diff --git a/aurora/model/aurora.py b/aurora/model/aurora.py
index 272a529..1fe4220 100644
--- a/aurora/model/aurora.py
+++ b/aurora/model/aurora.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 import warnings
 from datetime import timedelta
 from functools import partial
-from typing import Optional
+from typing import Any, Optional
 import torch
 from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ def __init__(
         self.patch_size = patch_size
         self.surf_stats = surf_stats or dict()
         self.autocast = autocast
+        self.max_history_size = max_history_size
         if self.surf_stats:
@@ -268,8 +269,7 @@ def load_checkpoint_local(self, path: str, strict: bool = True) -> None:
                 del d[k]
                 d[k[4:]] = v
-        # Convert the ID-based parametrisation to a name-based parametrisation.
+        # Convert the ID-based parametrization to a name-based parametrization.
         if "encoder.surf_token_embeds.weight" in d:
             weight = d["encoder.surf_token_embeds.weight"]
             del d["encoder.surf_token_embeds.weight"]
@@ -316,8 +316,55 @@ def load_checkpoint_local(self, path: str, strict: bool = True) -> None:
                 d[f"decoder.atmos_heads.{name}.weight"] = weight[:, i]
                 d[f"decoder.atmos_heads.{name}.bias"] = bias[:, i]
+        # check if history size is compatible and adjust weights if necessary
+        if self.max_history_size > d["encoder.surf_token_embeds.weights.2t"].shape[2]:
+            d = self.adapt_checkpoint_max_history_size(d)
+        elif self.max_history_size < d["encoder.surf_token_embeds.weights.2t"].shape[2]:
+            raise AssertionError(f"Cannot load checkpoint with max_history_size \
+                {d['encoder.surf_token_embeds.weights.2t'].shape[2]} \
+                into model with max_history_size {self.max_history_size}")
         self.load_state_dict(d, strict=strict)
+    def adapt_checkpoint_max_history_size(self, checkpoint) -> Any:
+        """Adapt a checkpoint with smaller max_history_size to a model with a larger
+        max_history_size than the current model.
+        If a checkpoint was trained with a larger max_history_size than the current model,
+        this function will assert fail to prevent loading the checkpoint. This is to
+        prevent loading a checkpoint which will likely cause the checkpoint to degrade is
+        performance.
+        This implementation copies weights from the checkpoint to the model and fills 0
+        for the new history width dimension.
+        """
+        # Find all weights with prefix "encoder.surf_token_embeds.weights."
+        for name, weight in list(checkpoint.items()):
+            if name.startswith("encoder.surf_token_embeds.weights.") or name.startswith(
+                "encoder.atmos_token_embeds.weights."
+            ):
+                # This shouldn't get called with current logic but leaving here for future proofing
+                # and in cases where its called outside current context
+                assert (
+                    weight.shape[2] <= self.max_history_size
+                ), f"Cannot load checkpoint with max_history_size {weight.shape[2]} \
+                    into model with max_history_size {self.max_history_size} for weight {name}"
+                # Initialize the new weight tensor
+                new_weight = torch.zeros(
+                    (weight.shape[0], 1, self.max_history_size, weight.shape[3], weight.shape[4]),
+                    device=weight.device,
+                    dtype=weight.dtype,
+                )
+                # Copy the existing weights to the new tensor by duplicating the histories provided
+                # into any new history dimensions
+                for j in range(weight.shape[2]):
+                    # only fill existing weights, others are zeros
+                    new_weight[:, :, j, :, :] = weight[:, :, j, :, :]
+                checkpoint[name] = new_weight
+        return checkpoint
     def configure_activation_checkpointing(self):
         """Configure activation checkpointing.
diff --git a/tests/test_checkpoint_adaptation.py b/tests/test_checkpoint_adaptation.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83793cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_checkpoint_adaptation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+"""Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Licensed under the MIT license."""
+import pytest
+import torch
+from aurora.model.aurora import AuroraSmall
+def model(request):
+    return AuroraSmall(max_history_size=request.param)
+def checkpoint():
+    return {
+        "encoder.surf_token_embeds.weights.0": torch.rand((2, 1, 2, 4, 4)),
+        "encoder.atmos_token_embeds.weights.0": torch.rand((2, 1, 2, 4, 4)),
+    }
+# check both history sizes which are divisible by 2 (original shape) and not
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("model", [4, 5], indirect=True)
+def test_adapt_checkpoint_max_history(model, checkpoint):
+    # checkpoint starts with history dim, shape[2], as size 2
+    assert checkpoint["encoder.surf_token_embeds.weights.0"].shape[2] == 2
+    adapted_checkpoint = model.adapt_checkpoint_max_history_size(checkpoint)
+    for name, weight in adapted_checkpoint.items():
+        assert weight.shape[2] == model.max_history_size
+        for j in range(weight.shape[2]):
+            if j >= checkpoint[name].shape[2]:
+                assert torch.equal(weight[:, :, j, :, :], torch.zeros_like(weight[:, :, j, :, :]))
+            else:
+                assert torch.equal(
+                    weight[:, :, j, :, :],
+                    checkpoint[name][:, :, j % checkpoint[name].shape[2], :, :],
+                )
+# check that assert is thrown when trying to load a larger checkpoint to a smaller history size
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("model", [1], indirect=True)
+def test_adapt_checkpoint_max_history_fail(model, checkpoint):
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
+        model.adapt_checkpoint_max_history_size(checkpoint)
+# test adapting the checkpoint twice to ensure that the second time should not change the weights
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("model", [4], indirect=True)
+def test_adapt_checkpoint_max_history_twice(model, checkpoint):
+    adapted_checkpoint = model.adapt_checkpoint_max_history_size(checkpoint)
+    adapted_checkpoint = model.adapt_checkpoint_max_history_size(adapted_checkpoint)
+    for name, weight in adapted_checkpoint.items():
+        assert weight.shape[2] == model.max_history_size
+        for j in range(weight.shape[2]):
+            if j >= checkpoint[name].shape[2]:
+                assert torch.equal(weight[:, :, j, :, :], torch.zeros_like(weight[:, :, j, :, :]))
+            else:
+                assert torch.equal(
+                    weight[:, :, j, :, :],
+                    checkpoint[name][:, :, j % checkpoint[name].shape[2], :, :],
+                )