The following is a multi-task, multi-agent, multi-tool example for AI-based flight search using Skyscanner and Browserbase.
Browserbase is used to pre-render JavaScript pages, avoid IP blocks and captchas. As you will see in the example, AI-agents are especially useful for fetching content not available via APIs.
Install the required dependencies by running the following command:
pip install crewai 'crewai[tools]' html2text playwright dotenv
Set the required environment variables in a .env
script using Python, followed by your trip request:
python3 "Sofia to Berlin one-way on 26th May"
Example output:
Here are our top 5 picks from Sofia to Berlin on 2nd July 2024:
1. **Ryanair**
- Departure: 21:35
- Arrival: 22:50
- Duration: 2 hours 15 minutes
- Layovers: Direct
- Price: $18
- Booking: [Ryanair](
Explaining how to reproduce the example step-by-step.
- Import the required dependencies:
import sys
import os
from crewai import Crew, Process, Task, Agent
from crewai_tools import tool
from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright
from html2text import html2text
from time import sleep
from typing import Optional
- Create a flight agent for searching flights:
flights_agent = Agent(
goal="Search flights",
backstory="I am an agent that can search for flights.",
tools=[skyscanner, browserbase],
- Create a summarizer agent for summarizing outputs:
summarize_agent = Agent(
goal="Summarize content",
backstory="I am an agent that can summarize text.",
- Specify a task for searching flights according to criteria, including an output example:
output_search_example = """
Here are our top 5 flights from Sofia to Berlin on 24th May 2024:
1. Bulgaria Air: Departure: 14:45, Arrival: 15:55, Duration: 2 hours 10 minutes, Layovers: Munich, 2 hours layover, Price: $123, Details:|9828-2405262255--32474-0-16440-2405270205
search_task = Task(
"Search flights according to criteria {request}. Current year: {current_year}"
- Specify a task for fetching each flight for retrieving the booking links:
CrewAI Agent is able to automatically loop each flight from the previous task to retrieve the booking information
output_result_example = """
Here are our top 5 picks from Sofia to Berlin on 24th May 2024:
1. Bulgaria Air:
- Departure: 14:45
- Arrival: 15:55
- Duration: 2 hours 10 minutes
- Layovers: Munich, 2 hours layover
- Price: $123
- Booking: [MyTrip](|-32474|319|16440|2024-05-26T21:05|9828|2024-05-26T22:15|130|-|-|-&carriers=-32474&operators=-32474&passengers=1&channel=website&cabin_class=economy&fps_session_id=20287887-26ad-45dc-b225-28fb4b9d8357&ticket_price=126.90&is_npt=false&is_multipart=false&client_id=skyscanner_website&request_id=4b423165-9b7b-4281-9596-cfcd6b0bb4e0&q_ids=H4sIAAAAAAAA_-NS52JJLinNFmLh2NHAKMXM8cRHoeH7yU1sRkwKjEWsqXm67k5VzO5OAQASECl8KQAAAA|8257781087420252411|2&q_sources=JACQUARD&commercial_filters=false&q_datetime_utc=2024-05-22T13:45:58&pqid=true&booking_panel_option_guid=dfb1f593-22dc-4565-8540-5f4f70979b9b&index=0&isbp=1&posidx=0&qid=16440-2405262105--32474-0-9828-2405262215&sort=BEST&stops=0&tabs=CombinedDayView&pre_redirect_id=7cdb112a-3842-4a51-b228-1cbcbc4c8094&redirect_id=a8541976-84a8-4161-849c-c7a6343125ae&is_acorn_referral=true)
search_booking_providers_task = Task(
description="Load every flight individually and find available booking providers",
- Initialize new crew with agents and tasks:
crew = Crew(
agents=[flights_agent, summarize_agent],
tasks=[search_task, search_booking_providers_task],
- Kick off the crew and print the result:
result = crew.kickoff(
"request": "Flights from Sofia to Berlin on 2th July",
"current_year": 2024,
- Create a Skyscanner tool to generate a valid Skyscanner URL for the given query
@tool("SkyScanner tool")
def skyscanner(
departure: str, destination: str, date: int, return_date: Optional[int] = 0
) -> str:
Generates a SkyScanner URL for flights between departure and destination on the specified date.
:param departure: The IATA code for the departure airport (e.g., 'sof' for Sofia)
:param destination: The IATA code for the destination airport (e.g., 'ber' for Berlin)
:param date: The date of the flight in the format 'yymmdd'
:return_date: Only for two-way tickets. The date of return flight in the format 'yymmdd'
:return: The SkyScanner URL for the specified flight search
return f"{departure}/{destination}/{date}/{return_date}?currency=USD"
- Create a browserbase tool to open webpages using a headless web browser
@tool("Browserbase tool")
def browserbase(url: str):
Loads a URL using a headless webbrowser
:param url: The URL to load
:return: The text content of the page
with sync_playwright() as playwright:
browser = playwright.chromium.connect_over_cdp(
+ os.environ["BROWSERBASE_API_KEY"]
context = browser.contexts[0]
page = context.pages[0]
# Wait for async content of the page to load
# Optionally take a screenshot to debug current page
# page.screenshot(path="screenshot.png")
content = html2text(page.content())
return content