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[Remote-SSH Bug]: Can not connect from macos to windows (powershell error) #10510

3 tasks done
jurlhardt opened this issue Nov 27, 2024 · 9 comments
3 tasks done
info-needed Issue requires more information from poster ssh Issue in vscode-remote SSH


Copy link

Is there an existing issue for this bug?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Required Troubleshooting Steps

  • I have followed these troubleshooting steps
  • I have tried both values of the remote.SSH.useLocalServer setting (more info here)

Connect Locally

It connects successfully


If I try to connect to the windows host from macos the ssh connection is successfull, but only one line of the script is piped to the powershell session (powershell). I installed the new powershell 7.4 on the windows machine, when I replace 'powershell' with 'pwsh' in the generated ssh command form VsCode I can manually pipe and execute the script successfully. Is there any configuration switch to tell VsCode to use 'pwsh' instead of 'powershell' in the generated ssh command?

Version: 1.95.2
Commit: e8653663e8840adaf45af01eab5c627a5af81807
Date: 2024-11-07T11:07:22.054Z
Electron: 32.2.1
ElectronBuildId: 10427718
Chromium: 128.0.6613.186
Node.js: 20.18.0
V8: 12.8.374.38-electron.0
OS: Darwin arm64 23.6.0

Edition: Windows 10 Enterprise
Version: 22H2
Os build: 19045.5131
Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19060.1000.0

PS C:> get-host

Name : ConsoleHost
Version : 5.1.19041.5129
InstanceId : 2fd726eb-8ce9-44f5-9613-f5821bae4237
UI : System.Management.Automation.Internal.Host.InternalHostUserInterface
CurrentCulture : de-DE
CurrentUICulture : de-DE
PrivateData : Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost+ConsoleColorProxy
DebuggerEnabled : True
IsRunspacePushed : False
Runspace : System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.LocalRunspace

Expected Behavior

No response

Steps To Reproduce

No response

Remote-SSH Log

Remote-SSH Log

[08:16:07.542] Log Level: 2
[08:16:07.553] SSH Resolver called for "ssh-remote+", attempt 1
[08:16:07.554] remote.SSH.useLocalServer = false
[08:16:07.554] remote.SSH.useExecServer = false
[08:16:07.554] remote.SSH.showLoginTerminal = true
[08:16:07.554] remote.SSH.remotePlatform = {"bacdev2":"linux","":"windows"}
[08:16:07.554] remote.SSH.path = undefined
[08:16:07.554] remote.SSH.configFile = undefined
[08:16:07.554] remote.SSH.useFlock = true
[08:16:07.554] remote.SSH.lockfilesInTmp = false
[08:16:07.554] remote.SSH.localServerDownload = auto
[08:16:07.554] remote.SSH.remoteServerListenOnSocket = false
[08:16:07.554] remote.SSH.defaultExtensions = []
[08:16:07.554] remote.SSH.loglevel = 2
[08:16:07.554] remote.SSH.enableDynamicForwarding = true
[08:16:07.554] remote.SSH.enableRemoteCommand = false
[08:16:07.554] remote.SSH.serverPickPortsFromRange = {}
[08:16:07.554] remote.SSH.serverInstallPath = {}
[08:16:07.555] remote.SSH.permitPtyAllocation = false
[08:16:07.555] remote.SSH.preferredLocalPortRange = undefined
[08:16:07.555] remote.SSH.useCurlAndWgetConfigurationFiles = false
[08:16:07.559] VS Code version: 1.95.2
[08:16:07.559] Remote-SSH version: [email protected]
[08:16:07.559] darwin arm64
[08:16:07.572] SSH Resolver called for host:
[08:16:07.572] Setting up SSH remote ""
[08:16:07.587] Using commit id "e8653663e8840adaf45af01eab5c627a5af81807" and quality "stable" for server
[08:16:07.595] Script variables:
  "InstallExitCode.24": "AlreadyInProgress",
  "InstallExitCode.25": "ServerDownloadFailed",
  "InstallExitCode.26": "NoDownloaderAvailable",
  "InstallExitCode.27": "UnsupportedArch",
  "InstallExitCode.28": "StatusCheckFailed",
  "InstallExitCode.29": "NeedInsidersArch",
  "InstallExitCode.30": "NoDownloaderAvailableForStatusCheck",
  "InstallExitCode.31": "ServerTransferFailed",
  "InstallExitCode.32": "ServerFailedToStart",
  "InstallExitCode.33": "NeedInsidersWindows",
  "InstallExitCode.34": "CreateInstallDirFailed",
  "InstallExitCode.35": "UnsupportedPlatform",
  "InstallExitCode.36": "ServerTerminatedCVE20201416",
  "InstallExitCode.37": "UnpackFailed",
  "InstallExitCode.38": "ChangeDirFailed",
  "InstallExitCode.AlreadyInProgress": "24",
  "InstallExitCode.ServerDownloadFailed": "25",
  "InstallExitCode.NoDownloaderAvailable": "26",
  "InstallExitCode.NoDownloaderAvailableForStatusCheck": "30",
  "InstallExitCode.UnsupportedArch": "27",
  "InstallExitCode.StatusCheckFailed": "28",
  "InstallExitCode.NeedInsidersArch": "29",
  "InstallExitCode.ServerTransferFailed": "31",
  "InstallExitCode.ServerFailedToStart": "32",
  "InstallExitCode.NeedInsidersWindows": "33",
  "InstallExitCode.CreateInstallDirFailed": "34",
  "InstallExitCode.UnsupportedPlatform": "35",
  "InstallExitCode.ServerTerminatedCVE20201416": "36",
  "InstallExitCode.UnpackFailed": "37",
  "InstallExitCode.ChangeDirFailed": "38",
  "InstallUnpackCode.Success": "success",
  "InstallUnpackCode.Error": "error",
  "InstallUnpackCode.MissingFiles": "missingFiles",
  "uuid": "6ff000401878",
  "startMarker": "6ff000401878: running",
  "commitId": "e8653663e8840adaf45af01eab5c627a5af81807",
  "quality": "stable",
  "token": "a1aaaaaa-11aa-11aa-11a1-aaa1a111a111",
  "vscodeAgentFolder": "$HOME/.vscode-server",
  "allowClientDownload": "1",
  "forceClientDownload": "0",
  "cliNameInArchive": "code",
  "ignoreWgetConfigFlag": " --no-config ",
  "ignoreCurlConfigFlag": " --disable ",
  "wgetTriesSegment": "--tries=1",
  "listenArgs": "--on-host= --on-port",
  "getDownloadServerStartTrigger": "6ff000401878:trigger_server_download",
  "getDownloadServerEndTrigger": "6ff000401878:trigger_server_download_end",
  "getProgressDownloading": "6ff000401878%%1%%",
  "getProgressInstalling": "6ff000401878%%2%%"
[08:16:07.597] Install and start server if needed
[08:16:07.600] PATH: /Users/user/.rd/bin:/Users/user/jdk- Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/scripts:/Users/user/.local/bin:/Users/user/.local/bin
[08:16:07.600] Checking ssh with "ssh -V"
[08:16:07.618] > OpenSSH_9.7p1, LibreSSL 3.3.6

[08:16:07.623] Remote command length: 6314/8192 characters
[08:16:07.623] Running script with connection command: ssh -T -D 59383 -o ConnectTimeout=15 '' powershell
[08:16:07.623] Generated SSH command: 'ssh -T -D 59383 -o ConnectTimeout=15 '' powershell << 'EOSSH'

"${uuid}: running"
"6ff000401878: pauseLog"
if ($p -eq 'AMD64' -or $p -eq 'IA64') {
} elseif ($p -eq 'ARM64') {

if ($arch -eq '') {
"Unsupported architecture '$p'."
q 27

$o_=(Join-Path (Resolve-Path ~) '.vscode-server')
$q_="--telemetry-level all"
$global:r_ = $False
$global:s_ = ''
$global:j_ = ''
$global:k_ = ''
$global:l_ = ''
$global:m_ = ''
$global:aj_ = ''
function ao_ {

function i_ {
return [system.diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew();

function q($code) {
"${uuid}: start"
"${uuid}: end"

function a_ {
while ($True) {
$u_=(gcim win32_process | ? processid -eq $t_).parentprocessid
if (!$u_) {
"no sshd parent proc"
exit 0

if ((gps -Id $u_).Name -eq 'sshd') {
return $u_



function b_ {
if ($v_) {
if (!(gps -Id $v_)) {
"server died, exit"
exit 0

} else {
if (!(gps -Id $sshdPID)) {
"sshd parent died, exit"
exit 0



function GetArtifactName {
"server-win32-$arch" + $w_

function c_ {
"Downloading server $arch"

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = 'Tls12'
irm @splat
$global:j_ = $s.ElapsedMilliseconds

function d_ {
try {
"Expanding server into $aa_"
Expand-Archive "" -DestinationPath "$aa_"
cp -Recurse "$aa_\vscode-*\*" -Destination .
del -Recurse $aa_
$global:k_ = $s.ElapsedMilliseconds
} catch {
"Failed to unzip server. - $($_.ToString())"
f_ 37

if(!(Test-Path "$sFile")) {
"Downloaded server is incomplete."
f_ 37


function ak_ {
$global:aj_ = "b96f8a12-9125-4368-b6b7-8d3864be874d"
ni -it f $ai_ -Force
icacls $ai_ /reset /Q
icacls $ai_ /setowner "$aq_" /Q
icacls $ai_ /grant "$($aq_):(R,W)" /Q
icacls $ai_ /inheritance:r /Q
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($ai_, $global:aj_)

function am_ {
if($False) {
return "--port=0-0"

return "--port=0"

function al_ {
if(Test-Path $log) {
del $log

$escapedServerFile=$sFile -replace ' ', '` '
$args="--start-server --host= --server-data-dir '$o_' --accept-server-license-terms --enable-remote-auto-shutdown $portFlag --connection-token-file '$ai_' $q_ $exts *> '$log'"
FilePath = "powershell.exe"
WindowStyle = "hidden"
ArgumentList = @(
"-ExecutionPolicy", "Unrestricted", "-NoLogo", "-NoProfile", "-NonInteractive", "-c", "$escapedServerFile $args"
PassThru = $True

"Starting server: & '$sFile' $args"
$global:v_ = (start @splat).ID
$global:m_ = $s.ElapsedMilliseconds

function e_ {
"Trigger local server download"
"Waiting for client to transfer server archive..."
"Waiting for $sDir\ and to exist"
while($True) {
if(Test-Path "$sDir\") {
if(!(Test-Path "$sDir\")) {
"Transfer failed"
q 31

"Transfer complete"
del $sDir\
} else {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3



function f_($code) {
if ($r_) {
"Already attempted local download, failing"
q $code
} elseif($g_) {
} else {
q $code


function an_ {
if ($exts -ne "") {
& "$sFile" $q_ @exts
$global:l_ = $s.ElapsedMilliseconds


function acquireLock() {
$ac_=(Join-Path "$sDir" "vscode-remote-lock.$n_")
try {
$null=ni $ac_ -it f -ea si
} catch {
"Could not create server lock file. - $($_.ToString())"

try {
"Acquiring lock on $ac_"
$global:file = []::Open($ac_, 'Open', 'Read', 'None')
} catch {
"Install already in progress... - $($_.ToString())"
q 24


function printResult() {
"${uuid}: start"
"${uuid}: end"

function main() {
$global:sshdPID = a_
if(!(Test-Path $sDir)) {
$m="Could not create server directory"
try {
$null=ni -it d $sDir -f -ea si
} catch {
"$m. - $($_.ToString())"

if(!(Test-Path $sDir)) {


cd $sDir
try {
"Looking for existing server in $sDir"
if(Test-Path "$sFile") {
"Found installed server"
} else {
if ($h_) {
} else {
try { c_ } catch {
"Download failed. - $($_.ToString())"
f_ 25



if(!(Get-Process node -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object Path -Like "$sDir\*")) {
} else {
"Server with $n_ is already running."
if (Test-Path $ai_) {
$global:aj_ = $(cat $ai_)


Path = $log
Pattern = "Extension host agent listening on (\d+)"

Path = $log
Pattern = "!!!! Server terminated due to presence of CVE-2020-1416 !!!!"

$ap_="Server did not start successfully. Full server log at $log >>>"
while ((Get-Date) -lt $ad_) {
if(Test-Path $log) {
$ag_=(sls @af_).Matches.Groups
if($ag_) {
$global:port = $ag_[1].Value

$failed=(sls @ae_).Matches.Groups
if($failed) {
cat $log
"<<< End of server log"
q 36


sleep -Milliseconds 30

if (!$port) {
cat $log
"<<< End of server log"
q 32

} catch {
"Server failed to start. - $($_.ToString())"
} finally {

try {
$global:ah_ = (gcim Win32_OperatingSystem).Version
} catch {
"Failed to find Windows version - $($_.ToString())"
$global:ah_ = "unknown"

"$pid, watching $sshdPID"
while ($True) {
sleep 30


"6ff000401878: resumeLog"

[08:16:07.623] Using connect timeout of 17 seconds
[08:16:08.362] > [email protected]'s password: 
[08:16:08.363] Got some output, clearing connection timeout
[08:16:19.601] > 
[08:16:21.707] > Windows PowerShell
> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
> Lernen Sie das neue plattform�bergreifende PowerShell kennen -
> PS C:\Users\user> 
[08:16:21.956] "install" terminal command done
[08:16:21.957] Install terminal quit with output: PS C:\Users\user> 
[08:16:21.957] Received install output: PS C:\Users\user> 
[08:16:21.957] WARN: $PLATFORM is undefined in installation script output.  Errors may be dropped.
[08:16:21.957] Failed to parse remote port from server output
[08:16:21.958] Resolver error: Error: 
	at v.Create (/Users/user/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.116.2024111219/out/extension.js:2:575962)
	at t.handleInstallOutput (/Users/user/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.116.2024111219/out/extension.js:2:573184)
	at t.tryInstall (/Users/user/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.116.2024111219/out/extension.js:2:691577)
	at async /Users/user/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.116.2024111219/out/extension.js:2:650540
	at async t.withShowDetailsEvent (/Users/user/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.116.2024111219/out/extension.js:2:653784)
	at async x (/Users/user/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.116.2024111219/out/extension.js:2:647325)
	at async t.resolve (/Users/user/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.116.2024111219/out/extension.js:2:651199)
	at async /Users/user/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.116.2024111219/out/extension.js:2:931496
[08:16:21.962] ------

[08:16:22.558] Opening exec server for ssh-remote+
[08:16:22.569] Initizing new exec server for ssh-remote+
[08:16:22.570] Using commit id "e8653663e8840adaf45af01eab5c627a5af81807" and quality "stable" for server
[08:16:22.577] Script variables:
  "InstallExitCode.24": "AlreadyInProgress",
  "InstallExitCode.25": "ServerDownloadFailed",
  "InstallExitCode.26": "NoDownloaderAvailable",
  "InstallExitCode.27": "UnsupportedArch",
  "InstallExitCode.28": "StatusCheckFailed",
  "InstallExitCode.29": "NeedInsidersArch",
  "InstallExitCode.30": "NoDownloaderAvailableForStatusCheck",
  "InstallExitCode.31": "ServerTransferFailed",
  "InstallExitCode.32": "ServerFailedToStart",
  "InstallExitCode.33": "NeedInsidersWindows",
  "InstallExitCode.34": "CreateInstallDirFailed",
  "InstallExitCode.35": "UnsupportedPlatform",
  "InstallExitCode.36": "ServerTerminatedCVE20201416",
  "InstallExitCode.37": "UnpackFailed",
  "InstallExitCode.38": "ChangeDirFailed",
  "InstallExitCode.AlreadyInProgress": "24",
  "InstallExitCode.ServerDownloadFailed": "25",
  "InstallExitCode.NoDownloaderAvailable": "26",
  "InstallExitCode.NoDownloaderAvailableForStatusCheck": "30",
  "InstallExitCode.UnsupportedArch": "27",
  "InstallExitCode.StatusCheckFailed": "28",
  "InstallExitCode.NeedInsidersArch": "29",
  "InstallExitCode.ServerTransferFailed": "31",
  "InstallExitCode.ServerFailedToStart": "32",
  "InstallExitCode.NeedInsidersWindows": "33",
  "InstallExitCode.CreateInstallDirFailed": "34",
  "InstallExitCode.UnsupportedPlatform": "35",
  "InstallExitCode.ServerTerminatedCVE20201416": "36",
  "InstallExitCode.UnpackFailed": "37",
  "InstallExitCode.ChangeDirFailed": "38",
  "InstallUnpackCode.Success": "success",
  "InstallUnpackCode.Error": "error",
  "InstallUnpackCode.MissingFiles": "missingFiles",
  "uuid": "7e35ae4aa861",
  "startMarker": "7e35ae4aa861: running",
  "commitId": "e8653663e8840adaf45af01eab5c627a5af81807",
  "quality": "stable",
  "token": "1a1a111a-1111-111a-111a-1a11a1111111",
  "vscodeAgentFolder": "$HOME/.vscode-server",
  "allowClientDownload": "1",
  "forceClientDownload": "0",
  "cliNameInArchive": "code",
  "ignoreWgetConfigFlag": " --no-config ",
  "ignoreCurlConfigFlag": " --disable ",
  "wgetTriesSegment": "--tries=1",
  "listenArgs": "--on-host= --on-port",
  "getDownloadServerStartTrigger": "7e35ae4aa861:trigger_server_download",
  "getDownloadServerEndTrigger": "7e35ae4aa861:trigger_server_download_end",
  "getProgressDownloading": "7e35ae4aa861%%1%%",
  "getProgressInstalling": "7e35ae4aa861%%2%%"
[08:16:22.578] Install and start server if needed
[08:16:22.582] Remote command length: 4962/8192 characters
[08:16:22.582] Running script with connection command: ssh -T -D 59390 -o ConnectTimeout=15 '' powershell
[08:16:22.582] Generated SSH command: 'ssh -T -D 59390 -o ConnectTimeout=15 '' powershell << 'EOSSH'

"${uuid}: running"
"7e35ae4aa861: pauseLog"
if ($p -eq 'AMD64' -or $p -eq 'IA64') {
} elseif ($p -eq 'ARM64') {

if ($arch -eq '') {
"Unsupported architecture '$p'."
q 27

$s_=(Join-Path (Resolve-Path ~) '.vscode-server')
$cliDataDir=(Join-Path "$s_" 'cli')
$global:v_ = $False
$global:w_ = ''
$global:n_ = ''
$global:o_ = ''
$global:p_ = ''
$global:q_ = ''
function ak_ {

function m_ {
return [system.diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew();

function q($code) {
"${uuid}: start"
"${uuid}: end"

function a_ {
while ($True) {
$y_=(gcim win32_process | ? processid -eq $x_).parentprocessid
if (!$y_) {
"no sshd parent proc"
exit 0

if ((gps -Id $y_).Name -eq 'sshd') {
return $y_



function b_ {
if ($launchedCli1Pid) {
if (!(gps -Id $z_)) {
"server died, exit"
exit 0

} else {
if (!(gps -Id $sshdPID)) {
"sshd parent died, exit"
exit 0



function GetArtifactName {

function g_ {
"Downloading cli $arch"

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = 'Tls12'
irm @splat
$global:n_ = $s.ElapsedMilliseconds

function h_ {
try {
"Expanding cli into $ad_"
Expand-Archive "vscode-cli-$" -DestinationPath "$ad_"
cp "$ad_\$d_" -Destination $f_
del -Recurse $ad_
del "vscode-cli-$"
$global:o_ = $s.ElapsedMilliseconds
} catch {
"Failed to unzip cli. - $($_.ToString())"
j_ 37

if(!(Test-Path "$f_")) {
"Downloaded server is incomplete."
j_ 37


function aj_ {
if(Test-Path $log) {
del $log

$escapedCliFile=$f_ -replace ' ', '` '
$args="command-shell --cli-data-dir '$cliDataDir' --parent-process-id $sshdPID --on-host --on-port --require-token 0a2f233e-5312-425c-820c-5d80e7794740 *> '$log'"
FilePath = "powershell.exe"
WindowStyle = "hidden"
ArgumentList = @(
"-ExecutionPolicy", "Unrestricted", "-NoLogo", "-NoProfile", "-NonInteractive", "-c", "$escapedCliFile $args"
PassThru = $True

"Starting cli: & '$f_' $args"
$global:z_ = (start @splat).ID
$global:q_ = $s.ElapsedMilliseconds

function i_ {
"Trigger local server download"
"Waiting for client to transfer server archive..."
"Waiting for $s_\vscode-cli-$ and vscode-cli-$ to exist"
while($True) {
if(Test-Path "$s_\vscode-cli-$") {
if(!(Test-Path "$s_\vscode-cli-$")) {
"Transfer failed"
q 31

"Transfer complete"
del $s_\vscode-cli-$
} else {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3



function j_($code) {
if ($v_) {
"Already attempted local download, failing"
q $code
} elseif($k_) {
} else {
q $code


function printResult() {
"${uuid}: start"
"${uuid}: end"

function main() {
$global:sshdPID = a_
if(!(Test-Path $s_)) {
$m="Could not create CLI directory"
try {
$null=ni -it d $s_ -f -ea si
} catch {
"$m. - $($_.ToString())"

if(!(Test-Path $s_)) {


cd $s_
try {
"Looking for existing CLI in $s_"
if(Test-Path "$f_") {
"Found installed CLI"
} else {
if ($l_) {
} else {
try { g_ } catch {
"Download failed. - $($_.ToString())"
j_ 25



Path = $log
Pattern = "Listening on .*?:([0-9]+)$"

$al_="Server did not start successfully. Full server log at $log >>>"
while ((Get-Date) -lt $af_) {
if(Test-Path $log) {
$ah_=(sls @ag_).Matches.Groups
if($ah_) {
$global:port = $ah_[1].Value


sleep -Milliseconds 30

if (!$port) {
cat $log
"<<< End of server log"
q 32

} catch {
"Server failed to start. - $($_.ToString())"

try {
$global:ai_ = (gcim Win32_OperatingSystem).Version
} catch {
"Failed to find Windows version - $($_.ToString())"
$global:ai_ = "unknown"

"$pid, watching $sshdPID"
while ($True) {
sleep 30


"7e35ae4aa861: resumeLog"

[08:16:22.582] Using connect timeout of 17 seconds
[08:16:23.090] > [email protected]'s password: 
[08:16:23.091] Got some output, clearing connection timeout

Anything else?

No response

@jurlhardt jurlhardt added the ssh Issue in vscode-remote SSH label Nov 27, 2024
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There is no setting, the extension will use whatever powershell resolves to from your PATH.

Can you share what your PATH configuration looks like and what the full path of powershell is on your machine? Here are mine that is working ok (I haven't installed any additional powershells)


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I then installed powershell 7 via the MSI (from here). I also kept Add Powershell to Path Environment Variable selected when installing, which appears to be the default. I rebooted for good measure and was able to successfully SSH again from VS Code.


It sounds you've observing the default installation of powershell not functioning as expected? I am not reproducing that. Do you have other ideas on how I could reproduce your environment?

@joshspicer joshspicer added the info-needed Issue requires more information from poster label Dec 10, 2024
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It sounds you've observing the default installation of powershell not functioning as expected?

Yes, it is not working as expected!

Here is a screenshot with powershell version and path:


Do you have other ideas on how I could reproduce your environment?

Unfortunately not. My workaround is to have a link powershell.exe -> pwsh.exe and put this in the Path before powershell 5.1, then I can connect. I hope that this does not create problems with scripts from IT that eventually rely on powershell 5.1 behaviour.

The problem is that with powershell 5.1 the new lines piped into it are not understood.

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joshspicer commented Dec 11, 2024

It appears from the screenshot that we both have the same major version of Powershell, so it's not clear to me why we would need to change the command. Am I misunderstanding a difference here on why my default Powershell works but yours doesn't?

The problem is that with powershell 5.1 the new lines piped into it are not understood.

(Forgive my powershell naiveness) Doesn't the screenshot you share indicate you have Powershell 10 installed? Where are you getting 5.1 from?

What happens if you try moving %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps to the top of your PATH (just to eliminate that as a variable, since it's differing on our two machines)

Also, have you determined from the log that only the first line of the piped script is being executed? Did you end up validating that outside of VS Code (I see from the original post that you confirmed swapping out to pwsh worked as you would expect). From the log I can definitely see that there is an issue executing the installation script, but it's not clear to me (from the log) that specifically new lines from the piped script is the problem (and I cannot yet repro it locally).

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Ah, i'm now seeing the version 5 at the top of your image, apologies for missing it.

From your local mac could you try running this multi-line SSH command, so I can compare it with how I see it behave on my machine.

ssh -T -o ConnectTimeout=15 '' powershell << 'EOSSH'
"${uuid}: running"
$PSVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion
Write-Output "PowerShell Version: $($PSVersion.Major).$($PSVersion.Minor).$($PSVersion.Build)"
"${uuid}: done"

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jurlhardt commented Dec 12, 2024

I don't understand what is different now, but now it is working!

q534016@LMUCM984444:~$ ssh -T -o ConnectTimeout=15 '' powershell << 'EOSSH'
"${uuid}: running"
$PSVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion
Write-Output "PowerShell Version: $($PSVersion.Major).$($PSVersion.Minor).$($PSVersion.Build)"
"${uuid}: done"
Windows PowerShell
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PS C:\Users\User> $uuid="test-script"
PS C:\Users\User> "${uuid}: running"
test-script: running
PS C:\Users\User> $PSVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion
PS C:\Users\User> Write-Output "PowerShell Version: $($PSVersion.Major).$($PSVersion.Minor).$($PSVersion.Build)"
PowerShell Version: 5.1.19041
PS C:\Users\User> "${uuid}: done"
test-script: done
PS C:\Users\User> %

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Excellent, is the VS Code connection working too now?

@joshspicer joshspicer added info-needed Issue requires more information from poster and removed info-needed Issue requires more information from poster labels Dec 13, 2024
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Yes VSCode is also working. Thank you for your help!

I don't understand what changed in my setup. I also tried a similar shell command before in the shell without success. The only thing, i remember that I changed, is to activate the debug log in openssh. I sometimes have problems when debugging a python script on the windows machine to connect the debugger. Not every randomly chosen port from the debugger seems to be available. I think this is something similar to this microsoft/WSL#5306 with reserved ports. But I don't know if the issues are connected.

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I appreciate you going through this troubleshooting with me. If you come across a reliable way to repro the previous behavior, please let me know

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info-needed Issue requires more information from poster ssh Issue in vscode-remote SSH
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