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Releases: mideind/Netskrafl

Firefix release

16 Oct 13:33
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UI fixes for Firebase release, enabling scrolling on small mobile screens and fixing other bugs

Obelix release

21 Sep 15:57
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Obelix release: binary DAWGs, /_ah/stop URL added

Snowfall release

03 Dec 17:14
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Performance enhancements, especially for user lists. Removed locale dependency in, as locale functionality is pretty erratic between Win32/Linux/OSX.

Rekindle release

05 Nov 14:54
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Adds a two-click mode when placing tiles: click on the tile to move and then on an empty square to place it.

Moves the recall-to-rack button to the left of the rack, away from the Play button, as users occasionally pressed Play when they intended to recall tiles.

Adds a live user search field, based on user identifiers or full names, instead of the previous alphabet categories, which were getting quite unwieldy as the user base grew. This required two new properties on the UserModel in the database.

Rebus release

25 Oct 13:24
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New Icelandic tile bag is now an option selectable by users.

Ramadan release

11 Aug 11:51
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Added ability to see similarly Elo-rated players in user list. Also, better exception handling with retries for server errors.

Kufti release

20 Apr 18:04
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Navigation between games directly from the board; ability to see opponent track record directly from board; FAQ in help; highest scoring word and highest game score stored with users; Elo score stored with users during stats calculation; other smaller enhancements.

Update to Omar with a few fixes and fairplay adjustments

08 Apr 16:28
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Fairplay icon in game list; updated PSD files

Omar release

07 Apr 15:56
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Added fair play markers; fixed bug when restoring tiles in Javascript client (netskrafl.js).