The following operators are supported:
- Element-wise binary operators:
, and.^
(like julia, the dot versions broadcast if necessary) - Matrix multiplication:
, andAt_mul_Bt
) - Activation functions:
- Reductions:
, andmaximumum
over the whole array (sum(::ANode)
) or over one dimension (sum(::ANode, dim::Int)
) - CNN:
conv2(filter, data; stride)
andpool(data, size; stride)
,max!(::ANode, dim::Int
,min!(::ANode, dim::Int)
- Indexing:
getindex(::ANode, i::Array{Int})
- Comparison:
(comparing to ANodes or an ANode and a Real) - Other functions:
andsoftmax(x, dim::Int)
Many more complicated functions can be build from these primitives. Sigmoid and softmax functions, for example, are simple julia functions that operate on numbers, arrays, or ANodes.
sigm(x) = 1./(1+exp(-x))
softmax(x) = let z = exp(x); z./sum(z) end
softmax(x,dim) = let z = exp(x); z./sum(z, dim) end