4.0.4 (2025-03-04)
- nix: fix depricated alias (binary-caches-parallel-connections to http-connections) (83ee79c)
- pandoc: split and add patch for pandoc-plantuml-filter (6ac1347)
- qtile: fix missing function (7a75aad)
4.0.3 (2025-03-02)
- catppuccin: follow upstream change and fix deprecated option (38b3bbd)
- firefox: fix deprecated option (b8de990)
4.0.2 (2025-02-28)
- obs-studio: rm patch for obs-ndi and remove obs-droidcam (5480899)
- zsh: disable remote file completion (8d26f7e)
4.0.1 (2025-02-21)
- nvim: support mason-lock (633dab1)
- qtile: add VerticalTile layout (800b1c6)
- zinit: optimizing plug-in loads (0d4f316)
4.0.0 (2025-02-16)
- chezmoi: support to manage dotfiles by chezmoi
- chezmoi: add README (76e0124)
- chezmoi: support chocolatey package (b3709f1)
- chezmoi: support decrypt sops file (30d0409)
- gnome-keyring: support gnome-keyring (b9d4f37)
- gpg: support yubikey (e607130)
- virtualsmartcard: support remote smartcard reader (de8303d)
- aichat: fix completion url (bbf3412)
- asusd: follow up to upstream changes (fcbbd40)
- bash: fix config (90943c0)
- bash: fix historyControl (e304865)
- chezmoi: add "admin" as prefix to script (6913a51)
- chezmoi: add install pkgs and generate ssh key script (2d9b3a6)
- chezmoi: add reactivating storage drive script (d0d6699)
- chezmoi: deepening integration between nix and chezmoi (4efe56b)
- chezmoi: fix externals and add tmux config (66a5f6e)
- chezmoi: fix script logic (387a41b)
- chezmoi: manage some app settings with .chezmoidata (8ef3641)
- chezmoi: missing config (493fff8)
- chezmoi: replace mise from asdf (dab0abc)
- chezmoi: some fix (acf2668)
- chezmoi: some fix (786c0f7)
- chezmoi: support to set each host machine and each user (c6dbbc9)
- enable amd_pstate (4e226bb)
- fix keymap for dunst (824d2bc)
- fix workspace config (12e65fd)
- fix zotero settings and sops encryption (ed73ac8)
- fonts: fix and enable fontconfig on home-manager (68203e8)
- git: need format (fc125a3)
- incus: add sshfs (22e9071)
- moralerspace: moralerspace was included in nixpkgs (71c00ac)
- moralerspace: update version of moralerspace (1a308be)
- mpv: enable hardware encoder if can use it (88fc89c)
- nix: nur.default is deprecated (6339721)
- patch to moralerspace (a4cea3f)
- patches: fix moralerspace-nerd-fonts-alt (64643c4)
- presets: fix configs include each presets (b478439)
- pulseaudio: replace to services.pulseaudio from hardware.* (815b2b0)
- qtile: add playerctl option (a2b9ef6)
- qtile: fix config (516cc5e)
- sops-nix: donot use pgp when activate system (698544e)
- sops: fix sops directory (c7fdcd4)
- stacia: add yubikey and fix gpu config (3cd29d5)
- starship: fix reading file path (c6b8ab0)
- starship: replace to nerdfont for ssh_symbol (2fbe726)
- system: add utils for disk monitor (8709ab3)
- texlive: add filter-mermaid (cdc657e)
- tmux: fix missing dracura plugin config (6d3a994)
- tmux: fix prefix (85508ec)
- tmux: fix prefix and color setting (23ccb92)
- tmux: fix prefix for tilish (57fb241)
- tmux: remove keymap for kill-* and add keymap for swap (8936c5b)
- tmux: remove prefix2 (c4f1863)
- vfio: remove hooks option (7410078)
- vivaldi: remove
save to pocket
(410f3fe) - wezterm: fix keymap (169cd6f)
- yazi: add extra dependent package (96f2800)
- zathura: adding syntax settings (bb9f81f)
- zathura: replace to rbga for highlight (ca17010)
- zinit: add option for no_alias (d700118)
- chezmoi: support to manage dotfiles by chezmoi (de9a58f)
3.1.3 (2024-12-15)
- flake: fix attr name of nur (17f8f44)
3.1.2 (2024-12-13)
- qtile: respect aspect ratio for PinP (9036489)
3.1.1 (2024-12-09)
3.1.0 (2024-12-02)
- nix: add blender-bin (GPU support) and fix cache settings (d7d6693)
- virtualisation: add virtiofsd for supporting virtiofs (fb456ba)
- fcitx5-skk: fix missing json format (92931e6)
- fix tool configs (cc2c821)
- nix: remove nix-community cache (c59757f)
- qtile: add border to Max layout (3769f62)
- qtile: add color for
of chord and fix keymap (66bbc9c) - qtile: support replacing mod key (dfad961)
- rofi: fix window width (4c84f8a)
- steam: add proton-ge-rtsp (f78d99c)
- tokyonight: fix typo (7aeef7d)
- yazi: add disableInitExecTls=true (9c26f50)
- yq: replace to yq from yq-go (cbce51d)
- zsh: add shellAlias (db42063)
- zsh: fix zshenv (629257d)
3.0.1 (2024-10-28)
- machines: fix opencl driver for AMD (01e42fa)
- obs-ndi: add patch for deprecating Qt function (6232667)
- qtile: fix for kdeconnect (b64242c)
- soleus: fix rootfs disk (bb38609)
3.0.0 (2024-10-11)
- refactor nixos and home-manager config!
- add color-theme for system (e684714)
- color-theme: support selecting sub color sheme (4b19079)
- hm/qtile: add qtile module (8070604)
- hm/qtile: add qtile module (cd5af49)
- nord: add nord color theme (12ad445)
- steam: add steam (84174a4)
- theme: add nord and tokyo-night theme (bf999d7)
- vimium: add theme css (ee30e57)
- aichat: fix aichat roles (e38ea57)
- bug and sytle fix (e7656e6)
- bug fix (0d35c6a)
- color-theme: fix some config (3d033d0)
- color-theme: put theme for rofi under XDGConfig (dc1a6e4)
- color-theme: some fix (1814bf2)
- color-theme: some fix (e0002ed)
- desktop: fix dunst config and add obsidian (8253e15)
- dunst: fix keybind and icon size (4846b05)
- editorconfig: add config for terraform (301cd1a)
- fix backlight control (57b3a83)
- fix keymap (c492cce)
- fix screenshot settings (03f61e1)
- fix submodule and remove zotero-extensions (97e735b)
- fonts: remove ignore comment (9654abf)
- hm-module: remove user and host-specific imports (8d3bff8)
- locale: enable geoclue2 (e09c660)
- machines: add
(de7249b) - modules: fix adding module (8070604)
- modules: fix adding module (75636a4)
- modules: remove scheme 'none' (d3fe79e)
- mother: fix mother config (c75778d)
- move
to core/programs (34f0f9f) - picom: fix picom config (1344077)
- picom: fix picom config (a1b2e17)
- podman: fix nvidia-container config (d292800)
- qtile: enphance dynamic monitor attach (c13b7ba)
- qtile: fix bug of wallpaper and window rule (34e70c4)
- qtile: fix config (4d58f26)
- qtile: fix config (7e4c12a)
- qtile: fix pentablet config (1cc7438)
- qtile: fix some bug (1d9bd99)
- qtile: modifying dynamic display settings (c4e3df9)
- qtile: redule ws and fix color conf (6cda66b)
- README: fix README (1faa4e1)
- rename pkg.gnome.* to pkg.* (2833384)
- rofi: add rofi-emoji (75099d8)
- soleus: fix soleus config (f08061a)
- sops: fix age key dir (59ddb5c)
- sops: fix wifi password (89a6a5a)
- sops: move sops setting to per users (26e1f3b)
- sops: move sops setting to per users (a2b0614)
- sops: update keys (459d653)
- spicitify: support selecting color theme (abba01b)
- texlive: remove some package (3c7b47a)
- texlive: remove some package (5eb54a3)
- theme: fix config (60decdb)
- var of wm must set
or WM name (77c99bf) - wallpaper: renew wallpaper (ced9464)
- wezterm: add response time in tab bar (1330eaf)
- wezterm: add response time in tab bar (910abcb)
- wezterm: incompatible with nvidia's latest drivers (8d48c7c)
- wm: some fix (567e8e9)
- zephyrus: a setting
is required (4f3b780) - zephyrus: add prime run (e51a909)
- zephyrus: fix deprecated conf (98cecae)
- zephyrus: fix gpu config (10424cd)
- zephyrus: recover nixos-hardware (f9233fd)
- refactor nixos and home-manager config! (cd87488)
2.2.6 (2024-08-30)
- neovim: move nixpkgs-fmt to nixfmt-rfc-style (fd7b0b1)
- nix: fix cache config (3638e51)
- spicetify: remove patch (d9e7100)
- stacia: fix network config (495adc5)
- theme: remove deprecated config (ea5749d)
- vivaldi: fix extension (f1e0a57)
2.2.5 (2024-08-09)
- user-env: enable nix-gc in user env (b4c0982)
- vivaldi: add extension named i don't care about cookies (9ddf1c9)
2.2.4 (2024-08-04)
- cinnamon-pkgs: move pkgs.cinnamon.<pkg-name> to pkgs. (2bc46ec)
2.2.3 (2024-07-27)
- texlive: add some package (8f95563)
2.2.2 (2024-07-21)
- qtile: fix missing icon (175ec31)
2.2.1 (2024-07-21)
- sound: remove sound.enable option (ecce3fa)
2.2.0 (2024-07-19)
- zotero: add zotero home-manager module (633834b)
- firefox: automatically enable extensions (eea3eb8)
2.1.5 (2024-07-17)
2.1.4 (2024-07-06)
- fix pkg name (f402386)
2.1.3 (2024-07-04)
- aichat: add completion and role (837aac1)
2.1.2 (2024-07-04)
- workflow: dealing with secondary rate limits (5018380)
2.1.1 (2024-07-03)
- aichat: add prompt (7aa421c)
- change repo of spicetify-nix (ff8922a)
- encrypt file type (7d8d469)
- encrypt file type (28bcd69)
- fix deprecated define (a605ad9)
- nvidia: cannot show display from dvi with latest driver (c5d8c10)
- spicetify: add patch (3213091)
- zsh: remove expand comp (1e7ee1d)
2.1.0 (2024-07-02)
- aichat: add aichat (4df56fb)
- neovim: use mergeLazyLock cmd (7b85616)
- obsidian: add obsidian (a4a9a2f)
- bridgeConfig and fix xineramainfoorder (252d5de)
- desktop env (066bf0b)
- fix attr names (26fab2c)
- fix encrypt file (1e8078e)
- fix mother network conf (956087f)
- latexmk: fix latexmk config (7acdbed)
- migrate to noto (62698af)
- qtile: wallpaper (1bd9ff3)
- skk: add dict (3ff225f)
- some fix (7e35327)
- terminal font (5b9229c)
- terminal font (0da6529)
- texlive: add ieeetran (34d841b)
- texlive: add some package (3cf44a1)
- update and fix patch (ec973b7)
- waydroid: add desktop entry of weston (f7fff74)
- wezterm: fix keymap (fb28bc6)
2.0.2 (2024-05-19)
- qtile: add xdg-desktop-portal setting (71b30fe)
- remove lxd (d5f4d4f)
- soleus: fix path (a483626)
- sops: update keys (a5a6c0d)
- starship: remove transient prompt (e00e380)
2.0.1 (2024-05-14)
- neovim: update neovim input (4bbbb58)
- clean up
- include user-wide settings
- add some pkg and add cmd of disko (dc5967c)
- add spicetify (f2fd1f5)
- clean up (5f6b321)
- create default incus config (3c1e1dd)
- enable nftable for incus (581633e)
- fix auto approve and support dependabot (a39b120)
- improbe xp-pen-driver support (d1c9cbd)
- reviewdog support (e24edaa)
- support
for recovery disk (883363d) - support incus (b80acb5)
- 複数のvlanに対応させたbridgeの作成 (2b53f42)
- .nixd.json: use nixpkgs-fmt (76887de)
- allow root user login (b86d0dc)
- auto-approve workflow (8ec2de5)
- background setting was exist in
(2b6e9c7) - boot usb setting (c27e9c1)
- change option name (0149040)
- depricate config (2e3cd91)
- fix conflicting (23415ca)
- fix module name (c05f039)
- gnome (c6dbf13)
- libinputs: fix option name (fa8aabc)
- network: fix vlan-tag network (45b99e0)
- nvidia-container-toolkit: rename option to
(da47090) - openfortivpn (678a712)
- remove hm dir (d3cb2f5)
- remove patch of incus (6c9a5dd)
- remove stateVersion and update inputs (04a2ea7)
- rename to liveimg and add ssh (93ee3bb)
- separate gsettings (16f4e87)
- soleus config (ba38f88)
- some fix (521d8dc)
- ssh: remove branching by version (f08e08b)
- test config (2227a9a)
- typos (792b16c)
- virtualisation configs (5aa22da)
- virtualisation.podman.enableNvidia is deprecated (f65ba1f)
- release 2.0.0 (33015c3)
1.1.4 (2024-05-12)
- include user-wide settings
1.1.3 (2024-05-08)
- libinputs: fix option name (941b625)
- network: fix vlan-tag network (7234ea6)
- nvidia-container-toolkit: rename option to
(a7673d3) - remove stateVersion and update inputs (00a2bae)
- ssh: remove branching by version (562fbdf)
- test config (4e4945a)
1.1.2 (2024-04-22)
- depricate config (a2a9ce2)