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Simple AIOKafka

Simple AIOKafka is a simple wrapper for the AIOKafka library using pydantic for easy configuration parsing. It provides a convenient interface for Kafka Consumers, Producers and Processors.

Classic API

Create an instance of AIOKafkaHandler, initiate the consumer/producer/processor and start processing! For examples see examples/


from simple_aiokafka import SimpleConsumer

sc = SimpleConsumer()
await sc.init()
async for msg in sc.consumer:


Simply call AIOKafkaHandler.send((key, value)) in your loop:

from simple_aiokafka import SimpleProducer

sp = SimpleProducer()
await sp.init()
for i in range(10):
    await sp.send(data=(str(i), "Value"))

or pass an AsyncIterator object to AioKafkaHandler.produce:

import asyncio
from simple_aiokafka import SimpleProducer

async def generate_message():
    n = 0
    while True:
        yield str(n), f"Message {n}"
        n += 1
        await asyncio.sleep(1)

sp = SimpleProducer()
await sp.init("dummy_topic")
await sp.produce(generate_message())


A processor receives only a function that is executed on each incoming message on the consumer topic. The result is sent to the producer topic.

from simple_aiokafka import SimpleProcessor, ConsumerRecord

def process_message(msg: ConsumerRecord):
    return msg.key, f"{msg.value}: Hello Kafka :)"

processor = SimpleProcessor()
await processor.init(input_topic="dummy_topic", output_topic="dummy_output_topic")
await processor.process(process_message)

Asyncio Loop

For the AIOKafka Clients to cleanly exit either run the main function with loop.run_until_complete() or embed them into another asynchronous framework, e.g. FastAPI (see examples/

Decorator Style API

To write even less boilerplate code, one can use the decorator API, similar to Spring Boot.

The Producer must be a Generator function that yields a tuple of strings. These are passed to the AIOKafkaHandler.send method as key and value.

Import the relevant decorator:

from typing import Tuple, AsyncIterator
from simple_aiokafka import (
    kafka_consumer, kafka_producer, kafka_processor, ConsumerRecord


async def consume(msg: ConsumerRecord = None):
    print("Consume Message:", msg)


async def produce() -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[str, str], None]:
    for i in range(100):
        yield str(i), f"Message {i}"
        await asyncio.sleep(1)


@kafka_processor(input_topic="producer_topic", output_topic="processor_topic")
async def process(msg: ConsumerRecord = None) -> Tuple[str, str]:
    return str(msg.key.decode()), f"{msg.value.decode()}: Hello Kafka :)"

For a full example see examples/


Environment Variables

One can set configuration variables via export or in the .env file. These will be read by pydantic and stored in the conf object of your Consumer/Producer/Processor.

# Kafka settings

The path to the .env file from which the settings are loaded can be customized by setting the env variable KAFKA_ENV_FILE:

export KAFKA_ENV_FILE=.env.development

Conf Object

Otherwise, the settings can be modified by setting the relevant value in the conf object of a consumer/producer/processor:

consumer = SimpleConsumer()
consumer.conf.consumer.group_id = "my_group_id"

producer = SimpleProducer()
producer.conf.producer.key_serializer = lambda x: str(x).encode()

processor = SimpleProcessor()
processor.conf.consumer.key_deserializer = lambda x: int(bytes.decode(x))
processor.conf.producer.key_serializer = lambda x: str(x * 10).encode()

Settings for the underlying AIOKafka Client object can also be passed to the init() method of a SimpleConsumer/SimpleProducer/SimpleProcessor:

consumer = SimpleConsumer()

When using the decorator API settings can be passed in the decorator call. These are passed directly to the respective AIOKafka class:

@kafka_producer(value_serializer=document_serializer, client_id="myProducer")
async def produce() -> AsyncGenerator[Tuple[str, Document], None]:

@kafka_consumer("aiokafka.result", value_deserializer=Document.parse_raw)
async def consume(msg: ConsumerRecord = None) -> None:

Use consumer_args and producer_args to alter the configuration of a processor:

async def process(msg: ConsumerRecord = None) -> Tuple[str, str]:
    consumer_args={"value_deserializer": Document.parse_raw},
    producer_args={"value_serializer": lambda x: str(x).encode()},

For all configuration options see aiokafka_handler/ and the aiokafka docs.


By default the Consumer de-serializes keys and values with bytes.decode and the Producer serializes with str.encode.

These defaults can be changed by setting them on the conf object

producer.conf.producer.key_serializer = lambda x: str(x).encode()
# or
consumer.conf.consumer.key_deserializer = lambda x: int(bytes.decode(x))

or by passing the respective key + value to the init() method.


Install Requirements

python -m pip install -r


python -m pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg

Testing with kafkacat

Send a message to the input topic. See kafkacat -X list for more options.

Send a simple message to Kafka:

echo "Hello Kafka :)" | kafkacat -b localhost:9092 -t input_test -P

Send a message using SASL/SSL settings:

echo "Hello Kafka :)" | kafkacat -b localhost:9092 \
  -X security.protocol=sasl_plaintext \
  -X sasl.mechanisms=plain \
  -X sasl.username=user \
  -X sasl.password=password \
  -t input_test -P