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File metadata and controls

175 lines (135 loc) · 7.37 KB

Parameter file

Delta Kusto requires a parameter file...

Both JSON & YAML are supported. Here and everywhere in the documentation, we use YAML.



schema:  "string"
sendErrorOptIn:  "boolean"
failIfDataLoss:  "boolean"
    priority:  "integer"
            clusterUri:  "string"
            database:  "string"
            -   filePath:  "string"
                folderPath:  "string"
                - "string"
    target:  "same as current"
        filePath:  "string"
        folderPath:  "string"
        csvPath:  "string"
        usePluralForms:  "boolean"
        pushToConsole:  "boolean"
        pushToCurrent:  "boolean"
            clusterUri:  "string"
            token:  "string"
        tenantId:  "string"
        clientId:  "string"
        secret:  "string"
    systemManagedIdentity:  "boolean"
        clientId:  "string"
        tenantId:  "string"
        userId:  "string"
        interactive:  "boolean"
    noAuth:  "boolean"

Property Values

The following tables describe the values you need to set in the schema.

Root / Main object

Name Type Required Default Value
schema string No N/A Used to identify the schema of the parameters. This is for future use and is currently ignored.
sendErrorOptIn boolean No false Sends error telemetry to a centralized service for pro-active troubleshooting by Delta-Kusto development team (telemetry isn't public). Opting in basically allows pro-active improvements on Delta-Kusto. See telemetry for more details.
failIfDataLoss boolean No false Setting this to true will force Delta Kusto to fail if commmands resulting in potential data loss are detected in deltas. See failIfDataLoss flag for details.
jobs dictionary Yes N/A Dictionary mapping a job name to a Job object.
tokenProvider object No N/A Token Provider Object.

The reason the jobs are in a dictionary is to faciliate the overriding of values (see Parameter Overrides for details).

Job object

Name Type Required Default Value
priority integer No Infinity Number to determine the priority of the job. Lowest priority runs first. By default, jobs could run in any order.
current object No Empty source Current state, Source object. If not specified, an empty database is assumed.
target object Yes N/A Destination state, Source object.
action object Yes N/A Actions to do with the delta. Action object.

Token Provider object

Name Type Required Default Value
tokens dictionary No N/A Dictionary mapping a token name to a Token object.
login object No N/A Login object.
systemManagedIdentity boolean No false Opting in means using the system managed identity of whatever compute Delta Kusto runs on (e.g. Azure VM, AKS, etc.).
userManagedIdentity object No N/A User Managed Identity object.
userPrompt object No N/A User Prompt object.
azCli object No N/A Az CLI object.
noAuth boolean No false Opting in means no authentication will be performed. This is useful when using Kusto Emulator

Although none of the properties are not required, one and only one of them must be provided if the token provider object is provided.

Source object

This object is used to configure both current and target property in a job.

Name Type Required Default Value
adx object No N/A Configure the source as an Azure Data Explorer (ADX) database. ADX source object.
scripts object No N/A Configure the source as one or many KQL scripts. Scripts source object.

ADX source object

Name Type Required Default Value
clusterUri string Yes N/A Cluster URI of the ADX Cluster.
database string Yes N/A Database name

Scripts source object

The Scripts portion is an array field. If you want to override any of the values using the override option from the command line you have to specify the exact instance index you want to target, e.g.[0].folderpath

Name Type Required Default Value
filePath string No N/A Target a specific script file.
folderPath string No N/A Target an entire folder (and sub folders)
extensions string collection No N/A Filters the files present in the folder (and sub folders) specified by folderPath by extensions.

Although all properties are not required, only the following combinations are possible:

  • filePath alone
  • folderPath alone
  • folderPath with extensions

Action object

Name Type Required Default Value
filePath string No N/A Specify a file path to export all Kusto delta commands
folderPath string No N/A Specify a folder path to export all Kusto delta commands. Commands will be pushed in a folder structure by type (e.g. all functions will be under a functions folder)
csvPath string No N/A Specify a file path to export all Kusto delta commands in CSV format for easier filtering / post-processing.
usePluralForms boolean No false If true, bundle commands together into plural forms for file outputs (single or multiple). Plural forms are always used when commands are pushed to an ADX cluster.
pushToConsole boolean No false If true, the delta commands are printed on the console during execution.
pushToCurrent boolean No false If true, the commands are executed on the current database. For this to work, the current source of the Job object must be an ADX source object.

Although all properties are not required, at least one must be non-empty or true. At most one of filePath, folderPath and csvPath can be specified.

Token object

Name Type Required Default Value
clusterUri string Yes N/A Cluster URI where to use this token
token string Yes N/A Value of the bearer token

Token object is used in order not to have to provide a principal secret. Authentication can be done outside Delta Kusto with only the produced token passed to it.

Token should be bearer token for the resource clusterUri (e.g. retrieved using the AAD REST API).

Login object

Name Type Required Default Value
tenantId string Yes N/A Azure AD Tenant ID
clientId string Yes N/A Client ID, also known as Application ID, of a Azure AD Service Principal
secret string Yes N/A Secret associated to an Azure AD Service Principal

User Managed Identity object

Name Type Required Default Value
clientId string Yes N/A Client ID of the User Managed Identity

User Prompt object

Name Type Required Default Value
tenantId string No N/A Azure AD Tenant ID
userId string No N/A User ID

Az CLI object

Name Type Required Default Value
interactive boolean No false Is the Az CLI operates in interactive mode or not