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Creating GitHub Apps using C# and ASP.NET Core is easy using Octokit.Bot. This library takes care of lots of boiler plate code and lets you focus on nothing except your own problem.

Octokit uses the awesome library and to make http connections ressilient.


Install-Package Octokit.Bot

Development Environment

If you want to test your bot inside development environment, you need a way to route GitHub's webhooks to your development machine. Since your development machine does not have a static IP address that is exposed to internet, you have to use the awesome tool provided by Probot team called

Follow the step 1 as described here to open an smee channel. and ASP.NET Core

It seems you need to do some tweaks to make works with your ASP.NET Core web application.

  1. Disable HTTPS in your develop environment. To do So, you can go to the Propertise page of your web application, Then click on debug and diselect Enable SSL.
  2. Make your web app to load at port 3000 and IP ( To do So, you can go to the Propertise page of your web application, Then click on debug and change the App URL to
  3. Finnaly, you can run smee using the following command. So, it can redirect GitHub webhooks to your application
   smee --url --path /github/hooks

GitHub Apps

At first, you need to define your GitHub application in GitHub's setting page. Follow the instructions of Step 2 from GitHub tutorial. Detailed instructions are also provided by GitHub here.


Octokit requires AppName, AppIdentifier, WebHookSecret, and your app's PrivateKey. You need to provide these values through ASP.NET configuration mechanism. For example the appsettings.json should be like the following:

  "github": {
    "WebHookSecret": "",
    "AppIdentifier": "",
    "PrivateKey": "",
    "AppName": ""
  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Warning"
  "AllowedHosts": "*"

I'd recommend putting the private key as an environment variable with the name github__privatekey instead of having it inside appsettings.json.

Next, in the startup class inside the ConfigureServices add the following line:


The GitHubOption nelongs to Octokit.Bot and holds the required information.

Event Handlers

To implement an event handler you should create a class that inherits from IHookHandler. The following Handler is going to Handle IssueCommentEvent. Using the GetPayload() method of EventContext you can query the payload with the same structure defined by GitHub. Since the access is provided dynamically, intellisense is not available in your IDE.

public class IssueCommentEventHandler : IHookHandler
        public async Task Handle(EventContext eventContext)
            // check if the message is issued by github
            if (!eventContext.WebHookEvent.IsMessageAuthenticated)
                // message is not issued by GitHub. Possibly from a malucious attacker.
                // log it and return;

            // use GetPayload() to access the json payload as defined by GitHub
            var action = eventContext.WebHookEvent.GetPayload().action;

            if (action != "created")

            var body = (string)eventContext.WebHookEvent.GetPayload().comment.body;

            body = body.Trim();

            var authorAssociation = (string)eventContext.WebHookEvent.GetPayload().comment.author_association;

            // do your logic here

Interating with GitHub

If you want to send a command to GitHub such as submitting a comment in one of the repositories, you can do so by using the client that is provided by Octokit.Bot. As you can see in the [IssueCommentEventHandler] we can submit a comment using the Client property of InstallationContext. This client has a full access to the repository or organization that has installed your application.

var issueNumber = (int)eventContext.WebHookEvent.GetPayload().issue.number;
var repositoryId = (long)eventContext.WebHookEvent.GetPayload();

var commentResponse = await eventContext.InstallationContext
                                       .Create(repositoryId, issueNumber, "Hello There");

If you want to query your app specific information, you should use the client that is provided through the AppClient property of EventContext.


Registring Handlers

Finally, you need to register your handlers inside Startup class.

  1. First, you need to introduce your handlers to the DI mechanism
  2. Then, you can link each handler with its corresponding event
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

   // 1. configure required parameters for WebHook handling to work

   // 2. register webhook handlers

   // 2. wire the handlers and corresponding events
   services.AddGitHubWebHookHandler(registry => registry

Installation Client

The installation client is provided via EventContext. However, if you want to have access to the installation client outside of event handlers, you can instantiate one using the GitHubClientFactory class. The CreateGitHubInstallationClient method gets an instance of GitHubOption along with an installationId and returns an Octokit client that has access to the installation repository or organization.
