Migration via the configured Migration Plan: The Crane operator allows you to select the namespaces to be migrated during the creation and configuration of a MigPlan, this implies that the namespace is the most basic resource that a user can specify for a particular migration and nothing more granular than that.
Namespace scoped resources vs Cluster scoped resources: When a particular namespace is selected for migration, then all the objects/resources (services, pods etc.) pertaining to that namespace are also selected for the migration. But, there might be a case when a namespaced scoped resource depends on a cluster scoped resource, in such a scenario the cluster scoped resource also gets migrated by the Crane operator. For instance, a Security Context Constraint (SCC) is a cluster scoped resource , and a service account (SA) is a namespace scoped resource, consider that the SA exists in the namespace which is selected for migration by the user then the operator will automatically go and find any SCCs that are applied to this SA and include those in the migration as well. Similarly, the relationship of Persistent Volume Claims (PVC) and Persistent Volumes (PV) is handled by the operator.
Custom Resources(CR) and Custom Resource Definitions(CRD): Any namespace scoped CRs will automatically be included in the migration if the namespace is selected by the user for migration. Consequently, the Crane operator will also migrate the CRDs associated with the CRs for migration.
Excluded Resources: Some objects/resources are excluded by default from the migration by the Crane operator. These resources are service catalog resources or OLM resources, OLM migration is not handled by Crane operator. The excluded resources are (Please refer to the Excluded Resources document for more details) :
- imagetags
- templateinstances
- clusterserviceversions
- packagemanifests
- subscriptions
- servicebrokers
- servicebindings
- serviceclasses
- serviceinstances
- serviceplans
- operatorgroups
- events
- events.events.k8s.io
- rolebindings.authorization.openshift.io
Note: For more granular information on this topic please refer the Velero docs.