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Migration from Parse ObjC SDK

This document describes how to migrate from the Parse ObjC SDK to the Parse Swift SDK.

ℹ️ This document is a work-in-progress. If you find information missing, please submit a pull request to help us updating this document for the benefit of others.

Behavioral Differences

  • ⚠️ Partially updating an object sends the complete object (including unchanged properties) to the server if you follow the familiar syntax from the Parse ObjC SDK or any other Parse SDK. This can have a significant impact on data transfer costs depending on your use case and architecture. All other Parse SDKs, including the Parse ObjC SDK, only send the changed properties to the server. The Parse Swift SDK requires a different syntax with additional overhead to achieve the same behavior. See #401, #242.

    Code Examples
    // The following examples compare how to update a saved object in the Parse ObjC SDK vs. the
    // Parse Swift SDK. For simplicity, the examples show how to migrate synchonrous methods. If
    // you are migrating asynchronous methods your code looks slightly differently, but the same
    // approach applies.
    // Parse ObjC SDK
    PFObject *obj = [PFObject objectWithClassName:@"Example"];
    obj[@"key"] = @"value1";
    [obj save];
    obj[@"key"] = @"value2";
    [obj save];
    // Parse Swift SDK - Variant 1
    // This sends the complete object to the server when partially updating the object. This approach
    // is not recommended as sending unchanged properties is unnecessary and therefore wastes resources.
    struct Example: ParseObject {
      var objectId: String?
      var createdAt: Date?
      var updatedAt: Date?
      var ACL: ParseACL?
      var originalData: Data? 
      var key: String?
    let obj = Example()
    obj.key = "value1"
    obj.key = "value2"
    // Parse Swift SDK - Variant 2
    // This sends only the changed properties to the server. Note that `objMergable` only contains the
    // modified properties and is missing the unchanged properties. To also contain the unchanged
    // properties in addition to the changed properties, an additional `fetch` call on the respective
    // object would be necessary. This aproach is not recommended as it adds an additional server
    // request to get data that is already present locally. This is unrelated to the limitation that
    // any Parse SDK is unaware of any object modification that is done via Cloud Code triggers.
    struct Example: ParseObject {
      var objectId: String?
      var createdAt: Date?
      var updatedAt: Date?
      var ACL: ParseACL?
      var originalData: Data? 
      var key: String?
    let obj = Example()
    obj.key = "value1"
    var objMergable = obj.mergeable
    objMergable.key = "value2"
    // Parse Swift SDK - Variant 3
    // This sends only the changed properties to the server. By overriding the `merge` method the
    // `objMergable` also contains the unchanged properties of the original `obj`. This means no
    // additional `fetch` call is needed. This is the recommned approach which corresponds the most
    // with the behavior of the Parse ObjC SDK. Note that any change of custom properies will need
    // to reflect in the `merge` method, otherwise `objMergable` may only partially contain the
    // original data which leads to data inconsistencies that may be difficult to track down.
    struct Example: ParseObject {
      var objectId: String?
      var createdAt: Date?
      var updatedAt: Date?
      var ACL: ParseACL?
      var originalData: Data? 
      var key: String?
      func merge(with object: Self) throws -> Self { 
        var updated = try mergeParse(with: object) 
        if updated.shouldRestoreKey(\.key, original: object) { 
          updated.key = object.key 
        return updated
    let obj = Example()
    obj.key = "value1"
    var objMergable = obj.mergeable
    objMergable.key = "value2"

Known Issues

The following issues are important to consider before migrating.


After migrating an app to the Parse Swift SDK, launching the app will create a new _Installation object with a new installationId. It will appear as if the app had been uninstalled and then reinstalled, even though it was only updated with the new Parse Swift SDK.

This may be problematic if the installation object is directly referenced in your app or if it contains fields that should be maintained, like the badge number field for example. To address this, here are two options:

  • a) Use the Parse Swift SDK together with the Parse ObjC SDK in your project. This way you can migrate the installation by referencing the installation's objectId:

    import Parse      // Parse ObjC SDK
    import ParseSwift // Parse Swift SDK
    let objcInstallation = PFInstallation.current()!
    let swiftInstallation = try await Installation.become(objcInstallation.objectId!)
  • b) Release an update for your app which stores the installation's objectId somewhere. Once the app has seen a sufficient adoption, you could release an app update with only the Parse Swift SDK and use the stored objectId to migrate to the installation.

Both options may require a long-term migration if your existing app has many installations and until the adoption rate with either approach is high enough.

Feature Comparison

This table only lists features that are known to be available in the Parse ObjC SDK but still missing in the Swift SDK. This table is a work-in-progress.

Feature Parse ObjC SDK Parse Swift SDK
Saving objects offline saveEventually, deleteEventually unsupported; requires implementing a custom offline storage