This is used to define settings for the tests in the test plan
Property | Required | Description |
locale | Yes | The locale/culture syntax in which the test cases or test steps are written in. See Global Support in Microsoft Power Fx for more info. If unspecified, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture will be used for the locale by default for parsing the test steps. |
browserConfigurations | Yes | A list of browser configurations to be tested. At least one browser must be specified. |
recordVideo | No | Default is false. If set to true, a video recording of the test is captured. |
headless | No | Default is true. If set to false, the browser will show up during test execution. |
timeout | No | Default is 30000 milliseconds(30s). Timeout value in milliseconds. If any operation takes longer than the timeout limit, it will end the test in a failure. |
filePath | No | The file path to a separate yaml file with all the test settings. If provided, it will override all the test settings in the test plan. |
Property | Required | Description |
browser | Yes | The browser to be launched when testing. This should match the browsers supported by Playwright. |
device | No | The device to emulate when launching the browser. This should match the devices supported by Playwright |
screenHeight | No | The height of the screen to use when launching the browser. If specified, screenWidth must also be specified. |
screenWidth | No | The width of the screen to use when launching the browser. If specified, screenHeight must also be specified. |