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A web tool for randomizing and gamifying exercises from books.

🎰 Randomizer :: A smart randomizer that can save completed tasks and avoid them.

⚙️ Filters :: Lets you filter which chapters you want included.

⏱️ Timer :: Allows you to keep yourself within time constraints.

🪄 Custom books :: Your book isn't in the included library? You can add it yourself in the meantime.

Buy Me a Coffee at

This website is upkept from my own pocket. Consider donating with the button above ^ :)

🔨 Usage

Simply visit and pick any of the included books, or add your own.

This website can also be run locally (see section on contributing), and will work the exact same way :) (just with different instances of localStorage)

🎰 Randomization

  • To randomize, simply hit the randomize button! (the first button)
  • To mark a task as completed, and randomize a new one, press the "tick" button.
  • To clear the task memory for the selected book, click the "trash can" icon.

⚙️ Filters

Select the chapters by toggling the corresponding boxes.

When a chapter is exhausted, it will automatically be unchecked and greyed out until memory is cleared.

⏱️ Timer

If enabled, this will start every time you start a new task.

The default time is 180 seconds (3 minutes), but you can set your own - between 1 and 3600 seconds (1 hour) - which will be upheld until the page is refreshed. It will flash and play a sound when the time is elapsed.

🪄 Adding books

Click the "add" button next to the book selector. It will bring you to a different page where you can add the chapters of the book, or import a previously created book to edit it or duplicate it.

Add chapters by writing the chapter title and number of tasks, then click the + Add entry button to add another chapter. If there are no tasks in a given chapter, you can simply set it to 0, which will grey it out. If you desire to hide such "empty" chapters, click the "eye" icon. Any such chapters will be skipped by the randomizer because they'll be exhausted from the get-go.

To move a chapter, change the leftmost number. You can also remove it by clicking the "trashcan" button on the right.

When all entries have been added, simply press Save and the book will be added to your local browser storage, as reflected by the personal library tab. You can also choose to save the book to disk by pressing Export.

Browser stored books are stored under the "Personal library" and can be managed from there. To edit a book, simply import it and make your changes, then save (it will overwrite as long as you don't change the title). You can also export it here, or completely remove it by clicking the "trashcan" icon.


As memory is stored solely in browser storage (localStorage) clearing your browser storage will reset any progress and remove any custom books. It is therefore a good idea to export your books!

✉️ Submitting a book to the default list


After inquiring with the Swedish patent office (PRV), it seems like I have to ask permission for every book added, hence why adding books wont be as simple as pull requests.

To submit a book to be considered as a default entry:

  1. Check the banned books list, to see if it's banned
  2. If not, submit an issue with the template Book suggestion and title as the book title. Do NOT include an exported book that you have made, as it might infringe copyright.

I will, given time, then contact the copyright holder myself and seek permission, and will respond wheter or not it got approved or not. If approved, I will then ask you to provide the generated book unless I also own a copy. If the copyright holders decline, it will go in the banned books list.

🔊 Changing the volume

You can change the volume of the sounds (on PC) by pressing the knob in the lower right corner. Then slide your mouse up and down to adjust. You can also adjust the volume with your keyboard, by using the following keybinds:

Key Action
+, w or Arrow Up Volume up (+)
-, s or Arrow Down Volume down (-)
m or 0 Mute / unmute
[1-9] Change volume to n * 10 %
x or Escape Exit the volume dialog

💢 Troubleshooting

  • 📤 "I tried to import a previously generated book, but it gave me an error": It is possible that the program has changed inbetween, which will unfortunately mean you have to regenerate the book. That, or you tried to import an invalid format.
  • 🔄 "The page wont load": It is very likely something happened with your localStorage. Please report it as a bug if possible, and then clear your memory by opening the development tools in your browser (usually F12) and within it's console type localStorage.clear() and press enter. Reload. If it still doesn't load, please definitely report it.

♿️ Accessibility

The site has been designed with those impaired in mind. This includes having made the site keyboard-navigable, and improving the experience for screen-readers. Likewise, colors and contrasts have been chosen to create a design legible even in grey-scale, easy for those with color-blindness of any type to use.

Please feel free to add an issue with the "Accessibility" tag, if you feel your needs aren't accounted for. The goal is to create a site usable for everyone.

🔮 How does it work?

This website uses books stored as JSON files. A book is just an object with title, preview image, source link, chapters, custom, id, and generator version (not actual variable names).

The chapters field contains an array of chapter objects, which themselves consist of number, full name and tasks. Tasks is similarly just an array of task objects, which currently only hold the field task, but could be expanded in the future to enable more content.

id is just a string id, mostly used for memory management and is just the concatenation of the name and custom tag. The custom tag is just a boolean that indicates whether a book is a personal library item or not, and is used to identify custom books as well as handle conflicts.

When a task is randomized, the script looks through any non-filtered chapters and checks whether their tasks are exhausted. It then picks a random chapter, and then a random task in that chapter.

The books provided are stored on server, but the memory of tasks is saved in localStorage as copies of the book. This is not particularly efficient, but prevents me from needing to have user accounts or similar as well as using other possibly more complicated storage solutions. It is not currently planned to replace this behavior as I doubt it will ever be an issue, and I lack the knowledge as of right now.

📚 Default library ✅️

These books are included with the site. The permission to use them has been granted explicitly (when relevant) by the respective authors on the date referenced in the Accepted column.

Note that, whilst I prioritize books for the computer science program at LTH, in Lund, I am open to trying to add other books too!

Relevant courses Book title Author(s) Accepted
EDAA45 @ LTH, Lund Introduktion till programmering med Scala, del 1 Björn Regnell 2024-07-26
EDAA45 @ LTH, Lund Introduktion till programmering med Scala, del 2 Björn Regnell 2024-07-26
EDAN40 @ LTH, Lund, EDAF95 @ LTH, Lund Programming in Haskell, second edition Graham Hutton 2024-07-27
EITF45 @ LTH, Lund Datakommunikation och nätverk, andra upplagan Jens A. Andersson; Maria Kihl 2024-08-04
EDAN40 @ LTH, Lund, EDAF95 @ LTH, Lund H-99: Ninety-Nine Haskell Problems Haskell wiki contributors Not relevant
FRTF05 @ LTH, Lund Reglerteknik AK Övningsexempel 2022 Tore Hägglund 2024-09-10
FRTF05 @ LTH, Lund Automatic Control Basic Course Exercises 2022 Tore Hägglund 2024-09-10
EITF70 @ LTH, Lund Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition 2017 David A. Patterson; John L. Hennessy 2024-09-10

📚 Banned books 🚫

What follows is a list of books that will never be added to the default list of books, and the reason why. You can, however, add these yourself locally; I simply cannot, due to copyright issues, include them in the default list.

Book title Copyright holder(s) Reason Date of rejection
Linjär algebra övningsbok Jonas Månsson, Patrik Nordbeck Declined by Månsson 2024-03