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To build the project without tests run:

./gradlew clean build -x test


To run the unit and integration tests:

./gradlew test 

Running Locally

There are two variation for running the application locally.

  • [Running against containerised dependencies](#Running against containerised dependencies)
  • [Running against dependencies deployed in dev](#Running against dependencies deployed in dev)

Running against containerised dependencies

The following command will build and run the application via docker compose along with containers for HMPPS Auth and Prison API.

NOTE: A client with the required roles will need to be added to the containerised version of HMPPS Auth in order to generate OAuth tokens. The client id and secret can then be referenced in a .env file as the SYSTEM_CLIENT_ID and SYSTEM_CLIENT_SECRET.

docker compose pull && docker compose up --build

This will run the application on http://localhost:8080 and the swagger docs will be found at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html# .

Running through Gradle or IntelliJ

If you want to run the application through IntelliJ or command line with gradle using the containerised dependencies then use:

docker compose pull && docker compose up --scale hmpps-person-integration-api=0 

Then start the application using Gradle or IntelliJ.

NOTE: The required client credentials environment variables (SYSTEM_CLIENT_ID and SYSTEM_CLIENT_SECRET) will need to set prior to starting the application.


Run or debug the main class with the spring active profile set to dev:


./gradlew bootRun --args=''

Running against dependencies deployed in dev

In order to run against deployed dependencies in dev the

Environment variables required
Note, client credentials from the dev namespace (hmpps-person-integration-api-dev) kubernetes secrets.
SYSTEM_CLIENT_ID=<Extract from k8s namespace>
SYSTEM_CLIENT_SECRET=<Extract from k8s namespace>

Once the environment variables have been set the application can be run via Gradle or IntelliJ using the commands in this section

Common gradle tasks

To list project dependencies, run:

./gradlew dependencies

To check for dependency updates, run:

./gradlew dependencyUpdates --warning-mode all

To run an OWASP dependency check, run:

./gradlew clean dependencyCheckAnalyze --info

To upgrade the gradle wrapper version, run:

./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version=<VERSION>

To automatically update project dependencies, run:

./gradlew useLatestVersions

Ktlint Gradle Tasks

To run Ktlint check:

./gradlew ktlintCheck

To run Ktlint format:

./gradlew ktlintFormat

To register pre-commit check to run Ktlint format:

./gradlew addKtlintFormatGitPreCommitHook 

...or to register pre-commit check to only run Ktlint check:

./gradlew addKtlintCheckGitPreCommitHook