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198 lines (149 loc) · 6.14 KB

File metadata and controls

198 lines (149 loc) · 6.14 KB

PHP utilities

This repository contains the followings features / classes

###IniFileManager class

  • parse ini conf file
  • get parameter from ini file
  • set parameter to ini file
  • set section comment to a ini file
  • set param comment to a ini file
  • regenerate ini file with pretty indent / align

code example:

// return an array containing all the sections params
Ini::getSectionParams('my ini section');
// return the param
Ini::getParam('my ini section', 'my param');
// set the param in the ini file
Ini::setParam('my ini section', 'my param', 'my value');
// set the param comment in the ini file
Ini::setParamComment('my ini section', 'my param', 'my comment');

###File and console logger class

  • to log text in a file or/and in a console with pretty output (colors etc)

###Entity / Manager design pattern abstract class

  • simply create entities based on INI conf files
  • support foreign keys set up with onDelete, onUpdate clauses
  • simply manage entities with basic SELECT / DELETE / UPDATE
  • simply CREATE / DROP tables based on entities INI conf files
  • support multiple DB system (ORACLE, MySQL, ...)

code example:

use \classes\entities\User as UserEntity;
use \classes\entitiesManager\UserEntityManager as UserEntityManager;

$user            = new UserEntity();
$userManager     = new UserEntityManager($user);
$user->id        = 1;
$user->firstName = 'Toto';
$user->lastName  = 'Tata';
// Will save the entity in the database with an Update if the ID already exist
; Ini file structure format
; -------------------------
;     Table definition
;     ----------------
;     [table]
;     name             = "table name"                ; The table name
;     engine           = "engine"                    ; The table engine
;     charSet          = "charset"                   ; (optionnal) The default charset
;     collate          = "charset collate"           ; (optionnal) The charset collate
;     comment          = "comment"                   ; (optionnal) The table comment / description
;     unique           = "colName1[, colName2, ...]" ; (optionnal) The table unique key
;     primary[name]    = "colName1[, colName2, ...]" ; (optionnal) The table primary key
;     foreignKey[name] = "colName1[, colName2, ...]" ; (optionnal) The table foreign key(s)
;     tableRef[name]   = "table name"                ; (optionnal if no foreignKey[name]) The table reference name
;     columnRef[name]  = "colName1[, colName2, ...]" ; (optionnal if no foreignKey[name]) The table reference column(s)
;     match[name]      = "match type"                ; (optionnal) The match type
;     onDelete[name]   = "action"                    ; (optionnal) On delete action
;     onUpdate[name]   = "action"                    ; (optionnal) On update action
;     Columns definition
;     ------------------
;     [column name]
;     type          = "type"         ; The SQL column type
;     size          = size           ; The column size
;     isNull        = true / false   ; If the column can be null
;     unsigned      = true           ; (optionnal) If the int is unsigned
;     autoIncrement = true           ; (optionnal) If the column is auto incremented
;     default       = "default"      ; (optionnal) The default value
;     comment       = "comment"      ; (optionnal) The column comment / description
;     storage       = "storage type" ; (optionnal) The storage type
;     NOTE 1 : The [name] key is the constraint name
;     NOTE 2 : If you define a foreignKey you MUST also define tableRef and columnRef with same constraint name
;     NOTE 3 : to see available options values please refer to this site =>
;     IMPORTANT : Don't forget to complete the PhpDoc @property in the Entity extended class

name    = "Users"
charSet = "utf8"
engine  = "InnoDB"
collate = "utf8_bin"
unique  = "`email`"
primary[id] = "`id`"

type   = "INT"
size   = 6
isNull = false

type   = "VARCHAR"
size   = 64
isNull = false

type   = "VARCHAR"
size   = 64
isNull = false

type   = "VARCHAR"
size   = 128
isNull = false

###DataBase class

  • singleton pattern using PDO PHP class with __staticCall magic method
  • use database action anywhere in you code by calling DB::PDOmethod(params); statically without initialize or set-up anything

code example:

use \classes\DataBase as DB;

DB::exec('DROP TABLE toto;');
DB::query('SELECT * FROM toto;')->fetch();

###ORM console class

  • console mode based on the DataBase class to perform basic database manipulation with pretty console output.

###ImagesManager class

This class is based on Imagick class

  • simply create multiple resized picture with defined width or height and conserve scalling in one cal
  • simply add copyright to an image

code example:

use \classes\ImagesManager as Images;

$image = new Images(__DIR__ . '/test.jpeg');
$image->setImageSavePath(__DIR__ . '/testResized');
// This line will create a testResized directory and add all the new scaled images with commons 16/9 resolution
// This line will create a testCopyright directory and add the image with a ©Copyright text in a Verdana 40px font in a
// top left corner, the text is white with a black smooth alpha channel
$image->setImageSavePath(__DIR__ . '/testCopyright');
$image->copyrightImage('©Copyright', 40, 'Verdana', 'top-left');

###Benchmark class (uncomplete)

  • test method performance

All those classes respect PHP PSR-2 standard and are 100% php documented. All the source code is inspected by Sonar to respect and control good practises. The code uses advanced strucure like Traits to avoid code replication.

The phpDoc is automatically generated and updated at each commit.

The code is open source so feel free to use / fork it or ask for bug fix / new feature by asking me or create branches with [feature/your-feature] branch name for a feature or [hotfix/your-hotfix] branch name for a bug fix (forked from master).

Thanks for reading.
