From c1929da954bab65c903f92dd6f0b6b9a1ca0958b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mike <>
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2023 15:09:45 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] feat!: add support for new neovim default colorscheme (#103)
BREAKING CHANGE: Existing highlight groups were renamed. If you were overriding any kitty-scrollback.nvim highlight groups, please update the names referencing the table below.
| Previous highlight name | New highlight name |
| -------------------------- | --------------------------------------- |
| KittyScrollbackNvimNormal | KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinNormal |
| KittyScrollbackNvimHeart | KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinHeartIcon |
| KittyScrollbackNvimSpinner | KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinSpinnerIcon |
| KittyScrollbackNvimReady | KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinReadyIcon |
| KittyScrollbackNvimKitty | KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinKittyIcon |
| KittyScrollbackNvimVim | KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinNvimIcon |
--- | 185 +++++-----------
doc/kitty-scrollback.nvim.txt | 267 +++++++++--------------
doc/kitty-scrollback.nvim_spec.txt | 1 +
lua/kitty-scrollback/configs/example.lua | 12 +-
lua/kitty-scrollback/highlights.lua | 124 +++++++----
lua/kitty-scrollback/launch.lua | 16 +-
lua/kitty-scrollback/windows.lua | 26 ++-
python/ | 3 -
python/ | 15 +-
9 files changed, 283 insertions(+), 366 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index cfe49bf8..83c717c8 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ Navigate your Kitty scrollback buffer to quickly search, copy, and execute comma
-## 🚀 Migrating to v2.0.0
+## 🚀 Migrating to v3.0.0
-> v2.0.0 has breaking changes and requires steps to properly migrate from v1.X.X.
+> v3.0.0 has breaking changes and requires steps to properly migrate from v2.X.X.
> You can ignore this section if you have not previously installed any version of kitty-scrollback.nvim
@@ -42,92 +42,18 @@ Navigate your Kitty scrollback buffer to quickly search, copy, and execute comma
- - If you are using the [lazy.nvim]( or [packer.nvim]( package manager, then
- add the custom `User` event `KittyScrollbackLaunch` as a trigger for lazy loading.
- See [Installation](#-installation) for additional details.
- ```lua
- event = { 'User KittyScrollbackLaunch' }
- ```
- - Regenerate default Kitten mappings and add to `kitty.conf`
- ```sh
- nvim --headless +'KittyScrollbackGenerateKittens' +'set nonumber' +'set norelativenumber' +'%print' +'quit!' 2>&1
- ```
- - Remove previous kitty-scrollback.nvim Kitten mappings in `kitty.conf`
- - The default mapping keys changed from `ctrl+shift` to `kitty_mod`. The default values for `kitty_mod` in Kitty is `ctrl+shift`.
- - If you are using the default value for `kitty_mod` of `ctrl+shift`, then no change is needed.
- - If you are using a different value for `kitty_mod`, then you should correct any potential mapping conflicts that may occur
- now that `kitty-scrollback.nvim` is using `kitty_mod`.
- - Migrate any customized configurations to the new format
- - When you define your kitty-scrollback.nvim Kitten configuration, do not use `--config-file` `yourconfigfile.lua`. Instead,
- move the contents of `yourconfigfile.lua` to an entry in the configuration passed to the kitty-scrollback.nvim setup function.
- ```lua
- require('kitty-scrollback').setup({
- yourconfig = function()
- ...
- end,
- })
- ```
- Update your Kitten to use the name of the configuration defined in the setup function. In this example,
- `--config-file yourconfigfile.lua` changes to `--config yourconfig`
+ ## Highlight Groups
- Real example
- - > [!NOTE]\
- > The configuration to view the last command output now references a builtin configuration instead of a file. The
- > new configuration can be viewed by running `:KittyScrollbackGenerateKittens`.
- - Old configuration
- - The Kitten defined in `kitty.conf` references the configuration file `get_text_last_cmd_output.lua`
- ```kitty
- # Browse output of the last shell command in nvim
- map kitty_mod+g kitty_scrollback_nvim --config-file get_text_last_cmd_output.lua
- ```
- ```lua
- -- get_text_last_cmd_output.lua
- local M = {}
- M.config = function()
- return {
- kitty_get_text = {
- extent = 'last_visited_cmd_output',
- ansi = true,
- },
- }
- end
- return M
- ```
- - New configuration
- - The Kitten defined in `kitty.conf` references the builtin configuration name `ksb_builtin_last_cmd_output`
- ```kitty
- # Browse output of the last shell command in nvim
- map kitty_mod+g kitty_scrollback_nvim --config ksb_builtin_last_cmd_output
- ```
- ```lua
- require('kitty-scrollback').setup({
- ksb_builtin_last_cmd_output = function()
- return {
- kitty_get_text = {
- extent = 'last_visited_cmd_output',
- ansi = true,
- },
- }
- end
- })
- ```
+ - Existing highlight groups were renamed. If you were overriding any kitty-scrollback.nvim highlight groups, please update the names referencing the table below.
+ | Previous highlight name | New highlight name |
+ | -------------------------- | --------------------------------------- |
+ | KittyScrollbackNvimNormal | KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinNormal |
+ | KittyScrollbackNvimHeart | KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinHeartIcon |
+ | KittyScrollbackNvimSpinner | KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinSpinnerIcon |
+ | KittyScrollbackNvimReady | KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinReadyIcon |
+ | KittyScrollbackNvimKitty | KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinKittyIcon |
+ | KittyScrollbackNvimVim | KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinNvimIcon |
@@ -351,49 +277,50 @@ Arguments that can be passed to the `kitty_scrollback_nvim` Kitten defined in [k
### `kitty-scrollback.nvim` configuration file
-| Options | Type | Description |
-| :--------------------------------------------------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| callbacks | `KsbCallbacks?` | fire and forget callback functions |
-| callbacks.after_setup | `fun(kitty_data: KsbKittyData, opts: KsbOpts)?` | callback executed after initializing kitty-scrollback.nvim |
-| callbacks.after_launch | `fun(kitty_data: KsbKittyData, opts: KsbOpts)?` | callback executed after launch started to process the scrollback buffer |
-| callbacks.after_ready | `fun(kitty_data: KsbKittyData, opts: KsbOpts)?` | callback executed after scrollback buffer is loaded and cursor is positioned |
-| keymaps_enabled | `boolean?` | if true, enabled all default keymaps |
-| restore_options | `boolean?` | if true, restore options that were modified while processing the scrollback buffer |
-| highlight_overrides | `KsbHighlights?` | kitty-scrollback.nvim highlight overrides |
-| highlight_overrides
.KittyScrollbackNvimNormal | `table?` | status window Normal highlight group |
-| highlight_overrides
.KittyScrollbackNvimHeart | `table?` | status window heart icon highlight group |
-| highlight_overrides
.KittyScrollbackNvimSpinner | `table?` | status window spinner icon highlight group |
-| highlight_overrides
.KittyScrollbackNvimReady | `table?` | status window ready icon highlight group |
-| highlight_overrides
.KittyScrollbackNvimKitty | `table?` | status window kitty icon highlight group |
-| highlight_overrides
.KittyScrollbackNvimVim | `table?` | status window vim icon highlight group |
-| highlight_overrides
.KittyScrollbackNvimPasteWinNormal | `table?` | paste window Normal highlight group |
-| highlight_overrides
.KittyScrollbackNvimPasteWinFloatBorder | `table?` | paste window FloatBorder highlight group |
-| highlight_overrides
.KittyScrollbackNvimPasteWinFloatTitle | `table?` | paste window FloatTitle highlight group |
-| highlight_overrides
.KittyScrollbackNvimVisual | `table?` | scrollback buffer window visual selection highlight group |
-| status_window | `KsbStatusWindowOpts?` | options for status window indicating that kitty-scrollback.nvim is ready |
-| status_window.enabled | `boolean` | If true, show status window in upper right corner of the screen |
-| status_window.style_simple | `boolean` | If true, use plaintext instead of nerd font icons |
-| status_window.autoclose | `boolean` | If true, close the status window after kitty-scrollback.nvim is ready |
-| status_window.show_timer | `boolean` | If true, show a timer in the status window while kitty-scrollback.nvim is loading |
-| status_window.icons | `KsbStatusWindowIcons?` | Icons displayed in the status window |
-| status_window.icons.kitty | `string` | kitty status window icon |
-| status_window.icons.heart | `string` | heart string heart status window icon |
-| status_window.icons.nvim | `string` | nvim status window icon |
-| paste_window | `KsbPasteWindowOpts?` | options for paste window that sends commands to Kitty |
-| paste_window.highlight_as_normal_win | `fun(): boolean?` | If function returns true, use Normal highlight group. If false, use NormalFloat |
-| paste_window.filetype | `string?` | The filetype of the paste window |
-| paste_window.hide_footer | `boolean?` | If true, hide mappings in the footer when the paste window is initially opened |
-| paste_window.winblend | `integer?` | The winblend setting of the window, see :help winblend |
-| paste_window.winopts_overrides | `fun(paste_winopts: KsbWinOpts): table?` | Paste float window overrides, see nvim_open_win() for configuration |
-| paste_window.footer_winopts_overrides | `fun(footer_winopts: KsbWinOpts, paste_winopts: KsbWinOpts): table?` | Paste footer window overrides, see nvim_open_win() for configuration |
-| paste_window.yank_register | `string?` | register used during yanks to paste window, see `:h registers` |
-| paste_window.yank_register_enabled | `boolean?` | If true, the `yank_register` copies content to the paste window. If false, disable yank to paste window |
-| kitty_get_text | `KsbKittyGetText?` | options passed to get-text when reading scrollback buffer, see `kitty @ get-text --help` |
-| kitty_get_text.ansi | `boolean` | If true, the text will include the ANSI formatting escape codes for colors, bold, italic, etc. |
-| kitty_get_text.clear_selection | `boolean` | If true, clear the selection in the matched window, if any. |
-| kitty_get_text.extent | `string` | What text to get. The default of screen means all text currently on the screen. all means all the `screen+scrollback` and selection means the currently selected text. `first_cmd_output_on_screen` means the output of the first command that was run in the window on screen. `last_cmd_output` means the output of the last command that was run in the window. `last_visited_cmd_output` means the first command output below the last scrolled position via scroll_to_prompt. `last_non_empty_output` is the output from the last command run in the window that had some non empty output. The last four require `shell_integration` to be enabled. Choices: `screen`, `all`, `first_cmd_output_on_screen`, `last_cmd_output`, `last_non_empty_output`, `last_visited_cmd_output`, `selection` |
-| checkhealth | `boolean?` | if true execute :checkhealth kitty-scrollback and skip setup |
-| visual_selection_highlight_mode | `string?` | Sets the mode for coloring the Visual highlight group in the scrollback buffer window. `darken` uses a darkened version of the Normal highlight group to improve readability. `kitty` uses the colors defined for `selection_foreground` and `selection_background` in your Kitty configuration. `nvim` uses the default colors defined in the `Visual` highlight group. `reverse` reverses the foreground and background colors of the visual selection. |
+| Options | Type | Description |
+| :---------------------------------------------------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| callbacks | `KsbCallbacks?` | fire and forget callback functions |
+| callbacks.after_setup | `fun(kitty_data: KsbKittyData, opts: KsbOpts)?` | callback executed after initializing kitty-scrollback.nvim |
+| callbacks.after_launch | `fun(kitty_data: KsbKittyData, opts: KsbOpts)?` | callback executed after launch started to process the scrollback buffer |
+| callbacks.after_ready | `fun(kitty_data: KsbKittyData, opts: KsbOpts)?` | callback executed after scrollback buffer is loaded and cursor is positioned |
+| keymaps_enabled | `boolean?` | if true, enabled all default keymaps |
+| restore_options | `boolean?` | if true, restore options that were modified while processing the scrollback buffer |
+| highlight_overrides | `KsbHighlights?` | kitty-scrollback.nvim highlight overrides |
+| highlight_overrides
.KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinNormal | `table?` | status window Normal highlight group |
+| highlight_overrides
.KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinHeartIcon | `table?` | status window heart icon highlight group |
+| highlight_overrides
.KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinSpinnerIcon | `table?` | status window spinner icon highlight group |
+| highlight_overrides
.KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinReadyIcon | `table?` | status window ready icon highlight group |
+| highlight_overrides
.KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinKittyIcon | `table?` | status window kitty icon highlight group |
+| highlight_overrides
.KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinNvimIcon | `table?` | status window vim icon highlight group |
+| highlight_overrides
.KittyScrollbackNvimPasteWinNormal | `table?` | paste window Normal highlight group |
+| highlight_overrides
.KittyScrollbackNvimPasteWinFloatBorder | `table?` | paste window FloatBorder highlight group |
+| highlight_overrides
.KittyScrollbackNvimPasteWinFloatTitle | `table?` | paste window FloatTitle highlight group |
+| highlight_overrides
.KittyScrollbackNvimVisual | `table?` | scrollback buffer window Visual selection highlight group |
+| highlight_overrides
.KittyScrollbackNvimNormal | `table?` | scrollback buffer window Normal highlight group |
+| status_window | `KsbStatusWindowOpts?` | options for status window indicating that kitty-scrollback.nvim is ready |
+| status_window.enabled | `boolean` | If true, show status window in upper right corner of the screen |
+| status_window.style_simple | `boolean` | If true, use plaintext instead of nerd font icons |
+| status_window.autoclose | `boolean` | If true, close the status window after kitty-scrollback.nvim is ready |
+| status_window.show_timer | `boolean` | If true, show a timer in the status window while kitty-scrollback.nvim is loading |
+| status_window.icons | `KsbStatusWindowIcons?` | Icons displayed in the status window |
+| status_window.icons.kitty | `string` | kitty status window icon |
+| status_window.icons.heart | `string` | heart string heart status window icon |
+| status_window.icons.nvim | `string` | nvim status window icon |
+| paste_window | `KsbPasteWindowOpts?` | options for paste window that sends commands to Kitty |
+| paste_window.highlight_as_normal_win | `fun(): boolean?` | If function returns true, use Normal highlight group. If false, use NormalFloat |
+| paste_window.filetype | `string?` | The filetype of the paste window |
+| paste_window.hide_footer | `boolean?` | If true, hide mappings in the footer when the paste window is initially opened |
+| paste_window.winblend | `integer?` | The winblend setting of the window, see :help winblend |
+| paste_window.winopts_overrides | `fun(paste_winopts: KsbWinOpts): table?` | Paste float window overrides, see nvim_open_win() for configuration |
+| paste_window.footer_winopts_overrides | `fun(footer_winopts: KsbWinOpts, paste_winopts: KsbWinOpts): table?` | Paste footer window overrides, see nvim_open_win() for configuration |
+| paste_window.yank_register | `string?` | register used during yanks to paste window, see `:h registers` |
+| paste_window.yank_register_enabled | `boolean?` | If true, the `yank_register` copies content to the paste window. If false, disable yank to paste window |
+| kitty_get_text | `KsbKittyGetText?` | options passed to get-text when reading scrollback buffer, see `kitty @ get-text --help` |
+| kitty_get_text.ansi | `boolean` | If true, the text will include the ANSI formatting escape codes for colors, bold, italic, etc. |
+| kitty_get_text.clear_selection | `boolean` | If true, clear the selection in the matched window, if any. |
+| kitty_get_text.extent | `string` | What text to get. The default of screen means all text currently on the screen. all means all the `screen+scrollback` and selection means the currently selected text. `first_cmd_output_on_screen` means the output of the first command that was run in the window on screen. `last_cmd_output` means the output of the last command that was run in the window. `last_visited_cmd_output` means the first command output below the last scrolled position via scroll_to_prompt. `last_non_empty_output` is the output from the last command run in the window that had some non empty output. The last four require `shell_integration` to be enabled. Choices: `screen`, `all`, `first_cmd_output_on_screen`, `last_cmd_output`, `last_non_empty_output`, `last_visited_cmd_output`, `selection` |
+| checkhealth | `boolean?` | if true execute :checkhealth kitty-scrollback and skip setup |
+| visual_selection_highlight_mode | `string?` | Sets the mode for coloring the Visual highlight group in the scrollback buffer window. `darken` uses a darkened version of the Normal highlight group to improve readability. `kitty` uses the colors defined for `selection_foreground` and `selection_background` in your Kitty configuration. `nvim` uses the default colors defined in the `Visual` highlight group. `reverse` reverses the foreground and background colors of the visual selection. |
### Nerd Fonts
diff --git a/doc/kitty-scrollback.nvim.txt b/doc/kitty-scrollback.nvim.txt
index 74d5106c..0e920dc4 100644
--- a/doc/kitty-scrollback.nvim.txt
+++ b/doc/kitty-scrollback.nvim.txt
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
Table of Contents *kitty-scrollback.nvim-table-of-contents*
1. kitty-scrollback.nvim |kitty-scrollback.nvim-kitty-scrollback.nvim|
- - Migrating to v2.0.0 |kitty-scrollback.nvim-migrating-to-v2.0.0|
+ - Migrating to v3.0.0 |kitty-scrollback.nvim-migrating-to-v3.0.0|
+ - Highlight Groups |kitty-scrollback.nvim-highlight-groups|
- Features |kitty-scrollback.nvim-features|
- Example use cases |kitty-scrollback.nvim-example-use-cases|
- Prerequisites |kitty-scrollback.nvim-prerequisites|
@@ -26,99 +27,27 @@ Navigate your Kitty scrollback buffer to quickly search, copy, and execute
commands in Neovim.
-MIGRATING TO V2.0.0 *kitty-scrollback.nvim-migrating-to-v2.0.0*
+MIGRATING TO V3.0.0 *kitty-scrollback.nvim-migrating-to-v3.0.0*
- v2.0.0 has breaking changes and requires steps to properly migrate from v1.X.X.
+ v3.0.0 has breaking changes and requires steps to properly migrate from v2.X.X.
You can ignore this section if you have not previously installed any version of
`-` `Migration Steps`
- - If you are using the lazy.nvim or
- packer.nvim package manager, then
- add the custom `User` event `KittyScrollbackLaunch` as a trigger for lazy
- loading. See |kitty-scrollback.nvim-installation| for additional details.
- event = { 'User KittyScrollbackLaunch' }
- - Regenerate default Kitten mappings and add to `kitty.conf`
- nvim --headless +'KittyScrollbackGenerateKittens' +'set nonumber' +'set norelativenumber' +'%print' +'quit!' 2>&1
- - Remove previous kitty-scrollback.nvim Kitten mappings in `kitty.conf`
- - The default mapping keys changed from `ctrl+shift` to `kitty_mod`. The default
- values for `kitty_mod` in Kitty is `ctrl+shift`.
- - If you are using the default value for `kitty_mod` of `ctrl+shift`, then no change is needed.
- - If you are using a different value for `kitty_mod`, then you should correct any potential mapping conflicts that may occur
- now that `kitty-scrollback.nvim` is using `kitty_mod`.
- - Migrate any customized configurations to the new format
- - When you define your kitty-scrollback.nvim Kitten configuration, do not use
- `--config-file` `yourconfigfile.lua`. Instead, move the contents of
- `yourconfigfile.lua` to an entry in the configuration passed to the
- kitty-scrollback.nvim setup function.
- require('kitty-scrollback').setup({
- yourconfig = function()
- ...
- end,
- })
- Update your Kitten to use the name of the configuration defined in the setup
- function. In this example, `--config-file yourconfigfile.lua` changes to
- `--config yourconfig`
-`-` `Real example`
- - `ℹ` `NOTE`
- The configuration to view the last command output now references a builtin
- configuration instead of a file. The new configuration can be viewed by running
- `:KittyScrollbackGenerateKittens`.
- - Old configuration
- - The Kitten defined in `kitty.conf` references the configuration file `get_text_last_cmd_output.lua`
- # Browse output of the last shell command in nvim
- map kitty_mod+g kitty_scrollback_nvim --config-file get_text_last_cmd_output.lua
- -- get_text_last_cmd_output.lua
- local M = {}
- M.config = function()
- return {
- kitty_get_text = {
- extent = 'last_visited_cmd_output',
- ansi = true,
- },
- }
- end
- return M
- - New configuration
- - The Kitten defined in `kitty.conf` references the builtin configuration name `ksb_builtin_last_cmd_output`
- # Browse output of the last shell command in nvim
- map kitty_mod+g kitty_scrollback_nvim --config ksb_builtin_last_cmd_output
- require('kitty-scrollback').setup({
- ksb_builtin_last_cmd_output = function()
- return {
- kitty_get_text = {
- extent = 'last_visited_cmd_output',
- ansi = true,
- },
- }
- end
- })
+ HIGHLIGHT GROUPS *kitty-scrollback.nvim-highlight-groups*
+ - Existing highlight groups were renamed. If you were overriding any
+ kitty-scrollback.nvim highlight groups, please update the names referencing the
+ table below.
+ Previous highlight name New highlight name
+ ---------------------------- -----------------------------------------
+ KittyScrollbackNvimNormal KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinNormal
+ KittyScrollbackNvimHeart KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinHeartIcon
+ KittyScrollbackNvimSpinner KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinSpinnerIcon
+ KittyScrollbackNvimReady KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinReadyIcon
+ KittyScrollbackNvimKitty KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinKittyIcon
+ KittyScrollbackNvimVim KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinNvimIcon
FEATURES *kitty-scrollback.nvim-features*
@@ -347,127 +276,129 @@ kitty.conf .
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Options Type Description
- ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
- callbacks KsbCallbacks? fire and forget callback functions
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Options Type Description
+ ------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
+ callbacks KsbCallbacks? fire and forget callback functions
+ callbacks.after_setup fun(kitty_data: KsbKittyData, opts: KsbOpts)? callback executed after initializing kitty-scrollback.nvim
- callbacks.after_setup fun(kitty_data: KsbKittyData, opts: KsbOpts)? callback executed after initializing kitty-scrollback.nvim
+ callbacks.after_launch fun(kitty_data: KsbKittyData, opts: KsbOpts)? callback executed after launch started to process the
+ scrollback buffer
- callbacks.after_launch fun(kitty_data: KsbKittyData, opts: KsbOpts)? callback executed after launch started to process the
- scrollback buffer
+ callbacks.after_ready fun(kitty_data: KsbKittyData, opts: KsbOpts)? callback executed after scrollback buffer is loaded and
+ cursor is positioned
- callbacks.after_ready fun(kitty_data: KsbKittyData, opts: KsbOpts)? callback executed after scrollback buffer is loaded and
- cursor is positioned
+ keymaps_enabled boolean? if true, enabled all default keymaps
- keymaps_enabled boolean? if true, enabled all default keymaps
+ restore_options boolean? if true, restore options that were modified while
+ processing the scrollback buffer
- restore_options boolean? if true, restore options that were modified while
- processing the scrollback buffer
+ highlight_overrides KsbHighlights? kitty-scrollback.nvim highlight overrides
- highlight_overrides KsbHighlights? kitty-scrollback.nvim highlight overrides
+ highlight_overrides.KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinNormal table? status window Normal highlight group
- highlight_overrides.KittyScrollbackNvimNormal table? status window Normal highlight group
+ highlight_overrides.KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinHeartIcon table? status window heart icon highlight group
- highlight_overrides.KittyScrollbackNvimHeart table? status window heart icon highlight group
+ highlight_overrides.KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinSpinnerIcon table? status window spinner icon highlight group
- highlight_overrides.KittyScrollbackNvimSpinner table? status window spinner icon highlight group
+ highlight_overrides.KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinReadyIcon table? status window ready icon highlight group
- highlight_overrides.KittyScrollbackNvimReady table? status window ready icon highlight group
+ highlight_overrides.KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinKittyIcon table? status window kitty icon highlight group
- highlight_overrides.KittyScrollbackNvimKitty table? status window kitty icon highlight group
+ highlight_overrides.KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinNvimIcon table? status window vim icon highlight group
- highlight_overrides.KittyScrollbackNvimVim table? status window vim icon highlight group
+ highlight_overrides.KittyScrollbackNvimPasteWinNormal table? paste window Normal highlight group
- highlight_overrides.KittyScrollbackNvimPasteWinNormal table? paste window Normal highlight group
+ highlight_overrides.KittyScrollbackNvimPasteWinFloatBorder table? paste window FloatBorder highlight group
- highlight_overrides.KittyScrollbackNvimPasteWinFloatBorder table? paste window FloatBorder highlight group
+ highlight_overrides.KittyScrollbackNvimPasteWinFloatTitle table? paste window FloatTitle highlight group
- highlight_overrides.KittyScrollbackNvimPasteWinFloatTitle table? paste window FloatTitle highlight group
+ highlight_overrides.KittyScrollbackNvimVisual table? scrollback buffer window Visual selection highlight group
- highlight_overrides.KittyScrollbackNvimVisual table? scrollback buffer window visual selection highlight group
+ highlight_overrides.KittyScrollbackNvimNormal table? scrollback buffer window Normal highlight group
- status_window KsbStatusWindowOpts? options for status window indicating that
- kitty-scrollback.nvim is ready
+ status_window KsbStatusWindowOpts? options for status window indicating that
+ kitty-scrollback.nvim is ready
- status_window.enabled boolean If true, show status window in upper right corner of the
- screen
+ status_window.enabled boolean If true, show status window in upper right corner of the
+ screen
- status_window.style_simple boolean If true, use plaintext instead of nerd font icons
+ status_window.style_simple boolean If true, use plaintext instead of nerd font icons
- status_window.autoclose boolean If true, close the status window after
- kitty-scrollback.nvim is ready
+ status_window.autoclose boolean If true, close the status window after
+ kitty-scrollback.nvim is ready
- status_window.show_timer boolean If true, show a timer in the status window while
- kitty-scrollback.nvim is loading
+ status_window.show_timer boolean If true, show a timer in the status window while
+ kitty-scrollback.nvim is loading
- status_window.icons KsbStatusWindowIcons? Icons displayed in the status window
+ status_window.icons KsbStatusWindowIcons? Icons displayed in the status window
- status_window.icons.kitty string kitty status window icon
+ status_window.icons.kitty string kitty status window icon
- status_window.icons.heart string heart string heart status window icon
+ status_window.icons.heart string heart string heart status window icon
- status_window.icons.nvim string nvim status window icon
+ status_window.icons.nvim string nvim status window icon
- paste_window KsbPasteWindowOpts? options for paste window that sends commands to Kitty
+ paste_window KsbPasteWindowOpts? options for paste window that sends commands to Kitty
- paste_window.highlight_as_normal_win fun(): boolean? If function returns true, use Normal highlight group. If
- false, use NormalFloat
+ paste_window.highlight_as_normal_win fun(): boolean? If function returns true, use Normal highlight group. If
+ false, use NormalFloat
- paste_window.filetype string? The filetype of the paste window
+ paste_window.filetype string? The filetype of the paste window
- paste_window.hide_footer boolean? If true, hide mappings in the footer when the paste window
- is initially opened
+ paste_window.hide_footer boolean? If true, hide mappings in the footer when the paste window
+ is initially opened
- paste_window.winblend integer? The winblend setting of the window, see :help winblend
+ paste_window.winblend integer? The winblend setting of the window, see :help winblend
- paste_window.winopts_overrides fun(paste_winopts: KsbWinOpts): table? Paste float window overrides, see nvim_open_win() for
- configuration
+ paste_window.winopts_overrides fun(paste_winopts: KsbWinOpts): table? Paste float window overrides, see nvim_open_win() for
+ configuration
- paste_window.footer_winopts_overrides fun(footer_winopts: KsbWinOpts, paste_winopts: KsbWinOpts): table? Paste footer window overrides, see nvim_open_win() for
- configuration
+ paste_window.footer_winopts_overrides fun(footer_winopts: KsbWinOpts, paste_winopts: KsbWinOpts): table? Paste footer window overrides, see nvim_open_win() for
+ configuration
- paste_window.yank_register string? register used during yanks to paste window, see
- :h registers
+ paste_window.yank_register string? register used during yanks to paste window, see
+ :h registers
- paste_window.yank_register_enabled boolean? If true, the yank_register copies content to the paste
- window. If false, disable yank to paste window
+ paste_window.yank_register_enabled boolean? If true, the yank_register copies content to the paste
+ window. If false, disable yank to paste window
- kitty_get_text KsbKittyGetText? options passed to get-text when reading scrollback buffer,
- see kitty @ get-text --help
+ kitty_get_text KsbKittyGetText? options passed to get-text when reading scrollback buffer,
+ see kitty @ get-text --help
- kitty_get_text.ansi boolean If true, the text will include the ANSI formatting escape
- codes for colors, bold, italic, etc.
+ kitty_get_text.ansi boolean If true, the text will include the ANSI formatting escape
+ codes for colors, bold, italic, etc.
- kitty_get_text.clear_selection boolean If true, clear the selection in the matched window, if any.
+ kitty_get_text.clear_selection boolean If true, clear the selection in the matched window, if any.
- kitty_get_text.extent string What text to get. The default of screen means all text
- currently on the screen. all means all the
- screen+scrollback and selection means the currently
- selected text. first_cmd_output_on_screen means the output
- of the first command that was run in the window on screen.
- last_cmd_output means the output of the last command that
- was run in the window. last_visited_cmd_output means the
- first command output below the last scrolled position via
- scroll_to_prompt. last_non_empty_output is the output from
- the last command run in the window that had some non empty
- output. The last four require shell_integration to be
- enabled. Choices: screen, all, first_cmd_output_on_screen,
- last_cmd_output, last_non_empty_output,
- last_visited_cmd_output, selection
+ kitty_get_text.extent string What text to get. The default of screen means all text
+ currently on the screen. all means all the
+ screen+scrollback and selection means the currently
+ selected text. first_cmd_output_on_screen means the output
+ of the first command that was run in the window on screen.
+ last_cmd_output means the output of the last command that
+ was run in the window. last_visited_cmd_output means the
+ first command output below the last scrolled position via
+ scroll_to_prompt. last_non_empty_output is the output from
+ the last command run in the window that had some non empty
+ output. The last four require shell_integration to be
+ enabled. Choices: screen, all, first_cmd_output_on_screen,
+ last_cmd_output, last_non_empty_output,
+ last_visited_cmd_output, selection
- checkhealth boolean? if true execute :checkhealth kitty-scrollback and skip
- setup
+ checkhealth boolean? if true execute :checkhealth kitty-scrollback and skip
+ setup
- visual_selection_highlight_mode string? Sets the mode for coloring the Visual highlight group in
- the scrollback buffer window. darken uses a darkened
- version of the Normal highlight group to improve
- readability. kitty uses the colors defined for
- selection_foreground and selection_background in your Kitty
- configuration. nvim uses the default colors defined in the
- Visual highlight group. reverse reverses the foreground and
- background colors of the visual selection.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ visual_selection_highlight_mode string? Sets the mode for coloring the Visual highlight group in
+ the scrollback buffer window. darken uses a darkened
+ version of the Normal highlight group to improve
+ readability. kitty uses the colors defined for
+ selection_foreground and selection_background in your Kitty
+ configuration. nvim uses the default colors defined in the
+ Visual highlight group. reverse reverses the foreground and
+ background colors of the visual selection.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/doc/kitty-scrollback.nvim_spec.txt b/doc/kitty-scrollback.nvim_spec.txt
index 0a931bad..762e37d6 100644
--- a/doc/kitty-scrollback.nvim_spec.txt
+++ b/doc/kitty-scrollback.nvim_spec.txt
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ KsbPrivate *kitty-scrollback.launch.KsbPrivate*
Fields: ~
{orig_columns} (number)
+ {orig_normal_hl} (table|nil)
{bufid} (number|nil)
{paste_bufid} (number|nil)
{kitty_loading_winid} (number|nil)
diff --git a/lua/kitty-scrollback/configs/example.lua b/lua/kitty-scrollback/configs/example.lua
index daee9349..120846a5 100644
--- a/lua/kitty-scrollback/configs/example.lua
+++ b/lua/kitty-scrollback/configs/example.lua
@@ -148,27 +148,27 @@ return {
return {
highlight_overrides = {
- KittyScrollbackNvimNormal = {
+ KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinNormal = {
fg = '#ee82ee',
bg = '#ee82ee',
- KittyScrollbackNvimHeart = {
+ KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinHeartIcon = {
fg = '#ff0000',
bg = '#4b0082',
- KittyScrollbackNvimSpinner = {
+ KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinSpinnerIcon = {
fg = '#000099',
bg = '#4b0082',
- KittyScrollbackNvimReady = {
+ KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinReadyIcon = {
fg = '#4b0082',
bg = '#ffa500',
- KittyScrollbackNvimKitty = {
+ KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinKittyIcon = {
fg = '#ffa500',
bg = '#000099',
- KittyScrollbackNvimVim = {
+ KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinNvimIcon = {
fg = '#008000',
bg = '#000099',
diff --git a/lua/kitty-scrollback/highlights.lua b/lua/kitty-scrollback/highlights.lua
index 4692f4f5..aae68dc6 100644
--- a/lua/kitty-scrollback/highlights.lua
+++ b/lua/kitty-scrollback/highlights.lua
@@ -11,40 +11,72 @@ local opts
---see `:help nvim_set_hl()` for highlight group definition format
---@class KsbHighlights
----@field KittyScrollbackNvimNormal table|nil status window Normal highlight group
----@field KittyScrollbackNvimHeart table|nil status window heart icon highlight group
----@field KittyScrollbackNvimSpinner table|nil status window spinner icon highlight group
----@field KittyScrollbackNvimReady table|nil status window ready icon highlight group
----@field KittyScrollbackNvimKitty table|nil status window kitty icon highlight group
----@field KittyScrollbackNvimVim table|nil status window vim icon highlight group
+---@field KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinNormal table|nil status window Normal highlight group
+---@field KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinHeartIcon table|nil status window heart icon highlight group
+---@field KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinSpinnerIcon table|nil status window spinner icon highlight group
+---@field KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinReadyIcon table|nil status window ready icon highlight group
+---@field KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinKittyIcon table|nil status window kitty icon highlight group
+---@field KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinNvimIcon table|nil status window vim icon highlight group
---@field KittyScrollbackNvimPasteWinNormal table|nil paste window Normal highlight group
---@field KittyScrollbackNvimPasteWinFloatBorder table|nil paste window FloatBorder highlight group
---@field KittyScrollbackNvimPasteWinFloatTitle table|nil paste window FloatTitle highlight group
---@field KittyScrollbackNvimVisual table|nil scrollback buffer window visual selection highlight group
+---@field KittyScrollbackNvimNormal table|nil scrollback buffer window normal highlight group
----@see nvim_set_hl
+-- local function has_vim_colorscheme()
+-- return vim.fn.getcompletion('vim$', 'color')[1] ~= nil
+-- end
+M.has_default_or_vim_colorscheme = function()
+ return vim.g.colors_name == nil or vim.g.colors_name == 'default' or vim.g.colors_name == 'vim'
+local function fg_or_fallback(hl_def)
+ local fg = type(hl_def.fg) == 'number' and string.format('#%06x', hl_def.fg) or hl_def.fg
+ return hl_def.fg and fg or (vim.o.background == 'dark' and '#ffffff' or '#000000')
+local function bg_or_fallback(hl_def)
+ local bg = type( == 'number' and string.format('#%06x', or
+ return and bg or (vim.o.background == 'dark' and '#000000' or '#ffffff')
+local function normal_color()
+ local hl_def = vim.api.nvim_get_hl(0, { name = 'Normal', link = false })
+ hl_def = next(hl_def) and hl_def or {} -- can return vim.empty_dict() so convert to lua table
+ local normal_fg_color = M.has_default_or_vim_colorscheme() and p.kitty_colors.foreground
+ or fg_or_fallback(hl_def)
+ local normal_bg_color = M.has_default_or_vim_colorscheme() and p.kitty_colors.background
+ or bg_or_fallback(hl_def)
+ return {
+ fg = normal_fg_color,
+ bg = normal_bg_color,
+ }
+local function pastewin_color()
+ local hl_as_normal = opts.paste_window.highlight_as_normal_win
+ or M.has_default_or_vim_colorscheme()
+ local hl_name = hl_as_normal and 'Normal' or 'NormalFloat'
+ local hl_def = vim.api.nvim_get_hl(0, { name = hl_name, link = false })
+ local pastewin_hl = next(hl_def) and hl_def or {} -- can return vim.empty_dict() so convert to lua table
+ if hl_as_normal then
+ pastewin_hl = normal_color()
+ end
+ return pastewin_hl
---@return KsbHighlights
local function highlight_definitions()
if not p.kitty_colors or not next(p.kitty_colors) then
return {}
- local hl_as_normal_fn = opts.paste_window.highlight_as_normal_win
- or function()
- return vim.g.colors_name == nil
- or vim.g.colors_name == 'default'
- or vim.g.colors_name == 'vim'
- end
- local hl_name = hl_as_normal_fn() and 'Normal' or 'NormalFloat'
- local hl_def = vim.api.nvim_get_hl(0, { name = hl_name, link = false })
- hl_def = next(hl_def) and hl_def or {} -- can return vim.empty_dict() so convert to lua table
- local normal_bg_color = and string.format('#%06x',
- or p.kitty_colors.background
local floatborder_fg_color =
ksb_util.darken(p.kitty_colors.foreground, 0.3, p.kitty_colors.background)
local visual_hl_def = vim.api.nvim_get_hl(0, { name = 'Visual', link = false })
visual_hl_def = next(visual_hl_def) and visual_hl_def or {} -- can return vim.empty_dict() so convert to lua table
+ local pastewin_hl = pastewin_color()
local visual_hl_configs = {
reverse = {
default = true,
@@ -58,67 +90,84 @@ local function highlight_definitions()
darken = {
default = true,
- bg = ksb_util.darken(
- hl_def.fg and string.format('#%06x', hl_def.fg)
- or (vim.o.background == 'dark' and '#ffffff' or '#000000'),
- 0.2,
- normal_bg_color
- ),
+ bg = ksb_util.darken(fg_or_fallback(pastewin_hl), 0.2,,
nvim = visual_hl_def,
local visual_hl = visual_hl_configs[opts.visual_selection_highlight_mode]
or visual_hl_configs.nvim
+ local normal_hl = normal_color()
return {
+ KittyScrollbackNvimVisual = visual_hl,
KittyScrollbackNvimNormal = {
+ default = true,
+ fg = normal_hl.fg,
+ bg =,
+ },
+ -- status window
+ KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinNormal = {
default = true,
fg = '#968c81',
+ bg =,
- KittyScrollbackNvimHeart = {
+ KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinHeartIcon = {
default = true,
fg = '#d55b54',
+ bg =,
- KittyScrollbackNvimSpinner = {
+ KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinSpinnerIcon = {
default = true,
fg = '#d3869b',
+ bg =,
- KittyScrollbackNvimReady = {
+ KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinReadyIcon = {
default = true,
fg = '#8faa80',
+ bg =,
- KittyScrollbackNvimKitty = {
+ KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinKittyIcon = {
default = true,
fg = '#754b33',
+ bg =,
- KittyScrollbackNvimVim = {
+ KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinNvimIcon = {
default = true,
fg = '#87987e',
+ bg =,
+ -- paste window
KittyScrollbackNvimPasteWinNormal = {
default = true,
- bg = normal_bg_color,
+ bg =,
blend = opts.paste_window.winblend or 0,
KittyScrollbackNvimPasteWinFloatBorder = {
default = true,
- bg = normal_bg_color,
+ bg =,
fg = floatborder_fg_color,
blend = opts.paste_window.winblend or 0,
KittyScrollbackNvimPasteWinFloatTitle = {
default = true,
bg = floatborder_fg_color,
- fg = normal_bg_color,
+ fg =,
blend = opts.paste_window.winblend or 0,
- KittyScrollbackNvimVisual = visual_hl,
+---@param private KsbPrivate
+---@param options KsbOpts
+---@return true|false
M.setup = function(private, options)
p = private
opts = options ---@diagnostic disable-line: unused-local
+ p.orig_normal_hl = vim.api.nvim_get_hl(0, { name = 'Normal', link = false })
+ if M.has_default_or_vim_colorscheme() then
+ -- clear Normal highlight to avoid flicker when bg color is set
+ vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'Normal', {})
+ end
local ok, colors = ksb_api.get_kitty_colors(p.kitty_data)
if ok then
p.kitty_colors = colors
@@ -127,7 +176,7 @@ M.setup = function(private, options)
---Format nvim highlights to arguments passed to kitty launch command
----E.g., KittyScrollbackNvimVim with #188b25 to --env KITTY_SCROLLBACK_NVIM_VIM=#188b25
+---E.g., KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinNvimIcon with #188b25 to --env KITTY_SCROLLBACK_NVIM_VIM=#188b25
---@return table list of environment variable arguments
M.get_highlights_as_env = function()
local env = {}
@@ -137,12 +186,7 @@ M.get_highlights_as_env = function()
hl_def = next(hl_def) and hl_def or {} -- nvim_get_hl can return vim.empty_dict() so convert to lua table
- string.format(
- '%s=#%06x',
- ksb_util.screaming_snakecase(name),
- hl_def.fg
- or (vim.o.background == 'dark' and tonumber('ffffff', 16) or tonumber('000000', 16))
- )
+ string.format('%s_HIGHLIGHT=%s', ksb_util.screaming_snakecase(name), fg_or_fallback(hl_def))
return env
diff --git a/lua/kitty-scrollback/launch.lua b/lua/kitty-scrollback/launch.lua
index 9a62d0d5..cd6d3fb0 100644
--- a/lua/kitty-scrollback/launch.lua
+++ b/lua/kitty-scrollback/launch.lua
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ local M = {}
---@class KsbPrivate
---@field orig_columns number
+---@field orig_normal_hl table|nil
---@field bufid number|nil
---@field paste_bufid number|nil
---@field kitty_loading_winid number|nil
@@ -352,6 +353,9 @@ M.setup = function(kitty_data_str)
if ok then
ksb_kitty_cmds.open_kitty_loading_window(ksb_hl.get_highlights_as_env()) -- must be after opts and set highlights
+ if ksb_hl.has_default_or_vim_colorscheme() then
+ vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'Normal', p.orig_normal_hl)
+ end
@@ -419,10 +423,14 @@ M.launch = function()
local term_buf_name = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(p.bufid)
term_buf_name = term_buf_name:gsub('^(term://.-:).*', '%1kitty-scrollback.nvim')
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_name(p.bufid, term_buf_name)
- vim.api.nvim_set_option_value('winhighlight', 'Visual:KittyScrollbackNvimVisual', {
- scope = 'local',
- win = 0,
- })
+ vim.api.nvim_set_option_value(
+ 'winhighlight',
+ 'Normal:KittyScrollbackNvimNormal,Visual:KittyScrollbackNvimVisual',
+ {
+ scope = 'local',
+ win = 0,
+ }
+ )
vim.api.nvim_buf_delete(vim.fn.bufnr('#'), { force = true }) -- delete alt buffer after rename
if opts.restore_options then
diff --git a/lua/kitty-scrollback/windows.lua b/lua/kitty-scrollback/windows.lua
index 2c7a98a9..ba84200b 100644
--- a/lua/kitty-scrollback/windows.lua
+++ b/lua/kitty-scrollback/windows.lua
@@ -168,10 +168,14 @@ M.show_status_window = function()
noautocmd = true,
- vim.api.nvim_set_option_value('winhighlight', 'NormalFloat:KittyScrollbackNvimNormal', {
- win = popup_winid,
- scope = 'local',
- })
+ vim.api.nvim_set_option_value(
+ 'winhighlight',
+ 'NormalFloat:KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinNormal',
+ {
+ win = popup_winid,
+ scope = 'local',
+ }
+ )
local count = 0
local spinner = { '⠋', '⠙', '⠹', '⠸', '⠼', '⠴', '✔' }
if opts.status_window.style_simple then
@@ -219,8 +223,8 @@ M.show_status_window = function()
if spinner_icon ~= '' then
endcol = #spinner_icon + 2
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(popup_bufid, nid, 0, startcol, {
- hl_group = count >= #spinner and 'KittyScrollbackNvimReady'
- or 'KittyScrollbackNvimSpinner',
+ hl_group = count >= #spinner and 'KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinReadyIcon'
+ or 'KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinSpinnerIcon',
end_col = endcol,
@@ -228,19 +232,19 @@ M.show_status_window = function()
startcol = endcol
endcol = endcol + #kitty_icon + 1
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(popup_bufid, nid, 0, startcol, {
- hl_group = 'KittyScrollbackNvimKitty',
+ hl_group = 'KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinKittyIcon',
end_col = endcol,
startcol = endcol
endcol = endcol + #love_icon + 1
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(popup_bufid, nid, 0, startcol, {
- hl_group = 'KittyScrollbackNvimHeart',
+ hl_group = 'KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinHeartIcon',
end_col = endcol,
startcol = endcol
endcol = #fmt_msg
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(popup_bufid, nid, 0, startcol, {
- hl_group = 'KittyScrollbackNvimVim',
+ hl_group = 'KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinNvimIcon',
end_col = endcol,
@@ -282,14 +286,14 @@ M.show_status_window = function()
if count > #spinner then
local hl_def = vim.api.nvim_get_hl(0, {
- name = 'KittyScrollbackNvimReady',
+ name = 'KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinReadyIcon',
link = false,
hl_def = next(hl_def) and hl_def or {} -- nvim_get_hl can return vim.empty_dict() so convert to lua table
local fg_dec = hl_def.fg or 16777215 -- default to #ffffff
local fg_hex = string.format('#%06x', fg_dec)
local darken_hex = ksb_util.darken(fg_hex, 0.7)
- vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'KittyScrollbackNvimReady', {
+ vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'KittyScrollbackNvimStatusWinReadyIcon', {
fg = darken_hex,
if count > #spinner + (#spinner / 2) then
diff --git a/python/ b/python/
index e4d13d43..168baf17 100755
--- a/python/
+++ b/python/
@@ -191,9 +191,6 @@ def handle_result(args: List[str],
' group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup([[KittyScrollBackNvimVimEnter]], { clear = true }),'
' pattern = [[*]],'
' callback = function()'
- ' if vim.g.colors_name == nil or vim.g.colors_name == [[default]] then'
- ' vim.cmd.colorscheme({ args = {[[vim]]}, mods = { emsg_silent = true }})'
- ' end'
f' vim.opt.runtimepath:append([[{ksb_dir}]])'
' vim.api.nvim_exec_autocmds([[User]], { pattern = [[KittyScrollbackLaunch]], modeline = false })'
f' require([[kitty-scrollback.launch]]).setup_and_launch([[{kitty_data}]])'
diff --git a/python/ b/python/
index c89d1070..75705238 100755
--- a/python/
+++ b/python/
@@ -26,11 +26,16 @@ def env_to_fg_color(name):
show_timer = os.environ.get('KITTY_SCROLLBACK_NVIM_SHOW_TIMER',
False).lower() == 'true'
-timer_color = env_to_fg_color('KITTY_SCROLLBACK_NVIM_NORMAL')
-heart_color = env_to_fg_color('KITTY_SCROLLBACK_NVIM_HEART')
-spinner_color = env_to_fg_color('KITTY_SCROLLBACK_NVIM_SPINNER')
-kitty_color = env_to_fg_color('KITTY_SCROLLBACK_NVIM_KITTY')
-nvim_color = env_to_fg_color('KITTY_SCROLLBACK_NVIM_VIM')
+timer_color = env_to_fg_color(
+heart_color = env_to_fg_color(
+spinner_color = env_to_fg_color(
+kitty_color = env_to_fg_color(
+nvim_color = env_to_fg_color(
reset = '\x1b[0m'
kitty_icon = os.environ.get('KITTY_SCROLLBACK_NVIM_KITTY_ICON', 'ó°„›')