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106 lines (87 loc) · 3.5 KB

File metadata and controls

106 lines (87 loc) · 3.5 KB


v0.3.0 = 2024-09-20

  • NEW: Allow data-reset="*" universal reset buttons
  • REFACTOR: Only add a single event listener per reset button
  • BREAKING: Replaced GroundControl.onReset() => GroundControl.reSet()
  • FIX: Changing the switch-control.value programmatically correctly invokes onPress or onUnpress

v0.2.1 - 2024-08-26

  • FIX: switch-control raw file out-of-date 🙈

v0.2.0 - 2024-08-26

  • BREAKING: Export named classes from index.js module
  • FIX: switch-control value storage works for default-pressed switches

v0.1.7 - 2024-08-26

  • FIX: switch-control element checks for stored values when first connected

v0.1.6 - 2024-08-11

  • FIX: Improve is-switch styles for better integration

v0.1.5 - 2024-08-11

  • NEW: switch-control element is deigned specifically for single-button toggle switches.
    • Supports both data-on and data-off attributes
    • Pass functions to the onPress() and onUnPress() methods for additional behaviors
  • NEW: switch-control.css provides styling for any button[is-switch], along with custom properties for styling.
  • NEW: GroundControl provides a getter for inputId (previously only a setter).
  • BREAKING: The usedValue getter defined by GroundControl does not enforce an empty-string fallback. Instead, attributes/properties are removed when usedValue is undefined.
  • BREAKING: GroundControl provides static blockDisplay() method, rather than applying display:block by default. Both toggle-control and input-control apply this as a default setting, but switch-control does not.

v0.1.4 - 2024-08-06

  • FIX: Don't use ES modules for webC templates

v0.1.2 - 2024-07-27

  • FIX: index.js is the main package entry point
  • Use default exports

v0.1.0 - 2024-07-26

Initial Features…

  • GroundControl base class
  • input-control supports basic input and select types (but not files, checkboxes, or radios)
  • toggle-control supports solo and grouped toggles
  • Built-in WebC components
  • Control element attributes:
    • id="<control-id>" [optional]: A standard HTML id for referencing the control
    • data-for="<selector>" [defaults to :root]: the elements to update
    • data-prop="<css-property-name>" [optional]: the CSS property to set
    • data-attr="<attribute-name>" [optional]: the HTML attribute to set
    • data-local="<localStorage-key>" [optional]: store and retrieve the value from localStorage
    • data-session="<sessionStorage-key>" [optional]: store and retrieve the value from sessionStorage
    • data-event="<event-name>" [optional]: only used by input-control at this point, which can listen for either change (the default) or input
    • data-off="<value>" [optional]: the value to use when no other value is selected (primarily for toggles, but also useful with select)
  • button element attributes inside toggle-control:
    • data-value [defaults to the button.innerText]: provide a value for the toggle that is different from the text of the button
    • aria-pressed [optional]: set the initial pressed state of each toggle (only one in a group can be active at a time)
  • Support for output displays and reset buttons:
    • Using the id of the input/select or the toggle-control
    • <output for="<control-id>">: will set the output as a display for the control
    • <button data-reset="<control-id-list>">: will use the button to clear the referenced controls