lunch-bytes - a UM/RSMAS computing seminar series that aim to provide an informal forum for RSMAS students, researchers, and faculty to discuss and exchange knowledge on various computing topics, tools, and programming languages.
Where: MSC329
When: Every Wednesday, 12-1 pm
February 17: Eleanor Middlemas (RSMAS) - Starship MATLAB - It's not as scary as you think
March 2: Leo Siqueira (RSMAS) - Save time and
reproducible research with GNU Make -
March 16: Josh Noe (Mixed in Key Inc.) - From whaaa?? to ohhhh: Writing maintainable code
March 30: Holly Perryman (RSMAS) - Word Processors? Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That: An Introduction to LaTeX
April 6: Andrew Smith (RSMAS) - Because it happens on Earth: Introduction to plotting and mapping for geophysical applications in Python
May 4: Ajda Savarin (RSMAS) - Building websites with HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap