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Document ln caveats #11

millette opened this issue Dec 13, 2017 · 3 comments

Document ln caveats #11

millette opened this issue Dec 13, 2017 · 3 comments


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Currently, ln builds on mkfifo to create a fs fifo. In dat-shell, we can currently

ln a-file-inside-dat.txt ~/filesystem-file.txt

And from another terminal:

tail ~/filesystem-file.txt
cp ~/filesystem-file.txt somewhere.txt

But unfortunately, neither mplayer nor vlc will play a video file linked in a such a way.

@millette millette added the bug label Dec 14, 2017
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I added a pseudo "ln" command, hoping to be able to launch mplayer or vlc from inside the dat, but alas, it does not work (yet). You can still (in dat-shell) cp 01-jon-kyle.mp4 ~/01-jon-kyle.mp4 and that will work.

Turns out, you can play the file with mplayer. You just need to specify a cache size, as in:

dat-shell dat://
(in dat-shell) ln 01-jon-kyle.mp4 ~/01-jon-kyle.mp4
mplayer -cache 1024 ~/01-jon-kyle.mp4

And that will work. After playback, the fifo (link) ~/01-jon-kyle.mp4 is deleted.

Next still will be to document it in the readme.

@millette millette changed the title ln should work as expected Document ln caveats Dec 14, 2017
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For vlc:

cat ~/01-jon-kyle.mp4 | vlc --live-caching 2000 -

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ubik23 commented Dec 14, 2017

Sur mac vlc 2.2.6 :
❯ cat 02-jon-gacnik.mp4 | vlc --live-caching 2000 -
VLC media player 2.2.6 Umbrella (revision 2.2.6-0-gdbe888f)
[000000010050a418] [cli] lua interface: Listening on host "*console".
VLC media player 2.2.6 Umbrella
Command Line Interface initialized. Type `help' for help.

Error in (?;?&?tZ????.I 1???U?#? ?{??NCBx?sXP&? ?5??5@?#? ??=7XXK' e.m ?'*X"??Rk*? ~' libvlc's "" is not a command Unknown command (?;?&?tZ????.I
1???U?#? ?{??NCBx?sXP&?
e.m'. Type help' for help. Error in jm{???#Xw$????"
D???????HX? Z#o01I?q!Cv
???' libvlc's "j" is not a command "?N?N??????wkDC?
Unknown command jm{???#Xw$????" D???_????HX? Z#o01I?q!Cv ???'. Type help' for help. "?N?N??????wkDC?
??6rror in >I??*??ZT?'?*?m?4????rOH-?#???6? d?" VB08 ?N! }r?s?? ?p??B?? &??D ???*P? ??????? ??;???N^/?a??<Y? %????*? ??,_M$ ????? p???? ????v?? 9??,h =?"'O??33? ????"?' libvlc's ">" is not a command ??6nown command >I????ZT?'??m?4????rOH-?#???6?
'. Type help' for help. Error in ?
????' libvlc's "?" is not a command
Unknown command ? ????'. Type help' for help.
Error in M?????(' libvlc's "M" is not a command Unknown command M?????('. Type help' for help. Error in ^
' libvlc's "^" is not a command
Unknown command ^_'. Type help' for help.
Error in ????' libvlc's "" is not a command Unknown command ????'. Type help' for help. Error in ???H?9
?E' libvlc's "?" is not a command
Unknown command ???H?9 ?Z? ?E'. Type help' for help.1??
Error in `?
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??? H?O


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Unknown command `?
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k?'. Type help' for help. S-ror in ?Z?$
l0?.?{??? ?
?a?' libvlc's "?" is not a command
S-known command ?Z?$ n ?o?]? ? l0?.?{??? '. Type help' for help.
Error in ?q?_?! _?? ???? ?? ^<??+?' libvlc's "?" is not a command Unknown command ?q?_?!
^<??+?'. Type help' for help. ??ror inO??: ?? MW??a?<' libvlc's "*" is not a command ??known O??mand :
?? MW??a?<'. Type help' for help. ?rror in "@
??' libvlc's """ is not a command
?nknown command "@ ??'. Type help' for help.
Error in ?[?S'? ???? ]??? ;?){ ?4?Qg?' libvlc's "" is not a command Unknown command ?[?S'? ????
?4?Qg?'. Type help' for help. Error in o?????' libvlc's "" is not a command
Unknown command o?????'. Type help' for help.
??+?' libvlc's "?" is not a command
??+?'. Type help' for help. Error in D#??3
???G?Q?' libvlc's "" is not a command
Unknown command D#??3 XQ?-{??? ???G?Q?'. Type help' for help.
Error in ' libvlc's "" is not a command Unknown command '. Type help' for help. Error in ????
+&. ???." /??g?' libvlc's "?" is not a command
Unknown command ???? ?%??z??1??E? ???C?# ?? +&. ???." /??g?'. Type help' for help.
n??????#RAZF ???8??
?' libvlc's "" is not a command??
n??????#RAZF ???8??
?'. Type help' for help.??D????? !??$??/n ?:?z?0
oz?+0? ?
<~-3' libvlc's "" is not a command
!??$??/ command ?:?z?0 ???) d???? +?$%??? oz?+0?'. Type help' for help.
?R??UD?n ?Fmy?Do? H3??[Z)??L.??"6k?6 ?? ???"> v??' libvlc's "" is not a command ?R??UD? command ?Fmy?Do? H3??[Z)??L.??"6k?6
?? ???">
v??'. Type help' for help. ?zL?r in
??' libvlc's "" is not a command
?zL?own command ??'. Typehelp' for help.

Error in ?A????%" R?? ????N&? ???? "? ?h?W??2 ?Q?H ?J?? ?9?! L[?B _??2 ????&W8m6 ???3??9F? ??*???Y??X?hPS?g?v$@e?7D ?'W?DF?C??MI@?. 3??1??4? ?~???' libvlc's "" is not a command Unknown command
?A????%" R??
???? "?
?9?! L[?B
???3??9F? ??*???Y??X?hPS?g?v$@e?7D
?~???'. Type help' for help. Error in Z
?*?????nA??? ? ??
!-??' libvlc's "" is not a command?Vz?d2?X?.Qn_
Unknown command Z ?y6r??- ???L ??'. Type help' for help.
Error in ?m>L;:?zs? ?? ?r?A ???O? ??'???>' libvlc's "" is not a command Unknown command ?m>L;:?zs?
?? ?r?A
??'???>'. Type help' for help. ??Df"*in (j?9
?t?????2??<' libvlc's "(" is not a command
??Df"*n command (j?9 ???; ?t?????2??<'. Type help' for help.
z?8??<??/jE? =
??? ??4

            ?H	3' libvlc's "" is not a command

??C??'. Type `help' for help.

Error in ?? ? ??&[P6 ???$ 4???#$LN9u?J???(#\Q1!i$&AH\????.??'???


??9U*\I?&V=?' libvlc's "" is not a command
Unknown command ??'. Type help' for help.
??????0' libvlc's "" is not a command
??????0'. Type help' for help. 8??;???n ???P?2
??' libvlc's "?" is not a command
8??;??? command ???P?2 .??(??????.??6K?- ? >??:m X?3*??C'. Type help' for help.

Error in 5??7 ~t4,'
a?D??2@ 2?C Q"??3?
????1 ? ?=3^?//??p
Jk? ?j&

              Eu???	<c?

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??<?L'&]?. Type help' for help.*??XW?I??r Q?;??Or in ?|Sc
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u?2???<??UY?W4?B<:'. Type help' for help. ? Error in 7^?
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Error in ?d?Hn??J' libvlc's "?" is not a command Unknown command ?d?Hn??J'. Type help' for help. Error in ?j?'
F|' libvlc's "?" is not a command
Unknown command ?j?' o??E F|'. Type help' for help.
Error in + ?,??' libvlc's "" is not a command Unknown command +
?,??'. Type `help' for help.

Error in `??6

??? I?

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????? ?#?
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' libvlc's "?" is not a command
Unknown command `??6

??? I?

?b?|'. Type help' for help. Error in :?J?M?' libvlc's "" is not a command
Unknown command :?J?M?'. Type help' for help.
Error in ' libvlc's "" is not a command Unknown command '. Type help' for help. ??Jor in ?>7
?Z?e?' libvlc's "?" is not a command
??Jnown command ?>7 1k UY?? ?j? ?Z?e?'. Type help' for help.
Error in ?X? ?5? ??' libvlc's "?" is not a command Unknown command ?X?'. Type help' for help. Error in <=8v?1
??$ P??P
:??,' libvlc's "<" is not a command
Unknown command <=8v?1 ??$ P??P :??,'. Type help' for help.
Error in ?G8 ?'?? $??)?' libvlc's "?" is not a command Unknown command ?G8
$??)?'. Type help' for help. Error in
??' libvlc's "" is not a command
Unknown command ??'. Typehelp' for help.
Error in ? 0?0c?> jU?!??? ??? O?) ?l? X?" ???? 2??6Hx?? ?;??
&>: 3?
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Unknown command ? 0?0c?> jU?!??? ??? O?) ?l?'. Type help' for help.
#?Oor in m?R???( ???< ???S 4??? *z? ?-?&? # VR ? k?? |F"~?' libvlc's "" is not a command #?Onown command m?R???(
?'. Type `help' for help.

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        ??6?{???' libvlc's "" is not a command

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?O?E????= L:? ?T?,
??'. Type help' for help. ?7?#r in ??

?' libvlc's "" is not a command

?7?#own command `??

?'. Type `help' for help.

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??>?? ????&
???6>?r????B?><x?Q#?01??#??.?1??+)??+f??=#?:.4]r.l??>?' libvlc's "" is not a command
1??'. Type `help' for help.

Error in `p25?u
??5?<??(3??4 *K?B???L???2??,'??"l?????SG???_?{?(?Y "Y?6??eY I???R?UGJ??\q3ZGWST?1?IAT?&O??m9?b1??cT3?5P?=A2?<9l
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Ju'j ?;
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? ??W?A
???' libvlc's "p" is not a command
Unknown command p25?u *K?B???L???2??,'??"l?????SG???_?{?(?Y'. Type help' for help.
?M?' libvlc's "?" is not a command
?M?'. Type `help' for help.

Error in %f?? !???d3 0V ??M ?/%?$. ???>2 ?t@^b?? ? ?t?+H? 7??F& ??)?&?K3???8??K+ ??67??-, ??57l8: V?P??F &? ??-?SF ?b?A? ??q/PJI??l?' libvlc's "" is not a command
Unknown command %f?? !???d3 0V ??M ?/%?$. ???>2 ?t@^b?? ? ?t?+H? 7??F& ??)?&?K3???8??K+ ??67??-, ??57l8: V?P??F &? ??-?SF ?b?A? ??q/PJI??l?'. Type help' for help. =*?0r in K ?7,??&??&75?7?L
B<i' libvlc's "" is not a command
=?0own command K ?7,??&??&75?7?L ?s?<F_?% B<i'. Type help' for help.
_?'??u, )"6?Y$Z?-IC?u0(?"??T&ZL?=?????r?#??
/B??????87%1?:? 2?-]??
??Lw?' libvlc's "" is not a command _?'??u, )"6?Y\$Z?-IC?u0(?"??*T&ZL?=?*????r?#?? /B??????87%1?:? 2?-]?? ?>?^?? ??Lw?'. Type help' for help. G??????n ?6?>???>
N?a??' libvlc's "?" is not a command
G?????? command ?6?>???> N?a??'. Type help' for help.
Error in ?I?? +C> ?/?.0ik)??? T??'o?0?8???KL~?2ia' libvlc's "" is not a command Unknown command
?I?? +C>
T??'o?0?8???KL~?2ia'. Type help' for help. Error in 6???H??8??6?????!"?
?yTH#????n5 6!??2?t'O??+ ]?EYb??0??M@
???,"' libvlc's "" is not a command
Unknown command 6???H??8??6?????!"? 6!??2?t'O??+'. Type help' for help.
u?ror in ? sm?|?!??, ????* ??/>s?"( j??*???? @????X[.lS?.????T???*?/dT??' libvlc's "" is not a command u?known command ?
j?????? @????X[.lS?.????T????/dT??'. Type help' for help. ?-??????P& "g???$s?
??#TWD5( ?vm
ha?.i?? ?x?g0??
-j???:?" 0?/!??0??#
?0?????/Co.??? 8?? G? ?<? c?''? /0?(' libvlc's "" is not a command ?'. Typehelp' for help.
Error in ? ??h' libvlc's "?" is not a command Unknown command ? ??h'. Type help' for help. Error in [?? ???wh?^??
r??,?U,C1q?Iu[W ?:>(x???)?Q46?o$
[-t?>9???.4????? ???????,?[
???i-6??K?k,?,Y???@&?9_??.3??F?Re!?I??@?????? ????zD(&8N?
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Unknown command [??'. Type help' for help.
???(%Z ?' libvlc's "" is not a command
????T-???!????/+a???"? Y?!
C?'. Type help' for help. Error in ?Z????6' libvlc's "?" is not a command
Unknown command ?Z????6'. Type help' for help.
Error in K? 0??' libvlc's "`" is not a command Unknown command K?
0??'. Type help' for help. Error in ??


????' libvlc's "?" is not a command
Unknown command `??


????'. Type help' for help. 6??? Error in ?M??
?~??' libvlc's "?" is not a command
Unknown command ?M?? ???? >?? ?~??'. Type help' for help.
Error in ?o??hk???? ?o?' libvlc's "?" is not a command Unknown command ?o??hk????
?o?'. Type `help' for help.

Error in `?W

?~ ??/?
OW??eo?' libvlc's "?" is not a command
Unknown command `?W

?~ ??/?
OW??eo?'. Type help' for help. Error in ???
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Unknown command ??? r??'. Type help' for help.
?_?or in L2?% ?? ?#?? ???w :??%

I' libvlc's "L" is not a command
?nown command L2?% ??'. Type help' for help.
Error in ? p' libvlc's "" is not a command Unknown command ?
p'. Type help' for help. Error in ??d#?&?' libvlc's "" is not a command
Unknown command ??d#?&?'. Type help' for help.
Error in `?
L?>?( E??&?-?

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Unknown command `?
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o?? ?h?
?s'. Type help' for help. Error in c?' libvlc's "" is not a command
Unknown command c?'. Type help' for help.
?K$,#or in `?(????? qY[;

                                        ???' libvlc's "?" is not a command

?K$,#wn command `?(????? qY[;

                                        ???'. Type `help' for help.

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+m?? ?Z??
?' libvlc's "?" is not a command
Unknown command ?>?% p??? ?? +m?? ?Z?? ?? i4 ?'. Type help' for help.
??' libvlc's "?" is not a command
??'. Type help' for help. Error in ?|??;' libvlc's "?" is not a command
Unknown command ?|??;'. Type help' for help.
Error in `??
?? ??

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Unknown command `??
?? ??

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Unknown command ~!}?'. Type help' for help.
Error in ??? -?=?? ??$?9? (? ?s?% 2[?=a' libvlc's "?" is not a command Unknown command ???
(? ?s?%
2[?=a'. Type `help' for help.

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??' libvlc's "" is not a command
??'. Type help' for help. Error in ??#:
??!?' libvlc's "" is not a command
Unknown command ??#: ??!?'. Type help' for help.
Error in ?g?jK???' libvlc's "?" is not a command Unknown command ?g?jK???'. Type help' for help. Error in ???H
?&?' libvlc's "?" is not a command
Unknown command ???H ?&?'. Type help' for help.
Error in ?a?D ?? g( ???" e@& v? Wu(? ????4 5??
?' libvlc's "?" is not a command
Unknown command ?a?D ?? g( ???" e@& v? Wu(? ????4 5??
?'. Type help' for help.? Error in @
/?%2?U?? =|S???G
O?(?#' ?J4 ?%8?z*fZ?;-4??*' libvlc's "" is not a command Unknown command @
/?%2?U?? =|S???G
O?(?#' ?J4 ?%8?z*fZ?;-4??*'. Type help' for help.
Shutting down.
[000000010050a418] [cli] lua interface: Requested shutdown.

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