Design principles

* Design principle 1: Clarity and usability over eye candy
* Design principle 2: Test the results on the target group, guerrilla testing in the supermarket, etc. 
* Design principle 3: Mobile first
* Design principle 4: Usable for anyone (so: simply formulated in B1 language level, tested on users, etc.)
* Design principle 5: Conform to the design principles of[  ]([Gebruiker]([  ]([Centraal](
* Design principle 6: The website 'feels' just like the app itself (tone of voice ("je", not "u"), graphics, interaction patterns, UX design, use, etc.)

Features, requirements and standards

**Preamble:** the intended quality of the website is very high (10/10), as this will impact the number of downloads both directly (defined as a high click-through rate to the app stores) and indirectly (influencing public opinion, by taking away common misconceptions etc.). 
* Requirement 1: Adhering to **WCAG accessibility standards** as specified in the [Accessibility document]( of the app itself.
* Requirement 2: **Download button should be easily added after launch of the app.**
* Requirement 3: Should be clear that the app was built in conjunction with **Rijksoverheid, RIVM, GGD**.
* Requirement 4: **A/B testing** (before and after launch of the app) should be possible in a privacy-friendly way. Rationale: the website is an essential step in the conversion funnel. Every percentage of improvement at this step will result in a significant increase in numbers of downloads (in the order of hundreds of thousands), thus aiding the epidemiological effectiveness of the app. 
  * Routing to variations of the website
  * Statistics preferably using the [Piwik service of the government](
  * It should be possible to assess the effectiveness of social media campaigns (as a part of the conversion funnel before people land on the website). 
* Requirement 5: Use of **video's** should be possible (adhering to [WCAG standards](
* Requirement 6: adhere to [General Data Protection **GDPR**]( (in Dutch: Algemene Verordening Persoonsgegevens (AVG))
* Requirement 7: [**Government guidelines websites** and other online resources](
* Requirement 8: **Multilingual** support, allowing for a mechanism for crowdsourced translations. The crowdsourced translations are out of scope of the website, but the website setup should allow for it.
* Requirement 9: **Open research, build and design process**. It should be easy for people to suggest improvements to the website, as this will improve the quality significantly (see: preamble). Also, this will help us in giving more ownership of the app among the people in The Netherlands, hopefully aiding adoption. Among others, we hope to involve: 
  * The designers and UX researchers of the app itself, who have learnt a lot about the concerns and desires of users via their extensive UX research and testing. This will also bring the look and feel of the website and the app closer together. 
  * The coders and designers of the Code for NL community, that can help improve accessibility, multilingual challenges, etc. 
  * The UX researchers of the Code for NL community, that have gained insight into the main concerns of potential users via questionnaires:
   * [Een app om grip te krijgen op Corona, hoe zie jij dat - results of this questionnaire](

The hosting requirements are defined elsewhere.