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Releases: mixer/interactive-node


30 Apr 22:44
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06 Mar 01:07
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Browser FIxes

06 Mar 01:06
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  • Fix a small typo in one of the examples (#93)
  • Fix websocket authentication when used in browsers (#95)

2.6.0 Sharecodes, Round Robins, Keyboards and Tooltips

01 Feb 00:29
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  • Fixed a couple of housekeeping issues


  • Client will now use a round robin strategy when it encounters issues with an interactive server it is trying to connect to (#92)
  • Add sharecode support (#86). Thanks @JohnyCilohokla.
  • Update package.json links (#90). Thanks @metaa
  • Add keyboard events to buttons (#88)


  • Added tooltip properties to buttons.
  • Removed Etags, these are no longer needed see mixer/developers#160 for more information.
  • Authentication changes, we now use stream access keys to connect to interactive for


  • Added a list of frontend grid sizes gridLayoutSizes (#71)
  • Improved typings for control metadata (#82)


  • Added State.getGroups(), State.getParticipants() and State.getScenes() (#78)
  • Internal project cleanup

2.1.0 Bug Fixes and Utility Methods

09 Jun 15:40
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  • Fixed some re-branding issues (#51 #52 #55)
  • Add an initial state to the socket (#56)
  • Add a singular form of createScenes called createScene which can be used for tidier use cases (#62)
  • Added synchronizeState which will retrieve Scenes and Groups from the server (#57)
    • Can be used in the place of two calls to synchronizeScenes and synchronizeGroups
  • Added an update method to Button and Joystick which allows batch updates (#65)
  • Added the ability to specify a custom discovery url for internal Mixer developments (#69)

2.0.0 Groups and Scenes Breaking

20 May 18:24
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With some awesome community contributions we've now added the following features:

  • Added setCost to Buttons thanks @kateract!
  • Added methods to manipulate scenes and groups. Thanks @Mobius5150!
    • createGroups
    • updateGroups
    • createScenes
    • updateParticipants
    • synchronizeGroups
    • getGroups
  • Tests and fixes for the above thanks @kateract & @JohnyCilohokla

Breaking Changes

This release includes some minor breaking changes:

  • Minor refactor of IGroup* interfaces to align with IData and IDataArray pattern used elsewhere.
  • Update the IClient.deleteGroup method signature to use the correct IGroupDeletionParams interface.

Hotfix: Fix path issues

09 May 01:33
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1.0.0 introduced some accidental path based issues that would have results in weird built output in the examples folder and an inability to use the client.

These issues are now resolved.

Endpoint Discovery ( BREAKING CHANGES)

08 May 22:41
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For interactive 2 its important to always retrieve a list of servers from our API before connecting. This used to be up to the implementer. With 1.0.0 we're placing this responsibility inside the client. This should make getting up and running easier. now returns a Promise, which resolves when the connection is open. You should move all logic that previously assumed the connection would open immediately into a promise chain attached to

All of the examples have been updated to reflect this change. You can see the change reflected in our documentation too, here

Protocol Fixes

07 May 00:34
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This fixes several protocol issues with our initial implementation.

  • Correct updateControls structure to allow cool downs and text setting.
  • Added ETags to participants
  • Fixes State.getControl breaking when there are multiple scenes
  • Make .gitignore to ignore all .js files in /examples/
  • correct disabled in participants.