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"default": null, "type": [ "string" ], "enabled_by": "connection", "enabled_by_type": [ "CognitiveSearchConnection" ] }, "search_params": { "default": null, "type": [ "object" ], "enabled_by": "connection", "enabled_by_type": [ "CognitiveSearchConnection", "QdrantConnection" ] }, "search_filters": { "default": null, "type": [ "object" ], "enabled_by": "connection", "enabled_by_type": [ "CognitiveSearchConnection", "QdrantConnection" ] }, "vector": { "type": [ "list" ] }, "top_k": { "default": "3", "type": [ "int" ] } }, "package": "promptflow_vectordb", "package_version": "0.2.4" }, "promptflow_vectordb.tool.faiss_index_lookup.FaissIndexLookup.search": { "name": "Faiss Index Lookup", "tool_state": "deprecated", "description": "Search vector based query from the FAISS index file.", "type": "python", "module": "promptflow_vectordb.tool.faiss_index_lookup", "class_name": "FaissIndexLookup", "function": "search", "inputs": { "path": { "type": [ "string" ] }, "vector": { "type": [ "list" ] }, "top_k": { "default": "3", "type": [ "int" ] } }, "package": "promptflow_vectordb", "package_version": "0.2.4" }, "promptflow.tools.embedding.embedding": { "name": "Embedding", "description": "Use Open AI's embedding model to create an embedding vector representing the input text.", "type": "python", "module": "promptflow.tools.embedding", "function": "embedding", "inputs": { "connection": { "type": [ "AzureOpenAIConnection", "OpenAIConnection" ] }, "deployment_name": { "type": [ "string" ], "enabled_by": "connection", "enabled_by_type": [ "AzureOpenAIConnection" ], "capabilities": { "completion": false, "chat_completion": false, "embeddings": true }, "model_list": [ "text-embedding-ada-002", "text-search-ada-doc-001", "text-search-ada-query-001" ] }, "model": { "type": [ "string" ], "enabled_by": "connection", "enabled_by_type": [ "OpenAIConnection" ], "enum": [ "text-embedding-ada-002", "text-search-ada-doc-001", "text-search-ada-query-001" ], "allow_manual_entry": true }, "input": { "type": [ "string" ] } }, "package": "promptflow-tools", "package_version": "1.2.0" }, "promptflow.tools.azure_content_safety.analyze_text": { "module": "promptflow.tools.azure_content_safety", "function": "analyze_text", "inputs": { "connection": { "type": [ "AzureContentSafetyConnection" ] }, "hate_category": { "default": "medium_sensitivity", "enum": [ "disable", "low_sensitivity", "medium_sensitivity", "high_sensitivity" ], "type": [ "string" ] }, "self_harm_category": { "default": "medium_sensitivity", "enum": [ "disable", "low_sensitivity", "medium_sensitivity", "high_sensitivity" ], "type": [ "string" ] }, "sexual_category": { "default": "medium_sensitivity", "enum": [ "disable", "low_sensitivity", "medium_sensitivity", "high_sensitivity" ], "type": [ "string" ] }, "text": { "type": [ "string" ] }, "violence_category": { "default": "medium_sensitivity", "enum": [ "disable", "low_sensitivity", "medium_sensitivity", "high_sensitivity" ], "type": [ "string" ] } }, "name": "Content Safety (Text Analyze)", "description": "Use Azure Content Safety to detect harmful content.", "type": "python", "deprecated_tools": [ "content_safety_text.tools.content_safety_text_tool.analyze_text" ], "package": "promptflow-tools", "package_version": "1.2.0" }, "promptflow.tools.aoai_gpt4v.AzureOpenAI.chat": { "name": "Azure OpenAI GPT-4 Turbo with Vision", "description": "Use Azure OpenAI GPT-4 Turbo with Vision to leverage AOAI vision ability.", "type": "custom_llm", "module": "promptflow.tools.aoai_gpt4v", "class_name": "AzureOpenAI", "function": "chat", "tool_state": "preview", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" }, "default_prompt": "# system:\nAs an AI assistant, your task involves interpreting images and responding to questions about the image.\nRemember to provide accurate answers based on the information present in the image.\n\n# user:\nCan you tell me what the image depicts?\n![image]({{image_input}})\n", "inputs": { "connection": { "type": [ "AzureOpenAIConnection" ], "ui_hints": { "index": 0 } }, "deployment_name": { "type": [ "string" ], "enabled_by": "connection", "dynamic_list": { "func_path": "promptflow.tools.aoai_gpt4v.list_deployment_names", "func_kwargs": [ { "name": "connection", "type": [ "AzureOpenAIConnection" ], "reference": "${inputs.connection}" } ] }, "allow_manual_entry": true, "is_multi_select": false, "ui_hints": { "index": 1 } }, "temperature": { "default": 1, "type": [ "double" ], "ui_hints": { "index": 2 } }, "top_p": { "default": 1, "type": [ "double" ], "ui_hints": { "index": 3 } }, "max_tokens": { "default": 512, "type": [ "int" ], "ui_hints": { "index": 4 } }, "stop": { "default": "", "type": [ "list" ], "ui_hints": { "index": 5 } }, "presence_penalty": { "default": 0, "type": [ "double" ], "ui_hints": { "index": 6 } }, "frequency_penalty": { "default": 0, "type": [ "double" ], "ui_hints": { "index": 7 } } }, "package": "promptflow-tools", "package_version": "1.2.0" }, "promptflow.tools.serpapi.SerpAPI.search": { "name": "Serp API", "description": "Use Serp API to obtain search results from a specific search engine.", "inputs": { "connection": { "type": [ "SerpConnection" ] }, "engine": { "default": "google", "enum": [ "google", "bing" ], "type": [ "string" ] }, "location": { "default": "", "type": [ "string" ] }, "num": { "default": "10", "type": [ "int" ] }, "query": { "type": [ "string" ] }, "safe": { "default": "off", "enum": [ "active", "off" ], "type": [ "string" ] } }, "type": "python", "module": "promptflow.tools.serpapi", "class_name": "SerpAPI", "function": "search", "package": "promptflow-tools", "package_version": "1.2.0" }, "promptflow.tools.openai_gpt4v.OpenAI.chat": { "name": "OpenAI GPT-4V", "description": "Use OpenAI GPT-4V to leverage vision ability.", "type": "custom_llm", "module": "promptflow.tools.openai_gpt4v", "class_name": "OpenAI", "function": "chat", "tool_state": "preview", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" }, "default_prompt": "# system:\nAs an AI assistant, your task involves interpreting images and responding to questions about the image.\nRemember to provide accurate answers based on the information present in the image.\n\n# user:\nCan you tell me what the image depicts?\n![image]({{image_input}})\n", "inputs": { "connection": { "type": [ "OpenAIConnection" ], "ui_hints": { "index": 0 } }, "model": { "enum": [ "gpt-4-vision-preview" ], "allow_manual_entry": true, "type": [ "string" ], "ui_hints": { "index": 1 } }, "temperature": { "default": 1, "type": [ "double" ], "ui_hints": { "index": 2 } }, "top_p": { "default": 1, "type": [ "double" ], "ui_hints": { "index": 3 } }, "max_tokens": { "default": 512, "type": [ "int" ], "ui_hints": { "index": 4 } }, "stop": { "default": "", "type": [ "list" ], "ui_hints": { "index": 5 } }, "presence_penalty": { "default": 0, "type": [ "double" ], "ui_hints": { "index": 6 } }, "frequency_penalty": { "default": 0, "type": [ "double" ], "ui_hints": { "index": 7 } } }, "package": "promptflow-tools", "package_version": "1.2.0" }, "promptflow.tools.open_model_llm.OpenModelLLM.call": { "name": "Open Model LLM", "description": "Use an open model from the Azure Model catalog, deployed to an AzureML Online Endpoint for LLM Chat or Completion API calls.", "icon": "", "type": "custom_llm", "module": "promptflow.tools.open_model_llm", "class_name": "OpenModelLLM", "function": "call", "inputs": { "endpoint_name": { "type": [ "string" ], "dynamic_list": { "func_path": "promptflow.tools.open_model_llm.list_endpoint_names" }, "allow_manual_entry": true, "is_multi_select": false, "ui_hints": { "index": 0 } }, "deployment_name": { "default": "", "type": [ "string" ], "dynamic_list": { "func_path": "promptflow.tools.open_model_llm.list_deployment_names", "func_kwargs": [ { "name": "endpoint", "type": [ "string" ], "optional": true, "reference": "${inputs.endpoint}" } ] }, "allow_manual_entry": true, "is_multi_select": false, "ui_hints": { "index": 1 } }, "api": { "enum": [ "chat", "completion" ], "type": [ "string" ], "ui_hints": { "index": 2 } }, "temperature": { "default": 1.0, "type": [ "double" ], "ui_hints": { "index": 3 } }, "max_new_tokens": { "default": 500, "type": [ "int" ], "ui_hints": { "index": 4 } }, "top_p": { "default": 1.0, "advanced": true, "type": [ "double" ], "ui_hints": { "index": 5 } }, "model_kwargs": { "default": "{}", "advanced": true, "type": [ "object" ], "ui_hints": { "index": 6 } } }, "package": "promptflow-tools", "package_version": "1.2.0" } }, "code": {} }