Class UltimateSessionHandler
A class which extends PHP's SessionHandler
class with added encryption
capability. Class instantiation automatically sets php.ini session settings
to their preferred values and sets the class as session save handler via
See article on \SessionHandler call pattern from PHP internals at
This functionality relies on excellent Defuse encryption library for PHP -
- Class name: UltimateSessionHandler
- Namespace: MikeBrant\UltimateSessions
- Parent class: SessionHandler
- This class implements: MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandlerInterface
protected \MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandlerConfig $config = null
Object storing session handler configuration values as derived from an UltimateSessionHandleConfig object and needed for classes inheriting UltimateSessionHandlerTrait.
- Visibility: protected
protected \Defuse\Crypto\Key $encryptionKey = null
Encryption key object as returned by Defuse\Crypto\Key::createNewRandomKey()
- Visibility: protected
\MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandlerInterface MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandlerInterface::__construct(\MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandlerConfig $config)
UltimateSessionHandlerInterface constructor.
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandlerInterface
string MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandler::read(string $sessionId)
Overridden method to provide decryption during session read based on config settings.
- Visibility: public
- $sessionId string
boolean MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandler::write(string $sessionId, string $sessionData)
Overridden method to provide encryption during session read based on config settings.
- Visibility: public
- $sessionId string
- $sessionData string
void MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandlerInterface::sessionHandlerInit()
Method to initialize session handler. This method must be called in constructor from any class inheriting UltimateSessionHandlerTrait.
This method must ultimately set the object implementing UltimateSessionHandlerInterface as session handler using session_set_save_handler().
This method is implemented in UltimateSessionHandlerTrait.
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandlerInterface
void MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandlerInterface::validateSessionId($sessionId)
Method to validate session ID values for use by classes implementing UltimateSessionHandlerInterface.
This method is implemented in UltimateSessionHandlerTrait.
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandlerInterface
- $sessionId mixed
void MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandlerInterface::setEncryptionKeyCookie(string $sessionId, string $asciiKey)
Method to set ASCII encryption key to cookie based on values derived from configuration. This method both sends header via setcookie() and sets $_COOKIE.
This method is implemented in UltimateSessionHandlerTrait.
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandlerInterface
- $sessionId string
- $asciiKey string
void MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandlerInterface::deleteEncryptionKeyCookie(string $sessionId)
Method to delete ASCII encryption key cookie. This method both sends expired cookie header via setcookie and unsets the key from $_COOKIE.
This method is implemented in UltimateSessionHandlerTrait.
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandlerInterface
- $sessionId string
mixed MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandler::changeKeyCookieSessionId($oldSessionId, $newSessionId)
Method to associate encryption key cookie to a new session id. Thi
- Visibility: public
- $oldSessionId mixed
- $newSessionId mixed
string MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandlerInterface::encrypt(string $sessionId, string $sessionData)
Method to perform encryption of session data.
This method is implemented in UltimateSessionHandlerTrait.
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandlerInterface
- $sessionId string
- $sessionData string
\Defuse\Crypto\Key MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandlerInterface::getEncryptionKey(string $sessionId)
Method that provides guaranteed return of Defuse\Crypto\Key object for use in encryption.
This method is implemented in UltimateSessionHandlerTrait.
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandlerInterface
- $sessionId string
\Defuse\Crypto\Key MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandlerInterface::setEncryptionKey(string $sessionId)
Method which instantiates Defuse\Crypto\Key object and sets it on encrpytionKey property in UltimateSessionHandlerTrait. Key can either be recovered from encryption key cookie or created from scratch.
This method is implemented in UltimateSessionHandlerTrait.
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandlerInterface
- $sessionId string
string MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandlerInterface::decrypt(string $sessionId, string $sessionData)
Method to perform decryption of session data.
This method is implemented in UltimateSessionHandlerTrait.
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandlerInterface
- $sessionId string
- $sessionData string
void MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandler::configureIniSettings()
Make sure environment has proper php.ini settings for sessions.
Provide appropriate settings for session ID hash (PHP < 7.1) or random ID generation (PHP 7.1+).
- Visibility: private
void MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandler::setSessionHandler(\MikeBrant\UltimateSessions\UltimateSessionHandlerInterface $handler)
Method that sets the UltimateSessionHandlerInterface object to session_set_save_handler().
- Visibility: private