip support for HeatMapCanvas (db579a16)
- add HeatMap component (425afdaa)
- hierarchy add withHierarchy() HOC (99c2f789)
- interactivity
- labels use alignmentBaseline instead of approximative dy (10aa40fe)
- legends
- add support for both color and fill (4cb33e25)
- add documentation for custom symbol shape (7adc8381)
- add test for custom symbol shape support (50b2d39c)
- add support for custom symbol shape (7419c912)
- add support for basic interactivity (527b1fa7)
- add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- init legends package (4063428b)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- line
- add support for custom tooltip (39fad124)
- add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- fix wrong prop type (df4ac4ea)
- new prop enableArea was added to Line chart (#82) (6958db18)
- part of a line with missing data was hidden (#81) (60e47746)
- add ability to customize line width (8cb88477)
- add ability to define min/max Y value (2bd2554f)
- restrict allowed curve interpolators (7c332acd)
- avoid re-rendering tooltip on mouse move for line chart (1b0d5052)
- add ability to disable stack tooltip on line chart (732d1704)
- add support for tooltip on line component (ccdb2e67)
- add ability to animate line chart lines (1918772f)
- improve Line component (63ee809f)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- markers
- packages
- pie
- adjust website & docs (8f22f893)
- improve pie components (eb14f0cb)
- cleanup website PieCanvas demo (31ef9e53)
- init support for start/end angle + PieCanvas (52f6a9e1)
- add support for custom tooltip (d3734428)
- include TypeScript definition in package (04fc931e)
- add TypeScript Definitions for Pie component (0def4c31)
- add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- add ability to use default dataset order (#79) (f4a261d3)
- add pie stories (a123c899)
- ad ability to skip label if slice angle is lower than given value (c0aecaa2)
- restore Pie chart (7eb85964)
- update Pie component css classes (d1042d8f)
- animate pi column legends (1580b16c)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar
- react
- readial-stack add RadialStack component (3fbebe52)
- sankey
- add TypeScript definitions (c2a9d38b)
- add gradient & blend mode support for links (27d56050)
- add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- Support complete configuration of the tooltips (#78) (f3aecf6c)
- Support configurable labels (#77) (5ac962b1)
- improve sankey interactivity (27a5ff54)
- improve Sankey diagram (aa5c8471)
- add support for label on Sankey diagram (b90de33a)
- add sankey diagram component (f358d2f9)
- scales improve XYScales component (f69dc5ac)
- scatterplot
- shapes add ability to define custom data accessors (17a555d3)
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- stack
- stack-filters
- stack-slicer split dot and line related properties (fad06c7a)
- storybook
- stream
- sunburst add Sunburst component (a8c872a9)
- tests
- theming fix tooltip theming (9385dd67)
- tooltip
- tooltips
- treemap
- add TreeMapCanvas component (e12a1268)
- remove placeholders and improve svg & html flavors (ff3734da)
- add support for tooltip on TreeMap components (755783d8)
- get rid of data nesting when using animated treemap (507dcb64)
- add SVG based TreeMap (de08c6b6)
- fix TreeMapD3 nodes exit (9e02da4e)
- add TreeMap component (d88e328f)
- voronoi improve voronoi (#93) (e1ae81a8)
- waffle
- website
- upgrade nivo packages (c0f12986)
- add ability to manage array of props (8f44ab94)
- upgrade nivo packages (4d819df6)
- add option to showcase custom scatterplot tooltip (68b72a44)
- upgrade nivo packages (d6eefa30)
- upgrade nivo packages (cf62e33d)
- upgrade nivo packages (8dadeead)
- fix treemap source code for treemap components (b97c07b8)
- restore scrol position when pathname changes (49b7ffca)
- use BrowserRouter instead of HashRouter (a360e444)
- upgrade nivo packages (69deaa17)
- upgrade nivo packages (5f416e9a)
- upgrade nivo packages (8d8374a3)
- upgrade nivo packages (66a7208c)
- improve chart tabs (2c2265f5)
- upgrade @nivo packages (71e1c4b0)
- upgrade @nivo packages (2da761d8)
- upgrade @nivo packages (4b60e426)
- upgrade @nivo packages (429bd5f0)
- upgrade website @nivo packages (81adc8d0)
- upgrade @nivo packages (697e8aa5)
- rename demo to website (dadc8f58)
- Makefile disable command priting for packages-build recipe (1046ee2c)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- bar
- bubble
- calendar
- canvas fix resizing when using canvas based components (0d41f563)
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- color fix ColorUtils unit test (bd9e03d3)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- eslint fix eslint for all packages (27bf8d0c)
- generators use modules (9cec118c)
- heatmap better handling of NaN values (02ef5577)
- ignores fix git ignore misconfiguration (41e278a7)
- line
- lodash add missing deps & use scoped imports (f04660f2)
- pie fix code formatting (1f9cf69e)
- react-dom use react-dom instead of react for DOM retrieval (c0940876)
- readme
- rename Remove trailing layout component (860c8e77)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- split
- stack fix broken Stack tests (6ef978c4)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- stream fix stream stacked tooltip (05fbcc9f)
- svg fix svg for server side rendering (ae77d432)
- tests add missing webpack package (9be90ace)
- tooltip fix tooltip offset with scroll (c320c23f)
- travis use specific browser on travis for browser testing (45d318ce)
- treemap fix missing default props (887cfcde)
- unit-tests fix broken unit tests (321ef10d)
- waffle remove self import from TypeScript def (867a545a)
- website
- window use global.window instead of window for node env (bf1e6202)
- Makefile disable command priting for packages-build recipe (1046ee2c)
- calendar fix crash when no data is empty (5ac42141)
- eslint fix eslint for all packages (27bf8d0c)
- heatmap better handling of NaN values (02ef5577)
- core
- line add support for custom tooltip (39fad124)
- scatterplot remove unused min/max x/y (efbda0fb)
- website add option to showcase custom scatterplot tooltip (68b72a44)
- calendar
- pie
- website upgrade nivo packages (d6eefa30)
- sankey
- website upgrade nivo packages (cf62e33d)
- bar include TypeScript definition in package (0d221c74)
- heatmap include TypeScript definition in package (868620eb)
- pie
- radar add ability to define max value (880d7299)
- website upgrade nivo packages (8dadeead)
- waffle add waffle package (#202) (aceafc48)
- heatmap init TypeScript definitions (#198) (6c5432db)
- pie add TypeScript Definitions for Pie component (0def4c31)
- tooltips add support for custom tooltips for bubble charts and treemaps (#200) (092f3e0c)
- website
- bar improve custom tooltip support (5816555e)
- tooltips add support for configurable tooltips for bar charts and heat maps (#159) (82473c10)
- website upgrade nivo packages (8d8374a3)
- website upgrade nivo packages (66a7208c)
- lodash add missing deps & use scoped imports (f04660f2)
- generators use modules (9cec118c)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- website fix website Stream example code (#188) (129572e6)
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- deps use yarn with lerna & add missing yarn.lock files (42675e47)
- legends add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- packages use rollup for packages build (f24cb08d)
- pie add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- react nivo now require react >= 16.2.0 < 17.0.0 (f64d3ef6)
- stack make line areas stack in front of each other visibly #152 (8ec91a66)
- tests centralize test command & dependencies (eda819ca)
- website improve chart tabs (2c2265f5)
- chord
- composition init more granular approach to components (da5c6fbf)
- legends init SizeLegendSvg (22c186ad)
- line
- fix dot label color (330720ce)
- init tests & eslint for @nivo/line package (5bf09098)
- add support for empty values + custom x scale + stacking (4690cbc4)
- remove unused component (bfec8288)
- add LineChartCanvas component (be930613)
- rework stories (05ea88f7)
- add LineChartSvg component (42f1cfe3)
- restore ability to animate line & line area (d517c521)
- sankey init tests & eslint for @nivo/sankey package (b4428b1e)
- scales add support for time scale (28e8ebff)
- screenshots update packages screenshots (a39731c3)
- website
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- website fix website Stream example code (#188) (129572e6)
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- deps use yarn with lerna & add missing yarn.lock files (42675e47)
- legends add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- packages use rollup for packages build (f24cb08d)
- pie add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- react nivo now require react >= 16.2.0 < 17.0.0 (f64d3ef6)
- scatterplot
- stack make line areas stack in front of each other visibly #152 (8ec91a66)
- tests centralize test command & dependencies (eda819ca)
- website
- scatterplot add support for tooltips on ScatterPlotCanvas (fc01970b)
- chord fix broken imports (1021624a)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (39212ef4)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- examples
- legends init legends package (4063428b)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (8d53e13b)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- scatterplot add scatterplot package (ff7610c6)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (79395355)
- website
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (09b0a2a9)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (3a547223)
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (daeb4d4c)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (3c5f0fdb)
- legends init legends package (56c5f99c)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b6a45955)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (d22faa6e)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (9a10a459)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (415ac596)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (feccf224)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (b0421f5c)
- website
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (9708b531)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (3cfe7ec1)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (7092fbeb)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (c359a21b)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (e37eb388)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (66c475ae)
- website upgrade @nivo packages (65694f8d)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (2ff2aeb3)
- legends init legends package (c27aae45)
- line add support for legends on Line component (d53614f8)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (eec6ac5c)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- chord
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- demo
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- examples
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (e65976d8)
- legends init legends package (4063428b)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (7467315c)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (8d53e13b)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- scatterplot
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (79395355)
- tests restored existing tests (e4cf806f)
- website
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- readme fix misleading installation instructions (0a5120f7)
- split
- split add missing deps (0c222f70)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (fa47e01e)
- split add missing deps (dd9676bd)
- split add missing dep react-motion (74e0bf54)
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (a055d0e5)
- code style add prettier formatting (2f9a29b2)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (36e87edb)
- tests restored existing tests (dc2b08bc)
- split
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (fa47e01e)
- demo
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (5c815ccc)
- website rename demo to website (14a375c1)
- split init multi packages (2e78776d)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (7fbc5951)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- split
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- demo
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (e65976d8)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (7467315c)
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- tests restored existing tests (e4cf806f)
- website
- calendar
- line
- tooltip prop to format values in tooltip was added (#69) (0dfafff5)
- voronoi improve voronoi (#93) (e1ae81a8)
- bar getLabel is defined twice (#76) (4cfd3a11)
- axes add onClick handler to axis ticks (#60) (0c9efe4b)
- interactivity add onClick support for Sankey (#75) (a547917c)
- pie add ability to use default dataset order (#79) (f4a261d3)
- react update required react version (4b4865fc)
- sankey
- axis add support for custom tick values/count (#58) (bd789728)
- bubble improve bubble components (0779f335)
- treemap remove placeholders and improve svg & html flavors (ff3734da)
- window use global.window instead of window for node env (bf1e6202)
- bar add support for border on Bar component (7f5ac7ce)
- bubble add canvas support for bubble chart (8db9a136)
- chord add ability to customize chord borders color (bee8de33)
- defs init support for svg gradients/patterns (cd4c1663)
- line add ability to customize line width (8cb88477)
- stream add border suppport (5eabc451)
- bubble fix bubble props export (37067061)
- interactivity add onClick support for Bar & Bubble (a73af167)
- tooltip fix tooltip offset with scroll (c320c23f)
- axis improve axis formatting support (69269a60)
- bar add ability to define bar chart min/max value (d9b9bdae)
- bubble fix bubble color transition (675c6689)
- sankey improve sankey interactivity (27a5ff54)
- chord add labels, stories and cavans variant for Chord component (281021bb)
- axes use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c8c693a3)
- chord improve Chord component (16af1340)
- heatmap add tooltip support for HeatMap (28077c58)
- axes use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c0de4732)
- heatmap
- canvas fix resizing when using canvas based components (0d41f563)
- canvas add support for HiDPI screens (26ebb9b7)
- bar add tooltip support for BarCanvas (946bb066)
- heatmap add tooltip support for HeatMapCanvas (db579a16)
- canvas add canvas support for bar & heatmap (94ad4d97)
- stream fix stream stacked tooltip (05fbcc9f)
- heatmap add HeatMap component (425afdaa)
- dots add ability to define custom dot symbol (da49e15f)
- generators update nivo-generators (ada44cf7)
- line add ability to define min/max Y value (2bd2554f)
- markers add support for markers on Line & Bar charts (e36a7a2b)
- sankey
- theming fix tooltip theming (9385dd67)
- treemap fix missing default props (887cfcde)
- bubble
- hierarchy add withHierarchy() HOC (99c2f789)
- labels use alignmentBaseline instead of approximative dy (10aa40fe)
- radar add support for tooltip on Radar component (acd9a4f9)
- treemap add support for tooltip on TreeMap components (755783d8)
- tooltip add support for tooltip theming (72f2f751)
- bar add support for horizontal layout & change data format (29a4b350)
- axes add ability to rotate axes tick label (3921c2f1)
- Makefile disable command priting for packages-build recipe (1046ee2c)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- bar
- bubble
- calendar
- canvas fix resizing when using canvas based components (0d41f563)
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- color fix ColorUtils unit test (bd9e03d3)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- eslint fix eslint for all packages (27bf8d0c)
- generators use modules (9cec118c)
- heatmap better handling of NaN values (02ef5577)
- ignores fix git ignore misconfiguration (41e278a7)
- line
- lodash add missing deps & use scoped imports (f04660f2)
- pie fix code formatting (1f9cf69e)
- react-dom use react-dom instead of react for DOM retrieval (c0940876)
- readme
- rename Remove trailing layout component (860c8e77)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- split
- stack fix broken Stack tests (6ef978c4)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- stream fix stream stacked tooltip (05fbcc9f)
- svg fix svg for server side rendering (ae77d432)
- tests add missing webpack package (9be90ace)
- tooltip fix tooltip offset with scroll (c320c23f)
- travis use specific browser on travis for browser testing (45d318ce)
- treemap fix missing default props (887cfcde)
- unit-tests fix broken unit tests (321ef10d)
- waffle remove self import from TypeScript def (867a545a)
- website fix website Stream example code (#188) (129572e6)
- window use global.window instead of window for node env (bf1e6202)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- axes
- add onClick handler to axis ticks (#60) (0c9efe4b)
- use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c8c693a3)
- add ability to rotate axes tick label (3921c2f1)
- remove stale axes components & add proper props validation (7fc0e4de)
- add ability to disable axes transitions (bc1be6c7)
- add more options to AxisY component (98ac2f18)
- add AxisX component (91399e6b)
- axis
- bar
- add ability to define grid values (afd1ee30)
- include TypeScript definition in package (0d221c74)
- improve custom tooltip support (5816555e)
- add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- add support for border on Bar component (7f5ac7ce)
- improve bar components: (640debc7)
- add label format support for Bar (#45) (c5a63c95)
- add ability to define bar chart min/max value (d9b9bdae)
- add tooltip support for BarCanvas (946bb066)
- add support for horizontal layout & change data format (29a4b350)
- add ability to customize bar labels colors (0f63c077)
- add support for animation on Bar component (a099654c)
- update bar chart (05565ca8)
- bubble
- improve bubble components (0779f335)
- add canvas support for bubble chart (8db9a136)
- fix bubble color transition (675c6689)
- fix bubble tooltip id value (615b90e9)
- add Bubble stories (aba5c985)
- add zooming ability to Bubble components (a231c07b)
- add onBubbleClick property to BubbleD3 component (3b615080)
- add ability to center Bubble components text (fecbc22e)
- rename 'root' property to 'data' (49bffcd5)
- add border support for Bubble components (6e2f25e0)
- improve Bubble components (d0ea00b5)
- move Bubble legends in a dedicated component (08a7259c)
- move Bubble legends in a dedicated component (c54116d5)
- init Bubble component (0a8a3865)
- calendar
- add ability to define custom tooltip (7a076bf3)
- add stories (d3b8951e)
- add ability to customize year/month legend (a43c7082)
- add TypeScript definitions (98106ab1)
- add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- add support for tooltip (149e664e)
- remove support for motion and align code with other charts (b9b47f75)
- add onDayClick property to Calendar components (ca947080)
- add ability to customize empty day color (644cc8e3)
- fix Calendar related tests (4f358136)
- add ability to colorize calendar components days (69d03562)
- add ability to toggle motion on Calendar component (d8062ed0)
- add test for Calendar component (31eb7203)
- port CalendarD3 features to Calendar (e11737db)
- update CalendarD3 test (4058b9f9)
- add legends offset properties to CalendarD3 component (cd94e38c)
- add month legend to CalendarD3 component (49a71306)
- add test for CalendarD3 component (d9720021)
- add year legends to Calendar component (1ef5b5e6)
- proper spacing between Calendar years (96f9cf23)
- fix Calendar month path position (88d2e81c)
- add CalendarCanvas to readme (d451f365)
- add experimental CalendarCanvas component (28e6e233)
- init support for multiple years (1bbb2b07)
- add pure React based Calendar component (a0473e42)
- add support for day spacing (2acc80b1)
- add support for adaptive cell size on Calendar component (9e4e8bb2)
- add ability to switch direction on Calendar component (5160b435)
- add transition staggering for days (53cef593)
- init Calendar component (163a4902)
- canvas
- chord
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- colors
- improve withColors HOC (9e6af9b4)
- use nivo default colors id instead of value (2a5b0757)
- improve colors generator (8e723f13)
- default to given value for getColorGenerator() (39542527)
- add defautl nivo categorical colors (b8b8992f)
- add defautl nivo categorical colors (4c5f7082)
- add colors config for Pie/Stack/TreeMap components (584ff47c)
- add utility to generate color range from config (657d8cc3)
- improve colors config (330356a6)
- add smart declarative color management (c4fb5330)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- container add ability to disable interactivity (73a33f92)
- core
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- defs init support for svg gradients/patterns (cd4c1663)
- demo
- deps use yarn with lerna & add missing yarn.lock files (42675e47)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- dots add ability to define custom dot symbol (da49e15f)
- examples
- generators
- heatmap
- include TypeScript definition in package (868620eb)
- init TypeScript definitions (#198) (6c5432db)
- add support for onClick event (52d077c7)
- add tooltip support for HeatMap (28077c58)
- add hover behavior on HeatMapCanvas (37974a91)
- add tooltip support for HeatMapCanvas (db579a16)
- add HeatMap component (425afdaa)
- hierarchy add withHierarchy() HOC (99c2f789)
- interactivity
- labels use alignmentBaseline instead of approximative dy (10aa40fe)
- legends
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- line
- add support for custom tooltip (39fad124)
- add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- fix wrong prop type (df4ac4ea)
- new prop enableArea was added to Line chart (#82) (6958db18)
- part of a line with missing data was hidden (#81) (60e47746)
- add ability to customize line width (8cb88477)
- add ability to define min/max Y value (2bd2554f)
- restrict allowed curve interpolators (7c332acd)
- avoid re-rendering tooltip on mouse move for line chart (1b0d5052)
- add ability to disable stack tooltip on line chart (732d1704)
- add support for tooltip on line component (ccdb2e67)
- add ability to animate line chart lines (1918772f)
- improve Line component (63ee809f)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- markers
- packages
- pie
- adjust website & docs (8f22f893)
- improve pie components (eb14f0cb)
- cleanup website PieCanvas demo (31ef9e53)
- init support for start/end angle + PieCanvas (52f6a9e1)
- add support for custom tooltip (d3734428)
- include TypeScript definition in package (04fc931e)
- add TypeScript Definitions for Pie component (0def4c31)
- add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- add ability to use default dataset order (#79) (f4a261d3)
- add pie stories (a123c899)
- ad ability to skip label if slice angle is lower than given value (c0aecaa2)
- restore Pie chart (7eb85964)
- update Pie component css classes (d1042d8f)
- animate pi column legends (1580b16c)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar
- react
- readial-stack add RadialStack component (3fbebe52)
- sankey
- add TypeScript definitions (c2a9d38b)
- add gradient & blend mode support for links (27d56050)
- add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- Support complete configuration of the tooltips (#78) (f3aecf6c)
- Support configurable labels (#77) (5ac962b1)
- improve sankey interactivity (27a5ff54)
- improve Sankey diagram (aa5c8471)
- add support for label on Sankey diagram (b90de33a)
- add sankey diagram component (f358d2f9)
- scales improve XYScales component (f69dc5ac)
- scatterplot
- shapes add ability to define custom data accessors (17a555d3)
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- stack
- stack-filters
- stack-slicer split dot and line related properties (fad06c7a)
- storybook
- stream
- sunburst add Sunburst component (a8c872a9)
- tests
- theming fix tooltip theming (9385dd67)
- tooltip
- tooltips
- treemap
- add TreeMapCanvas component (e12a1268)
- remove placeholders and improve svg & html flavors (ff3734da)
- add support for tooltip on TreeMap components (755783d8)
- get rid of data nesting when using animated treemap (507dcb64)
- add SVG based TreeMap (de08c6b6)
- fix TreeMapD3 nodes exit (9e02da4e)
- add TreeMap component (d88e328f)
- voronoi improve voronoi (#93) (e1ae81a8)
- waffle add waffle package (#202) (aceafc48)
- website
- add option to showcase custom scatterplot tooltip (68b72a44)
- upgrade nivo packages (d6eefa30)
- upgrade nivo packages (cf62e33d)
- upgrade nivo packages (8dadeead)
- fix treemap source code for treemap components (b97c07b8)
- restore scrol position when pathname changes (49b7ffca)
- use BrowserRouter instead of HashRouter (a360e444)
- upgrade nivo packages (69deaa17)
- upgrade nivo packages (5f416e9a)
- upgrade nivo packages (8d8374a3)
- upgrade nivo packages (66a7208c)
- improve chart tabs (2c2265f5)
- upgrade @nivo packages (71e1c4b0)
- upgrade @nivo packages (2da761d8)
- upgrade @nivo packages (4b60e426)
- upgrade @nivo packages (429bd5f0)
- upgrade website @nivo packages (81adc8d0)
- upgrade @nivo packages (697e8aa5)
- rename demo to website (dadc8f58)
- pie
- website upgrade nivo packages (d6eefa30)
- sankey
- website upgrade nivo packages (cf62e33d)
- bar include TypeScript definition in package (0d221c74)
- heatmap include TypeScript definition in package (868620eb)
- pie
- radar add ability to define max value (880d7299)
- website upgrade nivo packages (8dadeead)
- waffle add waffle package (#202) (aceafc48)
- heatmap init TypeScript definitions (#198) (6c5432db)
- pie add TypeScript Definitions for Pie component (0def4c31)
- tooltips add support for custom tooltips for bubble charts and treemaps (#200) (092f3e0c)
- website
- bar improve custom tooltip support (5816555e)
- tooltips add support for configurable tooltips for bar charts and heat maps (#159) (82473c10)
- website upgrade nivo packages (8d8374a3)
- website upgrade nivo packages (66a7208c)
- lodash add missing deps & use scoped imports (f04660f2)
- generators use modules (9cec118c)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- website fix website Stream example code (#188) (129572e6)
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- deps use yarn with lerna & add missing yarn.lock files (42675e47)
- legends add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- packages use rollup for packages build (f24cb08d)
- pie add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- react nivo now require react >= 16.2.0 < 17.0.0 (f64d3ef6)
- stack make line areas stack in front of each other visibly #152 (8ec91a66)
- tests centralize test command & dependencies (eda819ca)
- website improve chart tabs (2c2265f5)
- chord
- composition init more granular approach to components (da5c6fbf)
- legends init SizeLegendSvg (22c186ad)
- line
- fix dot label color (330720ce)
- init tests & eslint for @nivo/line package (5bf09098)
- add support for empty values + custom x scale + stacking (4690cbc4)
- remove unused component (bfec8288)
- add LineChartCanvas component (be930613)
- rework stories (05ea88f7)
- add LineChartSvg component (42f1cfe3)
- restore ability to animate line & line area (d517c521)
- sankey init tests & eslint for @nivo/sankey package (b4428b1e)
- scales add support for time scale (28e8ebff)
- screenshots update packages screenshots (a39731c3)
- website
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- deps use yarn with lerna & add missing yarn.lock files (42675e47)
- legends add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- packages use rollup for packages build (f24cb08d)
- pie add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- react nivo now require react >= 16.2.0 < 17.0.0 (f64d3ef6)
- scatterplot
- stack make line areas stack in front of each other visibly #152 (8ec91a66)
- tests centralize test command & dependencies (eda819ca)
- website
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- website fix website Stream example code (#188) (129572e6)
- scatterplot add support for tooltips on ScatterPlotCanvas (fc01970b)
- chord fix broken imports (1021624a)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (39212ef4)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- examples
- legends init legends package (4063428b)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (8d53e13b)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- scatterplot add scatterplot package (ff7610c6)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (79395355)
- website
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (09b0a2a9)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (3a547223)
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (daeb4d4c)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (3c5f0fdb)
- legends init legends package (56c5f99c)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b6a45955)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (d22faa6e)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (9a10a459)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (415ac596)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (feccf224)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (b0421f5c)
- website
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (9708b531)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (3cfe7ec1)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (7092fbeb)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (c359a21b)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (e37eb388)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (66c475ae)
- website upgrade @nivo packages (65694f8d)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (2ff2aeb3)
- legends init legends package (c27aae45)
- line add support for legends on Line component (d53614f8)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (eec6ac5c)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- chord
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- demo
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- examples
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (e65976d8)
- legends init legends package (4063428b)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (7467315c)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (8d53e13b)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- scatterplot
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (79395355)
- tests restored existing tests (e4cf806f)
- website
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- readme fix misleading installation instructions (0a5120f7)
- split
- split add missing deps (0c222f70)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (fa47e01e)
- split add missing deps (dd9676bd)
- split add missing dep react-motion (74e0bf54)
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (a055d0e5)
- code style add prettier formatting (2f9a29b2)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (36e87edb)
- tests restored existing tests (dc2b08bc)
- split
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (fa47e01e)
- demo
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (5c815ccc)
- website rename demo to website (14a375c1)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (7fbc5951)
- split init multi packages (2e78776d)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- split
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- demo
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (e65976d8)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (7467315c)
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- tests restored existing tests (e4cf806f)
- website
- calendar
- line
- tooltip prop to format values in tooltip was added (#69) (0dfafff5)
- voronoi improve voronoi (#93) (e1ae81a8)
- axes add onClick handler to axis ticks (#60) (0c9efe4b)
- interactivity add onClick support for Sankey (#75) (a547917c)
- pie add ability to use default dataset order (#79) (f4a261d3)
- react update required react version (4b4865fc)
- sankey
- bar getLabel is defined twice (#76) (4cfd3a11)
- axis add support for custom tick values/count (#58) (bd789728)
- bubble improve bubble components (0779f335)
- treemap remove placeholders and improve svg & html flavors (ff3734da)
- window use global.window instead of window for node env (bf1e6202)
- bar add support for border on Bar component (7f5ac7ce)
- bubble add canvas support for bubble chart (8db9a136)
- chord add ability to customize chord borders color (bee8de33)
- defs init support for svg gradients/patterns (cd4c1663)
- line add ability to customize line width (8cb88477)
- stream add border suppport (5eabc451)
- bubble fix bubble props export (37067061)
- interactivity add onClick support for Bar & Bubble (a73af167)
- tooltip fix tooltip offset with scroll (c320c23f)
- axis improve axis formatting support (69269a60)
- bar add ability to define bar chart min/max value (d9b9bdae)
- bubble fix bubble color transition (675c6689)
- sankey improve sankey interactivity (27a5ff54)
- chord add labels, stories and cavans variant for Chord component (281021bb)
- axes use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c8c693a3)
- chord improve Chord component (16af1340)
- heatmap add tooltip support for HeatMap (28077c58)
- axes use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c0de4732)
- heatmap
- canvas fix resizing when using canvas based components (0d41f563)
- canvas add support for HiDPI screens (26ebb9b7)
- bar add tooltip support for BarCanvas (946bb066)
- heatmap add tooltip support for HeatMapCanvas (db579a16)
- stream fix stream stacked tooltip (05fbcc9f)
- canvas add canvas support for bar & heatmap (94ad4d97)
- heatmap add HeatMap component (425afdaa)
- dots add ability to define custom dot symbol (da49e15f)
- generators update nivo-generators (ada44cf7)
- line add ability to define min/max Y value (2bd2554f)
- markers add support for markers on Line & Bar charts (e36a7a2b)
- sankey
- theming fix tooltip theming (9385dd67)
- treemap fix missing default props (887cfcde)
- bubble
- hierarchy add withHierarchy() HOC (99c2f789)
- labels use alignmentBaseline instead of approximative dy (10aa40fe)
- radar add support for tooltip on Radar component (acd9a4f9)
- treemap add support for tooltip on TreeMap components (755783d8)
- tooltip add support for tooltip theming (72f2f751)
- bar add support for horizontal layout & change data format (29a4b350)
- axes add ability to rotate axes tick label (3921c2f1)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- axes
- add onClick handler to axis ticks (#60) (0c9efe4b)
- use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c8c693a3)
- add ability to rotate axes tick label (3921c2f1)
- remove stale axes components & add proper props validation (7fc0e4de)
- add ability to disable axes transitions (bc1be6c7)
- add more options to AxisY component (98ac2f18)
- add AxisX component (91399e6b)
- axis
- bar
- include TypeScript definition in package (0d221c74)
- improve custom tooltip support (5816555e)
- add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- add support for border on Bar component (7f5ac7ce)
- improve bar components: (640debc7)
- add label format support for Bar (#45) (c5a63c95)
- add ability to define bar chart min/max value (d9b9bdae)
- add tooltip support for BarCanvas (946bb066)
- add support for horizontal layout & change data format (29a4b350)
- add ability to customize bar labels colors (0f63c077)
- add support for animation on Bar component (a099654c)
- update bar chart (05565ca8)
- bubble
- improve bubble components (0779f335)
- add canvas support for bubble chart (8db9a136)
- fix bubble color transition (675c6689)
- fix bubble tooltip id value (615b90e9)
- add Bubble stories (aba5c985)
- add zooming ability to Bubble components (a231c07b)
- add onBubbleClick property to BubbleD3 component (3b615080)
- add ability to center Bubble components text (fecbc22e)
- rename 'root' property to 'data' (49bffcd5)
- add border support for Bubble components (6e2f25e0)
- improve Bubble components (d0ea00b5)
- move Bubble legends in a dedicated component (08a7259c)
- move Bubble legends in a dedicated component (c54116d5)
- init Bubble component (0a8a3865)
- calendar
- add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- add support for tooltip (149e664e)
- remove support for motion and align code with other charts (b9b47f75)
- add onDayClick property to Calendar components (ca947080)
- add ability to customize empty day color (644cc8e3)
- fix Calendar related tests (4f358136)
- add ability to colorize calendar components days (69d03562)
- add ability to toggle motion on Calendar component (d8062ed0)
- add test for Calendar component (31eb7203)
- port CalendarD3 features to Calendar (e11737db)
- update CalendarD3 test (4058b9f9)
- add legends offset properties to CalendarD3 component (cd94e38c)
- add month legend to CalendarD3 component (49a71306)
- add test for CalendarD3 component (d9720021)
- add year legends to Calendar component (1ef5b5e6)
- proper spacing between Calendar years (96f9cf23)
- fix Calendar month path position (88d2e81c)
- add CalendarCanvas to readme (d451f365)
- add experimental CalendarCanvas component (28e6e233)
- init support for multiple years (1bbb2b07)
- add pure React based Calendar component (a0473e42)
- add support for day spacing (2acc80b1)
- add support for adaptive cell size on Calendar component (9e4e8bb2)
- add ability to switch direction on Calendar component (5160b435)
- add transition staggering for days (53cef593)
- init Calendar component (163a4902)
- canvas
- chord
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- colors
- improve withColors HOC (9e6af9b4)
- use nivo default colors id instead of value (2a5b0757)
- improve colors generator (8e723f13)
- default to given value for getColorGenerator() (39542527)
- add defautl nivo categorical colors (b8b8992f)
- add defautl nivo categorical colors (4c5f7082)
- add colors config for Pie/Stack/TreeMap components (584ff47c)
- add utility to generate color range from config (657d8cc3)
- improve colors config (330356a6)
- add smart declarative color management (c4fb5330)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- container add ability to disable interactivity (73a33f92)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- defs init support for svg gradients/patterns (cd4c1663)
- demo
- deps use yarn with lerna & add missing yarn.lock files (42675e47)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- dots add ability to define custom dot symbol (da49e15f)
- examples
- generators
- heatmap
- include TypeScript definition in package (868620eb)
- init TypeScript definitions (#198) (6c5432db)
- add support for onClick event (52d077c7)
- add tooltip support for HeatMap (28077c58)
- add hover behavior on HeatMapCanvas (37974a91)
- add tooltip support for HeatMapCanvas (db579a16)
- add HeatMap component (425afdaa)
- hierarchy add withHierarchy() HOC (99c2f789)
- interactivity
- labels use alignmentBaseline instead of approximative dy (10aa40fe)
- legends
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- line
- add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- fix wrong prop type (df4ac4ea)
- new prop enableArea was added to Line chart (#82) (6958db18)
- part of a line with missing data was hidden (#81) (60e47746)
- add ability to customize line width (8cb88477)
- add ability to define min/max Y value (2bd2554f)
- restrict allowed curve interpolators (7c332acd)
- avoid re-rendering tooltip on mouse move for line chart (1b0d5052)
- add ability to disable stack tooltip on line chart (732d1704)
- add support for tooltip on line component (ccdb2e67)
- add ability to animate line chart lines (1918772f)
- improve Line component (63ee809f)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- markers
- packages
- pie
- improve pie components (eb14f0cb)
- cleanup website PieCanvas demo (31ef9e53)
- init support for start/end angle + PieCanvas (52f6a9e1)
- add support for custom tooltip (d3734428)
- include TypeScript definition in package (04fc931e)
- add TypeScript Definitions for Pie component (0def4c31)
- add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- add ability to use default dataset order (#79) (f4a261d3)
- add pie stories (a123c899)
- ad ability to skip label if slice angle is lower than given value (c0aecaa2)
- restore Pie chart (7eb85964)
- update Pie component css classes (d1042d8f)
- animate pi column legends (1580b16c)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar
- react
- readial-stack add RadialStack component (3fbebe52)
- sankey
- add TypeScript definitions (c2a9d38b)
- add gradient & blend mode support for links (27d56050)
- add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- Support complete configuration of the tooltips (#78) (f3aecf6c)
- Support configurable labels (#77) (5ac962b1)
- improve sankey interactivity (27a5ff54)
- improve Sankey diagram (aa5c8471)
- add support for label on Sankey diagram (b90de33a)
- add sankey diagram component (f358d2f9)
- scales improve XYScales component (f69dc5ac)
- scatterplot
- shapes add ability to define custom data accessors (17a555d3)
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- stack
- stack-filters
- stack-slicer split dot and line related properties (fad06c7a)
- storybook
- stream
- sunburst add Sunburst component (a8c872a9)
- tests
- theming fix tooltip theming (9385dd67)
- tooltip
- tooltips
- treemap
- add TreeMapCanvas component (e12a1268)
- remove placeholders and improve svg & html flavors (ff3734da)
- add support for tooltip on TreeMap components (755783d8)
- get rid of data nesting when using animated treemap (507dcb64)
- add SVG based TreeMap (de08c6b6)
- fix TreeMapD3 nodes exit (9e02da4e)
- add TreeMap component (d88e328f)
- voronoi improve voronoi (#93) (e1ae81a8)
- waffle add waffle package (#202) (aceafc48)
- website
- upgrade nivo packages (d6eefa30)
- upgrade nivo packages (cf62e33d)
- upgrade nivo packages (8dadeead)
- fix treemap source code for treemap components (b97c07b8)
- restore scrol position when pathname changes (49b7ffca)
- use BrowserRouter instead of HashRouter (a360e444)
- upgrade nivo packages (69deaa17)
- upgrade nivo packages (5f416e9a)
- upgrade nivo packages (8d8374a3)
- upgrade nivo packages (66a7208c)
- improve chart tabs (2c2265f5)
- upgrade @nivo packages (71e1c4b0)
- upgrade @nivo packages (2da761d8)
- upgrade @nivo packages (4b60e426)
- upgrade @nivo packages (429bd5f0)
- upgrade website @nivo packages (81adc8d0)
- upgrade @nivo packages (697e8aa5)
- rename demo to website (dadc8f58)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- bar getLabel is defined twice (#76) (4cfd3a11)
- bubble
- calendar fix regression on calendar (b687ec84)
- canvas fix resizing when using canvas based components (0d41f563)
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- color fix ColorUtils unit test (bd9e03d3)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- generators use modules (9cec118c)
- ignores fix git ignore misconfiguration (41e278a7)
- line
- lodash add missing deps & use scoped imports (f04660f2)
- pie fix code formatting (1f9cf69e)
- react-dom use react-dom instead of react for DOM retrieval (c0940876)
- readme
- rename Remove trailing layout component (860c8e77)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- split
- stack fix broken Stack tests (6ef978c4)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- stream fix stream stacked tooltip (05fbcc9f)
- svg fix svg for server side rendering (ae77d432)
- tests add missing webpack package (9be90ace)
- tooltip fix tooltip offset with scroll (c320c23f)
- travis use specific browser on travis for browser testing (45d318ce)
- treemap fix missing default props (887cfcde)
- unit-tests fix broken unit tests (321ef10d)
- waffle remove self import from TypeScript def (867a545a)
- website fix website Stream example code (#188) (129572e6)
- window use global.window instead of window for node env (bf1e6202)
- bar include TypeScript definition in package (0d221c74)
- heatmap include TypeScript definition in package (868620eb)
- pie
- radar add ability to define max value (880d7299)
- website upgrade nivo packages (8dadeead)
- waffle add waffle package (#202) (aceafc48)
- heatmap init TypeScript definitions (#198) (6c5432db)
- pie add TypeScript Definitions for Pie component (0def4c31)
- tooltips add support for custom tooltips for bubble charts and treemaps (#200) (092f3e0c)
- website
- bar improve custom tooltip support (5816555e)
- tooltips add support for configurable tooltips for bar charts and heat maps (#159) (82473c10)
- website upgrade nivo packages (8d8374a3)
- lodash add missing deps & use scoped imports (f04660f2)
- website upgrade nivo packages (66a7208c)
- generators use modules (9cec118c)
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- deps use yarn with lerna & add missing yarn.lock files (42675e47)
- legends add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- packages use rollup for packages build (f24cb08d)
- pie add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- react nivo now require react >= 16.2.0 < 17.0.0 (f64d3ef6)
- stack make line areas stack in front of each other visibly #152 (8ec91a66)
- tests centralize test command & dependencies (eda819ca)
- website improve chart tabs (2c2265f5)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- website fix website Stream example code (#188) (129572e6)
- chord
- composition init more granular approach to components (da5c6fbf)
- legends init SizeLegendSvg (22c186ad)
- line
- fix dot label color (330720ce)
- init tests & eslint for @nivo/line package (5bf09098)
- add support for empty values + custom x scale + stacking (4690cbc4)
- remove unused component (bfec8288)
- add LineChartCanvas component (be930613)
- rework stories (05ea88f7)
- add LineChartSvg component (42f1cfe3)
- restore ability to animate line & line area (d517c521)
- sankey init tests & eslint for @nivo/sankey package (b4428b1e)
- scales add support for time scale (28e8ebff)
- screenshots update packages screenshots (a39731c3)
- website
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- deps use yarn with lerna & add missing yarn.lock files (42675e47)
- legends add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- packages use rollup for packages build (f24cb08d)
- pie add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- react nivo now require react >= 16.2.0 < 17.0.0 (f64d3ef6)
- scatterplot
- stack make line areas stack in front of each other visibly #152 (8ec91a66)
- tests centralize test command & dependencies (eda819ca)
- website
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- website fix website Stream example code (#188) (129572e6)
- scatterplot add support for tooltips on ScatterPlotCanvas (fc01970b)
- chord fix broken imports (1021624a)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (39212ef4)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- examples
- legends init legends package (4063428b)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (8d53e13b)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- scatterplot add scatterplot package (ff7610c6)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (79395355)
- website
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (09b0a2a9)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (3a547223)
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (daeb4d4c)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (3c5f0fdb)
- legends init legends package (56c5f99c)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b6a45955)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (d22faa6e)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (9a10a459)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (415ac596)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (feccf224)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (b0421f5c)
- website
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (9708b531)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (3cfe7ec1)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (7092fbeb)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (c359a21b)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (e37eb388)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (66c475ae)
- website upgrade @nivo packages (65694f8d)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (2ff2aeb3)
- legends init legends package (c27aae45)
- line add support for legends on Line component (d53614f8)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (eec6ac5c)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- readme fix misleading installation instructions (0a5120f7)
- split
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- chord
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- demo
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- examples
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (e65976d8)
- legends init legends package (4063428b)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (7467315c)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (8d53e13b)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- scatterplot
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (79395355)
- tests restored existing tests (e4cf806f)
- website
- split add missing deps (0c222f70)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (fa47e01e)
- split add missing deps (dd9676bd)
- split add missing dep react-motion (74e0bf54)
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (a055d0e5)
- code style add prettier formatting (2f9a29b2)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (36e87edb)
- tests restored existing tests (dc2b08bc)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (fa47e01e)
- demo
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (5c815ccc)
- website rename demo to website (14a375c1)
- split
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (7fbc5951)
- split init multi packages (2e78776d)
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- demo
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (e65976d8)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (7467315c)
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- tests restored existing tests (e4cf806f)
- website
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- split
- calendar
- line
- tooltip prop to format values in tooltip was added (#69) (0dfafff5)
- voronoi improve voronoi (#93) (e1ae81a8)
- bar getLabel is defined twice (#76) (4cfd3a11)
- axes add onClick handler to axis ticks (#60) (0c9efe4b)
- interactivity add onClick support for Sankey (#75) (a547917c)
- pie add ability to use default dataset order (#79) (f4a261d3)
- react update required react version (4b4865fc)
- sankey
- axis add support for custom tick values/count (#58) (bd789728)
- bubble improve bubble components (0779f335)
- treemap remove placeholders and improve svg & html flavors (ff3734da)
- window use global.window instead of window for node env (bf1e6202)
- bar add support for border on Bar component (7f5ac7ce)
- bubble add canvas support for bubble chart (8db9a136)
- chord add ability to customize chord borders color (bee8de33)
- defs init support for svg gradients/patterns (cd4c1663)
- line add ability to customize line width (8cb88477)
- stream add border suppport (5eabc451)
- bubble fix bubble props export (37067061)
- interactivity add onClick support for Bar & Bubble (a73af167)
- axis improve axis formatting support (69269a60)
- bar add ability to define bar chart min/max value (d9b9bdae)
- bubble fix bubble color transition (675c6689)
- sankey improve sankey interactivity (27a5ff54)
- tooltip fix tooltip offset with scroll (c320c23f)
- chord add labels, stories and cavans variant for Chord component (281021bb)
- axes use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c8c693a3)
- chord improve Chord component (16af1340)
- heatmap add tooltip support for HeatMap (28077c58)
- axes use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c0de4732)
- heatmap
- canvas fix resizing when using canvas based components (0d41f563)
- canvas add support for HiDPI screens (26ebb9b7)
- bar add tooltip support for BarCanvas (946bb066)
- heatmap add tooltip support for HeatMapCanvas (db579a16)
- stream fix stream stacked tooltip (05fbcc9f)
- canvas add canvas support for bar & heatmap (94ad4d97)
- heatmap add HeatMap component (425afdaa)
- dots add ability to define custom dot symbol (da49e15f)
- generators update nivo-generators (ada44cf7)
- line add ability to define min/max Y value (2bd2554f)
- markers add support for markers on Line & Bar charts (e36a7a2b)
- sankey
- theming fix tooltip theming (9385dd67)
- treemap fix missing default props (887cfcde)
- bubble
- hierarchy add withHierarchy() HOC (99c2f789)
- labels use alignmentBaseline instead of approximative dy (10aa40fe)
- radar add support for tooltip on Radar component (acd9a4f9)
- treemap add support for tooltip on TreeMap components (755783d8)
- tooltip add support for tooltip theming (72f2f751)
- bar add support for horizontal layout & change data format (29a4b350)
- axes add ability to rotate axes tick label (3921c2f1)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- axes
- add onClick handler to axis ticks (#60) (0c9efe4b)
- use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c8c693a3)
- add ability to rotate axes tick label (3921c2f1)
- remove stale axes components & add proper props validation (7fc0e4de)
- add ability to disable axes transitions (bc1be6c7)
- add more options to AxisY component (98ac2f18)
- add AxisX component (91399e6b)
- axis
- bar
- include TypeScript definition in package (0d221c74)
- improve custom tooltip support (5816555e)
- add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- add support for border on Bar component (7f5ac7ce)
- improve bar components: (640debc7)
- add label format support for Bar (#45) (c5a63c95)
- add ability to define bar chart min/max value (d9b9bdae)
- add tooltip support for BarCanvas (946bb066)
- add support for horizontal layout & change data format (29a4b350)
- add ability to customize bar labels colors (0f63c077)
- add support for animation on Bar component (a099654c)
- update bar chart (05565ca8)
- bubble
- improve bubble components (0779f335)
- add canvas support for bubble chart (8db9a136)
- fix bubble color transition (675c6689)
- fix bubble tooltip id value (615b90e9)
- add Bubble stories (aba5c985)
- add zooming ability to Bubble components (a231c07b)
- add onBubbleClick property to BubbleD3 component (3b615080)
- add ability to center Bubble components text (fecbc22e)
- rename 'root' property to 'data' (49bffcd5)
- add border support for Bubble components (6e2f25e0)
- improve Bubble components (d0ea00b5)
- move Bubble legends in a dedicated component (08a7259c)
- move Bubble legends in a dedicated component (c54116d5)
- init Bubble component (0a8a3865)
- calendar
- add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- add support for tooltip (149e664e)
- remove support for motion and align code with other charts (b9b47f75)
- add onDayClick property to Calendar components (ca947080)
- add ability to customize empty day color (644cc8e3)
- fix Calendar related tests (4f358136)
- add ability to colorize calendar components days (69d03562)
- add ability to toggle motion on Calendar component (d8062ed0)
- add test for Calendar component (31eb7203)
- port CalendarD3 features to Calendar (e11737db)
- update CalendarD3 test (4058b9f9)
- add legends offset properties to CalendarD3 component (cd94e38c)
- add month legend to CalendarD3 component (49a71306)
- add test for CalendarD3 component (d9720021)
- add year legends to Calendar component (1ef5b5e6)
- proper spacing between Calendar years (96f9cf23)
- fix Calendar month path position (88d2e81c)
- add CalendarCanvas to readme (d451f365)
- add experimental CalendarCanvas component (28e6e233)
- init support for multiple years (1bbb2b07)
- add pure React based Calendar component (a0473e42)
- add support for day spacing (2acc80b1)
- add support for adaptive cell size on Calendar component (9e4e8bb2)
- add ability to switch direction on Calendar component (5160b435)
- add transition staggering for days (53cef593)
- init Calendar component (163a4902)
- canvas
- chord
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- colors
- improve withColors HOC (9e6af9b4)
- use nivo default colors id instead of value (2a5b0757)
- improve colors generator (8e723f13)
- default to given value for getColorGenerator() (39542527)
- add defautl nivo categorical colors (b8b8992f)
- add defautl nivo categorical colors (4c5f7082)
- add colors config for Pie/Stack/TreeMap components (584ff47c)
- add utility to generate color range from config (657d8cc3)
- improve colors config (330356a6)
- add smart declarative color management (c4fb5330)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- container add ability to disable interactivity (73a33f92)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- defs init support for svg gradients/patterns (cd4c1663)
- demo
- deps use yarn with lerna & add missing yarn.lock files (42675e47)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- dots add ability to define custom dot symbol (da49e15f)
- examples
- generators
- heatmap
- include TypeScript definition in package (868620eb)
- init TypeScript definitions (#198) (6c5432db)
- add support for onClick event (52d077c7)
- add tooltip support for HeatMap (28077c58)
- add hover behavior on HeatMapCanvas (37974a91)
- add tooltip support for HeatMapCanvas (db579a16)
- add HeatMap component (425afdaa)
- hierarchy add withHierarchy() HOC (99c2f789)
- interactivity
- labels use alignmentBaseline instead of approximative dy (10aa40fe)
- legends
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- line
- add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- fix wrong prop type (df4ac4ea)
- new prop enableArea was added to Line chart (#82) (6958db18)
- part of a line with missing data was hidden (#81) (60e47746)
- add ability to customize line width (8cb88477)
- add ability to define min/max Y value (2bd2554f)
- restrict allowed curve interpolators (7c332acd)
- avoid re-rendering tooltip on mouse move for line chart (1b0d5052)
- add ability to disable stack tooltip on line chart (732d1704)
- add support for tooltip on line component (ccdb2e67)
- add ability to animate line chart lines (1918772f)
- improve Line component (63ee809f)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- markers
- packages
- pie
- add support for custom tooltip (d3734428)
- include TypeScript definition in package (04fc931e)
- add TypeScript Definitions for Pie component (0def4c31)
- add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- add ability to use default dataset order (#79) (f4a261d3)
- add pie stories (a123c899)
- ad ability to skip label if slice angle is lower than given value (c0aecaa2)
- restore Pie chart (7eb85964)
- update Pie component css classes (d1042d8f)
- animate pi column legends (1580b16c)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar
- react
- readial-stack add RadialStack component (3fbebe52)
- sankey
- add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- Support complete configuration of the tooltips (#78) (f3aecf6c)
- Support configurable labels (#77) (5ac962b1)
- improve sankey interactivity (27a5ff54)
- improve Sankey diagram (aa5c8471)
- add support for label on Sankey diagram (b90de33a)
- add sankey diagram component (f358d2f9)
- scales improve XYScales component (f69dc5ac)
- scatterplot
- shapes add ability to define custom data accessors (17a555d3)
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- stack
- stack-filters
- stack-slicer split dot and line related properties (fad06c7a)
- storybook
- stream
- sunburst add Sunburst component (a8c872a9)
- tests
- theming fix tooltip theming (9385dd67)
- tooltip
- tooltips
- treemap
- add TreeMapCanvas component (e12a1268)
- remove placeholders and improve svg & html flavors (ff3734da)
- add support for tooltip on TreeMap components (755783d8)
- get rid of data nesting when using animated treemap (507dcb64)
- add SVG based TreeMap (de08c6b6)
- fix TreeMapD3 nodes exit (9e02da4e)
- add TreeMap component (d88e328f)
- voronoi improve voronoi (#93) (e1ae81a8)
- waffle add waffle package (#202) (aceafc48)
- website
- upgrade nivo packages (8dadeead)
- fix treemap source code for treemap components (b97c07b8)
- restore scrol position when pathname changes (49b7ffca)
- use BrowserRouter instead of HashRouter (a360e444)
- upgrade nivo packages (69deaa17)
- upgrade nivo packages (5f416e9a)
- upgrade nivo packages (8d8374a3)
- upgrade nivo packages (66a7208c)
- improve chart tabs (2c2265f5)
- upgrade @nivo packages (71e1c4b0)
- upgrade @nivo packages (2da761d8)
- upgrade @nivo packages (4b60e426)
- upgrade @nivo packages (429bd5f0)
- upgrade website @nivo packages (81adc8d0)
- upgrade @nivo packages (697e8aa5)
- rename demo to website (dadc8f58)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- bar getLabel is defined twice (#76) (4cfd3a11)
- bubble
- calendar fix regression on calendar (b687ec84)
- canvas fix resizing when using canvas based components (0d41f563)
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- color fix ColorUtils unit test (bd9e03d3)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- generators use modules (9cec118c)
- ignores fix git ignore misconfiguration (41e278a7)
- line
- lodash add missing deps & use scoped imports (f04660f2)
- pie fix code formatting (1f9cf69e)
- react-dom use react-dom instead of react for DOM retrieval (c0940876)
- readme
- rename Remove trailing layout component (860c8e77)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- split
- stack fix broken Stack tests (6ef978c4)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- stream fix stream stacked tooltip (05fbcc9f)
- svg fix svg for server side rendering (ae77d432)
- tests add missing webpack package (9be90ace)
- tooltip fix tooltip offset with scroll (c320c23f)
- travis use specific browser on travis for browser testing (45d318ce)
- treemap fix missing default props (887cfcde)
- unit-tests fix broken unit tests (321ef10d)
- waffle remove self import from TypeScript def (867a545a)
- website fix website Stream example code (#188) (129572e6)
- window use global.window instead of window for node env (bf1e6202)
- heatmap init TypeScript definitions (#198) (6c5432db)
- pie add TypeScript Definitions for Pie component (0def4c31)
- tooltips add support for custom tooltips for bubble charts and treemaps (#200) (092f3e0c)
- website
- bar improve custom tooltip support (5816555e)
- tooltips add support for configurable tooltips for bar charts and heat maps (#159) (82473c10)
- website upgrade nivo packages (8d8374a3)
- website upgrade nivo packages (66a7208c)
- lodash add missing deps & use scoped imports (f04660f2)
- generators use modules (9cec118c)
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- deps use yarn with lerna & add missing yarn.lock files (42675e47)
- legends add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- packages use rollup for packages build (f24cb08d)
- pie add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- react nivo now require react >= 16.2.0 < 17.0.0 (f64d3ef6)
- stack make line areas stack in front of each other visibly #152 (8ec91a66)
- tests centralize test command & dependencies (eda819ca)
- website improve chart tabs (2c2265f5)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- website fix website Stream example code (#188) (129572e6)
- chord
- composition init more granular approach to components (da5c6fbf)
- legends init SizeLegendSvg (22c186ad)
- line
- fix dot label color (330720ce)
- init tests & eslint for @nivo/line package (5bf09098)
- add support for empty values + custom x scale + stacking (4690cbc4)
- remove unused component (bfec8288)
- add LineChartCanvas component (be930613)
- rework stories (05ea88f7)
- add LineChartSvg component (42f1cfe3)
- restore ability to animate line & line area (d517c521)
- sankey init tests & eslint for @nivo/sankey package (b4428b1e)
- scales add support for time scale (28e8ebff)
- screenshots update packages screenshots (a39731c3)
- website
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- website fix website Stream example code (#188) (129572e6)
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- deps use yarn with lerna & add missing yarn.lock files (42675e47)
- legends add default text color + canvas support for text color (20a30ab8)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- packages use rollup for packages build (f24cb08d)
- pie add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- react nivo now require react >= 16.2.0 < 17.0.0 (f64d3ef6)
- scatterplot
- stack make line areas stack in front of each other visibly #152 (8ec91a66)
- tests centralize test command & dependencies (eda819ca)
- website
- scatterplot add support for tooltips on ScatterPlotCanvas (fc01970b)
- chord fix broken imports (1021624a)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (39212ef4)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- examples
- legends init legends package (4063428b)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (8d53e13b)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- scatterplot add scatterplot package (ff7610c6)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (79395355)
- website
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (09b0a2a9)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (3a547223)
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (daeb4d4c)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (3c5f0fdb)
- legends init legends package (56c5f99c)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b6a45955)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (d22faa6e)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (9a10a459)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (415ac596)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (feccf224)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (b0421f5c)
- website
- chord add support for legends on Chord component (9708b531)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (3cfe7ec1)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (7092fbeb)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (c359a21b)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (e37eb388)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (66c475ae)
- website upgrade @nivo packages (65694f8d)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (2ff2aeb3)
- legends init legends package (c27aae45)
- line add support for legends on Line component (d53614f8)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (eec6ac5c)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- bar add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- calendar add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- chord
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- demo
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- examples
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (e65976d8)
- legends init legends package (4063428b)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- line add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (7467315c)
- pie add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar add support for legends on Radar component (8d53e13b)
- sankey add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- scatterplot
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- stream add support for legends on Stream component (79395355)
- tests restored existing tests (e4cf806f)
- website
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- readme fix misleading installation instructions (0a5120f7)
- split
- split add missing deps (0c222f70)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (fa47e01e)
- split add missing deps (dd9676bd)
- split add missing dep react-motion (74e0bf54)
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (a055d0e5)
- code style add prettier formatting (2f9a29b2)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (36e87edb)
- tests restored existing tests (dc2b08bc)
- split
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (fa47e01e)
- demo
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (5c815ccc)
- website rename demo to website (14a375c1)
- split init multi packages (2e78776d)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (7fbc5951)
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- demo
- generators use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators (e65976d8)
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- packages add command to deploy all packages (7467315c)
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- tests restored existing tests (e4cf806f)
- website
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- split
- calendar
- line
- tooltip prop to format values in tooltip was added (#69) (0dfafff5)
- voronoi improve voronoi (#93) (e1ae81a8)
- bar getLabel is defined twice (#76) (4cfd3a11)
- axes add onClick handler to axis ticks (#60) (0c9efe4b)
- interactivity add onClick support for Sankey (#75) (a547917c)
- pie add ability to use default dataset order (#79) (f4a261d3)
- react update required react version (4b4865fc)
- sankey
- axis add support for custom tick values/count (#58) (bd789728)
- bubble improve bubble components (0779f335)
- treemap remove placeholders and improve svg & html flavors (ff3734da)
- window use global.window instead of window for node env (bf1e6202)
- bar add support for border on Bar component (7f5ac7ce)
- bubble add canvas support for bubble chart (8db9a136)
- chord add ability to customize chord borders color (bee8de33)
- defs init support for svg gradients/patterns (cd4c1663)
- line add ability to customize line width (8cb88477)
- stream add border suppport (5eabc451)
- bubble fix bubble props export (37067061)
- interactivity add onClick support for Bar & Bubble (a73af167)
- axis improve axis formatting support (69269a60)
- bar add ability to define bar chart min/max value (d9b9bdae)
- bubble fix bubble color transition (675c6689)
- sankey improve sankey interactivity (27a5ff54)
- tooltip fix tooltip offset with scroll (c320c23f)
- chord add labels, stories and cavans variant for Chord component (281021bb)
- axes use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c8c693a3)
- chord improve Chord component (16af1340)
- heatmap add tooltip support for HeatMap (28077c58)
- axes use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c0de4732)
- heatmap
- canvas fix resizing when using canvas based components (0d41f563)
- canvas add support for HiDPI screens (26ebb9b7)
- bar add tooltip support for BarCanvas (946bb066)
- heatmap add tooltip support for HeatMapCanvas (db579a16)
- canvas add canvas support for bar & heatmap (94ad4d97)
- stream fix stream stacked tooltip (05fbcc9f)
- heatmap add HeatMap component (425afdaa)
- dots add ability to define custom dot symbol (da49e15f)
- generators update nivo-generators (ada44cf7)
- line add ability to define min/max Y value (2bd2554f)
- markers add support for markers on Line & Bar charts (e36a7a2b)
- sankey
- theming fix tooltip theming (9385dd67)
- treemap fix missing default props (887cfcde)
- bubble
- hierarchy add withHierarchy() HOC (99c2f789)
- labels use alignmentBaseline instead of approximative dy (10aa40fe)
- radar add support for tooltip on Radar component (acd9a4f9)
- treemap add support for tooltip on TreeMap components (755783d8)
- tooltip add support for tooltip theming (72f2f751)
- bar add support for horizontal layout & change data format (29a4b350)
- axes add ability to rotate axes tick label (3921c2f1)
- api remove empty api package (dd47b293)
- axes
- add onClick handler to axis ticks (#60) (0c9efe4b)
- use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c8c693a3)
- add ability to rotate axes tick label (3921c2f1)
- remove stale axes components & add proper props validation (7fc0e4de)
- add ability to disable axes transitions (bc1be6c7)
- add more options to AxisY component (98ac2f18)
- add AxisX component (91399e6b)
- axis
- bar
- improve custom tooltip support (5816555e)
- add support for legends on Bar component (6f22a4ab)
- add support for border on Bar component (7f5ac7ce)
- improve bar components: (640debc7)
- add label format support for Bar (#45) (c5a63c95)
- add ability to define bar chart min/max value (d9b9bdae)
- add tooltip support for BarCanvas (946bb066)
- add support for horizontal layout & change data format (29a4b350)
- add ability to customize bar labels colors (0f63c077)
- add support for animation on Bar component (a099654c)
- update bar chart (05565ca8)
- bubble
- improve bubble components (0779f335)
- add canvas support for bubble chart (8db9a136)
- fix bubble color transition (675c6689)
- fix bubble tooltip id value (615b90e9)
- add Bubble stories (aba5c985)
- add zooming ability to Bubble components (a231c07b)
- add onBubbleClick property to BubbleD3 component (3b615080)
- add ability to center Bubble components text (fecbc22e)
- rename 'root' property to 'data' (49bffcd5)
- add border support for Bubble components (6e2f25e0)
- improve Bubble components (d0ea00b5)
- move Bubble legends in a dedicated component (08a7259c)
- move Bubble legends in a dedicated component (c54116d5)
- init Bubble component (0a8a3865)
- calendar
- add support for legends on Calendar component (6ef9dc20)
- add support for tooltip (149e664e)
- remove support for motion and align code with other charts (b9b47f75)
- add onDayClick property to Calendar components (ca947080)
- add ability to customize empty day color (644cc8e3)
- fix Calendar related tests (4f358136)
- add ability to colorize calendar components days (69d03562)
- add ability to toggle motion on Calendar component (d8062ed0)
- add test for Calendar component (31eb7203)
- port CalendarD3 features to Calendar (e11737db)
- update CalendarD3 test (4058b9f9)
- add legends offset properties to CalendarD3 component (cd94e38c)
- add month legend to CalendarD3 component (49a71306)
- add test for CalendarD3 component (d9720021)
- add year legends to Calendar component (1ef5b5e6)
- proper spacing between Calendar years (96f9cf23)
- fix Calendar month path position (88d2e81c)
- add CalendarCanvas to readme (d451f365)
- add experimental CalendarCanvas component (28e6e233)
- init support for multiple years (1bbb2b07)
- add pure React based Calendar component (a0473e42)
- add support for day spacing (2acc80b1)
- add support for adaptive cell size on Calendar component (9e4e8bb2)
- add ability to switch direction on Calendar component (5160b435)
- add transition staggering for days (53cef593)
- init Calendar component (163a4902)
- canvas
- chord
- ci update travis config (25e4cdca)
- code style add prettier formatting (9a550eb8)
- colors
- improve withColors HOC (9e6af9b4)
- use nivo default colors id instead of value (2a5b0757)
- improve colors generator (8e723f13)
- default to given value for getColorGenerator() (39542527)
- add defautl nivo categorical colors (b8b8992f)
- add defautl nivo categorical colors (4c5f7082)
- add colors config for Pie/Stack/TreeMap components (584ff47c)
- add utility to generate color range from config (657d8cc3)
- improve colors config (330356a6)
- add smart declarative color management (c4fb5330)
- commands sort Makefile help (4f7a872c)
- container add ability to disable interactivity (73a33f92)
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps (9598511c)
- defs init support for svg gradients/patterns (cd4c1663)
- demo
- deps use yarn with lerna & add missing yarn.lock files (42675e47)
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website (df1d3085)
- dots add ability to define custom dot symbol (da49e15f)
- examples
- generators
- heatmap
- hierarchy add withHierarchy() HOC (99c2f789)
- interactivity
- labels use alignmentBaseline instead of approximative dy (10aa40fe)
- legends
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna (aa255ebf)
- line
- add support for legends on Line component (b7cc2449)
- fix wrong prop type (df4ac4ea)
- new prop enableArea was added to Line chart (#82) (6958db18)
- part of a line with missing data was hidden (#81) (60e47746)
- add ability to customize line width (8cb88477)
- add ability to define min/max Y value (2bd2554f)
- restrict allowed curve interpolators (7c332acd)
- avoid re-rendering tooltip on mouse move for line chart (1b0d5052)
- add ability to disable stack tooltip on line chart (732d1704)
- add support for tooltip on line component (ccdb2e67)
- add ability to animate line chart lines (1918772f)
- improve Line component (63ee809f)
- lint centralize lint command & config (e8e38da4)
- linting add eslint on several packages (38ba981d)
- markers
- packages
- pie
- add TypeScript Definitions for Pie component (0def4c31)
- add support for onClick event (b171044e)
- add support for legends on Pie component (8c3004be)
- add ability to use default dataset order (#79) (f4a261d3)
- add pie stories (a123c899)
- ad ability to skip label if slice angle is lower than given value (c0aecaa2)
- restore Pie chart (7eb85964)
- update Pie component css classes (d1042d8f)
- animate pi column legends (1580b16c)
- publish add packages build prior to publish (c6f9810b)
- radar
- react
- readial-stack add RadialStack component (3fbebe52)
- sankey
- add support for legends on Sankey component (0082fb98)
- Support complete configuration of the tooltips (#78) (f3aecf6c)
- Support configurable labels (#77) (5ac962b1)
- improve sankey interactivity (27a5ff54)
- improve Sankey diagram (aa5c8471)
- add support for label on Sankey diagram (b90de33a)
- add sankey diagram component (f358d2f9)
- scales improve XYScales component (f69dc5ac)
- scatterplot
- shapes add ability to define custom data accessors (17a555d3)
- split init multi packages (158a349d)
- stack
- stack-filters
- stack-slicer split dot and line related properties (fad06c7a)
- storybook
- stream
- sunburst add Sunburst component (a8c872a9)
- tests
- theming fix tooltip theming (9385dd67)
- tooltip
- tooltips
- treemap
- add TreeMapCanvas component (e12a1268)
- remove placeholders and improve svg & html flavors (ff3734da)
- add support for tooltip on TreeMap components (755783d8)
- get rid of data nesting when using animated treemap (507dcb64)
- add SVG based TreeMap (de08c6b6)
- fix TreeMapD3 nodes exit (9e02da4e)
- add TreeMap component (d88e328f)
- voronoi improve voronoi (#93) (e1ae81a8)
- website
- fix treemap source code for treemap components (b97c07b8)
- restore scrol position when pathname changes (49b7ffca)
- use BrowserRouter instead of HashRouter (a360e444)
- upgrade nivo packages (69deaa17)
- upgrade nivo packages (5f416e9a)
- upgrade nivo packages (8d8374a3)
- upgrade nivo packages (66a7208c)
- improve chart tabs (2c2265f5)
- upgrade @nivo packages (71e1c4b0)
- upgrade @nivo packages (2da761d8)
- upgrade @nivo packages (4b60e426)
- upgrade @nivo packages (429bd5f0)
- upgrade website @nivo packages (81adc8d0)
- upgrade @nivo packages (697e8aa5)
- rename demo to website (dadc8f58)
- babel-preset add missing ignored script (17ac44e1)
- bar getLabel is defined twice (#76) (4cfd3a11)
- bubble
- calendar fix regression on calendar (b687ec84)
- canvas fix resizing when using canvas based components (0d41f563)
- chord fix broken imports (252efc0f)
- color fix ColorUtils unit test (bd9e03d3)
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock (1a60cfb8)
- generators use modules (9cec118c)
- ignores fix git ignore misconfiguration (41e278a7)
- line
- lodash add missing deps & use scoped imports (f04660f2)
- react-dom use react-dom instead of react for DOM retrieval (c0940876)
- readme
- rename Remove trailing layout component (860c8e77)
- scripts fix make targets documentation (48d87ec2)
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep (50d6fd52)
- split
- stack fix broken Stack tests (6ef978c4)
- storybook fix storybook packages import (d3abafdc)
- stream fix stream stacked tooltip (05fbcc9f)
- svg fix svg for server side rendering (ae77d432)
- tests add missing webpack package (9be90ace)
- tooltip fix tooltip offset with scroll (c320c23f)
- travis use specific browser on travis for browser testing (45d318ce)
- treemap fix missing default props (887cfcde)
- unit-tests fix broken unit tests (321ef10d)
- website fix website Stream example code (#188) (129572e6)
- window use global.window instead of window for node env (bf1e6202)
- api remove empty api package ((dd47b293))
- axes
- add onClick handler to axis ticks (#60) ((0c9efe4b))
- use same code for svg & canvas ticks ((c8c693a3))
- add ability to rotate axes tick label ((3921c2f1))
- remove stale axes components & add proper props validation ((7fc0e4de))
- add ability to disable axes transitions ((bc1be6c7))
- add more options to AxisY component ((98ac2f18))
- add AxisX component ((91399e6b))
- axis
- add support for custom tick values/count (#58) ((bd789728))
- improve axis formatting support ((69269a60))
- bar
- improve custom tooltip support ((5816555e))
- add support for legends on Bar component ((6f22a4ab))
- add support for border on Bar component ((7f5ac7ce))
- improve bar components: ((640debc7))
- add label format support for Bar (#45) ((c5a63c95))
- add ability to define bar chart min/max value ((d9b9bdae))
- add tooltip support for BarCanvas ((946bb066))
- add support for horizontal layout & change data format ((29a4b350))
- add ability to customize bar labels colors ((0f63c077))
- add support for animation on Bar component ((a099654c))
- update bar chart ((05565ca8))
- bubble
- improve bubble components ((0779f335))
- add canvas support for bubble chart ((8db9a136))
- fix bubble color transition ((675c6689))
- fix bubble tooltip id value ((615b90e9))
- add Bubble stories ((aba5c985))
- add zooming ability to Bubble components ((a231c07b))
- add onBubbleClick property to BubbleD3 component ((3b615080))
- add ability to center Bubble components text ((fecbc22e))
- rename 'root' property to 'data' ((49bffcd5))
- add border support for Bubble components ((6e2f25e0))
- improve Bubble components ((d0ea00b5))
- move Bubble legends in a dedicated component ((08a7259c))
- move Bubble legends in a dedicated component ((c54116d5))
- init Bubble component ((0a8a3865))
- calendar
- add support for legends on Calendar component ((6ef9dc20))
- add support for tooltip ((149e664e))
- remove support for motion and align code with other charts ((b9b47f75))
- add onDayClick property to Calendar components ((ca947080))
- add ability to customize empty day color ((644cc8e3))
- fix Calendar related tests ((4f358136))
- add ability to colorize calendar components days ((69d03562))
- add ability to toggle motion on Calendar component ((d8062ed0))
- add test for Calendar component ((31eb7203))
- port CalendarD3 features to Calendar ((e11737db))
- update CalendarD3 test ((4058b9f9))
- add legends offset properties to CalendarD3 component ((cd94e38c))
- add month legend to CalendarD3 component ((49a71306))
- add test for CalendarD3 component ((d9720021))
- add year legends to Calendar component ((1ef5b5e6))
- proper spacing between Calendar years ((96f9cf23))
- fix Calendar month path position ((88d2e81c))
- add CalendarCanvas to readme ((d451f365))
- add experimental CalendarCanvas component ((28e6e233))
- init support for multiple years ((1bbb2b07))
- add pure React based Calendar component ((a0473e42))
- add support for day spacing ((2acc80b1))
- add support for adaptive cell size on Calendar component ((9e4e8bb2))
- add ability to switch direction on Calendar component ((5160b435))
- add transition staggering for days ((53cef593))
- init Calendar component ((163a4902))
- canvas
- add support for HiDPI screens ((26ebb9b7))
- add canvas support for bar & heatmap ((94ad4d97))
- chord
- add support for legends on Chord component ((39212ef4))
- add source code for chord stories ((489f36fc))
- add ability to customize chord borders color ((bee8de33))
- add labels, stories and cavans variant for Chord component ((281021bb))
- improve Chord component ((16af1340))
- add Chord component ((427cf8aa))
- ci update travis config ((25e4cdca))
- code style add prettier formatting ((9a550eb8))
- colors
- improve withColors HOC ((9e6af9b4))
- use nivo default colors id instead of value ((2a5b0757))
- improve colors generator ((8e723f13))
- default to given value for getColorGenerator() ((39542527))
- add defautl nivo categorical colors ((b8b8992f))
- add defautl nivo categorical colors ((4c5f7082))
- add colors config for Pie/Stack/TreeMap components ((584ff47c))
- add utility to generate color range from config ((657d8cc3))
- improve colors config ((330356a6))
- add smart declarative color management ((c4fb5330))
- commands sort Makefile help ((4f7a872c))
- container add ability to disable interactivity ((73a33f92))
- d3 use caret range instead of fixed version for d3 deps ((9598511c))
- defs init support for svg gradients/patterns ((cd4c1663))
- demo
- add command to deploy demo website + storybook ((e2f5c581))
- remove unused deps ((eaff4d8b))
- deps use yarn with lerna & add missing yarn.lock files ((42675e47))
- dev add commands to list/rm currently linked packages for website ((df1d3085))
- dots add ability to define custom dot symbol ((da49e15f))
- examples
- ensure examples build successfully on CI ((2ad46b7a))
- fix retro example dependencies ((2c84d014))
- generators
- use @nivo/generators instead of nivo-generators ((e65976d8))
- update nivo-generators ((ada44cf7))
- heatmap
- init TypeScript definitions (#198) ((6c5432db))
- add support for onClick event ((52d077c7))
- add tooltip support for HeatMap ((28077c58))
- add hover behavior on HeatMapCanvas ((37974a91))
- add tooltip support for HeatMapCanvas ((db579a16))
- add HeatMap component ((425afdaa))
- hierarchy add withHierarchy() HOC ((99c2f789))
- interactivity
- add onClick support for Sankey (#75) ((a547917c))
- add onClick support for Bar & Bubble ((a73af167))
- add isInteractive property on multiple components ((16b7f4df))
- labels use alignmentBaseline instead of approximative dy ((10aa40fe))
- legends
- add default text color + canvas support for text color ((20a30ab8))
- init legends package ((4063428b))
- lerna exclude demo & examples from lerna ((aa255ebf))
- line
- add support for legends on Line component ((b7cc2449))
- fix wrong prop type ((df4ac4ea))
- new prop enableArea was added to Line chart (#82) ((6958db18))
- part of a line with missing data was hidden (#81) ((60e47746))
- add ability to customize line width ((8cb88477))
- add ability to define min/max Y value ((2bd2554f))
- restrict allowed curve interpolators ((7c332acd))
- avoid re-rendering tooltip on mouse move for line chart ((1b0d5052))
- add ability to disable stack tooltip on line chart ((732d1704))
- add support for tooltip on line component ((ccdb2e67))
- add ability to animate line chart lines ((1918772f))
- improve Line component ((63ee809f))
- lint centralize lint command & config ((e8e38da4))
- linting add eslint on several packages ((38ba981d))
- markers
- add support for markers on Line & Bar charts ((e36a7a2b))
- improve radar & line charts markers ((18c43473))
- packages
- use rollup for packages build ((f24cb08d))
- add command to deploy all packages ((7467315c))
- pie
- add TypeScript Definitions for Pie component ((0def4c31))
- add support for onClick event ((b171044e))
- add support for legends on Pie component ((8c3004be))
- add ability to use default dataset order (#79) ((f4a261d3))
- add pie stories ((a123c899))
- ad ability to skip label if slice angle is lower than given value ((c0aecaa2))
- restore Pie chart ((7eb85964))
- update Pie component css classes ((d1042d8f))
- animate pi column legends ((1580b16c))
- publish add packages build prior to publish ((c6f9810b))
- radar
- add support for legends on Radar component ((8d53e13b))
- add support for tooltip on Radar component ((acd9a4f9))
- simplify radar data format ((d56a9441))
- add radar chart ((b0739b96))
- react
- nivo now require react >= 16.2.0 < 17.0.0 ((f64d3ef6))
- update required react version ((4b4865fc))
- readial-stack add RadialStack component ((3fbebe52))
- sankey
- add support for legends on Sankey component ((0082fb98))
- Support complete configuration of the tooltips (#78) ((f3aecf6c))
- Support configurable labels (#77) ((5ac962b1))
- improve sankey interactivity ((27a5ff54))
- improve Sankey diagram ((aa5c8471))
- add support for label on Sankey diagram ((b90de33a))
- add sankey diagram component ((f358d2f9))
- scales improve XYScales component ((f69dc5ac))
- scatterplot
- add tests and stories ((bbc03444))
- add support for tooltips on ScatterPlotCanvas ((42a17314))
- add scatterplot package ((52fab5f9))
- shapes add ability to define custom data accessors ((17a555d3))
- split init multi packages ((158a349d))
- stack
- make line areas stack in front of each other visibly #152 ((8ec91a66))
- rename StackDots to StackSlicer ((69256abb))
- add lines to StackDots ((475b78bc))
- add StackDots component ((fa879a05))
- add ability to configure Stack offset ((50d2fdbc))
- add Stack component for d3.layout.stack ((7122dca5))
- stack-filters
- fix areas z-index + seamless areas transitions ((f797073f))
- init stack layers filtering ((4d21f331))
- stack-slicer split dot and line related properties ((fad06c7a))
- storybook
- update Bar storybook ((b5c39f70))
- add ability to publish storybook to gh-pages ((b5bfda27))
- init storybook ((e056aa09))
- stream
- add support for legends on Stream component ((79395355))
- add border suppport ((5eabc451))
- add stack tooltip on stream chart ((2e67e448))
- add stories on stream chart ((751d4428))
- add support for tooltip on stream chart ((c3a997be))
- init stream chart ((060142e6))
- sunburst add Sunburst component ((a8c872a9))
- tests
- centralize test command & dependencies ((eda819ca))
- restored existing tests ((e4cf806f))
- theming fix tooltip theming ((9385dd67))
- tooltip
- prop to format values in tooltip was added (#69) ((0dfafff5))
- improve positioning ((288657c7))
- add support for tooltip theming ((72f2f751))
- improve tooltip with global component ((631265d2))
- add support for tooltip on pie & bar charts ((abbd801d))
- tooltips
- add support for custom tooltips for bubble charts and treemaps (#200) ((092f3e0c))
- add support for configurable tooltips for bar charts and heat maps (#159) ((82473c10))
- treemap
- add TreeMapCanvas component ((e12a1268))
- remove placeholders and improve svg & html flavors ((ff3734da))
- add support for tooltip on TreeMap components ((755783d8))
- get rid of data nesting when using animated treemap ((507dcb64))
- add SVG based TreeMap ((de08c6b6))
- fix TreeMapD3 nodes exit ((9e02da4e))
- add TreeMap component ((d88e328f))
- voronoi improve voronoi (#93) ((e1ae81a8))
- website
- fix treemap source code for treemap components ((b97c07b8))
- restore scrol position when pathname changes ((49b7ffca))
- use BrowserRouter instead of HashRouter ((a360e444))
- upgrade nivo packages ((69deaa17))
- upgrade nivo packages ((5f416e9a))
- upgrade nivo packages ((8d8374a3))
- upgrade nivo packages ((66a7208c))
- improve chart tabs ((2c2265f5))
- upgrade @nivo packages ((71e1c4b0))
- upgrade @nivo packages ((2da761d8))
- upgrade @nivo packages ((4b60e426))
- upgrade @nivo packages ((429bd5f0))
- upgrade website @nivo packages ((81adc8d0))
- upgrade @nivo packages ((697e8aa5))
- rename demo to website ((dadc8f58))
- babel-preset add missing ignored script ((17ac44e1))
- bar getLabel is defined twice (#76) ((4cfd3a11))
- bubble
- fix bubble props export ((37067061))
- add missing tooltip when using static bubble chart ((9faae318))
- calendar fix regression on calendar ((b687ec84))
- canvas fix resizing when using canvas based components ((0d41f563))
- chord fix broken imports ((252efc0f))
- color fix ColorUtils unit test ((bd9e03d3))
- deps do not ignore yarn.lock ((1a60cfb8))
- generators use modules ((9cec118c))
- ignores fix git ignore misconfiguration ((41e278a7))
- line
- fix default curve property ((4835a02a))
- fix line chart color when animation disabled ((41e9e25f))
- lodash add missing deps & use scoped imports ((f04660f2))
- react-dom use react-dom instead of react for DOM retrieval ((c0940876))
- readme
- fix misleading installation instructions ((0a5120f7))
- fix readme badges links ((21a90289))
- fix broken license link in readme ((a27a2117))
- rename Remove trailing layout component ((860c8e77))
- scripts fix make targets documentation ((48d87ec2))
- security Upgrade transitive hoek dep ((50d6fd52))
- split
- add missing deps ((e0763870))
- add missing deps ((c5461363))
- add missing dep react-motion ((cefabeb9))
- stack fix broken Stack tests ((6ef978c4))
- storybook fix storybook packages import ((d3abafdc))
- stream fix stream stacked tooltip ((05fbcc9f))
- svg fix svg for server side rendering ((ae77d432))
- tests add missing webpack package ((9be90ace))
- tooltip fix tooltip offset with scroll ((c320c23f))
- travis use specific browser on travis for browser testing ((45d318ce))
- treemap fix missing default props ((887cfcde))
- unit-tests fix broken unit tests ((321ef10d))
- website fix website Stream example code (#188) ((129572e6))
- window use global.window instead of window for node env ((bf1e6202))
- calendar
- line
- tooltip prop to format values in tooltip was added (#69) (0dfafff5)
- voronoi improve voronoi (#93) (e1ae81a8)
- bar getLabel is defined twice (#76) (4cfd3a11)
- axes add onClick handler to axis ticks (#60) (0c9efe4b)
- interactivity add onClick support for Sankey (#75) (a547917c)
- pie add ability to use default dataset order (#79) (f4a261d3)
- react update required react version (4b4865fc)
- sankey
- axis add support for custom tick values/count (#58) (bd789728)
- bubble improve bubble components (0779f335)
- treemap remove placeholders and improve svg & html flavors (ff3734da)
- window use global.window instead of window for node env (bf1e6202)
- bar add support for border on Bar component (7f5ac7ce)
- bubble add canvas support for bubble chart (8db9a136)
- chord add ability to customize chord borders color (bee8de33)
- defs init support for svg gradients/patterns (cd4c1663)
- line add ability to customize line width (8cb88477)
- stream add border suppport (5eabc451)
- bubble fix bubble props export (37067061)
- interactivity add onClick support for Bar & Bubble (a73af167)
- axis improve axis formatting support (69269a60)
- bar add ability to define bar chart min/max value (d9b9bdae)
- bubble fix bubble color transition (675c6689)
- sankey improve sankey interactivity (27a5ff54)
- tooltip fix tooltip offset with scroll (c320c23f)
- chord add labels, stories and cavans variant for Chord component (281021bb)
- axes use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c8c693a3)
- chord improve Chord component (16af1340)
- heatmap add tooltip support for HeatMap (28077c58)
- axes use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c0de4732)
- heatmap
- canvas fix resizing when using canvas based components (0d41f563)
- canvas add support for HiDPI screens (26ebb9b7)
- bar add tooltip support for BarCanvas (946bb066)
- heatmap add tooltip support for HeatMapCanvas (db579a16)
- canvas add canvas support for bar & heatmap (94ad4d97)
- stream fix stream stacked tooltip (05fbcc9f)
- heatmap add HeatMap component (425afdaa)
- dots add ability to define custom dot symbol (da49e15f)
- generators update nivo-generators (ada44cf7)
- line add ability to define min/max Y value (2bd2554f)
- markers add support for markers on Line & Bar charts (e36a7a2b)
- sankey
- theming fix tooltip theming (9385dd67)
- treemap fix missing default props (887cfcde)
- bubble
- hierarchy add withHierarchy() HOC (99c2f789)
- labels use alignmentBaseline instead of approximative dy (10aa40fe)
- radar add support for tooltip on Radar component (acd9a4f9)
- treemap add support for tooltip on TreeMap components (755783d8)
- tooltip add support for tooltip theming (72f2f751)
- bar add support for horizontal layout & change data format (29a4b350)
- axes add ability to rotate axes tick label (3921c2f1)
- axes
- add onClick handler to axis ticks (#60) (0c9efe4b)
- use same code for svg & canvas ticks (c8c693a3)
- add ability to rotate axes tick label (3921c2f1)
- remove stale axes components & add proper props validation (7fc0e4de)
- add ability to disable axes transitions (bc1be6c7)
- add more options to AxisY component (98ac2f18)
- add AxisX component (91399e6b)
- axis
- bar
- add support for border on Bar component (7f5ac7ce)
- improve bar components: (640debc7)
- add label format support for Bar (#45) (c5a63c95)
- add ability to define bar chart min/max value (d9b9bdae)
- add tooltip support for BarCanvas (946bb066)
- add support for horizontal layout & change data format (29a4b350)
- add ability to customize bar labels colors (0f63c077)
- add support for animation on Bar component (a099654c)
- update bar chart (05565ca8)
- bubble
- improve bubble components (0779f335)
- add canvas support for bubble chart (8db9a136)
- fix bubble color transition (675c6689)
- fix bubble tooltip id value (615b90e9)
- add Bubble stories (aba5c985)
- add zooming ability to Bubble components (a231c07b)
- add onBubbleClick property to BubbleD3 component (3b615080)
- add ability to center Bubble components text (fecbc22e)
- rename 'root' property to 'data' (49bffcd5)
- add border support for Bubble components (6e2f25e0)
- improve Bubble components (d0ea00b5)
- move Bubble legends in a dedicated component (08a7259c)
- move Bubble legends in a dedicated component (c54116d5)
- init Bubble component (0a8a3865)
- calendar
- add support for tooltip (149e664e)
- remove support for motion and align code with other charts (b9b47f75)
- add onDayClick property to Calendar components (ca947080)
- add ability to customize empty day color (644cc8e3)
- fix Calendar related tests (4f358136)
- add ability to colorize calendar components days (69d03562)
- add ability to toggle motion on Calendar component (d8062ed0)
- add test for Calendar component (31eb7203)
- port CalendarD3 features to Calendar (e11737db)
- update CalendarD3 test (4058b9f9)
- add legends offset properties to CalendarD3 component (cd94e38c)
- add month legend to CalendarD3 component (49a71306)
- add test for CalendarD3 component (d9720021)
- add year legends to Calendar component (1ef5b5e6)
- proper spacing between Calendar years (96f9cf23)
- fix Calendar month path position (88d2e81c)
- add CalendarCanvas to readme (d451f365)
- add experimental CalendarCanvas component (28e6e233)
- init support for multiple years (1bbb2b07)
- add pure React based Calendar component (a0473e42)
- add support for day spacing (2acc80b1)
- add support for adaptive cell size on Calendar component (9e4e8bb2)
- add ability to switch direction on Calendar component (5160b435)
- add transition staggering for days (53cef593)
- init Calendar component (163a4902)
- canvas
- chord
- colors
- improve withColors HOC (9e6af9b4)
- use nivo default colors id instead of value (2a5b0757)
- improve colors generator (8e723f13)
- default to given value for getColorGenerator() (39542527)
- add defautl nivo categorical colors (b8b8992f)
- add defautl nivo categorical colors (4c5f7082)
- add colors config for Pie/Stack/TreeMap components (584ff47c)
- add utility to generate color range from config (657d8cc3)
- improve colors config (330356a6)
- add smart declarative color management (c4fb5330)
- container add ability to disable interactivity (73a33f92)
- defs init support for svg gradients/patterns (cd4c1663)
- dots add ability to define custom dot symbol (da49e15f)
- generators update nivo-generators (ada44cf7)
- heatmap
- hierarchy add withHierarchy() HOC (99c2f789)
- interactivity
- labels use alignmentBaseline instead of approximative dy (10aa40fe)
- line
- fix wrong prop type (df4ac4ea)
- new prop enableArea was added to Line chart (#82) (6958db18)
- part of a line with missing data was hidden (#81) (60e47746)
- add ability to customize line width (8cb88477)
- add ability to define min/max Y value (2bd2554f)
- restrict allowed curve interpolators (7c332acd)
- avoid re-rendering tooltip on mouse move for line chart (1b0d5052)
- add ability to disable stack tooltip on line chart (732d1704)
- add support for tooltip on line component (ccdb2e67)
- add ability to animate line chart lines (1918772f)
- improve Line component (63ee809f)
- markers
- pie
- radar
- react update required react version (4b4865fc)
- readial-stack add RadialStack component (3fbebe52)
- sankey
- scales improve XYScales component (f69dc5ac)
- shapes add ability to define custom data accessors (17a555d3)
- stack
- stack-filters
- stack-slicer split dot and line related properties (fad06c7a)
- storybook
- stream
- sunburst add Sunburst component (a8c872a9)
- theming fix tooltip theming (9385dd67)
- tooltip
- treemap
- add TreeMapCanvas component (e12a1268)
- remove placeholders and improve svg & html flavors (ff3734da)
- add support for tooltip on TreeMap components (755783d8)
- get rid of data nesting when using animated treemap (507dcb64)
- add SVG based TreeMap (de08c6b6)
- fix TreeMapD3 nodes exit (9e02da4e)
- add TreeMap component (d88e328f)
- voronoi improve voronoi (#93) (e1ae81a8)
- bar getLabel is defined twice (#76) (4cfd3a11)
- bubble
- calendar fix regression on calendar (b687ec84)
- canvas fix resizing when using canvas based components (0d41f563)
- color fix ColorUtils unit test (bd9e03d3)
- ignores fix git ignore misconfiguration (41e278a7)
- line
- react-dom use react-dom instead of react for DOM retrieval (c0940876)
- readme
- rename Remove trailing layout component (860c8e77)
- stack fix broken Stack tests (6ef978c4)
- stream fix stream stacked tooltip (05fbcc9f)
- svg fix svg for server side rendering (ae77d432)
- tests add missing webpack package (9be90ace)
- tooltip fix tooltip offset with scroll (c320c23f)
- travis use specific browser on travis for browser testing (45d318ce)
- treemap fix missing default props (887cfcde)
- unit-tests fix broken unit tests (321ef10d)
- window use global.window instead of window for node env (bf1e6202)