3.2.1 (2017-02-22)
3.2.0 (2017-02-15)
- Configure: use props a unique source of truth (#1967) (9d53d86)
- SearchBox: Safari can only have with xlinkHref (#1970) (7ab00bd), closes #1968
- MultiRange: add an all range (#1959) (a3dc950)
- MultiRange: - MultiRange/connectMultiRange: will add a "All" range to allow unselection of range without the usage of CurrentRefinements. This range can be either filtered or ramove via CSS if not needed. The label can be changed by using our translations system.
3.1.0 (2017-02-08)
- Configure: call onSearchStateChange when props are updated (#1953) (7e151db), closes #1950
- Configure: trigger onSearchStateChange with the right data (11e5af8)
- createConnector: updates with latest props on state change (#1951) (cd3a82c)
- ClearAll: add withQuery to also clear the search query (#1958) (c0e695b)
3.0.0 (2017-02-06)
- *List: disable shortcuts in *List SearchBoxes (#1921) (51a76ae), closes #1920
- Configure: add configure parameters in search state (#1935) (0971330), closes #1863
- Hits: limit the hitComponent to be only a function (#1912) (b3c9578)
- Pagination: fix and indicate when pagination is disabled (5f20199), closes #1938
- StarRating: usage with filters (#1933) (667e9d5)
- withSearchBox: keep displaying searchBox when no items found (#1930) (30de4cd)
- MultiRange: indicate if a range has no refinements (#1926) (80b6450)
- panel: add a panel widget (#1889) (594e1a1)
- starRating: indicate when any refinement has no effect (c547ae5)
- widgets: default design for disabled states (#1929) (31f010b)
The migration to V3.0.0 should be safe and you should do it.
There are two breaking changes that you will need to handle in your codebase:
- Anytime you are using a connector, when there are no more items in it or no more hits, we will still call your Component. Thus you will have to handle cases like dealing with empty arrays and decide if you want to unmount or hide the widget.
- Anytime you are using a widget, when there are no more items in it or no more hits, we will still display the widget. You can then decide to hide it with CSS.
2.2.5 (2017-01-23)
- currentRefinements: make removing a toggle refinement work (8995e64)
2.2.4 (2017-01-20)
- publish: publish react-instantsearch/dist instead of root (#1884) (64414e0)
2.2.3 (2017-01-20)
- SFFV: translations for searchbox were not applied (#1879) (e9b4ee1)
2.2.2 (2017-01-18)
- react-router: search was triggered two many times (#1840) (25e9db5)
- SFFV: empty query triggered a new SFFV (#1875) (6c8259a)
2.2.1 (2017-01-18)
2.2.0 (2017-01-17)
- clear: clearing wasn't working with too+ same type facets selected (#1820) (a9a2364)
- connectSearchBox: handle
(#1829) (7a730e2), closes #1826 - Instantsearch: Update all props on InstantSearch (#1828) (2ed9b49)
- InstantSearch: add specific
react-instantsearch ${version}
agent (#1844) (a1113bc) - SFFV: correct propTypes and add missing default values (#1845) (a4c1b31)
- test: add missing Snippet and Highliter snapshot (4accce5)
- widgets: replace setImmediate use with Promise use when update is needed (#1811) (17e2497)
- Menu, connectMenu: add search for facet values (#1822) (a6c513e)
- snippet: add a snippet widget to be able to highlight snippet results (#1797) (2aecc40)
- widgets: add transformItems to be able to sort and filter (#1809) (ba539f0)
2.1.0 (2017-01-04)
- createInstantSearchManager: drop outdated response (#1765) (76c5312)
- highlight: highlight should work even if the attribute is missing (#1791) (5b79b15), closes #1790
- InfiniteHits: better classname to loadmore btn (#1789) (ad2ded3)
- starRatings: click on selected range doesn't unselect it (#1766) (beacc72)
- website: broken demo links (#1802) (0abe2f5)
- widgets: add 300px width for the default SearchBox (#1803) (bf5d791)
- InfiniteHits: Add class to load more button (#1787) (416febd)
- RefinementList, connectRefinementList: allow to search for facet values (e086a81)
2.0.1 (2016-12-15)
- connectRange: when unfinite numbers are passed throw (75bec0d)
- react-native: use View as a container for react-native (#1729) (5b76f75), closes #1730
- SearchBox: autocomplete was not disabled by default (#1742) (bc76618)
- starRating: call createURL with the right interface (min/max) (#1747) (f9ab9b6)
2.0.0 (2016-12-08)
First release of react-instantsearch